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<br /> ` . `. ' (,',° . • coverage��the amo`uu�tt�go�period , '`.
<br /> " � PaY���Y no longer be c+eq�ured,at the option of Leader.if aanrtgage insuramce
<br /> � - that L�ender zequaes)Pravid�by�insunr approved by Lender again beoomes availabte and is o6tained. Botrower sbsll pay .:•�
<br /> � ... the premiums requued to maintain mortgage insutaace In effeci,or to Pz'�vide a toss reserve.�mW the re�uirement for murtgage -
<br /> . �:. ��v:;�° iasura�nce ends in aocordaace with aay arrItten agteemeut�etwer�Borrower and Lxndea or applisab2e law.
<br /> =�-�`• 9.Inspadion.Lender or iu agent may make reasonable�iea upon and inspec�ions of the Property.leader shall give __
<br /> -�:::�::..= ---
<br />_- - �-�--..� reasoaable cause for the inspeaian. - - -
<br /> `�:r Boaawer notice at tbe time of or prtoz to�inspecaan sP�B
<br />` 5`~� 10. Coademna�on.The pmceeds of aay award or ciaim for dama8es,di�ct or oansequential. ia oonnearon with any -
<br /> ... . � uondemnarion or other takiag of a�r part of the Pcaperty,or for comreyance ia lieu of oondenmation, a:e hereby assigned and
<br /> sLall be paid to I.ender. ��mE„*i -
<br /> � � -- - fa the event of a tutal tat�ng of the Pmperty,the pmce�s ahaU be applied to the sums seaired by this S�rF'ty
<br /> . `�'.; arhether or not tten dae,with aaY eu�Daid to Bmmwer_ Ia the event of a partial taking of the Propetty Ia�rhic�the fair .
<br />_ .. . . mart�vaIne of tite Pmparty i��.�3�before the qk�ng is eqnal w or gceaoer tha�n the amo�t of the sarns sec�ed 6y tbis :`.,.,:<
<br />_ . � '�';` Security bosuumeat i�l ;�rPly before the taking,unless Barmwer and Leader otherarise ag�ee in writing,the m�ms secored by �: . :
<br /> - this S�cnr�ty Insa��ment shari be teduced bY the amo�t o�tbe prooeeds multiplied by the foIlovring fra�don: (e) the wtal �.,::.;.��
<br /> . . amom�t af the snms secured immedia�el3►befare t4ie taking, divided 1sY @)ti�ee fa�r market vatae of the ProPerty►imm�iY �°'
<br /> ° t
<br /> - . ` befoie tha ta�dng. A�balance shaU be paid ta�nwer. In t1�ev�t of a partial t�ng of the Pirap�rtyr in whirh tLe fair �'r _�.
<br /> j market va�uz af t�Pzecp�sty imnmediatelY 6efaae f�e ta&ing is less tban the amoaat of the snms seraied im�iaretY b�fose the -
<br /> �,�;� ,; � ; taiQng,mn'_ess Bnnvwer�ad L�d�z otheswise agnae ia w�timg or�less applicable law otheiwise provIdes.the pmc�ceda sha11 r
<br /> �'�'�l} � be spplie�l m the sums secared by thi��airy Ia��tc�ent whaher or not the saa�s are then dne. ` =
<br />_ = ` _��,>��.;'..-: is abaadone�bY$osmwer,or if,after aoflce by Le�des ta Bomower tbat the coadeannar offe�s t��ake an - -
<br /> "<<'..,.��, -.-. ���� ° : .
<br /> ,��: awaati!or settle a claim for dataages,Botrow�f�s w zespond to Lender wItbin 30 days after the date tDe notioe is given,
<br /> w � '
<br />;'�...� ' I,ender is�thorized w ooriea aad agply the gr�ds,at its opdon.either w cesto�ation os repair of the F�u�esty or to ihe smms ' .. �
<br /> . secured TaY this Seaulty Insnument.arh�ther or not then due. � `:
<br /> - • ? Unless I.ender and Borrowea athe�avtse agree in writing, aaY aPPlic�izsa of pmoceeds to priacipal sball s�nt estend or
<br />:,':.�,�;.. ':;.f, pustpane the due dat�of the moathly payments tefe�to ia paiagrapbs 1 and 2 or change the amouat of sar�paym�is. - -,
<br />_ " ' 11.Borrower Not Releas�i:FarDearauce BY I.ender Not a Waivea:Exteusion of the time for p�y+me�or mndiScation
<br /> •� of amo�tioa of the sums secuse�by this Scxari¢v Insaumeat gsanted bY II.ea3�r to any saccessor in ia�aest of Borcawer shall .
<br /> �.��. not operate to release the li�b�7ity of the orig�Br�rrower os Borrower's su�so�s ia inteze.st.Lenrler siiaU noi be�qnited to �•t% `
<br /> � =. � x�,,:� vt"..
