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201210372 <br /> A�zy ap��lication of payments, iiLsr�ranoe procccds, or Miscellaaieous Proceeds [o principal duo under Uia NoYs <br /> shall not cxtond or postpone tha du�date, or chnnge Che anio�int, of the Perioclio Pflyinents. <br /> 3. I'muls for liscruw Items. Borrower shall pay ta Lendet on thc day Pe��iodic Paymetrts ve due under CUo <br /> Note, until the Note ie paid in full, a sum(lha "Fmida")Yo provide for paymei�t of amomits due f'or: (�) taxea <br /> and assessments and othex ifeme whid� can atGain priority over this Seaurity In�trument as a lien or <br /> cncumbrauce on the Property; (U) leasehold payments or ground rents on the Property, iP any; (c)preivimns <br /> Por any and al1 insm�ance required by Lender uuder Seclion 5; and(d)Mortgag�e Insurence preiniiune, if any, <br /> ar any si�ms payaUlc Uy Borrower to Lender in lieu of the payinent of Mortgage Insurance premiums in <br /> accordance wYth the provisions of Seetion 10, These items aze called "L+scrow Itcros." At origination or nt <br /> any time during the term of the Loan, Lendcr may requiire that Coimnunity Assooial'ion Dues, b'cos, uid <br /> AssessmenEs, if any, be cscrowed by Rorrower, and such dues, feea and aes�ssments sh111 be au Escrow <br /> Item. Borcower shall promptly Ciu�nish tio Lcnder a11 notices o't'atnounts to be paid under this Scction. <br /> Borrower sha11 pay Lender the Funds for Escrow IL�eins imlc ss Lender waives Borrower's obligation lo pay <br /> the Funds fur any or a11 'F.scrow Items. Leuder may waive Borrower's nUligaEion to pay to Lender Funds for <br /> any or all Eserow Itentis at any fimo. Any such wa�iver inay only be in c�n�iting. In the cveut of s�ich waiver, <br /> Boccower ehall pay directly, when and wl�cre payable, t�he amounts due fox any L+acrow ICe�ne For which <br /> payinent of Funds hae been waived by Lender and, if Lender requires, shall furniah to Lender reoeipts <br /> evidencing sueh payment within such tin�eperioci 1s Lend�r may require. Borrower's obligaYion to make <br /> sueh payments and to provide receiptis shall Por all pwposes l�e deemed to bc a eovenaut and agreameart <br /> contained in this SecixriCy Instrumcnt, as the plirase "coveikvrt and agreemenC"� 'vs tucd 'v�Section 9. [f <br /> Rorrower is obligatecl to pny Escrow llams direct1y, p�rrsua�lt to a waiver, and Borrower fails to p�y fhe <br /> aniotmt due for an F,ecrow Itam, Lander may exercise its ri,ghCs timdar Soctron 9 and pay such axnomit nnd <br /> Borrower shall Chen be oUligatcd under Section 9 tio repay to Lender nny such nmount. Lendcr may revoke <br /> Uie waiver as to eny or nll Bscrow Items nt any titnc by a notice given in accordance with Section 15 and, <br /> upoiz yuch revocation, Borrower shall pay to Lender all Punds, and in eucl� amounts, that are thea required <br /> imdor this Scotion 3. <br /> Lender naay, at any time, collect wd hold Funds in en�monnt(a) sufficier�C to permit Londcr to apply the <br /> Ftmde at tl�c titne spccified under RFSPA, and(b)not to exceed Yhe mAximum nmount n lender cau xeq4liro <br /> undet RESPA. Lender shall e.stit��ato the�amount of N'undM due oi1 the basis of eurrent daca vid reaeonable <br /> cstimates of�pendihues of luture Bsccow Items or otlierwise in necordnnee with Applicnble Law. <br /> Clic Funds shall Ue held in au insGtution whose deposits are insw�ed by a federal agency, instrmi�entality, or <br /> entiiy (inch[ding Lcnder, if Lendcr is an ii7stitution whose cleposits are so instued) or in any Fedei��l TIome <br /> Loan B<wlc Lender sh�l1�pply the Pimda to pny Che�sorow ICeine n�lafer than the tiine specified under <br /> RRSPA. Lender shall not chzrge Borrower for holding and applying the Puiids, am�ually anzlyzing thc <br /> escrow aecom�t, or verifying the Fsorow IEeins, unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Puntls �nd <br /> Applicable Law permifs Lender lo malm such tt chargo. Unlesa an agreement is made in writing or <br /> Applicnble Law requires interesE to be paid on the Ftmcls, Lender ehall nof hc required to pay Borrower aaiy <br /> interest or earnings on Yhe Fixnds. Borrower and Lender can agree in writn�g, however, thr2C intcrest el�all be <br /> pa�d on the Pw�ds. l.ender shail give fo Borrower, without oharg�e, an annu�l aceounting of Yhe Punds�s <br /> require�i by RLSPA, <br /> If there is a surphls of Fimds l�old in eecrow, a5 dcfined under RESPA, I,ender sha1T aocount to Borrower for <br /> the excess funds in aecordnnce with RESPA. If there is a ahorCage of Funds hcld iiT cscrow, as defined wicier <br /> RHSPA, I,ender sl�all notify Borrower as required by RLSPA, and Borrower shnCl pay to Lender the ammmt <br /> necoseary to ivake iy� tho sliorCaga in accordance with KESPA, but in no more 1'�han 12 inonthly payments. If <br /> there is a deficiency of Punds held in escrow, a� dafn�ed tmder RESPA, l.cnder shall ncitify Rorrower as <br /> saooz�r,e <br /> NEOfit�Sl«-Single Femily-f-ennieMaelPredtlie Mqc UNIFORbI INSTRUMf:NT Form 3028 1101 <br /> V�dP� VMPB(NEJ(1105) <br /> WoHers Kluwer Flnancisl Services Pa90 G of 17 <br />