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201210884 <br /> sat�faction, pro�idzd that sttch inspe.,�-tino sha11 be undzrtaken gromptily.Lender mzy pay far the repairs <br /> zud restoration in a single disbursen��or in a series of progrzss pay7n�is as the�work is camplefzd. <br /> linle�s an s.�eemenE as v�de iA,wxitzng or Applicable S,aw ra�uir�intete�et to be paid on sucL= <br /> NLiscellaneous Pro^„eeds, Lenc�er shail nat be rFm,i-red to pav Borrower any interest or earnings pn such <br /> Dqiscellaneaus Pra^zeds. If the rasEorati.on or repair is not economically feasibie or Lender's securitv woidd <br /> be Iessened, Tha Miscellaneovs Proceeds shall be applied to the snms secuxed'ny thi.s Security Iastn�naent, <br /> �[�het]zez�or net then duz, Aith fhe escess, if�y, pazc�to Boao�s�r. Shcli MisceIIan�ous Pioceeds sba33 be <br /> appIied in the order prpvidad.for in Sectioa 2. <br /> In thz eoent of a total takivg, deati-uction, or loss in value of the Property, t}te Miscellan�ous Proceeds cha37 <br /> be appiied to the svms securad by this Secm�ty Instnnnene�, w}�e}her or not theu due,- wrth the excess, if aay,. <br /> paid#o Borrou�er. <br /> In the event of a partiai fa,king dashaction, or ioss i�a vaine of the PzOpaiy in which the i'air market cal,ue of <br /> the Property'vnme2iate7y before the p�rtial iatang, destruction, or toss in value is equad to or geater than tlie _ <br /> amo�i af the sc�scctued bt�tttis Security Inshvment i�ediately before the parcial iatana�, nesixuc€ian, or <br /> loss in y'alue,unless Borrower av.d Lender olliei-R�se z�ree in writing, the sums this Security <br /> Insh-amerxt shzll be rednced hy the amount of the Miscallaneous Proceads mul#iplied lry the following <br /> fraction (a)the total amount of tlie sums secured:�mnedia#el}�be4`ore the partial taking, d�siruction, oz lass <br /> in value d'zvided bv(b)the fair market value of the Property immediately before the par¢al talang, <br /> d�iruciion, crr l.oss in*�alue. .1n.y balauce sha11 bepaid to Borrower. <br /> In ihe et-cnt of a parEial takua,g, destivction, os loss in ti�alue of the Properiy in which#he fair market value of <br /> ihe Prope-rty i�ediately before the partiaf tait�ug, destraction, or loss in vatae is less than the amuunt of the <br /> sums secured imuicdia#el�beforz the pari3a7 taking, destniction, or loss ua value, ualess I3orrowcr and <br /> Lender ot'�.erwise agree in wiitiag, the MisceIIanaous Proceeds shall be applied tn�fhe sum.e securecT bp this � <br /> SecL�rity instrument whether or aoi the suxns aze then due. <br /> Zf the Prop�tv is a6andoned by Borrower, or if, afier norice by Lender to t3onower tFiat Ehe Opposing Pazty <br /> (as de,fuicd in the ae�sentencej of£ers tc��ake au acaasd to settle a claim for damages, Borrov�er faiLs to <br /> respond to L.ender w2tIain 30 da.ys ai�r fhe date She�.otice is a,,�'y-en, I,ender is authorizad to coIIect and apply <br /> the l�f'vscellaueous Proceeds either tn resfaration or repair of ihc Property or to the s�secured by ihis <br /> Secnrity Instruin�it, whether or not rhen dve. "Oppus�Pariy" means the third par[y fLat owes Eorrower <br /> Miscellaneow Procaeds or ilze pat�;�a�l flCf w°hom F3ocrow-er has a xight of action in r�gard to biiscellzneous <br /> Proceeds_ <br /> Borrower shall be in default if any action ar proceeding, �ahether civil or cnn�aE, zs begts that, in Lznde{s <br /> jud�meat, could r�ult in forfeifure of the Properh-or other ma#eriai iaq�aiFmznt of Lender',mterest in the <br /> Property or righta undex this Security Instrv�xenL t3cnrower can cw:e a default and, if acceleration has <br /> or,eurred,reinsYate as pro�idzc in Seetion 19, by causing the action or proceedi�g ta be distnissed with z <br /> ruling that,. in Lcnde*'s jadgnent pxecludes forfeihse of the Property or ofiier material immairrnent oi <br /> Lenrler,isteaesT tn the Prapzriy or ri�is nnder tlris SecarifS Instrvman�. The proceecis of any award or <br /> claim for c�ma�es fhaE a;e aiuibutable fo the iuuainvent of Lcnder's urterast iu r.he Progesty are herefiq <br /> assi�ed and sha1C be paid to L.ender. <br /> All Miscelltineovs Pmcezds rhat are not zpplicd fo rescotation or repair a£the Property shal.l be applied in the <br /> order pro�ided for in Section 2_ <br /> ?acoaias <br /> NEBRASVCASingle Femilv-"rxnaie 61ae'Fiaad�3 h'acliN�FORAd iNSTRUMENT Fomi 3023 tfGf <br /> l:M P(`g YMI'6GVE7�1 tP51 <br /> l�olters Klmver F-�arc'ul Sarvices <br /> Faye1� of 1: <br />