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201210884 <br /> 12. Borrower Not Releasad; Forbearance By Lender Not a Waiver. F�xien,�ion o£the time for pay7nen[cu <br /> modification of amortization of the sums sz�t�.red by this Secw-Ity Insn-umznt,gantad bq L�nder�Borrot�2�- <br /> or any Suc�e�sor in Inferest of Borro�er sha1F not operate te relense the Liahx�ify of Bo�xo�r�or an;= <br /> Successars in Inteaest of Boiro�er. J.endez sba31 nof be rzquirec3�W com�ence proceedings against avry <br /> Successor in Iater�t of Borrrna�er or to refuse to cxtend time for payinenf or otfierwise modify aznortization <br /> of'rhe ssms secarzd by ihis Seciuity Instnunent by reason o£any d�nand.naade hy#he oiigmaI$oso�er or <br /> any Succzssors in Interesf of&on-ower. Any forbeazance Uy Lend�in�ercisiug any ri2iit or remedy <br /> inrluding, zwithouc 7imitati.oz Lendez's acceptancz of payiaents$om ttvid persons, entities or Successozs in <br /> Inierast o£Borron�er or in amauc�ts less ih�fhe amaunt Lhen due, shail not be a rvaiver af or preclude the <br /> �ercise o£any righi or remedc. <br /> 13. Joint and Sevecal Liability; Co-signers; Successors and Assigns Bo�nd. Bosower covenants and <br /> agrees i:haE Bosower's obli�ations and liability slTall be jaint nu@ several. Homevza, any Borrowz;. who <br /> co-signs this Securit}�Instnune�t but does naE execu[c�rize Note{a"co-signer°): (a)is co-ai�ing flvs <br /> S�si2y Instnim.ent only to�nortgage, gant and convev the;o-si�er's intc,rest in the Prapertt>under the <br /> [em�s of tfiis Sec�"ry Instr�mzen[;�� (b}is not persanally abiigated to�ap thz sums sec�red by this Securitp <br /> Instr�unznt; 2nd(c}agrczs Tbat T.znder and any ot:hrx Bosower can aa se to extend modify, forbeaz or make <br /> aay acco�modations with regazd to the tcnns of this Security Instrunient or The Note�ithou#tlxe m-si�er's <br /> ca�eat. <br /> Subject to thz provisions of Szction 18, any Succ,.,assor in Inierest of Boso�zr wI�assum�Borrower's <br /> abliga7soas under this Securih�Ins�rumea�:in writing, and is approved Uy Lzuder, sk�all obtain all of <br /> BorraGvcr s riahts mmd benefits�d�this Secm-ity Instrument Boaower shall not be released from <br /> Borrowza-'s ohligations and Iiability under this S�nrity Ins�ument*.mless Lender agees to sucls release in <br /> mifing. :he covenxnts aad s�-eements of tbis Sec�zrity 1�shumeut.shail bind{excepi as provlded in Sectio; <br /> 20}a�d benefii fiie succeasors and assigns of Lend�a'. <br /> 14. Lean Charges. L�der ma.y chazge Roxzower fees�fnr servic�s performed in coffi�tion witih Borrower's <br /> dc€auli fur ihe g�rpose of protecting Lender's iaterest in the PropesLy and riahts cinde.r this Sccarity <br /> InshzamenL inclucting,but not Iimited fo; aitorney�s' fee;,proper[y insp�tion�and s�aluation fees. In r�d to <br /> any ofher fee;, th�absence of�press a�rtliority in rhis Se,,�uxity Insfrum�i to charge a specific fee to <br /> Borro�ves shall not be conshued as a prolubition on the chaz,�ug of such fee. I,ender may not cfiarge fees <br /> :hat ffiL expressly pratubiied b}-tUis Szcvrity Instrument or bq ApplicaUle Law. <br /> S£the Loan is subject to a law w�ich sets ma�imuin Icmn chazges, and that law is finally intetpreted so#ltat <br /> xhe interest or other loan charges coiPectcd or to be callectzd in connection w'_th the I,oan exceed the <br /> perciiifed lia.o:r,,, Th�: (a)any sack Iozn charge;hall be reduced by the amouni neczssaty to reduce rke <br /> charge ta t3�e uermitted liruit; aud{6)auS'suffis alreadg colleeted fivm Bo�*owa wbieh�aaeedad permilfed <br /> limits uill b�refimded to Bososvzr. I.eader mag choose to inake ttris refu¢d by reducing the principal owed <br /> under the Notz or by makixcg a dimct yayment fo Sorrower. If a refimd reduces principal, the rednation a�ll <br /> be treated as a p2rtial prepayment wifhout any p=epayment charge{aiiether or not a prepayanent charge is <br /> provicietl,for under the Notc). Bon�i��s acc�iazice of am•such refimd made by d+'rzct pa}nn�+i fo <br /> Bonowar will constitute a waiver of any right of action Sorrowzr might t�ave uising ouf of such ocercharge. <br /> t 5. Notices. ?,fl aotices given by Bozro�rer or I.ender in connectian vnth ttis Securitv Ivshzunent mvst be ia <br /> wxiiing. Any notice ta Borrow�er in anuiecrion wit3i TLis Security Ivsu-�m�ant shall be deemed eo have beeu <br /> giveu to Borrower when maled by first class mail or wi�eu actuaily delivered to Borrou=er's notice addres;if <br /> sant by ofker means.Nofice fa any one Boxrok-er shall cans#izute aatice to all Borrowzrs unlzss AppLicable <br /> La�e� requires othen�.isz. The notice address ahall be the Property!�ddress�ml�s Bcrrower has <br /> R EERHSKhSIngl¢Fam��¢Fannie W a*/Freddie:vI ac UNIFOR`d INSTRII}A QT T40031 SS <br /> � Form 3028 1/Oi <br /> ���P� . '✓M P6fNtl(i i O51 <br /> Y' i.ersxlew=rinr�cietiaur!cq � Pa9eitoFlf <br />