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<br /> ,'" t.' �� ]�rd ar psogeirty Easurance. Borrower shall keep the improvements now euisting or herrarier erected on tfie
<br /> " . ' .f <<.
<br /> ;r:? .: ' . Property ins�red againtit loss by fire.ha•rards inctuded within the term °extended caverage"and any other harards. includ'utg � �''.
<br /> . <<. ".°` tloads ar flooding.for which Lxnder requines insurance.'t'his insmatt�e shaA be maintained�n tlie amounu and tor the periads �-:,'
<br /> ,� ' �` thnt lxnder mquires.The insunince carrier pmviding the insuran�shal{ be chosen 6y Eorrower subjed to Lender s approval >��•r
<br /> e.,W��: `��Y.�. �• .
<br /> tivhich shall not be unreasonatsly withhetd. if Borrower fails to maintain cmerage described a6ove. Lender may. at Lender's ���
<br /> � option.o6tain coverage to protea Lender s rights in We Property in accordance with paragraph 7. '�': :
<br /> •�•t� •. Ali insuranoe policies ar�renewals sha11 he accxptablx to Lender and shall inclade a standard mongage ctause. "Lender :�;.._
<br /> �_ �r-""��� shali have the right to hold the policies and�+enewals. If Lender rec;uires.Borrower shall promptly give to Leader all receipu of _�
<br /> �� ' paid premiatz�and reaewa!notices.In the eveat of toss.Borrower shall give prompt notice to the insurance carrier and L.endet'• T .-
<br /> L C + � .
<br /> L,endet may make praaf of[oss if noi made prompdY by Borrower. :
<br /> . . Unless 1�enAee and Bormwer othenvise agree in�vtiting.insuranee proceeds sha116e applied co restoration or repair of the ��.-a�n
<br /> . - -;;"•,
<br /> . , - property dffinaged.if the�estorarion or r�air is economicalty feasible and Ixnder's soairiry is not lesseued.If the restoration or _
<br /> ' � . repair is not economically fasibte or Lender's securiry wovW be tesse�ned.the insur+�nre prooeeds shall De applied to the sums ; •-
<br />, ' sectued 6y;this Seauity Inspnimeut,wM,ther or aot then due.witb an excess paid to Borrower. If Bormwer a6andons ttze t����.
<br /> •� :�:,. • � Y :�.,�:,
<br /> ' '',.�•.,. •.;'` ' �P�3+,or daes not answer arittiin 30 days a noticae fram I�nder t h a t t 6e insuranoe rarrier b a s o ff e i e d t o s e u l e a c i a i m.t h� ,�-,.,
<br /> , L�nder may collect the insutarme prooeeds. Lender may use the pmceeds to re�air or restore the Property or to pay snms ;��_„
<br /> � s¢cared by t6is Security lnsuumen�whether or ant then dae.The 30-day period will begin when the notice is givea. ,!',�"-
<br /> `""'�'s' Untess Lender and Borrower otheswise agree in writiag, anY aPPlication of proceeds to prinaipal sttal!nnt e�rtend or ��'���:
<br /> ppstpone the due date of the mnntlil9 Payments refe�l to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or chaage t�e ammmt of the paymertts. If F�-
<br /> -.. . � auder patagiaph 21 the Ptoperty is acquired by Lender.Barrower's rigAt to airy insuraace Qoli�s-�proceeds m�iting from ��_-`_
<br /> ap �:.-
<br /> � dazaage to the Ptaperty prior w the aoquisition sball pass w Lender w the extent of the sums seaued by this Saa�rity Instcnme�t ;�.:
<br /> .,,:,'.' . iuimediatefy Qrior to t�e acquisition. ;�'�v`:
<br /> . .`` �`.: b.�ancy Fr�servattan.Maintenance and Prntedton of the Property;Borrower's Laan App�aiioa,L�se6otds. �"'__
<br /> '. .; _4. , ' ,�_.._.
<br /> , . • Borrnwer shall accupy.establish.and use the Picoperty as Bamawer's princirpal resideace arithin sixty days afiter the exec�r..n of ��'=_
<br /> 't_ • '.. . i.`
<br /> . : :s'.'� tbis Security Inswment aad shall t�nrimze to ac�cupy the Pmperty as Borrawer's principa!residence for at teast one yr�s aRer ��-'__
<br /> , ', , . ., '.;, the date of axu�aucy. anless Lender otherwise agr�in writing, afiich wasen.�shall nnt be unreasonably withheld.or nnless � ~.
<br /> • estenuadag cita�sccs exist whicb are beyond BorrowePs cantrol. Bomo� shaU nat destrny, damage or impair the �`
<br /> ' ' ; .. praperty,aliow.the Property to deteriorate.or wmmit waste on the Property. S�rrower sLall be in deFdnh if aay forfeimre �,.-
<br /> " ' � . action or prooeeding,whether civil or criminal.is 6egun that in Leader's good faith judg��could resWt in�foffeiuue af the .._.
