i-nz:• � . . � • •.l:a.'3a'l'-^}^' '.:.`� _r. :nY`.:(T.ti _'.'�;7 � .�����iG"."k.'ms^..�.
<br /> �•::y��, . . '� -uh� 5.-�i. � — •. — -- .f�� -
<br /> ^� ���1A� _ S
<br /> [^!• j __' . { . . . . ,1`r. .�` _ _ ' iB'+.- ... . . . � t -. t -.u:i .
<br /> ��v �'� E�'�-�'y <4 � - " . . � C• . - . . • ..1.,7 ..
<br /> . . , � i . ` . . , . - . . . � a .. . . . •. 'c ' �
<br />� . , . _ . ' ' . _ - `: � , . . .. ' , . - . . . .. . . . • _ ��- � •t�';.... .
<br />- ' . -- •- � , .. ^ .. . .. � � - . .- ' .. '�� . � .. .. _ . . -. , `_. , �` -. .r` :ti c f.,
<br />. . . . . . . � . • - c` . .r- . � . .. .
<br /> . t. . . . .. � . " ti ,- . .. .. ,. . � . . .. _ •, '
<br /> . . � . ' " c � � ( � ..-.i_....—,_.,__.- ..._�.'S_.. ..�.__ —• .
<br /> .,, '. - - -•r� ...-.� ..�.�.�-_.................f � ..._ .
<br /> ' c4 . �3 , ,, .� .
<br /> � '' �'� 1 • 8I[O��1C �� O�'rny illtCtC.4t 1II lt c M1,f'
<br /> 17.Tc�ensfer oY We Fruperty o
<br /> r a Beaeflda!Inter�t in Bore�uwer. If eU or suy P gn� without ,
<br /> `�:3 is sold or traasferced(or if a bene�icial iacerest u►Horrower is 6ola or transfened and Bnrro��oft� �� � - - . .-
<br /> :� -- Leader's prior writteu coasent. Lender may. m its o�tioa. tequim lmmediate PaYment � �. ,.. .���;
<br /> � �:;�,,.-.,-g g�ty�r�ea�However,t h i s opt ton s h a 1 1 n a t be e�teccised b y L�eadcr if eatercise is pmlu'bited by federal law as of the date _
<br /> -.. .f of tbis Se�auiry�ns�um��- - `= ��
<br /> If Leader exe�ises tmLg opdon,Leader shallg{ve Borrower noticc oi atxeleration.The aotice shaII glovide a Pe�iod of not
<br /> ,:�: , . tess than 30 dayrs fmm the datc�he notice is det�ve�°�or�to the i lmtiw n�of�������°� b�� .
<br /> ge�ity tnstcum�t.If Bortower fails to pay these sums p �P ;:
<br /> .. - - permiued isS►this Secvtiry Instrument wittwui futther notica or demaad oa Bormwzr.
<br /> , �s'�F ,�-, �',�. 18. 8or�+owa's to Reinstatc. If Borrower meeta ceatatn coadidons So:mwer shall hsxe she right to have
<br /> �l"-:�?r" of thLs S� disoontiaued at eny timo priot to the esulier of:(a)S days(or suc3s other pedod as ,,
<br /> �S''�s:.?�'='' �,� �� �Y �fY fo��� t befare eale of tIle Pmponl► Dutsu�w �Y�,Pawer of sale contained in�tsis - ;- .,;�.
<br /> :�,�i•::{;r,t�,:r. • -� �� teinSteUemea) �SC�id Iasuutaeat• ao�are that Bomower:ta)Pays <;Y
<br /> �s��;?�.: ;<` �ty Insttumenx or(b�enuY of a judgmundst thia Se�cartry lastniment and the as if ao aooeleratioa had occorted;(b) =.,�J<ST,F=
<br /> " '�;�'',; I.euder a l l sums w t r i c L t h e n w o u ld be due e9�in e n f o r c i nb't h i s S�r I t S►T n s u u�' '''' .�.,r;;;
<br /> �, � � au+es aaY def�lc of any otber covenaws or agreemems.(c)Paya a�1 exPeu� m assure =
<br />;.�,';;x,:�;:`: .� mcludi�,but not limited to�reasonab2e attome�►s'feea:end(d)tak�sur�asdoa as Lender maS►masanably require , :; _
<br /> � and Bmm�wer's oblt on to pay the sums saaued b3►
<br /> .:,,��;��.�' - � � that the lie�of this Sec.arit}►tnsuume°�Leader s dghta in the P�oper�Y �S�arItY Insaa� and the <' .r, :,��
<br /> , •�`� � this Serauity Insa�ment sDaU contiaue unchan8ed. Upon teinstatemeat tiy► Bo:rower.
