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201210451 <br /> BpRROWFR COVLN[1NTS theE Borrower is lawftilly seised of the estate hereby conveyed and has the right to <br /> �rant and convoy thc Property aud thaC the Property is unenouinUcred, except for eucuiubrnnces of record. <br /> Borrower warrpnts pnd will dofend generally flie title to Y1ie Property against all claims axid dem�uds, subjcct to <br /> a�ry e�icmnUrances of record. <br /> TI31S SECIJItITY INSTRUML�NT combiues uniform covenauYs for national use and non-uniforin covenAuts with <br /> limited va[iations by jurisdiction to cons[ituke a uniPorm necm�ity instrumant eovering real property. <br /> Uniform Covenants. Borrower �nd Lende,n-covenant and agree as follows: <br /> 1. Payment of Principal, Interest, Escrow Items, Prepayment Charges, and Late Charges. Borrower <br /> yht�11 pay when due tlie principal of, and i�iCeresti on, tl�e debt evidenced by the Note aud tu�y prepayment <br /> chtu•ges nnd l�te charges duc� under the Note. Borrower shtill �lso pay fi'mds fnt Escrow Items pursunnt to <br /> Seotion 3. Paycnents due under hhe NoCe�nd thin Secw�ify Instaument shall be macie in ti.S. currenoy. <br /> Howcvcr, if a�ry check or other instrument received by Lender as payinent under the Note or this Security <br /> IiistriuneuL is returncd to Lender uupaid, Lender may require tF�aC any or all subsequent payinents due nnder <br /> the NoCe and this Security I�istr�imcnt be made in one or inore of the following forms, as aelected by Lender: <br /> (a) cash; (b)money ordex; (c) oertified check, Uttnl< ohec1c, t�•easurer's check or oashier's check, ptav,ideci any <br /> such check is dra�wn upon an institution whose deposifs ve insured by a fede��al agenoy, instrumenCality, or <br /> enkity; or (d)Elcctroiiic Funds.Transf'er. <br /> Paymenfs �u�e deeined received by Lender when 1'eceived nC che location designaTed ii�the Note or �t such <br /> other looation�a may bc designated by Lender in accordance with the nolice provisions in Section 15. <br /> Lender may return nny pa}ni�enC or parCial paytncnt if the payinent or pu�Cial p�ymen[s are insufficiant to <br /> Uring the I oan ourranf. Lender may accept nny paymenC or partial payment inauf�icieut Yo bri�ig the Loaa <br /> ourrent, without waiver of any rights hereundar or prejudice to its rights to rcft�se sucla payinant or partial <br /> payments in the fuhite, l�uC Lcndcr is not obligated to apply such pa}nnente ak the Cime snch payn�e�lts are <br /> accepCed. If aach Periodic Payment is applied as nf iis schcdLiled due da1e, then Lender ueed not pay intcrrost <br /> on w�appliecl£wids. Lender inay hold sueh unn}�plied fimds until Be�rrower malces payinents Co britig the <br /> Loan currenk If Borrowor does not do so wiUun a reasonaUle period of[ime, Lendcr nhal1 either apply such <br /> fitnds or rehirn them to Borrower. If���t a��plied eei'lie�', such fwids will be applied fo the oi�tstanding <br /> principal balazice uuder theNote imtnediately prior Co Poreclosurc. No offsat or olaiuz whicli Barrower u�ight <br /> have now or in the fiiture against Lendor shall rolieve Roxrower from making pnymenCs c{ue tmdcr the Note <br /> and this Sectuity Instrmnent ox performing the oovenanCa and agrccments�eoured bq this Security <br /> I�2strun2ent. <br /> 2. Application of Payments or Proceeds. Except aa oYherwise desoribed in th;s Section 2, a11 payments <br /> acoepted and applied 6y Lendcr fihall be applied in the Pollowing order of priority: (a) inCernst aue under the <br /> Nofe; (b}principal due under the Nofe; (c) tunounts duc uuder Section 3, Such paytnenYs shnll be applicd to <br /> cach Yerioclic Payment Li the order in which it beoame dne. ?.ny rcmaining amowits shall be applied Sxat Co <br /> laCe chargen, ecoond to any ofl�er ainounts due unclar Yhis Security Instrmnent, ai�d then to reduce the <br /> prnicipnl bal�nce of the NoCe. <br /> If Lender receives a paymcnt firom Bcirrower for a delinquent Periodic PaytnenC which includcs a suffioient <br /> aanount to pay any late chnrge due, Lhe pa�nnent may l�o applied to the delinquent paymenY and khe latc <br /> cUarge, If inore than one Periodic Payinent is outstaudiiig, Lendor n�ay app1y auy payine�iti received from <br /> Boxrower fo tho rcpaymc�nt of the Periodic Payments if; and to fhe extent thaC, caoh paymcnt can be yaid in <br /> full. To the extenE thnt any exoess existe aftcr thc payment is al�plied tio the full paytnent of one or anore <br /> Periodic Paymants, such excess may be applied to nny lnte chargcs due. Voluntary prepayments ehall be <br /> appliod first to any prepayment chaa•ges and then as descriUed in the Note. <br /> _._- - — <br /> 24002963 <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Famity-Fnnnle MeelFreddie Mac UNIFORI.7 INSTRUrof ENT Form 3a28 11�i <br /> VM P 0 VM P6(NF)(1105) <br /> Wolters kluwer Financiel Scivicos Pxge 4 of 17 <br />