<br /> �� . co�ence praceed�against auY sw�or in iatetest or r�se w wctead time for paymenc or otherwise modify�on
<br /> .•,�.c : of the sams secu�ed isy this SerAriTy Ia4miment by �eason af a�r demand made by the original Bosawer or B�m�wer's � •'t'
<br /> .. �. successars in mterzs�An}+foibeaz�mce by Lender in exercis3�g any right or remedy sh�aot be a waiver of or pr�c2ude the • �
<br />:. � . . . exe�ise oYa�►riglu or iemedy. ��;..
<br /> � . lZ. Suoces.sors aud A�lgas�o�d;Joiut and 3eveisl�.tabllity; CoStSuer.�.Ttie cweomnts aa�a�eem�its of ttiis ":,.:�.-,
<br /> e s s.. .
<br /> - , . . Seauiry S�sttament shall 6ind and beneSt the saccessois aad assigns oY Ixnder aad Borrnwer,subject W tbe pmvastons of ,-_y��
<br /> � �' patagraph 17. Boirower's cov�and agreements shall be joint aa� severai. A�► �flrrower who oo-slgns tLis Se�atsity ;;
<br /> •• '' Insanmem but does uot exe�ate the Note: (a)ia co-signing this Se�ui3ty Inmument mi3y to mo88age.graut and ean�eY that ..,�`•
<br /> ' � '° Borrowes's inoerest m We Propeny rmder the teruis of this�ecusity Inst�ament; (b)is not p�s o n a]IY o b l i g a t e d t o pay t h e s u m s ';��:�•,
<br /> ��� . se�ared by this S�iqr tnst�ment;and(�)ag�thai Lender aad a�►other Be�mwer may agree ta extend.modifjr.fosbear or
<br /> ��.,:
<br /> ' '� �, make an3►aoco�odations wFth re,�d to the telms of this Secorlry lnsuament ess the Note withont that Boirower'a aonsent. ,� �.
<br /> .)i'�'<;9 Y3.Loan C�aiges.If the lo�saaued iry this Security tusnament is aubject to a Ia�v whic�sets maximum Ioaa chaYg�.v. r=rc
<br /> , , , . � and thai iaw is finally inceipmted sa t�at ctie incerest or ather loaa d�arges ooltected or Eo be eollected ia oonneedon wIth the -� :;"::
<br /> ' toaa exceed tLe per�iued limits,thw: (a)�y s3d61oan cl�argo sbaU h$redeced by the amouat nece�ry to teduoe the c�rge --
<br /> to the geimitt�d limit;aad(b)anY sums elreadY collected fmm Bon�wer�..�exceeded permitted �wllll be iefamded to :: .:� -.
<br /> . . Bormr�a. Ixnder may choose to matse�thi.s ref�d by rednciag the principal owed nnder the Note or by maktn�a di�t --
<br />- ,. � paymezc to Bomnwer. If a refi�adl reduces princIpal. the re�ualon wlll be treated as a partial ptepayment withmrt auy
<br /> :. . D�P����under the Note.
<br /> Y ...;. ' . ..� 14.Noticc9.A�notice to Borrower provided for in t�ie Secaulty Insuument shaU be given by deliverlag it or by mailing ___
<br />_ � . . . ..�� it by 8rst class ma��C�s appl�cab1e law requires nse of anotLer mcthod.7'!te nodce shall be di�to the Property Address
<br />_ .. :::�.� or a�r other addr�s 1�omower desigpates by notice to LenQer. Any ao t ice to L e n der s b a l l be given b y 8 i s t c l a s s m a i l t o ��+,
<br /> •
<br /> . . r- LendePs addiess stated hereln oi any othet addtess Lender designazes by notice to Bo�es.Any notice pmvlded for in tB�a .;;`:
<br /> Seauiry Insteument s�a11 be dee�d to have been given to Bocrov�rer or Lender wLen givea as pravlded in th9s pasag�aph.
<br /> � ` IS.Gov�a3s� �w; Severubiutq. 17�s Secuilry i*+�++*±+s^t sbaU be govemed by federal law aad the law of the .
<br /> _ � .� . jurlsdicaon in ahicE�tfi.�Property is lacated. ta the event tLac any pravlszvn o:clause of this Securiry insuutaent or the Note .
<br /> � , cunflicta wItL applica6Is law,s�ch contlict shaU aot affoet other provis�ons of this St�curiry Ins�ument a�rhe Note whi�caa be .
<br /> sc
<br />_ " . � glven dffest a�ithout the conflisaiag provis3on.To r�s end the pr�vlsions of 0i�Set�rihr Cnswment and the Na�sae declared ..
<br /> _- .� : � w be severable.
<br /> � . 16.Boa�awer's Copy.Borrower shaU be given one canfo�co�y of the Note an�oY tbia S��rSry Insuument. .
<br /> � t
<br /> ." . . �� !• Wrm 80uue�iC.4+ .
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