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<br /> . . . � .. �....'.a.. � ... . . '._. .:. <: _ . •• ., ..�. .." " .� Fti�`q ' "' ' _
<br /> . •- ' . .. . . ' ' ` " - �:_.�._.' �, ..j-- Y�
<br /> i. - ' � .. . . 5,:� '-' v Y ��'F` .ta._......._____�_cJ�.`.._. _ _ . ._
<br />� - . . . .�r �_'���.(� .�. e '.'M1 -- .��.a..��.� At
<br /> ,.t,-- - :.L.� _ - -
<br /> _--�:�c'��;_�� -; - ...-.':n. ,
<br /> ' �. ._ . W/YW���� `F �I�I . . ..
<br /> . ° " �� �thetwise, enY
<br /> ` .-''" ,�.• on the sedaod debt wnen dua. Untsss 6ortower end Lendz► e8r
<br /> .. ... 1.PaY�- �rtovter aprae�to mako al! �sY�� . .
<br /> .. IA��Londar reccivoa Batp BBorra��orn���and�theo t�o�p� �1 b� a�rAtle1 Pt8A0Y�M tl�i9 sO�Ctued G b�tlae�au8 tar an�y te8 a on aft wr�l �.��, f
<br /> gxclusve ot itiierOSt ot pslneipal. �d�bt��patd itt Nli. • ' f`
<br /> y `� ,, nat redueo or eza�so anit setwduted DeYmeM wrtil theBe , �• ,. -
<br /> ' &tXatm9�18�1aat TNia.6artawar wW DaY atf tnxes.assgssmorts�and otheR eharges attributahte to thepropurty when due and�11 de�M tiUe
<br /> � t o t R e C ro P c s rt Y e a�i n s t a n Y daime wflich woutd imp�ir t!w Gen at thia Qc�af trust.loader meY�e�e Bortower to assign anY B�• �,F ,'�_ ;,
<br /> defensea wR i e� wer maY have e 8 d n s t O�e s w fi o s u D D N�a r a r m t l t e r i a l a t o i m p rove or matntein tl�e PropsrtV. .Z<
<br /> �.- 3,tn�uaneQ.BomOwer wUl kaep ths pro0s*N�ginagsured under tenna aceeptebTe to Lendcr et Bnrtowers e�ense and for Lendsr's beneTd.At! I •'.t ` ,.
<br /> . insur8nc9 PmTctea c�t}p l�wcNdct�e�epre�u►��may 6B e D�ewithfn LOnder'�s Clserahon M eithet tl�e tdes�BUoreu teDal$ot Me�dame8e4 p o� ° .,, `
<br /> a
<br /> instuance Qo W ..�
<br /> . � or to ths secairod debt.t4 lender requttos mart6a8e�s��•Bonower agreos to e������' for as long as Lender re�(res.
<br /> ._c_r�? S.�g�p+:ler wF1f tasp tAe P�Aen1►in Soad eaMidon snd maSce all repafrs
<br /> , 6.��W.B o rt a w er a g raes io P8Y ell Leri4ers e�eRaes inGudinB i+eesone6te attameys'fees.tf BoRawer breaka anV covenatsts in�dsed L 4
<br /> � 1<; . a f trust or t»enY oLli9at[an seuu e d Cy W a d e e d o f u u s��w r o w e r w i U D a Y theso emowtts to lender as Rrovtdad in Covontu�t 9 af thls deed ot
<br /> � , uust. •
<br /> . ' r- 8.Pdw Sacarltf��Unlesa Bortovuer fust cbtetna tendera wrFtmn oonsent.8 o�rromo�rtga�e0no�m�akef a�Ot�o�ei sea t�tt►agreemer+t. • .
