<br /> Ax1 �nsurance poixc�es required by Lender and renewa�s of such pnlic�es sha1��e subject to Lender's x�ight to
<br /> d�sappro�e such policies, shaxl include a standard mor�gage clause, and sha�.�name Lender as mortgagee
<br /> andlor as an additianal�oss payee. Lender sh.all have the right to hold the pol�cies and ren�wa.l certificates. �f
<br /> Lender reyuires, Barravver sha11 promptly g�ve to Lender a�1 receipts of pai.d premiums and rene�val notices.
<br /> If Barrawer obtains any form af insurance ca�erage, not otherwise required by Lender, for dama.ge to, or
<br /> des�ruct�on af, the Praper�y, such p�1xCy shal�inc�ude a standard mar�gage clause and shaii nam�Lender as
<br /> mortgagee andlor as an add�tional Ioss payee.
<br /> In the e�ent of loss, Bonawer sha11 gi�e prompt notice to th�insurance carrier and Lend�r. L�nder may
<br /> make proof af lass if no�ma.de promptly�y Borrnwer. Unless Lender and�rrawer a�h.erw�.se agree in
<br /> writ�ng, any insurance proceeds, �he�her ar not t.�.e underl�Yng insurance was required by Lend�r, shali be
<br /> app�ied�v restoratian or repair of the Prop�rty, if t�e restarat�on or repair is ecvnonuc,ally feasible and
<br /> Lender's s�curity is not�essened. During such repair and res�oration p�riod, Lender sha11 ha�e�he right to
<br /> hoid such insurance proc�ds until Lender has had an apportunity to u�spe,ct such Proper�y�o ensure the
<br /> w�rk has been completed ta L.ender's satisfaction,proWided that suGh inspectiQn sha11 be under�aken
<br /> promptly. Lender may disburse pr�ceeds for txie repairs and restoration in a singie payment or in a series of
<br /> progress payments as the work is completed. Uxil.ess an agreemen��s made in writing ar Applicab�e La.w
<br /> requires in�erest to be pa�d on such insurance proceeds, Lender sha11 nnt be requ�r�1.to pay Borrower any
<br /> iva.terest or eanaings on such proc�ds. Fees for public adjusters, or ot�ier t�ird parties, retained by Borrower
<br /> sha�I nat be paid out of�he insurance proceeds ax�d sha11 be t,he so�e ob�igat�on of Barrower. If the restorat�an
<br /> ar repa�r is not economicalxy feasible or Lender's security wauld be�essened, the insurance praceeds shai�be
<br /> applied�o�h.e sums s�cured by this S�urity Instru.men�, whether or not then due, vvith the excess, if any,
<br /> paid to�rrower. Such insuranc�proc.eeds sha11 be app�ied in the�rder pra�ided for in S�ctian�.
<br /> If�rrower abandons the Pr�gerty, Lender ma.y fi�e, nego�ia�e and settle an.y aWaiiab�e insurance c�aim and
<br /> related ma.t�ers. �f�rrower does not respond w�thin 3U days�o a notice from Lender tha�the insurance
<br /> carrier has off�red to settXe a c�aim, then Lender may negotiate and settle the claim. The 3�--day p�riod v�ri11
<br /> begin vvhen the notice is g�ven. In either e��nt, or if Lender acquires th.e Proper�under Se�tion 22�r
<br /> athear�vise, Borrower h�reby assigns to Lender ta} Borrower's rights to any uLsuranc�prace�s in an amount
<br /> nat to exceed�he amvunts unpaxd under the Note❑r this Se,�urity Instrurn.en�, and�b}any other af
<br /> Borrawer's rights�other i:han i:he right�a any refund of unearned pr�mi.ums pa�.d by Barrovver}wn,d�r al.x
<br /> insurance pa�icies ca�ering the Pro�erty, �nsofar as such rights are applicable to the co�erage af tihe
<br /> Proper�y. Lender na,ay use the xnsurance proce�ds either ta repair or restore�he Progerty or�o pay amounts
<br /> unpaid und�r the Nate or this S�cura,ty Ins�rument, whether or nat then due.
<br /> 6. �ecupancy. Borrower shal.l occupy, establ�sh, and use the Proper�y as Bonawer's principal residence
<br /> wi�hin 5Q days after the e�ecution�f this S�cwr�rty Instrument and sha.�l continue to oc,�upy the Property as
<br /> Borrower's principal residence far at 1eas�one year after the d.ate af o�cupancy, unless Lender otherwise
<br /> agrees�n writing, which cansent shall not be unreasona.b�y v�ithhexd, or unles�extenua.ting circumstances
<br /> exis�vvhich are beyond Borrower's control.
<br /> 7. Preser►rat�on, Maintenance and Protection af the Property; inspect�an�. Bonower shall not destray,
<br /> damage ar impair�he Property, a11ow the Property to deteriorate ar commit waste on�he Property. 'VVhe�her
<br /> or not Barrower is resxding in t,he Property, Borradver sha1l maintain the Property�n�rder t�pre�ent t�.e
<br /> Proper�y from deter�orating or de�reasing in�a1ue due ta its condi�ion. Unless i�is deternuned purs�uan.t to
<br /> Sect�an 5 that repair or restora�ian is no�ecanomically feasib�e, B�rrower shal.x promp�ly repai�r the Praperty
<br /> if damaged to a�oid further deteriora�ion or damage. �f insurance ar condemnatian proc�s are paid�n
<br /> connectivn w7ith.damage to, or the taking af, th.e Property, B�rrnwer shaxl be resgonsiUle for repai.ring or
<br /> r�storxng the Praper�y anly if Lender has r��eased pro�eeds f�r such purposes. L.�nder may d�sburse proce�ds
<br /> N�BRASKA-Sirrgis�amily-Fanrne Mael�redd�e Ma�11Nl�QRflll iNSTRUM�NT �arm 3�Z8 1I0�
<br /> VMP� VMP6fNEf{1'�05].DQ
<br /> Wolters lCluwer Finar�cial Ser�ices Page 7 of'[7
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