t-. .k � _ --� . . � r a . . — - .1 . t �
<br /> � n. .`-c . .. ¢ �,.
<br /> . - � . . . .a �< � y� s, " � �� �
<br /> w�. �4... -. ,i . . ,.•�. . t.� . � _ . �fs.• �:y.. . ._ _ ".
<br /> v. ':
<br /> < '{�'.- Y: ' ��P _ '�� ,. ' - i� i ``..
<br />. � !4: .:`p� . ft .C '
<br /> .t V,
<br /> , .t, <
<br /> . `-i. - ' "
<br /> _ �t"
<br /> . . ..r.� . . .
<br /> . 1�. : , , ��}:�
<br /> _.0 ��� ra��Q�- -���.
<br /> 4.r� �:�° �i : q.t, .,
<br /> � '� t` the Pro er� in violatioa of any lacv, asdiAanee, ox regalatiottt = � ,
<br /> . .. - �.V_.
<br /> ` � and shal.l pay an8 prvmptiy diech�rqe a� Borroc�es•s co�� and �K ``��'``.
<br /> • expense all lieas, encumbrances �nd chasgee levied. imposed or
<br /> � ���` assessed against the Property or any part theseof: • ;:,�� :
<br /> `� . : , .�.. -
<br /> � . � . '`i 6. Sminent Dvmain. Lencler ie heYeby assigned all
<br /> • ' �� , compeneation. at�ards� arnagee and 4ther payments o�c relie€ .;,,��� "..
<br /> �._.. (hereiaafter "Proceeds°) in connect3on c�vith condem�atioa or other
<br /> t„
<br /> ` taking of �he Property or part thereof, or for con�epance in lieu � •--
<br /> og condemnation. Lender shall be entitled, at its optioa, to , .: -;;
<br /> • � �- comm�nce, appear in anci prosecute in f�s oan► aame any aation or : ;.- .
<br />- _- --�.--r proceedinqs, an8 shall also be entitled to make any compromise or =__ �
<br /> ': settlement in co�neceion �ith eucb takfnq or da�age. In the
<br /> - � ` .��� enent any porti.on of the Property is so takeu osc damaged, Lender .
<br /> - `- �•i shall have the ogtion, in its aole and absolute discretion� to __ __ ,
<br />`s=;:_ ' � _ � `�'- apgly a!1 snch Procee8s, after deducting theref�om all costs and ;: •
<br /> ` '� „ expenses inc�x�xed by it in connectian �ith euch Psoceeds, npon `�,:5'�����'
<br /> � . _ ���:�� any indeb�edness secure8 hereby aud in such order as bendear may `�,�t>`�. "�
<br /> �� � ' �� � ��"'°�` determine, or to apply all snch Psaceeds, after such deductions, � ;� :�:._-
<br /> �.:.. • . ,; � �.
<br /> �'`�•.� to t�e restoration of the Property upon auch conditions as Lender �,���'�,
<br /> `"���" lication of Proceeda to indebtedne�'s ahall ----
<br /> � " � � -`� � may determine. AnY aPP �
<br /> ` � :`'i'� not extend or p�stgone the due date of any paptaex�ts wider the '
<br /> -, ._-:. therennder or hereunder. `
<br /> 'A1 � � �r c�re an defau�t . �'`n.-�- ,
<br /> _ .� �_ ot � y -
<br /> ... •.�,�.:j.
<br /> -- .: % 7. Performance b Lender. Yn f.Ise e�en� o� Borrawer's
<br /> �, .r ,
<br /> � . failure to p�r orm any of e covenants herein or make any pay- `"',
<br /> _ ,.� ':,.r'_;��:�, ments required herebp, or if �ny act is taken or Iegal praceeding
<br /> �:1
<br /> �� � `�' co�enced which materia1Zy affects i�ender's iaterest in fhe -
<br /> .�;.�' :�_:;:�.;.�:.,�:..��: P�roperty. Lender may in ita own discretion, but �ithout obliga- ` :%;� -�
<br /> °'�.�5'E�°rt tiatt to do �o, and withou� notice to or deiaand upon Borrower, and � '��'
<br /> �`r�'•�.
<br />�.345;°.-��>l'Jr.�. -'�.. � �5, ._
<br />.,,,�;, , � without rel�sinq Horrawer fxem anp obligation, do any act which �,��_,_
<br />:��::,4��?�� ::,• � .
<br />,,.;,. � the Horrowe� �has agreed bu� �ails to do and! u�ap a2so do aiay other ,�,..:
<br /> :.,��:., .
