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<br /> " `,� ' �� TOGE'rHER WITH at!the impmvements aow or hec�eatter em�ted on the pmp�`and alt easements.appurtenunocs.and � <
<br /> , k ;; I : ; ,.
<br /> •c t fiatures now or hereafter a part of dte pmperty A1!c�ePlaceme�s and siddjtions shal! atso be mvered by this Secvrity
<br /> •° Instrameat.All of the foregaing is refer[ed to in this Secvrity Insunment as the"Property.' �4,
<br /> �,� s: ` BORROWER COVENA1�iTS that Bormwer is luwfuliy sei5ed of the estate hereby conveyed aed has the right to Bcant and .;, �
<br /> � '" r� ooavey the Progerty and that tlie Property is unentum6ered.exc�pt for eacumbrances of cecord. Bor[awe:warrants and will � .
<br /> .�( : .'��' defend ger.eralty the tifle to the Property against ail ctaims and demnnds.subject to any encumbtanccs of reeord. � �'�. •
<br /> ?�� TFIIS SECURPfY tMSTRUMEI�IT combines unlfoms oovenants for national use and non-uniform covenants witA limited
<br /> � variaBons by jwisdiction w ma5tidue a uniform secvrity instrnment oovering reai pr�erty. ;
<br /> .<L� UNII�ORM COVENAN'i'S.Eorrawer artd i.ender cvveoans aa�agree as follows:
<br /> . . ,,. � !. Payment�t Friatipal and �nteses� PtepaYment and Late C�ar�es. Borrawer shall promptty pay when due the ; ;f :'
<br /> � , � pruacipal of and inte�est on the debt evidenoesl by the Note and any prepayment and late charges due uncler the Note. •v
<br /> Z. Foads for Tases aad Insn�noe. Sub}ect to applicabie!aw or to a�written waiver by Lender.Borrower sl�aA pay to
<br /> . Lend�on the daY manthiy Payments are due under the Note.utrtil the Note is paid in futl.a sum("Fuuds")for:ta)YearLY�xes � .,f�
<br /> • and ass�which may attain prioaty over this Seruriiy Iastnunent as a lien on the�openy:(b)Yearly leasehotd payments -
<br /> � ar grouad�+eats on the Property.if any:(c3 Y�Y b�zard or prnperty iaswance premiums;(d!Y�Y�aad inswance premiums.
<br /> ,�;.•.x � if nny: <e)Y�IY mort8age insuranoe premiums.if any:and(fl any sum5 PaYabte by Barrower to Lender.in socordance with
<br /> the provisions of paragraph 8.in lieu of the paym2m of mortgage ins�uance premiums.lY�es$i:ems are ralted°Fscrow Iteans." `�
<br /> ., - , Lender may.at any time,collect aad hold Fuuds in an amouat aot to ea�ceed the maximum amount a tender for a federalty ' °�
<br /> •�;;'`..;'� . celated mortgage loan may reqaire for Bornower's escrow aasnum nnder the federal Real Estate Setttemeat Praoed�res Act of
<br /> - �,. 1�374 as amea�ded from time w time, 12 U.S.C.Section 2601 et seg. l"RESPA°).antess annther taw thai applies ta the Funds
<br /> '. ':�•'�::`:;,.� •... �: sets a tesser amoun4. �f so, Lender may. at any tuu�.collect and hold Fands in an amount uot to exoeed the lesser amaunt. • =
<br /> `` L�der may estimate the amaunt of Funds due on the tiasis of carieat data aad teasomisle esiimates of eapendihues of future � ��
<br /> . r-.. . .
<br /> ' �'� •� ��.� Fscm�L*�as or othenvise in s000�dance with applicable law.
<br /> :.' : L.�:A... "
<br /> ::,��``=•� ` 'k�Fwids shall be held ia aza 'tastitat�an whose deposits are insuzed by a federal agency. instnunetuality. or entiry -
<br /> :� (utct�.,:,,.�Lender.if Lender is s�cs an iastiwtion)or in any Federal Home Loan Bantc.iender shali apply the Funds to pay the •
<br /> ! _..... _.:.p�, ' Fscrow Items.i�ender may not charge Borrower for hnlding and applying the Funds.annually analyziag the escrow aaoun�or � .