<br /> .- - - � � , inclu�8�mrower's��Yner�topmeke PaY�ttSs when�te.���under ar►V P�
<br /> ,f, Urdess 8oaawe►and Lender have agresd
<br /> :;. '�,ti. `r 7.Asst ct Rents�n0 Ptcfrb.Horrower assi�►s to Lender the rer►ts end profite of ths proyenY•
<br /> � e in writin8.Bcttower may coltect end retnit�ths tetrts as tong as 6artowurand�4ect�re�BAnY iei�Le�co�eny�otha�r -
<br /> , `�,� agent.a r a e o u r t e C A otnted rec�oiva�rinmpaY teke�p��toa�ad e o u�;t c�o�aDi►dp a tt o�e Y s'tees.cammiss�ons to rerttal agerts. . . . •-
<br /> . appGed Rrst to ths cosEa ot7Ne-�naTnjng amouM of recrts will then ePD�1t�DaYrt►erta an the secured debt es provtded in Cov e n a c►t 1. ' ,, ,t:
<br /> _ . . . ��sry�.etacaa e�enses. �
<br /> �emset�•CwtIIaads�tums:Piuuwd tlnPt Oe�eiaymo�e.Bonower8�e es m� �mpN+�+�a Pm'�Q"°of arn tsase[t Mis�ad ot�is on ,� ; ".'
<br /> t � ateasehotd.If Uds Qee�of arust(s on e unit in a conQominium ot a p H�mtt deve[oAmerrt.Bortower wSU perform atl of Borroweds duNes
<br /> under the caYenarts.btr�iaws,a regutatfans of the condomfnIum ar ptanned unft davempmem. •
<br /> � ot Borrowers dutiea undar Ws asea ot uusL lertdor mav
<br /> 9.AWta�ttY ot l�+d�m��tar Barro�ff���ta0s to pe+t�en1►name or paV g►11�ourt ff nacesaerY tar partom�tee-tt enY .
<br /> - . , peKocm tha QuUea ar eause tAem to be perfurm4d.Lendat meY sTgn Borrmnr tenRafs ..
<br /> construcUon on the pro�ati►��TA�ts may in��udle eomP�eUn9 t�e �e��0�n�t��nder maN Qo wfiatever is necessarV to Pra� <. . ..
<br /> ...._ .�.c:�.• sewtiN iAiet9si 6t thB PraAOrtN• .
<br /> - ----- ,' Lendet's fa�ure to periom►wfli not preetude Lendet irom exere�sin0 anY of i1s otlter dghts under the Iaw ot this deed of trast . .
<br /> � •��i�� qrty amounta P�W�n�LO�����a sec�aitY i�ereat w1t1 be secured 8y Nls deed of trust.Such emourrta w�be due on demand . '_
<br /> - . . t'.. .•�• and wfU trear(nt�est iram tfia data of tt�s PeY+�arrt W�O7 Paid in ful}at the interest rate in eNeet on the sec�ued debt . . . ,
<br /> H B a rt o w e r t a H s t o make a^1�PaVn►e+�t when due or breats any eavenante under tNs deed of trust ar anY s.�_
<br />---- . ... _..,� 1 0.O d�i t e n 0 A c�fl n• mort9aSe or d s�d o/t t u s 4 L e n d e r m a Y a c c e t e r a t e t h e m a t u r i t y of the sscured daLt and _.-..,
<br /> - - obiigsdon sewred by tl�a deed ot trust ar a�N D�► _ •
<br /> domanQ[mmediate PaymeM and may�rnoke the pawer ot sate end enV other remedies permKted 6V+�Dafl�bte taw. .- -- '--
<br /> � �Kqg��Q��h ia herepV�equssmA that eopies of tt►e aotices W detauit and eala be sertt to each Oerson who is a panY .. '
<br /> 11.Ete4uest
<br /> ! ` hereto,et 1t�e eddress of ead�sueA parson.as set forth herein. :
<br /> • •� ;%; tZ,pmye�of Sate.It t�e Lender imokes tfie pati�of eafe,the TcasteB shail tlrst reeord in the offlee of tha�eeister of deeds of eaeh countll ,^, . -
<br /> Bf8L0.8t1d LO OLhBf 08�50118 8S OfBSQm�d�Y ;;i1-.