<br /> f.. � .. : aa� it daeras neces9ary tio protect the secusity bereof. Borrower r�
<br /> '` - .� . ? .' sha11. fmmediately upon demand t�ere�or by Lender, pay to Lender ��=;-
<br /> �,`�:. `". � ��.�.
<br /> ri alI cos�s and expenses fncvrred and sums expeadad bp Lender in �
<br /> �� ' * �� ` ` connection with the exercise by Lender of the foregoinq rfgh�s, �`T°-`
<br /> :.�` : ; . ••
<br /> � ��'��'� together wi�h interest thereon a� �hhe de£ault rate psov�ded in �'
<br /> �__
<br /> • � the Note, Hhich. shall be added to the n e �edness secured _�.-�:
<br /> � � . � hereby. Lender shall no� incur any liability becanse of anything �'°.
<br /> �. • it inay do or omit to do hereunder. , �:�:a`
<br /> q �'6'Y.1'r
<br /> .�I_..'.•..•. J, f'. ,G�;`., mr=�^_va
<br /> iT Horrn�rer sball keep �&e
<br /> _�. 8. �aaardous Materials.
<br /> �� . . ��� Property in comp ance w th any and all federal, state and local _.._
<br /> .. • la�r�'„ ordinances anaIl zegulations relating to industrial hygi�ene ��_�_
<br /> � ( •'.�` �, .��;:�� or �o environment�l con$itaons on. under oY about the Property, ;�.;�,_
<br /> . including, bn� n�t limited �o, soi]. aad qsa�undmatex condi�tiona. __ _
<br /> ��. �:� �� `'��' Trustor shall not use, generake, manufaet�a, atore or dis�se nf ;�_
<br /> �_.�.:. �• :. . : :� on, under or about th� Property or transpaxst to os fsom the . ��,,.,�
<br /> t�. .. �� :•: Property any flammable explosives, ra8ioack3ve mat�rials, hazardo�n� �m=
<br /> :,.� ,��. �. wastes, toxic su�astances or rel�te8 materials, including, withot�t �_;�
<br /> limi tation, any substancea de£ined as or iexaluded in the defini- ���
<br /> '���;,,;�° . •,. �. tion of °IIxataasdoua aubata��s°, "ha2ar8ous �astee°, "haz�ious m=
<br />-=��;�rr
<br />- i{;. ,� • materiala" or "toxic subsitances" under aasy appl c e aws, .�--_;:
<br /> �'; , �� ord�nancee or regulations (coiieatively referreci to hereivaf�er
<br /> � ' � � as �'8azardoua Ma�esials") . Horrot�e� hereby vrarsant� an� rep�ce- �-'��
<br /> � • sent9 tco Lender that there are ao Htazasdoua M�terials on os nnder = -
<br /> � � the Property. �orrower heseby agrees to i.ndemnify aai� ��la
<br /> ��� � � _ harmlesa Lender, itis directora, officers,�. �mployees and agen�s, �•��
<br /> �. � � and any succeeso�e tio Lender's intereat, from and agains� any ancl �:,.;
<br /> �f •. ' � _ "� a12 claime, damages an8 liabilitiea arieing in cos�nection with :.
<br /> �, .. the presence, use, atorage, diepoaal or tsansport of any Sazardou�
<br /> �;+,, :. �. , , t�a��ri�ls oa�, under, from or �1oo�a� �he Prope��p, inalucling. «ith-
<br /> ��=� � � out limitation, la) all aaaeagea directly c�r in8lsectly arising �
<br /> �� � ��
<br /> � . � .� out of the uae, qeneration, atosage or �iopoeal. of Hazardoue ,
<br /> � � Materials by Borrowes or any prior owner or operator o� the .
<br /> �� Property, and tb) all aosts of any required o� nacessary sepair, �
<br /> - ' . ��� aleanup or detoxification and the preparation of any closure or
<br /> . .. other requisad plaas, whether suvh �o�ioa is require� or necea-
<br /> � • � _ eary prior to or follawinq tranefer of title to the Property, to .
<br /> �. �• .' •, � the fu].1 ex�ent that euch action ia attributab2e, direotly or .
<br /> �'��� . ind�rectly, to the presence or use, generation, atoraqe, release�
<br /> `���: • threatened release or disposal of Hazardoua •Materiale by �ny :
<br /> ; . � • person on the Property prior to transfer of title thereto by
<br /> .. .. . " . . -3- �
<br /> � � .� . . „ .•-_ - ----- -. _�._.... ......_ - —------__� _ ..--__- -
<br />