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201210372 <br /> required 6y RESPA, and Borrowcr shall pay Co Lender tl�e amount neceseuy to mal<C np t1ie deficiency in <br /> acaordance with RESPA, but in no tnore Chan 12 mc�nthly payinentis. <br /> Upon payinent ni fttll of all sums seoured 6y Ihis Sccurity Ii�sUtiunent, Lendex shall prompCly refund to <br /> Borrowcr any Fund9 held by L ender. <br /> 4. Chargos; Liens. Bor��ower shall pay all t�vices, assessmente, charges, fiiiea, aud impositions etCribntable lo <br /> the Property wl�ioh eaai attaiu prioriYy over this Security I��struinenf, loaaeho1d payments or giround renta on <br /> the Property, if any, and Commuuity Assooiatton Dues, Fees, nnd Asaesemenis, if a�ry. To the extenti that <br /> these items are L'sorow Itcnis, Borrower shall pay them in tihe lnanner provided in SecLion 3. <br /> Borrower sl�all promptly discharge any lien which has priority over this Security I�intrumont unless <br /> Borrower: (a) ag�ees in writing to the paytnent of the obligation sccurcd Uy tlie lien in a manner acceptable <br /> Co Lendor, Uut only so 1ong as Rorrower is perfonning such ageeeuient; (b) oontcafs the lien iiT good faith by, <br /> or defende against enforoement of thc ]icn in, legal proceedings wluch in Lender'a opinion operafe to prevent <br /> the enforceinanti of Yhe lien while those proceeclings�re panding, Uut o�ly nuTil euch proceediuga nre <br /> concl�ided; or(c) secLtres froin tha haldar of the lien an agteemeut satisPactory to Lender subordinating the <br /> lien Co lliis Sectuiiq InFtriuncti�t. Tf T,ender determines tliat u1y part of the PinperLy is subject to a lic�� wl�ich <br /> oan attein priority over this Security Itistrumcnt, l.ender inag give Borrower �notice idenrifying Lhe lien. <br /> Witlun 10 d�ys of'fl�e d�tte on which thal nokice ia givcn, Borrowe� sl�all satisfy the lien or take one or more <br /> of the actions sek fortli abova'in this Section 4. <br /> Lender nuty require Borrower to pay a one-time eharge for a real eetato tax va��ification aaid/or reporGng <br /> scrvico uscd l�y Lende�' in eonnecrion with til�is Loan. <br /> 5. Property Insuranee. Rorrower shalllwep 11ie improvements now existing or hereaRer erecled on the <br /> Property inseu�ed ngninsC loes by fire, hnzards includcd within fhe term"extended coverage," and any other <br /> hazards iucluding, Uut not limited to, eaxthquakes tmd lloods, for wl�ich L,cn�de��requires insw�ance. This <br /> inyurance sl�all be maivtainecl in Yhe au�ounts (including deducrible levels) and Por 11�e poriods that Lender <br /> re�uiros. What Lc�idc��reqLiires pursnant to the piecediug sentences cui chtuige during the term of the Loun. <br /> The insur�nce carrier providing thc insurancc sha11 Ue chosen Uy Borrower subjecC to Lender'a right to <br /> disnppirove Borrower's choice, whioh righl shall nuC be exercised unrcaeonaUly. I.ender may reqnire <br /> Borrower to pay, in connection wit}i diie Loan, either: (a) a one-Ume oharge£or Plood zono dctermivation, <br /> certification and Lracking aervices; ox (b) a onc-tim�chargc for flc�od�one deternrii�tion aud certiitication <br /> services and suUsequent cherges ench tune rem�ppiugs or siuvlar ohanges occ ur which rcasonably might <br /> affect such determination or certiticakion. Borrower shall also be responsiUle for fhe payinent of any fees <br /> ni2posed by the Federal Lmergc�icy Mana�;ement Agency in connection witli the reviaw of any flood zone <br /> determination rasulring from an objectiori by Borrower. <br /> If Barxower fails to maintain viy of the wveragea dascribed above, Lender may ohtain insurancc covarage, <br /> at Lender's opGon and Borrower's expense. Lender ie tmder no obligation to pi�rchase any particular typo or <br /> amowit of'coverage. Therefore, such coverage sha11 cover Lender, but might or might not protect Dorrower, <br /> Borrowcr's cquity in tl�c Pro}ac�'ty, or the contents of tl�e Proparty, agaiust any risk, haztud or liability and <br /> mighC provicle greater or leaset ooverage tlien was previously in ofPect. Boirowcr ac7mowledgw that flte cost <br /> of tlie insurance coverage so obYained tnight eignificnntly exceed the coet of ineurance that Borrower conld <br /> Uave oUtait�ed. Any amounts disUursed Uy Lender under thi9 SecHon 5 sl�all Uecome additional debt of <br /> Borrowet secured by this Security InslnunenC Tl�ese amotmte shall bcar interest at the Note rato from flie <br /> date of disbw�seinenC ancl shall be payable, cvith auch interest, upon notioe from Lender Co Borrower <br /> requesting payment. <br /> 24002956 <br /> N[6RASKA-Sin�lo Fain ily-Fannle M ao/FredAio M ac UNIFORM MSTRUIe1�NT Form 30Z0 1!0 I <br /> VMP� VMPB(NE)(1106) <br /> Wol�ers Kluwer financlal Servlces Paqc 6 of 17 <br />