<br /> . • , •, ' . r��•i, st�iall atso ms�7�crop es of d�a noUes o�f Qeisu�it t�o�Bortiower.to ea�pe�rmnawho a party h�Wortnatlon cequtre8 by(awi�TasteY
<br />:;� . �.,�•;�; appRcabte law.Not tesa d�an one mar�after�a�n�ee recorQs the n�af defaut�ar two morttt�a if the trus4 pmDerN
<br /> . • , . incorporeted cicy or viltago esfd is usad in farming apereUons aartied on by L`z�cs�sto*,the rNStee ehan gt�e p��c n��of sefe to the Persons ...°,:�•
<br /> ���m��p�1Ueapy apDPiicabte taw.Trustee,witli:ut demand c�n Borrower,shall sell the ptoperty et pubiia auetion to tfie higheat
<br /> �:i=`;�� ` omestead ProtecNon Acrt.Tnssfla3���+�s D�*�rt a�t U�ie Ume and ptaee of atry O�evious1YYsch 1aduted sa,e. '.�-r`.�:� '
<br /> - .:,."%';: .. , •�. p�.if requfred W tfie Farm H r�..
<br /> �_.q., i:�ae[na1►O�sNorts eele of 8ri or anY Oer�ot of ffie proDertS►�F� ~s�;, °
<br /> �-�--i�;;�� LenCar or tts desr�ea maY Purchase the properN at anY eata. Tha rectNata aorMeined In �'
<br /> '�"?4'� UDOn te�ipt ofpayme m of the ptice bid.Tntstee shaU Qeliver to the purcha�er�cvsstee's deed eomell�"��e PropeRy. �
<br /> .,. ,,;.�;Ftx, Ttustee's doed sAaU de pdma taete evidienee of the truth of the statemertts coctta;rted therein.Tnutee s a11 ePPiV�8 D�ceeds of the sale in the �S'
<br /> {pltowing orQOr. (el �ait expenses of the sate, inciud'm8. but�ot iimited to, reasonebia Truste0's tees, reasanab/e ettomeY'8 tees e�d
<br /> .. , , , rafnstetema�tees;ib)to ati aums socured by th19 daed of trust,and lc)the balance,if an}I,tn the perso�B0��iore asure of moRgages ��.`
<br /> �" �� �9,�Oret�osute.pt LenQer's optton,this deed ot t�ust may be foreclosed in the manner provide hy eDD ��_
<br /> ,.,:.;
<br /> .. �` ���ei ; on real property. '� .
<br /> n" ° �q, Lender may ecrter the prayerty to�nsDeet it if Lender givos Borrower noUce betorehand.The notirs must stete d��reasonabte ,;�;,
<br /> .,'�i,� ":'�'-5�r
<br /> � ' �f;, : cause r lendar's inspectfon. ,��.
<br /> . '�` �" y5.���an.Boaower assigns to LenQer the.�roeeeds Gt any ewffid or ctaim tar damases eonnected witA a eondemnatlan or ottier tx�i:Y� ��-:
<br /> _ .:.,S: .
<br />- - cR a't or arry part W the pmperN.Suel�procaeds vui 1 bs eppl"s�b sa OroviAed in CovenaM 1.Tnis assiBnmeTrt ta subJect tm tha tertrts of enY Frra V';`�f`•,»';y,':; .
<br /> � • .,..� aa�vrty ggreemeM. .
<br /> n 18.Walvar.ei/exerctsin9 enY�emedy 8vailable to Len.i6�'��does n°t give up any dgMe to leter use em►other remedb-8y not exercistng j���E ,` ,,
<br /> ' .� `� ' an y reme d y upon Borrowere detaut4�ander Aoes not waiva anY dght to tater eonsiQor the evern a defauR it it happens agetn. ,
<br /> t ?J`C af�; s�oro m�e assia�.+e�a an euue9 unaer ws eee a�.�v+�s t a�a�o��c a n o�e�e►a i. A n V
<br /> � ; � ..`, 17.Jolne ana several ua�: costgn .
