:.t.:.-a .... ::._..-- •
<br /> - . � -' i;._.YL:._.. ----
<br /> .. . s� ���. - '
<br /> .,, � . . .. . . . _ ' _
<br /> —,-�Yi ' _ ' '_ _� _ _ __ _ _� . _ .
<br /> , . �
<br /> .. „ .. . . . : t . . ! .
<br /> ' . . .� ..,.• .,: . . . •
<br /> ` ' _ `. �g.. c`•�:, r�r � � -
<br /> < ` ..5' �5_._
<br /> .. �
<br /> �.� . ' � ' . _ ' _ " _.� . .
<br /> ..� _ .�. . .. . :."_. . . .. _ .. ��.
<br /> .; � ! i � `' � .
<br /> . . - ' 1 ��� � �.
<br /> ' �. .x — .
<br /> cO. : �_`._�''�- . _T_.::�i;".
<br /> �, �\�T�t Y'- - ..
<br /> - . ' . ..'r`Y • ot Ne propetty or interest therein i�scld.transferred or ,. � . '.
<br /> ' 6. TqANSfER CF TtiE PROP�iTY:ASSUTAFT[ON.If n0 or¢ny part ..
<br /> . . ,-. . ��a��yo�py Trustor wiihhotcl BnnnftefaN6 Pdor rn�tea�nsonR mc�ding(a�the ereatlen oi ts 4en ar onwmbraneo , , . .
<br /> � u�lnrest for hausehold aQPliana�s.�a3 0�^���
<br /> a� .
<br /> . . • � su6ord�Lo thts QeeA of 7nist @)�aeffiiion of e putdsase mortoy sceurty�art of arry taaaohald intorc�t o1 three yroars or lesa
<br /> $� o
<br /> � . ° dovrso.desaont or by operrffio+�o!taw c�on the doeti�of n�oint tonan!m(� B• .
<br /> � , � � not ea�fteU+ing an oyttcn to pit�aso.cucA adi�n�n Dre�o11hb agresmert and BenoTedary mny.e1 BertateieNe opticn.da�iam
<br /> ' . . ell tho sum�esarod Ey thia Oead nt Troot to bs immadiataN duo ar+d payab�.or eause tt�Uusteo to fug a notiee a1 detautr.
<br /> i, � .
<br /> •`F Bonottdarft ahail havo e1e[vad eueh aphon ts aoeote�esto i�Prior to the sale.�star af oomeYa�see.BeneBcmry sc►d tha pweon to
<br /> ; v�A►om tho P�POnlf�s ta Eo so'A ar transfertad read�agreomert m wrding the�tha eredd o4 cuch person is dat�emrlt co 80nefis�ary .
<br /> ad
<br /> . ' , and tAffithe inWrest DaYabta on thflsdtne ceeuted by this Qeed aiTn�s!shoD de at suoh rffie aa Ben09dary aAaD requost
<br /> . '� ` ' 8, ACCELERATtON UPOPf OEFAUtT.ftB�tE�8ALE TAe ta�"Se+rO by the Truator m make arry PeYment or to Fettorm anY of �
<br /> � .` u�of tmy othm Q►deDtodnass '
<br /> . . r, tlre torm9 nnd aondi@ons ot tho I�iate.os eny rer.mnrab.modffie�:wns or exDenuions tAareof.or the paym � . :
<br /> ..� �`' copued hehsby ot in fho pGtformana>at any o�V►0 eaven�or egreemants hereurtder sltab De a breaeh ot this agreemetd and the ;.,`
<br /> .-x,.�--"�`�` deck�ru a Qsta�nnd mall dedara e�tsums seeurod h¢rebY unmadiatety duo attd payaDfo end the acm0 ehntl
<br /> �� �n��� setdmenL demand.pra�or,t or notieo of e�riy kind Zherest�r.Benefir,.a�l�H det�ver � ,.<,.. �.�_
<br /> °� ° thotoupon bacome Quo and payabb��Pre • .
