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<br /> . ce covera e t������or e period • .
<br /> , :`.'�'�,> ��; p�Yments may no tanger be�qulred.at tde aption of l.�nder.if mortgage u�sutun 8 .
<br /> � that i,ender requires)Provided by an insurcr aPPm�bl►ixnder again 6ecomes available:u�d i9 abtained.Bomnwer shall pay `:; .
<br /> .r.'.
<br /> • the p�emiums�equired to maintain man8a8e insurance in effect.or to pmvide a loss resenre.until the roqnireiaeiu for mort�age ..�.,..
<br /> � � insux�ncx ends in A�orda�ce���►y�Ken 8g�m¢nt��tween Borrower and Lender or applicabte law. �der shalt give �'� '
<br /> -`-�'—`-m� g,impection.Lendcr w its ag�tt mag make�easnnable enuies upon and inspections of the Property _ ,
<br /> •• Borm�ver nutice at the time of or Qrior to an inspection s�cifyiqg reasonabte�use for the inspectioa. :``
<br /> of any awatd or claim for damages.direct or consequential,in connedion with aay '1'"':,
<br /> 10.Coad�aat�on.The pmceeds ,. ' -
<br /> .- oondemnarion or otRec talong of any paR of the P�oDert�►.or for conveyanoe in tieu of oondemnation,sure h e r e by assi g n a d and ;,::.�:'::
<br /> . , � , shaU be paid to Ixader. ' . ' .
<br />• ` ^•� W thc event of a total ra�of the Property.the proceods shall6e applied to the sums secured by this Sec�uity Inst�ument. ..� i,.
<br /> wii�her or aot then due.with any e�s paid to Borrawer. In the eveac of a partial taIting of the Propzrty in which the fais •:,j.
<br /> ` . ' market value of the Ptaperty immediazely before the taking is equal to or greater than the amount of die sums sewred by this .
<br /> ,_. �..:. . ''
<br /> . S�udty Inspn�ment immed�atelY before the taidng,untess Eorrower and Lender otherwise agree in wiltiing.the suuLS secured by _
<br /> : y �
<br /> ' . . - � Securi�y �nspcumeat shaU be�educed by the amount of the proceeds mutin�lied by the followlag fras;tion: (a)the tofal ;(:`�,
<br /> � . �:`.�
<br /> ' amount of d�e sams secured immefliately before the taking.divided by(b)the fair market vatue of the Froperty immediate[y
<br /> . - - before the taking. Any+balance shall be paid to Bosrower. In the event af a p�tial taking of the Propertj► in wiuch t6e fais _
<br /> ` : .r.:• . � masket value of the Praperty immediaceiy befote the takit�g is 1�than the amount of the sums se�mA immediatetY 6efa:e the .f_'�`:
<br /> ,,�_,.
<br /> � , � taking.unless Ham�wer and l.ender otherarise agree ia writing or unless agplicable taw otherwise provides,the pmoeeds shall . -
<br /> Ham ` �
<br /> be app l i e d t o t h e�s e c u r e d b Y this Secvrity t.,�r�m„ent whether or not the sums are then due. _'.-'
<br /> '`± • �. If the Prog:ntY is abandoaed bY Bam°v�'er,or if.after notice by I.ei►der to Borrower that the oondemnor offers to m a ke aa . ,-�'�;_.:
<br /> ``'`""`�'� � -:�.i� award or settie a c}aim for damages. Borrower fails co respond to I.ender within 30 days after the date the notice is given,
<br /> ;;�€� .:
<br /> fi� �
<br /> Lender is anthorized to colloct and app1Y the Proceeds+at its option.either w restoration or repair of the Property or to su�ms �,�� ,
<br /> . �
<br /> � secured by this Seauity L�stm�nent.whether or not then due. lication of proceeds tn principal shall nnt exte�d or
<br /> ". `.��-T..,�:": � Untess Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing.anY $PP '�
<br /> • Postpone the due date of the monthty payments referred to in paragrxphs 1 and 2 or cUange the aamunt of suc6 payments. � i
<br /> ''' li.Borsawer Not Reteased;Forbearanoe By Lettd�Not e Watver.Extension of the rime�er payment or mo�fication ��`- . .'
