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<br /> �y+ . �� � _. ..' , . . - �
<br /> ;* �_ f - .. � �- f ' : ,. , ' r., - �i` -
<br /> � . . ..
<br /> .. ,, .
<br /> . .:- �
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<br /> - ti � �:s
<br /> _ . < 4. INSUiiADE�E. Trustor,et Bs expense.xriH mflu�min with'u�surees apQrowd by Benaficiary�insuranee wah respect t�o the • ` ','`.` :
<br /> , � ;_ <. ,
<br /> . ' :_;�:. tmprovemer�end p�rsonal propsrry.oonstfitting the Pmps�rty.agamst foss by fire.Qghtr�ing,tomado.and othor ponts and haxards . ,� ;'.
<br /> , • . eowred by sfnndard a�donded coverage andmaament in an amouM e4ual to at Eeast one hund�ed pereent of the tu0 replsoemea! � _�"�'
<br /> � vatue theraof end isfsu(tirtte 8geinst su�athor AezaJ�d9 8nd in such amaunta 8s�s eustomanly camed Ey awnere and operatore of `-
<br /> � n
<br /> - simitar propettiee or ae 9enefielary may require fo►iES prateeeon.Trustor wiU comply with sudt offier requiremenb es BoneSetury may s�• �
<br /> .. . . hom Nno to time request tor itfa pmtactton by insurenw of the interests ot the respec�parties.AO insuranca pofiues mair�med ,
<br /> ' < ` ptusuantlo th�Caed of Trust sheU nama TrusOOt and Benafieiery ns insureds.es ttteir tespemve mmrasta maY aAPeer.and provtda � .
<br /> that there shal!be no eanea�ation ar modi6rshon without no tess the+i 1S daye pnor wriQen natlfiw�an to Trt�stee end Boneficiaryr.In . ,
<br /> � � � . , ,,,c� the everd any poG�syr hereunder ta not renevred on or Eetore 15 days pdnr to�s e:piration de�te.Tsuste�or Benefieiary mey pmwre ; •
<br /> ep
<br /> ,`-, sueh msuranoe in axondaneo wiM�the provIsions af P�S�Ph A6 l�areoi Trustor sha0 QeGvaz to BeneEaary ffio origind poiides ot .
<br /> • - incturaneo end renerrab theraof or mem�capeea ot snd�pofiehasnnd rsnewats thereot Fa1u�e tu tWmish suM tnsuranoa Dy TnisEOr. .
<br /> . �'.,. or renevre±s asroQuired her¢under sfie4 attho option of BeneBdary.eonsL�e adetauR
<br /> ,. __ .���.' S. TAXES.i�S3ESS.1AEM3 AND CHARCiES.Tmstor shdl pay NI tmcee.essersmettts end othet eharges.atehiding.without -. `�
<br /> ti=-'=;--= :�=f � timitetion.fines and imQasfiiorts at�D�iabie ta ths Pmperty.and t¢�Aotd payaeeals or groured rents.Q nny.before the eacna --- --- .
<br /> .� � � heeome ds8nquent TnisOor sha0 pmmpNy tumish to Benef�ciary all notieos of emourna dua under fhis P�S�D�•8I1d'UI the eYB�1! _ "�y��_ ,
<br /> • � T�r sha0 maks payment direetly.Tn�stor shall promptlyl 1limish Lo Benefieiary reeefpb evidenemg such payments.Tnistor shaD '
<br /> ,� . . � ''� pay s0 fmces end assessmeMs whieh may be 6�viad upon BeneSdays mmrest herem or upon this Deed o!Tnui wdhaut regard to "'
<br /> .- . _ . ,vp erry law tl�at may be enaeted imposing payme�rtottha wt�ute ar am/put thereot upon ths Benefo�ryu •� ' "
<br /> -- � � 6. AODI710NA1.LIBdS AAID PROTECT[ON OF B�W�[CWiiY'8 SECURtTY.Tnistor sAaO make a0 paymerrts oi intetest and •.".�:<•� .
<br /> . � `. . . .;'.�; � prrttdpal end paymarAs of arry other ehacges,tees end expenses contra�ad to be pafd to any existing fien hoidets or prior .