<br /> , , `: to 7nmteo o w�dton CaCarati�n a)Qe�and Qemand fnr sato.Ymstar esgree9 and Aereby grante ffiai tfie Tnistee shali hava the
<br /> � � eisd d BctneSeiru!f deaide9 the Properiy is W Oe sotd d sheD deposa wRh Tn�sLee thia Qeed af Trust end � . .
<br /> . , power ot sato of tha P�mpedy nd�uea seaued here�y.end shall defivet to Trusi�a writfen notioe af �
<br /> � � � ihe NoDO ar naEea end nrtfl ather doaimsr�b evidensing� a simi�natioe in the tortn�equired by�uv. � -
<br /> ` . " ": `.` defauft and otedton to eauss th�Praperty t4 bo so�.end Trustee.in oun.shaD P�eP� s ' .
<br /> .' ' � ' wfiieh shaD Ee deity5tad tor re�rd by Tn�a the eaoatdstlon of tsat�e of Detaue.and Notiee ot OafauB .
<br /> � ..�. .: ,
<br /> � , t... (eQ ARet the tap�of sueh t'm�ea may he ce+quseA py f�av T�e.v+dhaut Eemand on Yruster.shafl seDthe PmOertf►u�ane
<br /> and Nodoe af Sa�hav�g been flivan as cequtred bY �
<br /> , or more pereets and In sueh o�dec a9 Tnismt may determine on tho d�e and the t�es end p!aaa desi9na�ed in eai�N�Soe
<br /> ot Sait►.at pubUe aue�on to�o h2ghest b�det,t4�e putd►ase Prio�Pay��e in eash in IawNl money o1 the Unaed Sffites si
<br /> ° tor eause he or she deeme exPedienL O��Pone the sate fmm
<br /> ° tha tune of sale.The petson eortduet�►g thb sate maY• �f► nemerrt shaU 6e given hy Pu6t�dedara�on : F.��
<br /> � ` time to time u�l d sha0 be eomp6�ted and in every�eb mse�natia0 of P rovtQad.i!ffia sale is pastyarted tar fcnger thart
<br /> . , , thereot by sueA parson at tne time cnd pisce tast aPPo�d�r ths sffie:p
<br /> � � one(1)day heyand the day designeDed'o�fha Notiee af Sala.netioe thereof sha7 be given in�@�►e�^a��6ut
<br /> - . . originai Notice ot Sata Tnffitea shaU eme�de end deGver 4o the purdiesrst�s Qeod comraY(�9 � � , ;
<br /> .. "! vsrdhaut arry eovenant or v�tarrtY.e�t�s.or impLed.TRe�eednis in the Deed atany maruiers or taebsfiaD 6e eonclusive r.'
<br /> "� pmut of9�e Outldutnesa th�seot Aml Persa4 indudmg vrr�trout Gmi�ion 6enefseiarY ar Trustee.may Purehase atthe sate.
<br />-�',... `;.¢:' . ettt of tFte costs •- • t'.
<br /> . � (D) When Tn�ste�se(L�pu�zuent to Lhe powers herefi.Tn�e sha8 aFPtll�e praeeeds o!ffio sala ks paym .
<br /> �,. ' . '-, e�d ot Trtastee's Fees ,
<br /> _ . and�enses of exenab�9 thg P�r of sWB�nd af the�a��� �pased uDon ttte amount saaared .:
<br /> inanred K9�ieh Tru�tee's Fees shaD rtat in iho agg�e8ste h c m the order �• �•,
<br /> ..�. _::
<br /> hereLy and�emeining unpat�5 peraer�wm on the ba(anw thereoP,and than to tho i4ems in subpere9�D (I� ,
<br />... .. .._ �_ tAace smted. _ ' '°,
<br /> . - � (e) After Rayin9 the itams sAaa6ed in subDaraSraPfi @)•H the safo is Dy Trustee�ar 1he propar oourta the�order stated '' `"�
<br /> � '.'f'/�, toredosure and sa�e Nfhe sate is puwuantto iudidal tored�sure.the proweds of sala shaU be app ,
<br /> .� , ,; belowtotfiepsymentot ""�:_
<br /> � :.�,� '��.Y ��)qttomeys ises and aosts at aodedio� to 6e patd: �` -
<br /> �..�:;,::,��:��� •.'�.�'�."� Cl)Cos!ot+anY evEdence oi t�Ie praeured in oormee�rn wdh suefi s�ile and ot anY revenue requtred ,_�: ,
<br /> (9)AO ob8gations secured by 9�bTrust deed: }`�'"'.