<br /> �, f�;i�.: sec�ed hereb3►ahall remai�fWly effective as if no acceterasion dad a¢cumed.Hmvever.this right m rein�sha11 _
<br /> [ � obligatii ns the csse of acceteratton under paragaph 17. �. -
<br /> �_.
<br /> h.Y., not agp Y
<br /> 19.Sa1e o4 Nat� C6ange of Loan Serv[cPt• The Note or a pattial latetest ia tIIe Note(tog�ther whh this S�+
<br /> •� ' =±' In�eat)may be sotd ane or more dmes wlthout prtor noSce ta Bonower. A eale may tesulC��g,�g��b� _ ... _
<br /> .'�.`�,; as the'Loaa Secvtcer")that collects mondily paymenta due uaster the Notc aud this Se�urtiy Bammwer will be , , -
<br /> ' or more ch�ges of ttce Loan Sezvicer unnelated w a sate of the�N 4 ab e easWapplIcable tav�7'he notice vdll'ssate�he name and �� °
<br />_ � g�ven wrtuen notice of the cbiamge in aocflrdauce with para�cap should 6e made.The notice will atso canrain auy other �. .'
<br /> addresa of th�new I�an Seivlcer aad the aad�ss w ahich payu�eats :� �: �
<br /> --�•`.`t informadon requ�red bY$PD�cable lciw. . � -
<br /> . " : 20.Hazardous S�bstences. Borrower shall not cmise or permit We pressnce�user d�sPosal+ st°ra�e•°g�feain8� -
<br /> .:�„:�.� . ". g�dOUS S�bstan�s on os tn the P r a p e n Y. 8orc�ower shall aot do. nor allow enyone else to do, � .... _
<br /> ;`"?•'; , ., ProPeitY tha!is in vIolation of any Environmeatal law.The pre�eding two eentencea ehell aatapply w e p�.►ce.uge,or .. .'
<br /> ,�,r:. .. . ',,',: e t
<br /> � , ' storage oa the Property of sma11 quaatities of Hazar+dous Substancea that ate generaUy recagnized t°be apgmPriase w nomaal '....',�' -?
<br /> -- - '�. � ;i�'` r�idential nses and to maint�auce of the FrapertS►• �
<br /> ' •.t�i�� �,,'.r. ,:.'
<br /> . �� '� .:is�:�,. Bomowec sball promptly g[ve l.ender a+rltten notloe of auy imrestigation.claim.demand.lawsuit or ather acHon byr aay
<br /> -'+4 vemmental or iegulatory aBencY or p�ivate parcY involving the Propecty and any Hamrdous Substeace or Favircnmeatal law '. ,'�:
<br /> . . owl�ch BoaoP�er has actual kaawledge.If Borrower lea�ns.or is aotifled by any govemmental or tegWatory anthority,that :: ,�;;,,,;
<br /> . : aay removal oi ather remediation of atry Hazardaus Su6stause affecting the Ptopetty is�ae�ssary.Sorrower shall pron►PUY take i:4
<br /> � '� all necessar�►ramedia1 acdons in accordancc with Eaviroamental law. ,,,_ .�-�..,.
<br /> . . - � - :=" ; As nsed 9a shis patagcaph?A, 'Hazardous Sa6stanaes' aza tuose subsisuxes det3ned as toxic or ha�rdous snbstances by
<br /> : ,�..._i.:-��.
<br /> . �,; , kerosene. other flatatr�uble or to�ic peaol��cts. ro�c , . ..�.`-
<br /> : V•f g��l Law and the following substances: �asoline. : .. � „_
<br /> .. p�sticides and herbic�des,volattle solvents,materlals contai�ing�sbesws or formaldebyde.and r�dtoactive �t��� �^:_
<br /> ,. � :ti �p�b 2 p� •g,nyironmental Law" means fe�eral iaars and lawa of the ju�lsdiction where the Propetry
<br /> :. o , relate w h e a I t h.e a fety o r e nvironmeutal pmt e�t i on. :'.._ .
