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<br /> _JF ". � ' � �: 'L".T . ' ��� �OV�GQv ' ,�f.h.`..`::
<br /> :4� ��,..{.� �, ` : Lettder. �'he foregaing w�rran�ies and represeat��ions, and � �°,• •
<br /> � �,,° � � '� ' � �orrower's obligations pnrs��nt to the foregoiag indemnity, ehall .<� �
<br /> surv3ve repaymeut of the Note and �he reconveyance of this Deed .�r
<br /> . � • �.. .; of Trust.
<br /> �:; .: .�-`-.``. ,�4.° 9. Assi9�en� of Ren�ai Management of PropertY. Aa `: ,
<br /> ' � ` � �`` sddi.tional secnr ty hexeunder, Horrov�er her y aes gns to Lender � �
<br /> , �;-�`�: the renta. issaes ancY pro£its of the Propertp. pronided t�at ',",
<br /> ----���=z: �orrawer s�all, priar to acceleraf.i.oa under paragraph Y1 hereaf ----
<br />- or abandonment of the ProPe�g� have �hhe riqh� to collect and ,�:�.;.,��.,
<br /> . - retain such rents, issues aad g�ofits as td�ey become due ana pap-
<br /> -- --_�_--��=�-��_� able. Qpon acceaerat�on ox abandonment af the Property. Lettder _ _
<br /> . _ ���' '= may, ei.ther in person or by agent, with or ��i�hont br3.nqfag any :'-�
<br /> ' �`�� action OY �roceedinq, ar by a rece$ver appointed• by a coart and �
<br /> _ ...,:t .. n
<br />� ,�.. - �i.thont'. regarc� $aa: the adeqnacp of its securitp a eater upon and � �t�
<br /> �� - � -�: ��ke possessio� ¢*� the Property. or any part th��teof, in its o�am ��=-�Y;
<br /> ��'�.r, ���I`:' .��f: nam,e or in the ,�aaue oE the Truatee, and do any acts whicb it ������°�
<br /> �� - '' deems necessary or d�esirable to preserve the value, marketabili�y -_---
<br /> � ��c�`` '�'"• ' or rentabili*y �€ the Propertp, vr anp part thereof or a�terest _ -
<br /> �� � '`!`� �� � ��: � therein, increa�� the fncome therefrom or protect ths secnrity �.
<br /> '. .• �: "�' hereo� and, with or without tak3.ng possession of the Property, ,.�_
<br />�.'<,�� .�� "��..- �: 4 sue for or o�herwise collect the rents, issues and psofi�s -� ;
<br /> - ��.--���`='��� �hereofo �cludinq tiiose past due and ��a�.d, and appl3P $he sazae, ?�`�
<br /> h �-'
<br /> . less cos�s attd expenses of operation � collection, ��lu8faq �"�
<br /> . � afforneys' fees, upoa any. indebtedne��. secured hereby, all in �,"
<br />:<< : . , such order �s l��asder may determine. 'x'Ece en�erittq upon and �aking {:
<br /> ppssession� �ff �� Property, t.�e coll.ecti�n of sucb reats. issues �"`"�.
<br /> :, �.-,�::
<br /> _ . _ , . .`.:�.. ;..
<br /> ,`•";:.' : ..`:=., and pro�n�s aiia�"�he application thereof �s aforesafd, s�a21 not �::; .
<br /> �r_�"
<br /> � ,�� '„:.F, cure or �caive any default or notice of defaul� hereunder vr � . �'�:
<br /> � .���::. innalidate any act done ia response �o snch default or pursu�t, ,�„..z ...
<br /> �_: .. � ` ° to sucb riotic� ef def�ul� and, r.���withstan8ing the centinuance .� --
<br /> �`-:�';�.,';:�: - ;�;_:�{ �ssession of the Propertp or t�� .collection, receipt and appb��a- =��=-
<br /> �� ' - tion ot senta. issuea or prof3.ta, and Truatee and Lender ahall be . �=-
<br />�� • entitlea� �o exerciae enery xight provicIlc-� for in aap of the LoaYa � . ��y
<br /> � . . Instrume�ts or by law upon accurxence of a:ay �b'��nt of Default, � - �.�-�:;_
<br /> . ..:.,.:�. -
<br /> -� � � includinq. a�ith��t limi.tation, �e right �o exesr�ise the potoer �mi� , ��-
<br /> �.1.:�: •��. ..� ��.�,� �sale. Furth�r, Lender's rights and remedies una��r tbis pasagr�►�� -_-_ -
<br /> 4_ . . 9 shall be aumu].ative v�ith. and in no way a limitati�r� on, . � ;�-�-��
<br /> � . Lender's rigbts and reanedfes undes aay Assignment ofE Y,�a�� aad !,y_
<br />:,�;;� �� ���� Rents recozded against the Proper�y. bender, Trus�ee �a�� t�n� . � �,_�._..
<br /> �; �� ��`::``• recefver ehall be liable to acca�nt only for those renta ac�ssa7c� _
<br />�'- :-. ; . reaeived.
<br /> � . .
<br /> �� " � - �0. EveAts of Default. The �ollowinq ehall �nstitutfe . �
<br /> ' an �ven� �f Defa t un er e Deed of, �ruats � _ -.
<br /> � , ta1 Failure to pay aay inetallmea�t of �
<br /> �. . .,�.�." .��.��.� principal ar interest or any other aum securea hes. by ---
<br /> � � when dne, o� failure to pay �ehea dne any o�her i�te8- e:_ _
<br /> ; : h
<br /> � � •��`= � ���� neae of Bo�csawer t� E,e�der�
<br />.�. , . �1-�
<br /> � : . . ��
<br />.�. �:;�.��:;�� �..��':,''.'. �I�� A breacb.�!f or default undes any provi- �:.�
<br /> ' sion contsi��d in �e Not�, tl�ie Deed of Truet, any o� �:.-,
<br /> �:~����`'; '� .•.��� ttae Loan Instrtu�e��, or any other encumbranae npten the ��`:_
<br />=��lt.,.� : . ,
<br /> • ,. � : Pr��r�y. �Etes g�.v��ag effeat to any appl3cable eure �r�
<br /> ��',. �.�;,.;;� � :'.,:% period con�iaed there�nt , ;
<br /> 1 ry...� . -�'
<br /> •�,,�i�r'`5, � . ��_..�-,
<br /> �;�;.: '. Q�� A �v�cit og e�eau�ion or attacjune�at or any
<br /> ' .��� � , �`�� siroilar proeess shall be enterea against Horrower which
<br /> , ,�, �.;� � . � shall become a 3ien on the Property or aay portmm�
<br /> � : • , � t3Qereof or intereat fihezef.$if . �
<br /> �� . �� td� Thexe ehali be filed by or agaias�
<br /> Borrower an action under any present o� future fe�fleral, - �
<br /> � .. • . state or o�her statute, lao� or regn2ation relating to
<br /> � , '' � bankruptcy, iaeolvency or other relief fos debtorst or
<br />� :.: ' there ehall be appointed any ticnetee, receiver or :
<br /> �.�. ,,. �. ligui�ator of Horrower or oP all or any part of the ,,: .
<br /> �..., �• � . Property, or the ren�s, ieaues or pYOfite thereof, or
<br /> � ��• � BorYOVOer eha21 malce any general �eaig�ent for the �.
<br />� ; • . : , bene�it o� cse�itorsl .
<br />��•. . �
<br /> �•
<br />�RI.'•; ' � �� � �
<br /> =: . � -4-
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