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��1�1�444 <br /> required b�RESPA, and Borrower sha11 pa��� Lender the amount neces�ary to make up the de�cYency�n <br /> accordance wi�h RESPA, but in na m�re than 1�monthly payments. <br /> Upon payment�n full of a11 sums secured.b�this Security In,strumen�, Lender sha11 promptly refund t� <br /> � Barrawer any Funds he�d by Lender. <br /> 4. Charges: Liens. Barrower sha11 pay a.x�taxes, assessments, charges, fines, and impasitions attrihutab�e�a <br /> �ie Proper�y which can attain priarity o�er�his 5ecuri�y Instrument, leaseho�d payments ar graund ren�s on <br /> xhe Properr}�, if any, and�ommuni.ty Assocxat�on Du�s, Fe.�s, and Assessments, if any. To�he ex�ent�, <br /> these items are Escrav�Items, Barrawer sha1l pay them xx�t�ae manner pravided in S�ction 3. <br /> Borrov�er sha�1 promp�ly discharge any�ien which has pr�ority over this Se.�ur�ty Lnstrument unless <br /> B�rrow�r: �a} agrees in wr�ting to the paymen�of the obiiga�ion secured hy the�ien in a manner accepta�le <br /> to Lender, bu�on.1y sa l�ng as Borrawer is performing suCh agreement; �b}contes�s�he�xen in good faith by, <br /> or defends against enforcement nf�1i��ien in, 1ega1 proc,�ed�ngs which in Lender's opiruon op�rate to pre�ent <br /> �Yie enforcem�nt of�he Iien while th�se pro�eedings are pending, hut only unti� such pr�ings are <br /> concluded; or�c} secures fram�he ho�der of the l�en an agreement satxsfactary to Lender subordina�ing the <br /> lien�o this Secwrity Instrument. If Lender determines that any par�of�h�Proper�y is subj�ct ta a lien which <br /> can attain priarity a�er�hi�Security Instrument, I.�nder may give Barrawer a no��ce iden�ifying�he li�n. <br /> �Vithin 1�days of the date an which that notice�s given, �rrower shal,� satisfy the lien or tak�one ar mare <br /> of xhe actions set farth abo�e in�his�ct�on 4. <br /> Lender may require�arrower t�pay a one-time charge for a real es�ate tax Weri�icatian andlor reporting <br /> ser�rice used by L�nder in connection with this Loan. <br /> 5. Property �nsurance. Barrower sha��ke,ep the improWements now exist�ng or hereafter er��ed on�h� <br /> Property insured against Xoss by �re, hazards included wi�hin the�erm "e��ended co�erage," and any ather <br /> hazards inciud�ng, but not 1imi�ed ta, earthquakes and floods, far which I.�nder requires iin.surance. This <br /> insurance shail be maintained in the amounts(including deductibXe�e�rels�and for the periods tliat Lender <br /> requires. 'V�hat Lender r�quires pursuant to t�ie pr�cedi�ng sentences can chang�during the term of the Loan. <br /> The u�suranc,e r.arrier pravid�ng the insurance sha.11 be�h.osen by Bonower subject to Lender's�to <br /> d�sapprave Borrower's choice, �vhich righ�sha�l not be exer��sed unreasvnably. L�nder may require <br /> Borrower ta pay, in cnnnecti�n with this I,nan, ei�her: ���a one-�im�charge for flood zone determina�ion, <br /> certif cation and tracking serv�ces; or(b}a one-��me charge for flaad zan�deternrunation and cer�ificatinn <br /> ser�ices and subsequent charges each tune remappings ar s�milar changes occur which reasonab�y m�gh� <br /> affect such determination ar�errifica.tion. Borrower shall also b�res�ansible for the payment of any f�s <br /> �mposed by the F�deral Emergency Management Agency in connectian with the re��ew of any flaad zane <br /> de�ernunatian resu�ting from an object�on by�orrower. <br /> If Borrovv�r fails ta maxntain any of�he c,a�erages describ�d abo�e, L.�nder may obtain insurance�o�erage, <br /> at Lender's option and Bvrrower's expense. Lender is under na obligation�o purchase any particular type ar <br /> amount of caWerage. Therefore, such ca�erage sh��co�er Lender, but might or might no�pro�ec�Borr�wer, <br /> B�rravv�r's equ�ty in the Propert►y, or�ie contents af�he Pr�perty, against any risk, hazard�r Iiability and <br /> might pra�vide greater ar Iesser co�erage thax�was pre�iausl�r in effect. Barra�ver acknowledges that the cost <br /> of the insurance ca�erage so ob�ained might sigxufcant�y exce�i th�cost of insurance that Borr�wer could <br /> ha�e abtained. Any amounts disbt�rsed by Lender under this S�.�ction S sha1.�became additional.debt of <br /> B�rrower secured by�his 5�curity Instrument. These amounts shall bear interest at the Nate ra�e from the <br /> date of d�sburs�ment and sha11 be payable, with such interes�, upon notice from Lender to Barrawer <br /> reques�ing payment. <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Family-�anrne Mae�Freddi�Mac UNfFORM fNSTRUMENT Form 3D28'f1�1 <br /> VMP� VMP6{NEy(1105}.OD <br /> Wolters Kluwer�cRancial Services Page 6 of 17 <br />