<br /> , . ,`': �P�Y or otheta+ise materially impair the lien created by this Seauiry lnsurumsnt or Lender'�security intetest.Horrower may --_.
<br /> ,..�,,� cure sucb a default and reinstate.as provided in paragraph 18.by caosing the actioa or pioceeding to be disanissed witb a nilin$ --
<br /> that. in Lender's good fait6 determination, pteeludes forfeiture of the Eorcmcsei s intecest in the Pr��or other materia! ---
<br /> . . �� ' impairnteQt of the lien created by this Security Insduraent or Le�ader's securaC�uuerest. Borrower slm:I�o be in default if --.
<br /> � Borrower,d'uring the loan application pmcess.gave materially false or inaaviate information or statements to I.ender(ar failed �±!°�`�
<br /> . . . :,.;, to pmvide I�ender with auy material information)in oonnection witb the loan evidenced by the Note.inctuding,but s�I�ited
<br /> _ _ _�� to.r�tations�nceming Sonuwer's occuganay of the Property as a principal residence.If ttis Se�urity Insuumeut is on a =__
<br /> . -_�_--.. Ieasehold, BonuwCr sl�all compty wlth all the provjsions of the lease. If Borrower acqnir�s fee tette�.v�.�he Property, the —
<br /> . �. �• ' Ieasehold and the fee title shall not merge untess Lender agrees ta the merger in wriang. ;
<br /> . • ' �.Frotacttan oY t.eud�s Rfigdts tn the Pt�operly.If Boaower fails to perform the cov�.�s m-�s�.r~eaneats cantained in ;,�
<br /> ••� t6is Security Insdvmeat.or there is a leg,ai pmceeding that may signific�ruly a�ect Lender's rights ia�e Ptoperty(such as a �—
<br /> . . proceeding in banlanptcy.pmbate. for oondea�nation or fflrfeiture or m enforce laws or regulations).tte�i.�nder may do aad i__
<br /> '� ' pay for whatever is neoessary to protect the value of the Ptoperty and Lender's rights in the Property.II.c�er's actions may �
<br /> ' include paying any sumg securod by a lien wlucd has priority over this Security Iasuument, appea�in8 in eourt. PayinB I
<br /> � reasonable atcomeys'fees and entermg on the Pcoperty to make repairs.Atthough Lendet may take acfion ander this paragra�h _--
<br /> . . • 7,Lender does not have to do so. '--
<br />- �` �'�SXr;�:.'�'�� � Any amounts cUsbu�sed Iry I.sader under this paragraph 7 shall beoome additional debt of Borrower sec�red by this ' ;
<br /> � �<•� Ser�rity Instrument.Ualess Bairower and Lender agree to other terms of payment,these amounts shall bear interest fmm the '_
<br /> r
<br /> _ ` �, date of dlsbursement at the Note rate aad shal!be payabte. with inter�est, upon norice from Lender to Borrower requesting
<br /> : �. payment. � � ;==
<br /> ' '' ' 8.Mortgage lastarence.If L�erC�r required mortga�e insurance as a oonditioa of maldng the loan secured by this Secvrity :_.._:.-�
<br /> '`���`� � Instrument. Bortower shall pay the•�emimns requ red to maintain the mort ge Insurence in effect. If. for aay reasoa, the ----
<br /> ..�;�:,� . .. i
<br />-, � ;.c,_c' ..�� . � ��:�_....
<br /> , : �;I mortgage insuranoe oovetage required by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effecx;Bormwer shall pay the premiums requi�to
<br /> . obtain wverage substan¢aUy equivalent to the mortgage iusviance previously in effec,e..at a cost substantially equivalent W the �=- -
<br /> e r�:��
<br /> cost to Borrawer of tt:e mortgage insurance previously in effect. from an altemate mortgage iruvrer approved by Lender. If F�—u
<br /> •';":,...'. ' ' substan�lly equivalent mor[gage cr�rence coverage is not available.Bolrower shall pay to I.,ender each month a sum vqual w �_ -
<br /> � �' '"'.� one-iw�elfth of the yeat4y mortgage ims�ance pr�emium being paid by Borrowec when the i�uranoe coverage lapsed or ce�sed to +� �:
<br /> be in effect.Lender will 8a8 ��' '
<br /> �cept,ase and netain these payments as a loss reserve iri lieu of mort e meT�^ae. Loss reserve
<br /> _ I��.,
<br /> . Fartn 3�28 9/90 � ;. `
<br /> . � ,
<br />- . . v.yeswe �
<br /> ��.
<br /> ,,; '. .
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