<br /> ;_� � r , ; o f�r t s�i on of the svws sQCUned b y this Seauity Insa�ent g�anted by I.eader w aa�saccessor�interest of Barrower shall . -
<br />=;?r :.';���.. : ,. '# nes�e to r e tease the liabili t y of tiie origu�al Borrow�or�flrrower's successois i�i�c�es�L�ender shall aot be requited to � --
<br /> ,. . .`�.�'!�. , ; co�mence g�a&'���l+��Of�°intemst or sefase w extend dme for paqment or othetwise modify a�►o�ation = -
<br /> of the sams seeared bY this Security Insdument by ieason of any de�nd made by the original Borcower or Borcower's `-- `
<br />`:,�'.� ... ; '� s¢ocessois in interest. Any forbearance by IRnder in eaerctsing any right or remedY shall not be a waiver of or prectude the �,`,�__,--:
<br /> �i - - .' € . e�cise of any tighi or remedy. � -`
<br /> '17ie covenants and a menta of this L
<br /> « _ -= 12.Seccesso:s aud A�gus Bmmd;Joint and Several Lia6IIity; Co-�s• � �
<br /> - � _
<br /> �r" -� s c c�� �ctcument shaD bind and benefrt the su�ars and ass'sgns af lxad�r aad Rorro�uer. sablect to the provisions of v—
<br /> . �,.
<br /> , .. , j="; paragraPh 17. Borrower's coveaants and agreements shall bc joint and several. Any Bormwer who c�sigas t�his Sequ�ty �-�-.-
<br /> '�•�� Lnstniment bui does not execute the Note: (a)is co-signing this Securiry Insuument only to mortgage.grant and arrney that �_.Y
<br /> `' ,' � ' �.�' '•.:�4`` �cmmwer's interest in the PropertY under the terms of this Security Instmment:(b}�s nat personally obligated to pay We sums i,.s;��._
<br /> •;,,'�r'.-.'°. . .;�•. ,`.4:; s�red b this Security Instrument:and(c)agrees that l.euder aad any other Boaa�r�a snay agree to extend.modify.fotbear or ��
<br />:;,'i'... . : ..�, Y _._
<br /> • � make any accommodations with regard to the terms of tl�s Security Instrument or t�ti�te aithout that Borrower s oonseuL
<br /> ;•:ti;,' 13.Lo�s C6a�es.If the loan secura�IsY th3s Sec�uity Insuutnent is sub3ect ta a taw w1udL sets maximum loan charges. • . ---
<br /> '�. ��:.,r
<br /> `';.;,:;';,.�; � �' and that law�s�naliy interpreted so that the interest or other loan d�rges collected ot to be ooIIeaed in�unne�ctian with�Rre �, -
<br /> ;1.`,
<br /> ::,�f, ,,• • .,� loan exceed a�permitted limits.then:(a)anY such loaa charge sha116e reduced Qcq c5e amount neoessary w reduce t�e,charge - .,
<br /> .�r,l . ��,
<br /> ��,.� �� . �.:,;� , to�i:permitt�d iimi�and N)any sums aiready collece�3€rom Borrower whidt e:e�eded pem�itted timits wlll be refunded to i��:•�,.
<br /> Bamawer. Ler��snay chvose to makc this refund by rduciag the principat owed undes the Note or by making a dire�t _-
<br /> . ' . .. payineat to E£o�ower. If a refund red�:oes principal. the redactiQ� arill be treated ag a partia! prepayment without any —
<br /> :�'`.. � .. Prepayment charge under the Note. =TM
<br /> =':`{- ..�. .. .�� 14.Notices.My norice to Borrowe�r�rovided for�this Security Instmment�a116e given by delivering it or by maili:� �_'
<br />--;:• �. :'�'; .
<br /> ;.;:r.:•. . � , �E i�t;y first class mail unless aDplicab2e la�v reqnires use c�another method.1�e aat��e s1�a►1 be directed w tfie PrapenY Address i�_;�;
<br /> - • os any other address Borrower designates by notice to Lender. Aay notice to 4L�sder shall be given by fitst class u�1 to �L.,.__
<br /> . ;� �;.•. `: Ixader's address stated herein or atry ottner address Lender designaces Ly nodce to Borrower.My notice pmvided for in this —,;_ ,
<br /> ��;�� ••' �• : Security Instniment shall be deem@d to have baen given to Borrower rru Q�ender when given as pmvided in this paregmph.
<br /> . .;:';'' •� 15.Gov Law; Severability.�'Chis Security Instr�ment sS:all be gcysmed by fedeial law and the law of�e _ ,�4'�:..
<br /> "`'�'' . • � jurisd�ction in�h the Property is located.In the event,that any pmvisioa or d�ttse of this Seauity Ins�nt or the Note �?Y: �
<br /> :, ;�,.,
<br /> � . �� :.' � conflicta with applicsble law.such conflict shall not affect other provisions of th'ss 5�.vrity instrument or the Naie wluch can bo ���:
<br /> � ' `"`•':'' � givea effect withont the wnflicting provision.To this end the prov4sions of this Security lnstrutnent and the Note are declared
<br />_ _• ,�`,'���:�.,? to 6e severable. .
<br /> . '',�'� '• 16.Sorsower's Copy.Borrower shall be given one confotmed oopy of the Nate and of this Searity Instniment.
<br /> - . � � w�aoze 9r�o
<br />•r �-.- - t p�eeo�6 .
<br /> .
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