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201210454 <br /> in the Property and rights wider this Security Instrulnent; and (d) tnkes such nction as Lender may <br /> roaeonably rcquirc to ass'�n•c that Londci's intcrest 'rn the Property and rights undar this Security Instrmnenti, <br /> nnd Bon�ower's obligation ko�ny the sums secured by lhis Seciu�ity I��sf��uinent, shall continue uochanged. <br /> Lender may require thak Borro��er pay such xeinstatement ewns and�penses in one or more of the following <br /> fonns, as sc]wCai Uy Loudor: (a) cash; (b) inot�ey order; (c) certiSed check, Uaiilc checic, treasurer's oheck or <br /> o�shier's checic, provided any suoh oheck is drawn upon�n insCilulion whose cicposife are insured by a <br /> federal ageucy, instrument�lity or entity; or(d)$lecta•onic Funds Transfer. Upon reinstatement by BoTrower, <br /> tihis Secm'ity Iilstrmnent aaul oUligations secLued hereUy shall renutin fully ef1'ective aa if tao acceleration had <br /> occurred. L-lowever, tiiis right to reinstate shall not app1y in the case of acceleration uuder Section 18. <br /> 20. Sale of Note; Change of Loan 5ervicer; Notice of Grievance. The Note or a parti�l interest in the <br /> Note(logeChee wiih tl�is Seonri[y Inatrwnent) o�n be sold one or more Liines wi6ho�d prior notioe to <br /> Borrower. A snle might result in ti cheuge in the enYity(lrnown as the °Loan Se�°vr�cer") that colleets Periodic <br /> Payme�ita due wider tlie Note�id this Security Insh•tiiment and performs ot1�er mortga�e loan servicing <br /> obligations under tho Not'e, thia Seeurity I�islruinent, tmd Applicable Lnw. There alao niigl�t bo�xic or niorc <br /> changes of the Lo�u Seivicer umelated to a sale of the Note. Tf there is a chnnge of the Lo�ui Servicer, <br /> Borrower will be given wriCten notice of'tl�e chuige whioh will etate the name and addre�s nf'tihe new Loan <br /> Servicer, the address to W6ich paymcnte should bc madc ai�d any okl�cr information RIiSPA requiros in <br /> conr�ection wiNi a notico of fransfer oP servicing. If the Nofe is eolci and fherenfler tlie Loai�ie servioed by a <br /> Loan Seivicer other thnn hhe puxchaser of tlie Note, the mortgage loan sexvicing obligations to Borrower will <br /> ramvn with the Loan Servicer or be Tiansferred Yo u eacceseor Loa�i Seivicer and�re not assumed by the <br /> Note�urchaser unless ofherwise pinvided by Uie Note purchaser. <br /> Neither Borrower nor Lender may conunenoe, join, or bs joined to anyjudicial acYion(es either an <br /> iixdividual litigant m�tUe me�nber of a class)that arises fi om the othex party's actions pmsuant Co this <br /> Security&�strun�enh ar lhat alleges that fhe other party has breached any provision of, or auy duty owed hy <br /> reAson of, this Secw•ity Instrument, until such�?orrower or Lender has noEified the other p�u•ty(with such <br /> no�iee given ni compliance witl� flie rcquirements of SecYion 15) cif suc1,� alleged b�each uid aftorded the <br /> ot'her par6y 1�ereCo 2 reasonable pexiod afler[he giving of such notice to take correcfive actron. IF Ap�licabin <br /> Law provides a time p�riod which ruust elapse before certain Actiari enn be taken, that time period will be <br /> deemed to Ua reasonable for pmposes oF tiiis puagraph. The notice of acceleration tuid opportunity to eme <br /> givcn to Borrower pursuauC Co Seohion 22 aud Lhe notiee oP�ooeloralion given Lo Borrower pursuant ta <br /> Section 18 s1�a11 be deemed to satisfy the nokce and opporhmity to take correotive acliQn provisions oP tihis <br /> Section 20. <br /> 21. Hazardous Substances. As used in this Section 21: (a) "Hazarelocss Sa�bstnreces" aa•e tliose substences <br /> defined as toxic G�r hazard�>un si�nt�mcos, pollutauts, oi'wastev by L-�nvironme��tal T,aw and the following <br /> substances: gasoline, lcerosene, other flnmmable or toxio petroleum products, toxio pesticides ar�d her6icidos, <br /> volatile solvents, inataxials containing asbestos or formaldehyde, uid radioactive mate�iels; (b) <br /> "F,nvironrnental Lnw"means fed�ral laws and laws of tl�e,jtiirisdiction wl�ere the Property is located til�at <br /> rolatc to l�ealth, safefy or �nvironn�ental protcetion; (c) "Psnvi�•n�imental Cleanu��" incltiicles any response <br /> actioi�i, rei�nedial aorion, or removal aotion, as de£ined in�nvu•oiunental Law; nnd(ci) au "Lm�dronmental <br /> Conddtdon"me<2ns a oondition that can cause, contribute to, or otherwiae trig�er an Enviromnental Clea�iup. <br /> Borrower ehall not cause or permit the presence, uae, diaposal, atornge, or release af any Hazardoue <br /> Substances, or tl�reaten to release any Hazardous SttUstances, on or in tlia Property. Borxower ehnll not do, <br /> nor a11ow any��nc clsc to do, anything affccting thc Yr�crty(a)N�at is in violation of any�nviro�vnentt�l <br /> Law, (b)whicli cre�tea nn Envixotune�it�l Condition, or(o)whioh, due to fhe presencq �ise, or relcace of a <br /> Hazarcioti�s Subst��ce, creates a conclition Uiat adversely atfects the value of the Property. The prececfing two <br /> zaaaz��s <br /> NEORASKA-Single Famlly-fannle Mae/Fredtlle Mac UNIFORh1 WSTRUMEN f Farm 302� 1101 <br /> VM P 0 VM P6(NF.1(11�6) <br /> Wolters Kluwer Flnanolal&ervloes Pege f3 of 79 <br />