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201210451 <br /> Any ay�lication of pnymenCa, iiist�rairce procceds, or MiycellaAieous Proceeds to prnioipal due under thc Noto <br /> sli[tll noti extiend or postpone the due date, ar chnnge the tunount, af thc Periodio Payments. <br /> 3. Pands f'or�scrow Itoma. Borrqwer shall pay to Lender on tho day Pcriodic Payments are<lue wider the <br /> Note, until the Note is paid in full, a smn(the "Funds")to provide for�ayincnt of amounts due for: (a)tiaxes <br /> nn�i asseasine��Ca and othrn-items wl�ich can attain priority over this Sectuity Instrument aa a lien or <br /> encuinbrance on the Pmper6y; {b) leasehoId payments oe ground rents on the Property, if any; (c}premiuma <br /> for any and all insmance required by Lender under Section 5; and(d)Mortgage hTsurance premimns, if any, <br /> or any stiuns payable Uy Borrower to Lender In lieu of the paynnent o£Mortgage Ineurance prc��iiurns in <br /> accordancc with the prdvisions of Section 10. Thesa items Tre aalled"Escrow Items." Al originaCion or at <br /> �ny time during fhe tenn of tihe Lnan, Lcndcr may require tl�at Coirununity Assacit�Yion Dues, Pees, and <br /> Assessments, i£any, Ue escinwed Uy Borrower, aud such dues, fees and aesessmente shall l�c an �+scrow <br /> Itcni. Borrowor shall prompYly furuish to I,ender all notices of unounts Yo bepaicl under this Seotion. <br /> Borrower shall pay Lender [he Funcls Cor L+scrow ItemF tutless Lender waives Borrowar's oUligation to pay <br /> the Funds for any or all Escrow Itesns. Leiider mAy wflive Borrower's obligation tc�p;�y to Lendar Punde for <br /> any or all F,scrow Iteme at any time. Auy such waiver may oi�ly be in tnreiting. In fhe avent of snch waivcr, <br /> Borrower shall�ay directily, whai and wl�eYc payablo, t6e atnounts due f'or auy Escrow Items for which <br /> payment of Punds has been wnived by Lender and, iP Lendcr rcq'uires, sl�all fin'nish to Lender receipts <br /> evideneiug such payment within such time period as Lender may requue. Borrowor's oUligation fo make <br /> such payments and to provide receipts shall f'or all purposos be deenied to be a wveri�ne and agreement <br /> containcd in tl�is Secm�iry Inshument, as the phraee"covenant and agree.�nent" is uaed in Section 9, If <br /> Borrower ia oblignted Co pay L�sorow ICems direcfly, pursuant tio a waiver, and Rorrower fails to pay the <br /> amoturt due for au Escrow IYeni, Lender m�y exercise ite ri�hte under Section 9 and pay such amount and <br /> Borrbwar shall fl�en be obligated unde�' S�ction 9 to repay to Lender a�ry such a1nount. Lender inay revokc <br /> the waiver ns to nny or til1�scrow ICems aC any i�ii2ie by a iioricc;given in accordance with Sactiion 15 encl, <br /> upon such revocation, Borrower shAll pay to Lender nll L�uncls, �nd in such amounts, that are tliou required <br /> under this Section 3�. <br /> Lender may, at aaiy time, collect and hold Fmids in an tunount(a} sufffcient to permiC Lender to apply thc <br /> N'w7ds at the time specified nnder R FiSPA, and(b)not to axceed tl�a mzximum amotimt a lender can reqiure <br /> uncier RLSPA, Levder shall esCimzto tlio amouut of Funds due ou the basis oi'current data and raasonable <br /> estiinates of expenditures of f"uture Escrow IYems or otherwise in accordance witki Applicable Law. <br /> The Funds sha11 Ue held in an institution whose daposiEa ere insured byx federal agenoy, instrun�entality, or <br /> cn6ty(including Lender, if I,cnder is an institution whose deposits are so ineurecl} or in nny Pederel IIome <br /> Loan B�nIc, Lender shall apply khe Ftmde to pay hhe L+scrow Itcyne no later than the time specified tuider <br /> RESPA. Lender shall not charge Borrower for holding and npplyiug the Puric�s, am�ually aualyzing tha <br /> cscrow account, or verzfyiug the Fscrow Items, wilesa Lender pAys Borrower iuterest on the Punds and <br /> ApplicaUle Law pennils Lender to malm et�cU a chargc. Unless an agreement is matia in writing or <br /> Applicable Lnw requires Lo 6e paid on the F'unds, Lender sl�all not be required to pay Borrowar any <br /> niterest or e�ix�nings on the F'unds. Borrower and Lender can agree in writing, howevcr, thaC interest sllnll Ue <br /> paid on the FLmds. Lender shall give to Bor;ower, witihout chaa•ge, an tumual ncoounting of the Fqnds as <br /> rcquircd by RP�SPA. <br /> IF tl»ro is a surplue of Nunds hcld in escrow, as defined twder RFSPA, Lender sha11 account to Borrower for <br /> �lie exoess funde in accordauce witih I2�SPA. I£there is a shoringe of Fnnds]�e1d in eecrow, as defined mider <br /> R�SPA, L,ender shall notif'y Borrower as requiced by RESPA, �nd Barrower shall pay Co Lender Che amour�t <br /> neoessary to make up fl�c ehortagc in accordance with RFSPA, Uut in no more than 12 monthly peymenta. Sf <br /> there is m deficiency of Funds held in escrow, ns defined imder RLSPA, Lend�r sha11 notify T3orrower as <br /> _ ._.--- <br /> 240029G3 <br /> N,fannle M aelfreAdle M ar.ll N IP02b1 IN STRUM MT f-orm 3026 7/07 <br /> VM P� VM P8(NE)f 1106) <br /> Woltere Kluwer Flnancisl Servlces Page b of 1/ <br />