<br /> •:,'� . `¢"r n ,.
<br /> • . � (4)The remelrtdor.�nny.W the person IegaIIy e►�lied tl�eieEa. .����,y..
<br /> 7. ADDtTIONAL SECUR!'iY INSiRUMEM8.Trustor,at es e�e m fartn and subatana0 r�istadorfl�Benefleiary►.Deovermg - -
<br /> .. . ,:'/ demaM.such sear�y ins�ume�as mall b�requtreA bIi Bene�aryr�enb ahalt be sd431ona1 secu�►for Trustofa tr�hh+t -._�.:
<br /> ��= amr of tfte ProAcR71��Y�bY this Oeed of Trust whkh c�auityl �—
<br /> .,�.;:5;`. , performaneo ot all�e tertns.�avenar�a mNi�.d�a!tt��o}T�fhe Qram�ssot3f notes seeured hereby.and arryt ather F�,.. .
<br /> � ' ;..+, securlyinstrume�exewtedinconneeUonwtththLshansrstc�a.3uebinstrumertsshaUbereeordedorfiteAat7rusto�sexDer�e
<br /> a wrRten instrumert exearted and ��.�:
<br /> � . . .,•� � .
<br /> B, APPOIMMENT OF SUCCESSOA TRUSTEE. Benefteiary may.trom time to Wae.bf►
<br /> ' arJmowiedged by BenefteiwY•ma�leQ to Trtr�Ur anG reeorded tn the eounty or wuntieo in vfiteh the PtopeRy b Wa�tad end Ey
<br /> • ' . visioms of ffia epDl�cable la+n°a��A State af Nebmaka substi�ta e suxassor or sueoesso+s to the. ��-:.
<br /> , '_ ,,:', � othervdse ccmptying with the pro �,,_.;�,;,.
<br /> , - Trustea ncmed herein or ading hewunder. �-"'.�"•
<br /> • " g INSPECTIONB.BeneC�f.or�s egerRy,repcese?t�es or worionen.are a�thorized to eMer rst am►�easonabte tl�rro uDon �'�:a.
<br /> : .. ; - m in erry pad of the Property tor9�e purposo d er.spaetin9�:a same anA tor the purpose of peAortnfig any o1 the aeb 3 b�ed c.,:�..,,,
<br /> " � . ;-.�i4`, to petfortn under the terms otthe QeeA of Tn� ��_','•
<br />. . � ':,y;. ,
<br /> . : :',f�� 10. OP7ION TO FORECLOSE t1Don tho ozeurrence of arry breaeh and upon the dee4tuatian at defaulf hereundeL Benefnimy -_`
<br /> uat
<br />- . „•`���� shaD have the opdan to tora�;nsa this 0eed e1 Trusl fn the m�r.r-er provided by iaw tor the toreetesure of mortgages an ir¢cil proyeRy -;;-f.
<br /> E foreb¢arru►ce bY Benaftei°�N or Trustee in
<br /> �.,,'r�;•` �ef�g�dgM ot remeEy hareunder.or othacrAse+�tordod by apP(ieebte�aw.ehaD not be e wawer ot or pro�ude tha exes�C°
<br /> '�y(:%
<br />_ � '`.�,{�,";i•.}� ot uny sudt�tgf+t a►ro►rredY horeunder.Likewise.U+e wa►►�er by Beneflciary or Truatoe of eny 6efauR of Ttustor unde►thb Ooed ot
<br /> �. ``�?r�f����. TNSt y�fiail not 6e deemed to ba a waiver of e�y►other or shnitar defaults subsequenUy oauRing.
<br /> _ �:.: , .,{;
<br /> -- .�i;��%� . • 12. TFiUSTOF�NOT�3:EASED.6aensicn af the�r^�t1�:r paymeM or modiflaarion or amcri"adlon of the Eums seared by this ' :;� .
