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<br /> - - - -. �_ 1997 ,amongtlt9 Gtentor, nnt�ID R A11R'�•i8T sL►m _ -
<br /> `.. . _,-_' c,� PAfiT�S:This Oeed of Trust is made on e�°L�OBBL�� — �{•Barrower'i.
<br /> •�e. - ,
<br /> . . : G <
<br /> .:- _ wnose restaen�aaa�� ceumnr.He�asre l�r�ma•1,ana ms ee�,a�«�v. • � .
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<br /> . � ,e aoroo.aucn organized ` .
<br /> . •. .�° f'f, aATlR'R i,�_s�'"^••�f°°^'.... � � . •-
<br /> ' and existin9 unQer the Iawa af. 1�mwrtncQa w4toss address 1s (���,l.
<br />� � ��: .
<br /> • , `. �s.;4 to Tnistee,in Vust,witl►P�of sale,tl►e real ProPg�il.of urhich ..':±.
<br /> COI+iVEYASitt�For vaiue reoeive�Burtower Urevoeahtl►�arns and eomrelts ;
<br />• .` `• Bnrrower is Iawt�/aBizod descdtred 6etow end a0 bw1d��99,fumQes, and axtsti a enl►��nancea ther�longtrt8 �� _ . �, .
<br /> . ' '-- easemems. rerrts. issues. P�'�• �ncome,tene�nems,hereditamarsis. vrtv�eses ` t..�:`;.
<br /> .N611reSkB f,9R6a _ `<
<br /> � -�' p�Qp�Ty ADD6iFSr.Q_ .. w�w•.nnw+ b7� _ ♦ (3Rnta}1 TCT nAl� . QCC069/
<br /> i; �' •'-.,�:'.e:_ w lSpmp
<br /> � LEQAL DESCR[P'RON: ,•.`°
<br /> � ' - L/�OT TFiO j(�2Q)�ASnII¢S�S� PI,ACB TSIRD 13RD) SUBDNlSZON. GRAZID ISL11�ID. �I1�LI+ . ..
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<br /> �� � • tocated in Caurtty.Nebras6�a. - .
<br /> '�r��.ti: -�',
<br /> � . TITt�Borrower cove�mMa and warrams vtle to the propasty,exeept� .'-":�
<br /> ,'_,., _
<br /> . SECURED OFBT:Thfs das�af vust sac�ues to le�er cepayment af the aswred da�artd tAa performaria�of the cn�enar�.and eSreeme�a�` _
<br /> s� � ��orateA herein.Sedaa�l dabL as used in this deed of trust.fiaudes e[ty emousr� ��,a,,,
<br /> . . , ': �; Corttabted In ttfis Q89d a!r trust enai in oaty otlter doasRSOSSt -
<br /> _ _ _ BOROwBf OY!&4 t0 L8t1d8T ufld8!thi6 d�3d Ot VU3t oT UttQO�8nY itI8V�10ttt 68q1fGd bY tltls Q89d Of tRiBL end efi tnOd'x'(CStt3ifv.��4�. r�.�
<br /> � fBtIBW8t8 th0f80f. . ��`f_".
<br /> ` The sewred del�t�s evideneed by lList a0 instrumerns and a0reeme�rte aecured bV�ia deed of trust and the datea thereot.k . �
<br /> . � � � ����:
<br /> L',. ,.�; r.`:. Ig""�°
<br /> .. � " �Wt�ue pOvances The above amaimt(a ssaued even though all or paR of it maY�t yet bs edvazeaA.F+mu�advancea ere �:Y:
<br /> �_(. ',;:{;.�l:��• �. contompfated end w311 be secured to the same extent as if made on the date tAis deed of trust is exewted. . ���s
<br /> � •. �.`;4,'s,=�°2._, • ,with[nidel annual interest rate of Sb. �_,
<br />•g:�, �.` . , :;i� ❑RawHing tlne of aedit aBreemer�t deted _
<br /> :, ; � ' . All emou[�awed undar thls eSreement are sec�ed even though all amounte may not yet ba advanced.Furiue ed�nces unQer �=:
<br />- • � ihe ag�ee.�st are comemptated end wiU De secwed to iRe sama eatert as it maQe on tt�e date this deed of trust is eXewted• �_^
<br />:t'_. •. � . . i}not paid earTca: �.:-=�
<br /> - The ebove obtlgation ts due and payabte on �.
<br /> '� � ' The total unpaid betanta seeured bY lhts Eeed ot truat at arry one Uma shail not exceed e m�mdmum P►ineipal amaunt of }.��s irrterest. —*
<br />-�,• , .� .� " � Oollars l8 A,
<br /> :.�.' .r}•:�.- �~."
<br /> ��� ` � " , ptus any amounts dlsbur�ee under the terms o1 thia Aeed of trust to protact the seeurtty of this deed of vust or to pc�cTr�m s�l of the –
<br /> •_ o-.:.
<br /> .�. : :� , � '•:. . covenattts w�rtained in this deed af busL with hrtarest o�sucb disbursements. .s.
<br /> ,'�A•. _
<br /> �;: � ' , ❑VasleLte Rale:The interest rate on th0 obitgat�on seeured�r�thie deed o!Vust may vtuy eeeording to fi!r�umme o}tfiat ab�9�on. _:_w`.
<br />.�,":• •:�r:: � • _ ❑ A coDY of tfie loan agrec-n':ent carrta ining t he t erms c.--�r w h l c h t h e i�►t e r e s t rete mr y�►aN ia attael:ed to this Cr�d of trust and ,
<br /> •'"<�°� mado a part hereof. •
<br /> ::'.':F ' ❑
<br />�° , , p�Epg: ❑Ccmmerctal � n�airst�m�t�nt+ Am�rrs .
<br />.�. RS _
<br /> �,. ; OESIQNA?lON OF HONIES?EAD -
<br />�� Pursunnt to the Farm Homestead P�otecdcn O�st,designation of homestead � la ettechad Lo tAts deed c�trust and made a part her� . .
<br />�" ❑ has Deen dlsefaimed:t1+0 disctaimer is attached w tA13 Qeed of uust and mada a 0�hereot. � �
<br /> �, .: � ` , S►OHATUREB:By atgnine balov+.Borrowar agreo to tha tcrms emf covenar�ts e�insd tn fhte da�d of trusL tn�u�n8 thars m:r page Z.and in
<br /> �, . mry Adere dosa�iho0 above ai 6anowar.
<br /> �: :. - . . �� ��2 �' -��
<br /> y4 . � .
<br /> � .
<br /> � ' ... Ci0Ui1�}I r.3' _
<br /> �,.. . AClWOWLEDGMENT:STATE OF NEBRASKA. 9Am dey ot •+wmnn4e tAO7
<br /> The foregoing instrument was aeknowtedped betoro me on this
<br /> pr�: . by (rdemt
<br /> ' . Corpants d Ctmn�at CarperaNart a Ooa�er�f�
<br /> �',. � of K�EiN? on bet�aif of the eorooratlon or partnership.
<br /> ��_ ' • �ane e
<br /> ,: ,; . . ... Myoommfsaoact9. (j �D ./
<br /> : . . � My commisslan exono9: ia/i � x ��/Y.t otk� iL�7l waemv�►
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<br /> __ _; � , _ _ Thta mstrumertt wea ae��h1t — lpepo 10,2J ������ ,
<br /> �''� � AppL# 00038558
<br />- • 01989��D�ER98Y9TEM9.iNC..Bf.ClOUD.MN683o�tl�80W97-ZS1t1GDiVA0CV�1T4N28119/91
<br /> ' i� CCD�1 0300970556
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