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<br /> .�� � " iwludtng t2aods or Qaading.rer which l�d��eqnie+es msm�oe.7bis insaranoe seau be maintained in the amounts end ;.'.:
<br /> � � for the perIods that Lead��q '�e Insu�e ca�rier pmvldlag the insnraaae shall De�os�by Bomawa sa6je�x w `y$.
<br /> � ' ` L�dcr's appcuval wt�rb sflall no�be ua�easonabIy avIthhetd �f Bomawec fails w maiamia oo+rea�e�'bed above.
<br /> ' � 1.endet maY.8t L��B QpttOA.obtain ooveeage w pmtea Ixad�'s ri�hts in the Pmperty in aawrdrare with para�apIl ,.
<br /> � � 7.
<br /> <P;,• • . Ari insuraao�policies and renewals shall be�ce�teble tfl Leader and saaU iaclude a stand�+d mnrtgage clause.
<br /> e
<br /> � � I�enQer c�a1!bave the rl�ht to hold th�pollc�es an�renewals.tf I.ender�,Bo:rower svari oramadY Bive to t�ender �
<br /> -. •„ �, : � all reoelpts af patd ps�ums and rea�wal natices.Ia tl��v�t of tass,Boaower shall give pmat�t nodce to the insmaace �
<br /> � c�rter aast Lender.Lender xaay make maf of tass it�aoi made VmmptlY bY Sormwer.
<br />:-''.���-.��;,� Un�ess L�and�rn3�ea o�agr�e ta w�,� shall be apgllc�Q w restoration or�r ,• .
<br /> - ' of t6e Pmgerty damaged,ff the re�oration or�air is eooaomically f I�e am8 i.eader's securitq is aot Iess�ed.If the ° �
<br /> ,, ,; rzswratton or r�air is not�onflm�cally feas�'ble or I.etder's s�ty wantd be lesse�,tbe ins�aaoepsooeeds sball be `
<br /> • �'f�. applted w the s�s ser�ed by tbis S�arityr Insuument,whether or not then due.witb a�r exoesspaid w Banower.If `t�
<br /> Bonower abaadons the Progeity,or dcea n.ut answer wIth9a 30 days a notice fmm Leader tLat the insarance c�rrter has
<br /> :'' ,. offaed to s�tie a clsim.ti�LEnd�r may cdltecx the ias�asace praoe�ds.Iander may nss the psnceeds m�p air or nswis -
<br /> _ . .., the PmpNaty or tg pay su�s socuned by Wis Seauiry iast�meat,whethec or not th�due 1�e 30-day peciod udri begin
<br />, r: . � ,-� whea the uotioe isg�veu. -
<br /> , ,,. •., �- Untess l+ender aad Boaower othecwise agcee ia writia�,aa9 licaiion of pmeeeds to p�acipal shall nnt estend or _
<br /> - '�..:�. postpoae the du�date oi die munthl9 Paymenta referied w ia paragr�s 1 and 2 or c�ge Sie��mt of the payments.If
<br /> ' . nnder parag�h 21 the Frapat�r is acxjaued by Ixnder,Barroiver's sight w aay insuiance polidffi and pioceeds�eanI6ng
<br /> :ea
<br /> . `7 fmm dam�e w the Pmy�riy paor w tfle shall pasv tn Leader W Ste extenE of the sums s�ed bp this 5�ry
<br /> � ' .: rnsaument�iatety�i� � .
<br /> , • . ;;;. 6. �anc9, on, ce mmd Protedion of the Yiop�ty; Bormwrr's Loan'Appifi�ttan; '
<br /> �olds.Bo=row�er sball aocagy.estab]1sb,�d use the Ptopezty as Bomower's griaelpal�esid�uoe wh3�in sbuy days
<br /> -.. .��: ai�r�e e�cec�on of thts Secadty Iaso�eat mtd shall�ue to aau�y the Rope�ty as�o�aw�'s griacipa]res�d�ce -
<br /> ..�,' ..� ��ot at teast one ye�after the date of.aocapanc,y.unleas�atLeiwise�in wrinng,wbir�coas�at shall not be �� �,
<br />- . ...�:' anreasoaably ovithhetd.oY IInle�s e��eaist�ir,h ace heyond Boaow�a's oontml.Bor�ower s1saII not
<br /> - . ....�' destroY. damage or impair the Progerty.auow the Pcop�rty to� ar aommit waste on the Prope�tq. Bormwer �
<br /> . , :i sbaII be ia defavIt iY any fosfeihue actian or pmeceding,wli�hea c�or cr3�aal,is beg�m t9aE,ia L�der's gaad faitli
<br /> , '�� gimeat could cesnl4 in farfdture of the Pmgerty or oth�wise materiallY �mPair the lt�cs►�ted by dils &eianiry
<br /> � ' � �stnam�nt or Lender's intezegt.Boaower maq cxsae sucU a defa�It�d reiustai�.as provided in pat�aph 18�by
<br /> __ . . . `-..f!� `.. c,aus"sng the action or p�c�c�g w be dismissed avith.a suling dtat, in L�der's g6od faith d�rmination. precIudes
<br /> � : .t�,. foifeimce of die Bomuaver's� in the Pmperty ar uther a�aterial of the Ilen c�eated b�y tbis Seca'tlty
<br /> . .'.;fti�r:; Insau�nt or Le�er's sec�Ity inte�est.Bormwer shall also be ia de�nit if irower,�thee toan appllcai�oa pmoess.
