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201210454 <br /> designated a substitutc nolice acidre,ss by noCiae lo Lencier. Borrower shall�ronlptly notify Lender of <br /> Borrowcr's change of nddress. If Lender specifies a procedure for reporting Borrower's change of acldress, <br /> theu Borrower shall only report a change oP address Uu ough that specified procedure. <br /> There may be ou(y one desigvated notice ad<hess mider this SecLuiiy Insuuinent at any one time. Auy noticc <br /> to Lender sha11 be given by cieliveriug it or by mail'rng it by flrst class mail to Ldndce's addre:ss sYated herein <br /> unless Le��der has dcsignated anothcr address by nofiee to Borrower. Any nofioe ni oonnection with this <br /> Sccuri(y Insiruinen[shall not be deemed to heve been given to Lender until actually received Uy Lender. if <br /> auy notice required by this Security Inst�Lmient is also required under Applicable I,aw, thc App]icaUlc I.t2w <br /> requirement will satisfy the corresponding requirc,�nent imcior this Seeurity Inat��iuneuC. <br /> 16. Governing Law; Severability; Rules of Construction. 'fhis Scu�rity Inslrumein shadl be govcrried by <br /> �Federallaw and tho]hw of Lhe jiuisdic0ion in which the Property ie located. .411 xights and obligatione <br /> coi�taincd in this Secm�iLy H��slnunent ue enbject to any iequil�einentis uid liinitiations o�£tlpplicable L�w. <br /> Applicable Lnw might explicitly or iinplicitly a11ow the parHes to agree by contract or it might bo sileirt, buC <br /> such silence shall not Ue construed as a prohibitiot� againsC agreemenf by oonhnck. In the eveiit ChaC any <br /> provision or clauso of tliie Sccurity Instrument or the Note conflicts with Applicflble Law, such conPlict sha71 <br /> not affeoC othar provieiona oP this Semvity InsU'wnent or tlie Note which can Ue giveu effect without thc <br /> conflicting pi'ovision. <br /> As uaed in th[s Secucity Instru�nent: (a)words of the mascidinc gcndcr skall moau�nd inoluc{e oorresponcling <br /> neuter words or words of thc feminino gcnder; (b)words iu lhe singulnr shall menn�nd inchtde fhe plurAl <br /> and vicc vcrsa; and(c) thc word"may" gives sole discretion without any obligation to t�ke any action. <br /> 17. Borrower's Copy. Sorrower shall Uc given one eopy of fhe Nole atid aF tlus Seourity Instrument. <br /> 18. Transfer of the Property ar a Beneficial Interest in Borrower. Ae Lued in this Scction 1R, "Interest in <br /> fho Property" uicans any legal or baneficial interesl in Che Properly, including, but not limited to, those <br /> beneficinl interests transferred in a bond for deed, conlract 1br deed, iustalhnenC sales contract or escrow <br /> agraement, tihe intent of which is the transfe� of tiUe by Borrowcr at a fuY�vo date to a p�irchescr. <br /> If all or uiy part of'tile Property or any Inteeest in thc Property is sold or h•ansferrcd(or if BorPower is noC a <br /> natura1 person ancl a boneficial inferest in Borrowec is sold ox tranafexred) without Leuder's prior t��itten <br /> eonsent, Lender may requira immediata payment in htll of a11 sLuns seciued Uy tliis Secnrity]vskmnent. <br /> However, Chis option ehall not Ue exercised Uy Le��cler if suoh cxorcisc is prohibitod Uy ApplicaUlc Law. <br /> If Lender exercises Yhis option, Lender sliall give Borrower notice oF acceleration. The notice sliall providc a <br /> period of not lesa flian 30 days fi�oin the date the notico is givcn in aca�r�ianoo with Scction]5 within whioh <br /> Borrowcr uii�t pay all smi�s secured by lhis Secnrity Instrumen[. If Borrower falls to pny these eim�s prior to <br /> the expiraGon o£tliis period, Lender may invoke airy ramedies pennitteci by tliis Secmity InsYrmnent without <br /> fiuther notice or demand on Rorrower. <br /> 19. Borrow er's Right to Reinstate After Acceleration. If Borrowcr u,ccts certain a»,ditionn, Borrowcr <br /> shall havc�tl�c right to h�ve enPorceinent of this Seeucity Instrument disconrinued at�ny time prior tio the <br /> earliest o£ (a) &ve deya bePore anle oP the Property pursLiavt to any power of'snle contained iu fliis Secucity <br /> InetrwnenC; (b) such oCher pariod as ApplicaUle Law mighl specify for tlie tennination of Borrower's right to <br /> reinstala; or (c) entry of a,judgment ei�forcin�tltis Security Inst��umcnt. "I'hose conditions.are tl�at}3orrower: <br /> (a)pays l,ender all sume wl�ich til�cn woulcl be due wider Chis Secw'ity IneCrmnent�mci the Note ae if no <br /> acceleration had 000urred; (b) oures any default o£nz�y other covenants or agxeeu�ents; (c)pays All expenses <br /> ineurred in en£orcittg this Seourity IusYrumeut, incluciing, but noC licnited to, reasonable aCtorueys' fees, <br /> property iuspection and vahtation fees, anci othcr fecs ino�u�red for kl�c purposc of protecting 1,�ndce's interest <br /> — --------�------- -------- <br /> 2A00299� <br /> NEBkASKA-Single Famlly-F�nnie M ae/FreAdie Mac UNIFORbi INSTROh7 FNT Form 3026 1/07 <br /> VM P O VM R6(NE)51106) <br /> Woltors I(luwer Financial SarVices Pags12 of'I'/ <br />