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<br />� F �tf` . �'a � � �r,r n h: Y� . :F. ._� 't. ' .�-.' _ .�'` _ _— d_� .,
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<br /> .r` `>`� Rt .Blld��edlCliicaC4.5�11�1Une�CC�
<br /> �'`�ra`� � TOGETHFR WPfH aU the improvemeats now or hereaRer etected on the p perty
<br /> - ' "` ' t"iuques now or hercafter a part of the pmperty. A11 rePlaoements aad additions shall also be rnvered by this Secudty
<br /> - `, .. . instnimeat.All of the foregoing is�eferred to in this Security Insuume°t as the"Property.° f`��f;;
<br /> � � BORROWER COVEriAN'fS that Boreawer is tawfully seised of th�estate hereby oonveye�and has the rigi�t to grant and .
<br /> •` �vey,tt�pro�rty and that tke PropeKy is unencumbeced, except for rncumbrances of�ecord. Borrower warrunts and witl _
<br /> - defend generally the tide w the Property against all ctaims and demands.subject to any encumbrances af recard. . ..
<br /> �:. �.•
<br /> . .:`y�• TFaS SECURIT1f IN�FRUMENT oombines uniform cavenants for national use and non-uaiform covenanu with limited .
<br /> . • variations by jurisdiction to coastitute a uniform security instniment wverin�real proPertY• ..,
<br /> _ ' • tJNIFOR�ii COVENANTS.Sorrower and l�nder rnvenant and agree as follows: .
<br /> �t and Late C�arges. Borrower sha11 promPUY PaY when due the .:t,
<br /> ` � � l. Paym�t of�rindpal and Irtese4�Pr��n t
<br /> . . principal of and interest on the debt evidenced by the Note and anY P�Y�and tate d�a*Ses due under tke Notc.
<br /> 2.�'aads for Tases ead Iasmsuae. Subject w applicable la�v or to a aritten araiver by Ixnder.Borrower shall pay to -`J.�y,
<br /> •�`:�s �' ;r Lender on the day mnnthly payments are due uader the Note.until the Note is paid in full.u snm("Funds�)for.(a)Yeaz1Y taxes ,.�t;' '.
<br /> ��:5� � and asses�ents wtucb may ausin priority mer this Securiry Iasuument as a lien on the Prapeny:(b)Yearty teasehold Pa3+��
<br /> Aood insu:ance Preuilum5. ` .
<br /> - � � or giowtd neats on the Property.if any:(c)Ye�IY harard or PmPertY insu�an�P�ums:(d)Year1Y ums. ;:
<br /> � � ' . �' if azry:(e)Y�Y�SaBe insurance Premiums•if anY;and(�anY s�s PaY�le by Borrower to i.ender,in aaoidance�vi� -
<br />- , ;�. �� the pmvisions of paragraph 8,in lieu of ths payment of mortgege insivance Premiwns.These itemg aie calted'Fscrow Items." ` . l,•
<br /> � Lender may. at any ume,collect and hotd Fands in an annount not w exceed the maximum amnnnt a teader fir a federally �,.,.�.''
<br /> �? ' related mortgage toan may requise for Borcower's escrow account under tf►e federat Real Estais Settlement Pcuvedures Act of :_ ;
<br /> :::'--r:`-,.:•_•;. :
<br /> . 1 9 7 4 as a m e n d e d from dine tn ti�e..12 II.S.C.SecHon 26g1 et seq.("RFSPA").nnless another!aw tLai applies w the Fuud's
<br />_ ;;.: " .
<br /> • ' ' _ �:a� sets a lesser amoun�the amoiuit o Funds due on�the basis of cune t data and reasonable estimates of eacpenditures of future
<br /> :�p�,,., . LCAdCT YIl3�/�e °
<br /> Escrow Items or otherwise in a000rdance aritb aisPlica6te taw. . ,...'�r
<br /> � 6 a federaf ea insuumentality, or enitty !
<br /> - - � . .r T�e Fetnds shall be hetd in au instim�on whose deposits are insui+ed Y � �Y• •, :'
<br /> �. . .
<br /> � ' � (includiag Lender,if Lemieris sach an institution)or ia aay Federal Home Loazi Bank.Lender shall aPPi�escmuvr�aocount or �"`":
<br /> . Fscrow Items.Lender may nat charge Somnwer for holding and applying the Fbnds.annuallY�Y�S �' '''=
<br /> : '. ,, :�.: P
<br /> � :"`" , : �:: ' v e r i f j r i n g t h e F s c c�a�I t e m s,u n l e s s L e n d e r p a y�f'aorrower iatemst oa the Funds and applicable law pemtits Lendet to maitc such �j:�:°
<br /> ':r �:.°: •�,.:�,;:°. � a ono-tirae cbarge for an ind eudent r e a l estate ta�repo rt i n g s e c v i c e �,
<br /> �. .J� +�. a e.H o w e v�E.e n d e r m a y m q u i r e$o�c'g^r to�y eP --
<br /> , oihercvise. Unless asn agreemeni is m a de a r
<br /> . ..� ,s�,�5�1°r t�; used b�r Lender in oonnection with tt� loan, untess applicable taw,provides oa the Fnuds. —
<br /> '�` `��� lica6le law requires intetest t�be paid.l.ender shaU not be required to PaY Bormwer�nY������ ---
<br /> "�`��,. .�+ � 'sn writin however.that interest shall be paid on the Funds. Lender shall give to Borrower. �=. .,.