<br />_ . . verifyi�the Fsccow Items.uWess Leader paya BorroNer uuerest on the Fuads and applicable taw permits I�ndea ta mahe sach ;�__-_
<br /> a c�.�Iowever.I.ender may require Borroarer to pay a one-tune cdarge for an mdependent teal estate taa rtporting servioe
<br /> - �3;:'. . • qs�d��xnder iA coannection wtth ttds toan, nntess applicable law pmvides othecwise. Unless an agreemeait i,�ffiade or
<br /> � �-
<br /> = _ , '�pg?��s�i�a.av��interest to be pald,Lender shall not be re�ired to pay Borrower any interest or eamings an t3e F�mds. ��:�'
<br /> " ';. �!,: �5�. Boi:c�aad Ler�r may agree ia wnting,hovrever.thaa interest shall be paid on the Funds.Lender�mll give m Bo:rower. ��-
<br /> _ � � � whha�t rharge,an annual acoounting of the Fuads. shawing crediis aad deli�s to the�nds and tk��:xpose for which each �.,
<br /> ��.��` ". � debit tm the Funds was made.The Far�ds are pledged as additional securi for afl sums se�:ed b this S Insuumeat.
<br /> . . ` : ty Y ecuritY �':: _
<br /> f;���'�'' ' ���i ia ti�e Funds 6eld by Lendee aX�d�the amounts pecmitted w be ketd by applicable��.I.eader shall accoant to Borrower –
<br /> - .n�'���.„ for the excess Funds in acwrcla�ae wtth tha recNirements o�applicable law.If the amatuit of the��ds hetd by i.eendec at sn� !�
<br /> . . ,�'' � time is not sufficlent w pay the Fscrow Items when due.i.ender may xo ru►fify 8orrower in wcidng.and.ia such case Borrower —
<br /> • � - � -� ahall pay to Lender the araowit necessary to make up the deficiency.Borrower shall make up the defce�eney in no more tl�aa �-�
<br /> � �`,�-} tweive momhly payments.at I.ender's sole discretlon. �__
<br /> � �". � ,.i Upon paymem in full of all sums secured by th9s Serurity Incaument. Lender shall ptomptly refund to Borrawer any+ � :.
<br /> � ��� .,.;, FanAs held by Lender.If,ttader paragraph 21.Lender shall acquire or sell the PraQerty.Lender,prior to the acqui�y nn or sale _
<br /> - �' of the Froperty.shall apply any Funds he2d by Lender at the time of aoqoisition or sale as a credit against the sums secured by _-_
<br /> ` � �s: thisSecarity I�t� . _ _.
<br /> � � � 3.Appiic�tion of�ayme�Ss.Unless applicah�e Taw prov'sdes otherwiy:.a�l paymenta re�eived by$.�1et�mder paragraphs � -
<br /> - � � 1 m�d 2.shaU be applied: firse.r��uay prepaYment char8es dce under the�a�e:seoond.W amounts payable under�rap�raph 2: a�
<br /> � - ' th�rd.w interest due;fourth,t��cipal due:aad last.to ar►y��.:c�arges�:�under the t�ets. �'°'�
<br /> � . 4.Charge�:Idens.Borrower shall pay all taxes.assessmerns. c��,�nes and impositioas attributable to�Pmpe�ty •.:.,..
<br /> - � • . which may attain priority over this Security Instrument, and leasehold�n7rnta or ground raits, if any. Borruw�er shall pay
<br /> �__. .
<br /> – . these obligations in t�t�ta�anner provided in paragrapB 2.or if not paid in that manaer.Boaower shall pay them on time directly �'_�`
<br /> �� � ,- ' w the person owed payment•Borrower shall promptly furnis!��n L e n der a i l norioes o f amoun ts to be paid under t�s�a r a g r a ph.
<br /> � � If Borrower makes these Rayir,e�s directly.Borrower s6a11 gs�r.y�dy fumish to Lender reteipts evidencing the pays.s�s. �:.:``
<br /> ` � � ?� 8orrower sha1D�.:.p�ly d«,:�arge any tien which has pr�ority over this Seauity Insuument untess Boirower:Qa�agrees in
<br />_- .. , ' , i.:� wriwag to the payment of the ol�ligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to i.ender�(b)oaate�s in gaod faith the lien
<br /> . by,os defends against enforcement of the lien in, legal proceedings which in the L,ender s opituma vperate to prevent the
<br /> � enforcaement of the lien; or(c?sewres from the holder of che tien an agreement satisfactory to l.ender subotdinating the lien to �=
<br /> �� this S�urity Instrument. If Lender detemiinea that any part of the Praperty is subject to a lien which may attain griority ovei � `
<br /> ' . � this 5ecuriry/nstrument,l.c�tder may give Borrower a notice identifyin�the lien.Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take one or ��.-
<br /> � more of the acdons set fatth above within 10 days of the giving of notice. �=•
<br /> �_:
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