<br /> - :.f;fi,* €'
<br /> ���- . .r,.r'a , �o���Y�����toan��videnced b�N��Sos faited�o�oy � Leadcr with aay mater�al
<br /> .`,'i;'�',. '.;,v bIIt IIOt 1�tCd LO. ICSeDffi[O�S iAIICC�tiiII� .
<br /> +f<, 8otrawer's aoaipancy of the�cuperty as a priadpal r�.ff tAis SecurIty Tnsuta�t ts an a IeaseBoId,Bqr�v�►er abala
<br /> �„ '"�:� ` o�mp ly witb aii the pmvIslans of the Iease.Ef Bomnwer acqu�fee title ta the Psvgeny.the teasc�oId a�d��fee d8e
<br /> .,��,�.• . �,`�:: d
<br /> . shall aat metge tmkss I.ender agrexs w tbe m�ager in writing. • �
<br /> . . .. . ; ?.Fiafec@a�04�nd�'s Righ4s in the Property. If�ua�aer faits to perfotm the oavenaats amd�
<br /> • "�`�� aantaiaed in this Sec�Ity Ins�i. or�e is a tegal pmcee�,that may sIgaificantly affert•i.ender's ts in the . .
<br /> . ' ' ,`; .� :- �P�Y(sash as a pmce�g ia b�tcy.Pmbate.for cande�nnation or fosfeimie or to�fosce laars or regulatlons). .
<br /> <<., �;�.;. �-';.
<br /> /;;,: �,� .. thra L�der may do anA pay for whatever is aer�q ou prutax the valae of the Property aad IBader's rig�its ia the
<br /> : ;z�,:_ : �: Propeety. L�d,er's acHons mmy iacIude Paq}t►g aa�► �s seatt�e8 by a li� wLicd� has prtosiry over �iis &eauI
<br />_ . �:: .�� Instca�ent.app�ring in camt.paying reasanable atta�s'fees and eaterlag on tt�e Praperty w make iepafies.Alth�ug� .
<br /> . LeAder an�aq take rsxion nader tbis �,Lendes does not have W do s�.
<br /> Any a�umis disbursed by�u�er tLis paragrapb 7 sbaU beaame additional debt of�sa8wer secaied by thfis -
<br /> . : ;�� Security in.at�mene.Unless Borrower ar�ILender agree to ottt2r tenns of payment,tLese mmo�s�all bear inre�t fmm
<br /> the dese of dtsbn:s�ent ai the Note rate and shall L*e�paYable. aritb intere�t. upon no�oe from Lender va Botmwes
<br /> : . . ��< �S1Kor��ag��e Ias�u�ns�. If Lea�sr required�age insurance as a condition of maldug the loan secvx���y this �.:
<br /> � � : Seauiry Insuanent.Borm�arer sball PaY����4�to matataia the mortgage iasnrsaoe ia effed.�'.fdT aap
<br /> '.: � reasnn. the mustgage �nsarance cover��1f3►Len��er lapse�or ceases w be ia effea. Bomawer shal't pay tf� -
<br /> .; ..: Le
<br />. � . .:��°,�a�.:;, Pre�ms iequ�ed m obtaia cov�eraSe s-,li�tantiallY ecluivaleat to the mortgage insQrance pr�onsly ia efPect.at a c�2
<br /> . ��,�:`���:� : sabstaatially eqpivalerrt w t�te cost w Eoaower of the mortgage�oe prevfonsIy ia effect,fmm aa alternate mortgage ' .
<br /> . ' � Ltuvvrer approvad by Iende�df snbstantially eunivalent�ortgage�nsaiance cuv�rage is nat available.Bomawer ahaIl ay ��:
<br /> , : : u p
<br /> . � �� :. �a b+ender eacb�nontb a s�.�qual to ono-twelt�b of the y-eady mortpge lasurance pmmium bdng Da�d Dy Bormwer whe�
<br /> , E��covera e sed oz ceased to be in effect.Lender will aad�taia these ha
<br /> _ � `�:���.-. 8 �P �Pb us� paya�ents as a loss r�ecve
<br />-. .. �.Y':� ';�; ��iw of s�q�age insurauce. Loss reserve paymente maq no tonger 6e iequir�d.ai the option of I.ender. if ma�rtga�e
<br />- . .�r.�1 .,`�. �ce ca�age(in the amouat and for.th$perto�thai I.e�der requ�res)DmviQed 6y Qn ved by L�ades ,'.
<br /> .�. ..:���:,: .
<br /> � ", ? �gala becomes avaitab2e�d is obtaiued.Borrawer sbzl p t�e premieims tequired to inguraace �
<br /> ay m.9
<br /> ,r,t� :. ., �'. effecs.or W pr�vIde a 1os$�serve,naNl the requir�t for mnrtgage lnsurauae eads in arcor th a�r wri ,
<br /> :;' . � ", agreement between Ha�mw,ea and 4ender or applicable E�. Fam� o�a o eJ ,�"
<br /> . ; �. _
<br /> � .. : eawce►s svsta�ns�rc..sr:c�ow iuw seso:n�oo�9r•taan wsw►nnat+ve tia�s�
<br /> _ . { ,7,;•'�
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