<br /> . ��� . �t Borrower 3nd I,ender maY ��: g• _ .
<br /> . - . ';:•; withoat charge.a�a:�:–�-°�ua1 a�ting of the Funds.showing cred�ts and debiu to the Funds and the pucpose for which each �-_ -
<br /> F�_.L._,, .'`' debit to the Funds was made.'9'he Funds are pledged as additianal sr�curity for a31 sums secured by this 3eaurity insaament• � - -
<br /> ���'-z if the Ftufds h�2d by I.ender e.qceed t�e em�unu permitted to be hetd by applicable law,I�ader shall acoo+�t►t w Bonoaa'e� �
<br /> � � �� for the excess Funds in accotdance with the requireA►�ents of applirable law.If the amount of the�ands heId by I�-id�r at a�y _._ -.
<br /> � Q 6=.._._
<br />,;� .', . .,} rime is not suffccient to pay die Fscrow Itemg when due.Lender may so nodfy Borrower in writing,and.in such c�se Borrower _=
<br /> �. ,.;;J s h a i l p a y t o L e n d e r t h e amo�:c�c e s s a ry to make up the deficiency. Borrower shall make up the deficieacy in no more than �:---
<br /> _�+ '��, ' . "�,�` twelve raontW payments.at Leader's sote discretion. � -
<br /> ��i Y ..�..
<br /> g ' �'`,"' �� ,�''` ` lTpun payment in full of all snms secured by tivs Security Instrument, l.cader shall pmmpt�r nefund to Borrower aay
<br /> �' .�� � �� ' ,s Funds hetd by Lendei'.If.und�i.paraB�Ph 21,Leader shall zsquire or seil the Property.Lender.piior to the acquisition or sale —
<br /> "�'t'���'�tr�. • property shal�a 1 ��unds held by Lendes at tI*.e tme of acquisition or sale as a credit against tite sums secured 6y —__
<br /> �,�„F ... of the . PP Y � __-_
<br /> �+},f;;E�'�� „'h + tttis Security Instrumet►t. ' �' _
<br /> 1�. � � � � 3.Appltcation of Pgymeats•Unless appticable taw pzovides other�.�.a11 paymenu receive��i.ender under paragraPhs
<br /> �' , ;.;�� �.:';:�.��'.: I and 2 shall be ap�tied:fust,to any prepayment charges due uader the Note:second,to amouats t.�yahle uader parag=aph 2; � �:._�:
<br /> � •i : tlilrd,to iaterest dne;fourtb,to principal due:and laat.to any late charges dae under the Note. `:::;_�..
<br /> ' 4..Charges;Llens.Borrower shall pay all ta�ces,assessments,charges,fines and impositions attrlbutab2e w the Pmperiy �:_
<br /> �" � . .;; ; which may attain prionty over this Sewrity Insuument,anr3 leasehotd payments or gcoun�rents. if any.Borrower shall gay ���•
<br /> ' � ,�F'� manner rovIded in ,�,°ia1�h 2,or if not paid ia�hat manner.Eoaower sir�t,':pay them on 3ime directlp �,";--
<br /> :�- � these obligations tn the D �` �
<br /> ar- ��:
<br /> �, �'.., �; ,.,;r�. .�: to the peison awe�lO�Ymen�.Borrower sh�t��c�mptly fumish to i�ender aL1 natices of amounts to be paid under this P�S�P
<br /> i: • �:��` • tf Borrower makes these payments directly,Borrower shail promptty fu�st�to I.ender receiRts evidericing the payments. �-'
<br /> u ,� . �.• -.
<br /> �, , Borrower shall pmmptty 'd�:.�.,.`'�ar8e anY�ien which has prioriry over this Security Inswment unless Borrower.(a)agcees fn �::.
<br /> �::">�'.,. �.. � :.: �; �-
<br /> �;;�{ � : . � writino to the payment of the clrs;.gadon secvred by the lien in a manner acceptable to�nder:(b)cor►testa in good faith the lien � _
<br /> �. �.,. . . t by. or defends�inst enforrement of the lien in. legal proceedin�s which in the Lender•s opinion operate to prevent the � � ``°
<br /> � .. ��` ! enforcement of tt:e ti:n:or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an a�ement satisfactory to Lcrr�.°r subordinating the lien ta
<br /> �' ; ' • � i this Security Instrument. i��er detera►ines that any part of the Property is subject to a lien a::.i��i may attain priority over ;:;'
<br /> �" i this Security instrumeiu.La:r`,�rnaY give Horrower a notice identifying the lien.Borrower shall sausfy the lien or take one or t,,;.;
<br />� ' � " more of the actions set foitl�.4'��a aith�n 10 days of the giving of notice. �'`�'"��
<br /> -��,�;•
<br /> �, � Form 80Z8 919� :,,��•�
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