<br /> _• '��,���`'� O e e d ot TNSt g ranted by B�efieiarfl��Y euoeessor in intnnest of Trustor shaD not oyo(�b�to refease.In¢r�y!marmor.tho Grsbildy o1 ��.
<br /> �':i�•. s h a ll no t b e s e q u i re d t s w m m�n�procesdin g3 against such
<br /> w:. � � � the otigina)Trustat and Trustata suxessar in bde►est EexzsflcltvY .v��t'
<br /> ' eaea�or ar ratuse to e�dend time tor�syme�o►othawise modity amo�2ffiIert at the sums settrre�d'W�th�t Qeed o1 Trust by ,�
<br />- ' . :.''` reason al�+y Qemand made Ey the origirt3lT=ti:stor ane Trustors suaos�ore in interosl. ���r tfie �
<br /> ' 19. BENEFiC1AqY'3 POWERS.Vltehout sffeeting a eeleesirtg the UaE�ity a1 the Trustor or any ottier Fe�a� �a,
<br /> . � payment o1 mry ohllgatlan Fsere�mer�toned.and wi�e�t�oWnB U�o Iien m e�mree of thb O�ad of Tnut upon mv�per"�:»»a1 the ;a 4.,,
<br /> U�
<br /> '�''li;:
<br /> - "' property not then or there0atare wteased as seeuri�l�S tl`��1i amouM of dl unpetd ob�atlona.Beneftdary may.iror�e�c+am[o�me �.,:�,.:..
<br /> � _ '� and witha�rtotice atthe requ�t of one armor0 TNSi�a{�r.�aase enyl Peraon eo tiESble.(u)e�Rend or renew the mawrrty er�ranY .
<br /> .. ' :`i�. of the tem�of arry sueh ob(iga2kns.C)61�1 other inCu'�genoos.tM retease m recoava/.er enuse to bo re!easod or reeomreyed af
<br /> - � • any tfine m BonefldaNs opUons any Rar�t.Portlon or e'I af ffie Property.(u�telce or retoaso any other or aQd'dionN seeurity for srry
<br /> ,. -_-�- .. . _ o�n�asa Ba��ro�s�a dEou dbytheaetlor+scfth�aBe�eflelarf►u►anYtrustorashee'mstnted.ereto.AUTrustoreahe116e
<br /> -- - �:3 � �
<br /> ._ _T"- 14. ATTORNEY FEES.GC78TS A'rfD O(R'r�ti3�S.It Bso Beneflclary c1 th�►Oeed o1 Trust�a bank as defmad by iQtrStnska iaw� � .
<br /> • any stat�mant aonlained in any otfier seWon o!thia 6eed noMrilhsteedlnQ.tha Benefleinry sAall no16e antitled to receive er tak0+�ne - .
<br /> � � debtor shaU not bo obligated to pay or give:anY oorNession o1 juQgmenL powet ot a8omoy to�nte�s judgmanL power of uttomoy to
<br /> ' � • eppear tor o bortower in o ludtcial proeeeding or agreemem to pay the oosfs of ocQedlon or the attomsys toes,untess fhe trrtocast
<br />_ pBY��bY�Q��p��e ppt�refarted to in thb deed is 1696 per annum ar tess.or ihe note reterted to in ihi9 deed is tepayab
<br /> ' � two or more equal or unequal instaltments ansl ove►c Oerlad af more than one humdred forly-5ve p4�moatha ProviQed.hawover,
<br />- � that tha seetlon does not apDN to 1he trustee tee reterted oo in Paragraph 8.6(b).Provlded Ntther thffi ffiis Paragrttph 8.14 sha11 rtot
<br /> - .. . aPDN w Nia Ooed a1 Trusi iNhe BeneBemry horoln�nol o bank
<br /> ... _------ - -_--"-- OAICittQlBLt�� •.�.ra.:
<br /> � � soneor�eA oovv r� mrszcm
<br />- ; � � .. ' - 6D7�7tpEV.t�04Ne�teska -
<br /> pETErJffOH COP1I(1)
<br /> ;.'i .
<br />