<br /> �:' � ��•�i ' 6enofreiaries under anyt prtor daed of frust m mortgage 6efote the date they tue deGnquent end pramptty pay and diseharge ruiy artd
<br /> ., - . , _' � aU other Gens.elauns or ehargas whieh maY ieopazd�m�the secu►dY 9mnLad heiem.if Tnistat�Lu maks etry sueh payrtie+R ar fa8s
<br />, r._;:`��•' �.� � to per(ortn erry af tfie eavenants and agreemeMs oo�eined'm fh's Oeed of Trt�sR or in eny pROr mortgege or deed of tnffit,or rt erty "
<br /> . r'� eaion or proceed'mg b wmmenwd whieh materis4y affee�Banefda�/a Lnerest 6�t@w Properry.indudmg.6ut rtot Gm�ed ta
<br />`��!•`, � +��, em'menidamaNpraoeedinga.orprooeed"mgsmwtvingadeeedenf.or�gn�smrtadsLoRayTn�sLO�ade6LsgeneraUyastlmybewme
<br />�=''r. ' due,then 6enefianry.at Benefieiays optlon and w�out notiw to ar�.��rd upon Tcu�nr end witliwrt reteasing Tn�tor from mry �
<br />::<:Id< o6ltgaGon F.eraunder. may make sue#�appearanees. dlsburse sufi sums and�Im suefi attion as is nBCe�ary to prote�
<br /> _ . Benefida�yrs 6�erest�ng,6ut not�un�ed ta dish�nsemeM ot re�anaMs amortsayta fees4 paymerd. pu�fiesQ oontest or •
<br /> s .. ; ; ,� oomprorti�se afi any enaec�ranw,cirarge or lien,and ermy upon tfie PropeRy to make wpa�In the sve�that Tra:�s shaA fa�l m ,�,
<br /> _ - •.s� .r.�..: proc�ue asurenoa ot to pay tmcea�se�nenls.ar arry other eharges ar Oo meke anll PaY+�eeb Lo arry ewsling ps�r Gen hoMers ot .:r'y ,,;
<br /> -- - -- - ' henefica�oas.BerteSdary may proeuce sv.ch insuranw and matse such�aymem Am►amou�ts dis�ursed by Benefreiary puravent oo "
<br /> . `�' " . tfiis ParagrapA A8 sha0 beeome adE�na1 indebfla6ness ot Trustor sec�ced by this Qeed ot Trust Sudti�nomts shaU 6e paya6te , �
<br />•.�. � - upon notico fiom Beneftdary to Tna�r'�9ue�m9 Paymerq thereot es:3 shaA Eaer fnterest iram ihe date of d'sbnrsemen!et the , ,.
<br />- : � _ ,.j. �te payabio f�om time to t6ne on au�ssr,Tm9 Orinefpai under the Mom untess paymen2 of 6uerest at sucA rafe wou(A be ooatrarf►Lo ` � .,
<br /> � -;, ;C.': apptitxbia k►w.in whlefi event sueh amovr�ts sha0 6ear mterast at ths highest�{term�fa under appGcabie Iaw. Nothing
<br /> .�`M1'- �- ,�..-„`.,. eanffiined itf tlds Paragraph A6 sha0 reG�.�e Benefieiary to ineut arry mc¢ense or f�al�rnp adion itereunder. '
<br />�;%;le<'",�+y.,�;;,;;;`'�',' y �
<br /> ,4 ��'�`'�f e; B. 6?ES MUIUAIlY ACiH�77iAT: . _
<br /> 1 :''�'qI'���' ,�
<br /> _,�,f�. ' t;,;�ti,'���. 1. ASStaNMENT OF RHYTS.BeneSdary ahaii have the rtghi D��d authmdy during tAe cort�r.�nce of this Oeed otTcus! .�
<br /> - • i.�`¢•:l;' to aoVect the�er�ts.�and profib af the Property er.�o#enY Pe+sortai propenyr ioc�ed thereon rrtsh orw�Thout�possession ;(`::.�.:•. '
<br />.�'��"��'., - . `'�.>r of the pmpetry afte�fl l�ereby�and T�ustor hereby d�soicstay and aneonfidtonatty asstgne s�sud� re�s.�ecii praffis to '..;-�.''� ''.`.
