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<br /> . , .,.4�.���'� 9,Y�on. l.e¢dero.r its ageat may mage ieasonab2e eut�ies u�n amd ir�tp�cctons of the Pmp�ty.Leeder sba11 ` '`�v
<br /> e� u
<br /> g�ve Basmwer notice si the time of or prIor to�mspectioa �easonable cause for the inspection. ``� .�.,._
<br /> ��� ,� . ..' � 10.C�demaa3tan. 71re prcoceds o f mmy a w a r d or c��d a m a S e s.d i i e c t o r c o u s e q u�t i a l.i n wnneaian with
<br /> . t'4 a a y a o�d e�a d o n o r o t h e r�nq o f a a y p a rt o f t h e P�p e rt y�or for oonv e y a n o e iu tieu o g wfldemaatioa. are h�eby ".
<br /> •ti.:- � '� :. assigped aa�st�ll be paM w L e n 6� '``.
<br /> �• �l in dte event of a wtal tatdag of the Pmperty.the Proo�ds sLall be applled w the suu�secut�by this Se�aii9 r
<br /> Iasbnimeat,wh�het or nat thea dae.with aay exaess gsi�w Bom�wer.In the ev�t sf a gaidal mkin8 of the erty ia
<br /> --- `< whic�the fair marIset v�Iue of the Pwperty�mediarelY i�efo:e th+e taFdng�S e�si w or�eater thau the a�o�mt�o�tbe . .
<br /> . •� �e
<br /> ` s�s s�t u e d b y t t�s�e a u i ry I�s t m m e n t u�e d i a t e l Y b e f are tIle imless Borrower and Leader othe�wise agee in ,
<br /> .='-.:-:��� wrii�a� ths s�uns�h3►t�is�i t�+�sLall be r e�bp the amo�t o f t h e p m c�d s mm i t i g l i c d b y t h e � _ ,
<br /> - ;,;.�-°° f o i l o w t n g f r�i a n:(a)t h e t a t a l a m fl i m t o t h e s u m s a�i i mm e d i a t e l y b�fo:e the�a g, di v ided by(b)the fair m�arkei
<br /> . - value of the Rvpeny�i�ely�foie the�alting.Any b a l�c e s 7�a 1 1 i s�p a i d m B o a a w a.I n t h e e v e n t o f a p a r d a l t s k i n g :
<br /> � , " o f t fl e P m perty m w h�c h t h e f a i r m�O e t v a l u e o f t h e P m p�►i�d i az e t Y befone the tatdng ls le�s�Lan the amonnt of the
<br /> � . . ,y sams seaued Im�diately befoie the��,�less Bonawer aad 8xndes otheavise agree in wiiting as unless applicsble .
<br /> �itin
<br /> � - .� ����.Y law otIlecwise pmvldes,th��aoeeds shatl-be applied to the s�s sewred hy this Se�nrity Instn�eut whether or not the .
<br /> .. ;v;� s�s�e tiien dae. _ .
<br /> .; If the Pmg�cty is aband,one�by Barrower,or i�after notice by t�ader w Hortower that the oondemaor offeas to ..
<br /> ' m a k e a�a w�d or seute a claim fos d�,Bo����������sestoratIon�a i r o f t�e P c operty
<br />. � .� is givec.I.emler is a�ltori�d m onllax aad aPP1S► Pm�
<br /> �'`:;` wheffiet or not tt�due.
<br /> :.� or tn the s�sec�ed by thts�r lnsav�t, �ica�oa of cexds to prjncipal shall n�ot eatend or
<br /> Unles4 Lendec aad Eoaawer otheiads�ag�+ee ia aniting,u►Yapp F�
<br /> ' .. : Fustgnne the due date of the raontht9 paym�re�d w in patag�hs t and 2 or c�ge the mmfluat of sarL gapmea�ts.
<br /> ' � . ' il. Eorrnv�er Nai 8eteased;F�e By L�s3�Not a pNaiv�.HxtensIon of the tim�for gayment or .
<br /> ..'� mo�oa of amo�tiz�un of the smns se�ed bY thts Inshapaeat�anted bi+Leudet tn any sQa�or�iaterest ,:`
<br /> r� ..