<br /> Si,,,,�. �',� BOTYOINBt N1h0 Co-S18114 th1S aod of trust but daea not eo-sign the underlyln�deht instrumertt(s�does so onty to grarn and convey thet
<br /> "" •'.� Bartowe�'s i rt tet e s e i n t►i e O ro D e�S t t o t h e T�u s t e e u n d e r t h e t ec r�rnitys cof this Geeo o trust.tn add'rtion,auch a Bonower agrees that the�endar and ��•..�'
<br /> - • . � ;4` j Qebt w�ittiautrtttre°t�Bonower'e cortsent and�withouyt relea�shig that Boaomweer tiom�+e terrt�a of this Qeeed of trus��Q e e d o f tr u s t o r t h e s e c m'ed 6'?r'• .
<br /> . �;` '
<br /> � �������.. The duttea and Oenoflts of lhis QeeA ot trust s:`al��nd and beneflt tho successors and essigns of Lender and Borrawer.
<br /> � ,.�I;rS°,. �..'i.,
<br /> � ���%_� 18.Notha Untese otharwise repuUed by law.�ryr noUce to Bor►ower shatl ba givan by ColWering it or by m�i1r�n bY�'�������4 to
<br /> B�rrower et the pcoaatN address or eny�ott�er a�Jresa that 8n-�rawer has�'�*�n to Lender.BoROwer w(11 giv�e�+ir no:ira to LenQet EV��ed y
<br /> -- - ' � . � m�B to lsr�Qer's aQ�resa an Dage 1 ot thia deea at trust.or ts�sV other addresa whieh LenBar has designated.Arry e�rtatiee to LenC�c�na11 .
<br /> Y;;' " � �' t�s�rR to Lertder's addtess as ststed an page t of this deed o¢c.vs� , •
<br /> _ ,..: q��n���ry���emed m tw,re been given to Sortower or tender when given in tho manner stated above.
<br /> __ • 19.T����s p��rty�a gonettdey�aat tn tl�e Bortowet.H a0 or eny part of the proper!y or e1ry interest in it ia sotd or vansterted
<br /> "�,;,•.'�.'. withaut LenQeYs prior vurltten consert.ler,�may Qemand immodiate DaVment of tha secured dairt. �4z.�der maY atso do�nde�m�y�� ,
<br /> T ' � . '� Qeman OaYment n theeabove�^uatio s i1�a prohibRed by teQerel law as of the A88t�e of tt118 Q80dtOt�W5t.r.5'8tled.Hcwever. . _
<br /> � . Z0.ReaonveYm�ce• When tha oEtigaUon seaned by thta deed of trust ha9 been paid and LenQe►has no turtbhyer o6Gga�on to make advaneea '
<br />— under the instrumerrte or egreemerrts seerued by thia deed ot truat,the T�ustee ahai�,up�e��deed m�sd�he�ot�e or oitier evldenee of the ,
<br /> � • proporty.the LenQer she11 deliver to tho Barratver.ar to Bortcwer's suaesso�in interest, , .:
<br /> •' I obllgation so satlsHed.Bonovrer shaU pay any reeordatlon eosts. .
<br /> _ , •':`i;.'',�. j A ay
<br /> eiib Stutlon�of�trTi��a9 eOuUed by eppiicabie la�w and tnen by fiting�the suh�d�Alon of trustee fcr rec�ord n thbe offi e of therog}st�eof deeQa
<br /> - , � sucaed to au tlYthe p wo er�eutiesg euthorit��and UUe oi U�ie Ttustee nam d�n tahe doeA ot uust a�nd9of a y successor�ustee of tho property,shaft
<br /> - • . �
<br /> .. � ��� :. , .
<br /> ,;. ...
<br />�'"i_,' fpapa?ol?J .
<br />--- . • - . gpNREi�SYSTEM9.�C..8T-ClOUD.MN 683 01 118 00397�29611 FORES OCV�MTO�IVE 8A9/91 - '' .�
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