<br /> � ' � NON-UNIFO R I u!COVENANY'S.B orrower and L�eAder i�rther coveaam and agcce as followa: ....,�,. ;
<br /> u . •��
<br /> ��.. Z l.A c c e�e r a t l o n.R e m e d les.Lea�er sLall glve noatce to Borrower prlor to accelcrnttan[ollowinS Sorevw b 7 u a l e.s s ..::,;,�..; .�
<br />- �.�: �, �.f�:";�.:� a4 any oovcaant or agreeme�at in thfs SecarttY Insaameat (but not prlor to acectera t t o n u n d e�r pto�cure pthe dete�att; . . ,
<br /> , ..:f3r�y�;�• s .'Arc��—i::-
<br />- . ,, �PpHcab2e law provldes atherwlse).'i'he aoUce shaU eD� oa)�o Bo�iow�bywh���e dda�uit mast be c�t� -�,,�:, :
<br />_ ..... °..�.;;..' (c)a date.no!I¢ss than 30 days from the date 4he notice!s gl et� ��he aoYtce meY t+esult io ecsetet�on of th�ss�s .-
<br /> .. .%� !�that faffu�to care the ddadt oa or beYore the date spect�i�nottce shsell ttt�R�ar tntora�Boe�w�ot the rtg�to �
<br /> � � secm�I by tbts 8ecm�ity�asbvmeae und sate o!the Petapetty ar
<br /> et
<br /> •: : relnstate�fter acceleeatioa end the�lght to br[nB a couri action to asseri the ao�rexlstcnco o!a detantt or e�Y other ,.
<br />- ' ?�'-�.� defense o�Bar[ower to aoceteratlon end sale.It theen�tn[u1104 ell sums�s �ccti c��by tAL9 8ecur��Ia4Wmeat wItho�t ' .�
<br /> - . � � .`�?�' Leada, a4 fts option.may�!re immediate paym Leader aT�aU be � ��
<br /> _ : .:.:..:.. ' further demand and�ay invoke the power of sa2e and eny oWer eremedles permttted Dy ap�n�U�udtag,b�not ltmited
<br />_ � eatltled to colled e ll esp e n s c a I n c u r�+e�i n p u i s W n B t Le s�medles provtded ta�D��Db -__�:_,—'
<br /> - � ,t:�,'; to�reasonable attorn�ya'fee9 and costs of tlue evl8ence. art oi the �,
<br /> ` �"� V the power of�ie is invoke�►Trastce shaU record a notice of detault tn e,1cb count;►in tvWc6 any p .
<br /> - � � �•'Yf'•� property is tacated and sball maU copies of sacii notice in t6e mnnuner presadbed by oppltcapie tnw to 8asrower nn�to .
<br /> _,, . :,:,;-.;;; 6y a�ticx�Die Iaw.7lenstee eGnl!givo pub!!c no3ice ;. �•,; .
<br /> t6e ather pe�sons Dres�bed bY�ppficeble�uw.After the ttme r¢qnired
<br /> , � so '� ee�witbave demnnA un Borruwer.s1�11 seU
<br /> : .�,, . ""-,��� ot sale to the De�'soag and in the menner pr�crlDed by apyllcable law.Teust
<br /> ._;4::,.`: �::-. gn .
<br />;.:t; t:�. '.i the Property at pnbllc aactton to ttie dfgEtest bidder at the tttne aad plstce aad uadsr thna�ot�all orcany p��of the
<br /> *:.�:: • sale in one or more parcels and to any oi+der Teastee detetnalnc9.Teustee moy pastDo : ,
<br /> n
<br /> �' YruPeriY bY P�blic anno�moement at the time aad place ot asy D�vtousl9 scheQWed eale. I�eader or Its d�1gn¢e msy ;: ,'.
<br /> :.�:.Y:,�r pmnchase the IIroperts►at anY sate.
<br /> �'.
<br />-�;e �:;Z� .;:
<br /> °:1`�' � � . ionn s o�a� .
<br /> . �� $R��19Z1ZlA1 D�00601A INIIOh�y� „';.
<br /> �� ,_�.,��r
<br /> . ' _ . ^,,,_,_,__._..'_ .� . . ---�•--.- � J. . • . . - rTm'�`_...... . .-- . . . � „ .
<br /> ' . . � . • . - _ . � , - .- . . _ + . � _ . . , _ .
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<br />