<br /> � - of Boaatver abaU nat op�r.ra retease&e liab7ity of�e ori Bomawa or Eoriower's suocesso�s in�t.Ieadec ., ,
<br /> Y shall not be rec�uiced xo�pro�eding�a8ainst aa9 saoces.sor in mte�e.at or t+�nse w eu�ad tta�for p or � �
<br /> � � „�: oth�wise mad�Y�imm¢�'abe sams s�aued bS►tNs Setnrity Iast�tbq reason of aay d�aad�the
<br /> . - ------ r�: or�ginal Borxowec as T�eina�e�'�s�oessnrs ia�t.A�r fo:beaiance by Ieader 3a exe�istng a+�g r�ht or c�nedy sl�alt . . ,
<br /> � ,� `.,,'�; . nof be a waivea af asgm:ede t�eAeccise of aay rig�t or:emedy. � 1he coveaaats and�of +� -
<br /> �' l2. S�too����As So�:�oi�t ead Sevsrei Lia6�fZy; `,:,"�,
<br /> , `" "� � Wis Soauity Tas�t sLaiL &:ad an� benefit the suocessots and assi o Lendea aad Hoimwer. u�js�the
<br />. ` `�','.�• pmroisIons of p�a�aph 17.ffcr�mwer's coveaauts a¢d shaU be omt and several.Any Somow�r w�4�w�signa
<br /> c- ;s: ' �;�' tLis Seastity lastrument but d�es uot�me tLe Nat� )i4 w-si8nitt& Secanty Instnune�t onlg to�..� _
<br /> � mnA camreq that B fl�n�v e r's�e s t i n t h e P t o p e:t y�e r't h e t e i m s o f t h i s S e c a d i q��:@)is nat p�sona]Ig
<br /> . . � ' o b l i g a t e d w p a Q t b s s m n s s e�a r e d b y t b i s S�r t n s t�e a t:aad(a� that LenQer and aay other 8ormwer may
<br /> • � a�ee W esten�,mtdifj►.fo�bear ar mage aay a��ons wi�b a w tbe tetms o f l h i s S e a u Ity l n s a a m e a t o r t�t e i
<br /> �. : ' ± Nute that San+awer's aanse�nt. I�is sabject w a taw wi�sets m�Ioan � r
<br /> t>f�,a ' �1 .��ari C�ar�. �t�Ioan secaned by�is Seaa�ii9
<br /> �.�aad that 1aRr!s fias�II.�r nnteip�ed so that tice i�c or�taaa� colle�ed or to be colletxe� in "��
<br /> ��'`�4'��� ., ry cc�ou witb the Ioaa es�e¢d the pe�ed I�mits,the�: (a) aaJ►s�laan�¢gP sHaU he r�¢ced by die a�ammt <<,::_--
<br /> " :r,..;, neeessary to reduce the cha�e to flssp l�.mix end(b)any spms a7:.'�Y aoIIerted fmm�oaaawer wluc�exceeded _
<br /> gem�tted limits viN be t�Suzded m B��der maY choose w�ake ffi9s refaad by�the��p�asipal owed -
<br /> . . _ "} � . _
<br /> , �8�e Note ar�bq makfug adireM pa���t w 8omnwer.If a refimd�p�c�al��e t�u�i��11�e ueated as a
<br /> � p ����7tP�Da9'��Se under the Atote.
<br /> ���1� ON S�. A�y IIt�i�m B01clOVres prond�l for in t�fs Sec�itq�t s1�116eg�v�bq d�Ive�II$�t Os 13y y�
<br /> '.' mailing it6y�st cla�mail �tessapplicable law reqaires use of an¢iha method.'�e ao�ce s1�1 be direQed to tLe ._
<br /> • .. ' � ':,�� Pmperty Adclress or mmy o@es address Eoa+ower designates hy noflce to L�der.A�y no�ice to I.�der sh�l be�by . �,,',
<br /> . .. ' :'? fnat class mail to LeQder's addras stated�a ar aay other address i�ea+der desigaates by notIae W Bonocrer.A�r nottce
<br /> � mvided�or�n t�S�ariry Ins�rt sh�zC`�be de�ed w have been g"ivea tn Bormwer or Le�der ahe�giv�as provided . 4_
<br /> '� ' �this pa:agaph.
<br /> . .,'�f � 1 5. G ov�n i n g L a w;s Q V e r a b i t i t y. 7 b l s S e t a u t ty I n s t�2 n t s h a l l b e g o v e r n e d�yy f e d e r a l l a w a n�t h e l a w of the
<br /> . .. � �is dicdon�n which t�e Ptt�ty Is Iacaie�.In the event thas aflyprovision or c]s�ase o�this�Instta�eni os the
<br /> - . htate eontlicda withapplicab2e Iaw.sacdi c�flict sLaU not affect o t h e rpm visi�ons of tl�a SECanty or the Note
<br /> . '� . �vhicd�can be '�effect wIthnm t�e carl�u�3ag P�visian.'d'o tbis e�d the provlatoas of this Se�cIty tastc�ent and the . _
<br /> � � .. ;:-:-� Note are decl�Sao be seve�le. � . , 'V-
<br /> � � " 16.Bnrrrwer's Copp. Botmwer�6e gtven ome conforn�ed v�y of the Nate aud of t1r�5:car��Inst�eat. �;� ___
<br /> mwer
<br /> . 17. �tanstar of t�e f,�aDerty or e eaefia�i9 P�t in Barsowa: If s7S or an}r Qatt oi the or aay . ;_ ,
<br /> � - interest in it Is sold or ua�..^�'��i(or if a be�eflciat.ust�est in Borrower is sold ar traasfe�l c�d Bomawer is aot s �; ::
<br /> .� . � na4aral person)vr�ihunt I.enC�"s�sto:wr�conseat,�der may.at ita oyt�on.retlu9re immediat�PaYmeat ia fi�U of all . .,s�,y
<br /> . � �; � ; snnos seaued h��is Seauity Insdr�e�t.,I�a w�ver.t h i s a p�ioa s b a U no t b e e x e n�]sed b y Lender if endse is ym2iibited •;<<�";
<br /> .. ` iry federai Iaw asoYt�e date of thls Seaui�y tns�� ' S: �
<br /> - � '�.. If Lender exe�ises t�option,I.e�shsll gi ss�•:
<br /> ��.. ve 8flsrower notice of acceleration.'Ilto na' pmvlde a peti ,�r��;�,.:
<br /> �' ' �` afi z;ot less tban 30 days fm�r tix date the nafloe�s detic�d or mailed within wh'rs�Borrawer aU sams ��r.r��!
<br /> �-• -
<br />. ;�.`•. . , <�� r.rv��_-
<br />- �'•`.11ft:' FOTf11 10��Q / ,'.:���
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<br /> ; .,�`.; . � erai�s•ers*ous.nac..sr.cwun.ANV4W021180Q-:37-Y3411FOOMMD�IKEZ8/81 ,
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