<br /> ,.�;.•; .
<br /> '•�-�•� BeneficFy.Benefida-y,hoxrever,he[eby oonsenb to the TcustoPs cc?edlon and teter�fon of eueh rents.�.���esfhey ���
<br /> .�f�;';f,' axr.�emd 6ecome payabte so tong es TrusWr is nat at such tune,m detauEt with respad to paymertE�a•ryr�*r�'4';ass secured �.. .,
<br /> ``• . '_::;�r' ' `.:}-c' •.'_
<br /> he:e6y.4t in U�o peAortnanco o!arry agreemeM hereunder.Upon airy such defauft,Benefraary may a¢eanytan�e,.."�tn parsan.by . ..�:.;. .-
<br /> . ager�m by a recelver to be appofMed by a oourt,without notiee and without regard to ihe sde�..-sy of mry sscurity for fhe �. - -
<br /> ; -- fideM�n�e herehy sgcumd.(n�entar upon end take possesaion otthe Properry or arry pnrtffieseox and in i�own a�sue tor ar °'�.'..
<br /> � • � otherwise coi(ed sudr raro�lssues en0 proTib,indud'mg those past Que and unpaid.and appty tC�e same,lesa easts nnd eaponses "'��-
<br /> •. ....�`� of operallon and eoQec�vn,m�Judmg reasonable attomeys fee9, upon arry inQebtednoss sewwd hereby.+ind'm sueh order as "��: .
<br /> Benefteiaryr may detertnfie:(b)pertorrn such ads of repair or pmteetion�s may be neces.gery ar proper to eonserva the vaiva of the ..�:.��`:� `
<br /> . � � � Proparty,(o)tease fhe same or any p�t therea!for eucA rental,term.end upon sueA eondidons as�7a judgment may dtcmte ar _
<br /> tertninate,or aE�ust Me tertns and wn�3lorts af exislmg leesea Unless Tnistor and Berteflciary fhereof agree otl�etwlso in wriHtig. --
<br /> , � � any a�plieation of rents,iss�les ot ptofite to airyr indebtednsss seared hereby�Aoll oot extend or postpone ths due dffie ot the _-
<br /> � � insLallmeM paymenb as pmvided in seid pramissory rto� or change the ainour�t of sueb inslaQmenta Th� ent�'mgupon ertd ___.�_••
<br />_ � ' � teidng possesafon of the PropeRy.the ooVectton of su�e�enb,Issuos and pm�a,and the appticatfon thereo!tts atoresai4.sfia0 no! _-_-_
<br /> ,. waive or eure etty Cefauit or notlw oi�+R hereunder or im►aridate srry ad Qone pursuant to sud�naWce.Ttus[or aiso ass�s to . - -_---�
<br />_ �- ':` Benefldary.ea fuAher seeurity for the qarfortnance af fhe obt'igetions seared hereby.atl prepa�d re�3 end nll mon�s whkh may �..`;_
<br /> , . .. have 6een or may heretMer tre depos:�a wilh said Tru�xor by nny lassea ot the Property,to seaca�e pnyment of any terA or '=-��'
<br />= damagea or upon Qefeuft In the pertorman�of tury of the pmvisfons�ereo�TnisWr agrees to deGves eiccch rer�end depos3s tb �
<br /> . . ' BeneBGary.OeGvery�written natice of BerteAei�ry/e oxer�ise af the righte granted Gc-�n.to arry tenmd owupying said ptemises - -
<br /> _ � . ehall6e suffidern to requ�e satd tenant to pay rent to the Benefidnry urrtil further nattae. ; � � -= -
<br />� � 2. CONOEMNAT1dN.H title�arry part olthe Property shaD be faimn in oondemnation preeee6r.r�a by dgM of eminent domam - -
<br />_ • . ' or slmitar aetlon,or shaA be soid untterthrea!of conQemnaSon,e0 awards.dsmages and�ro�s ar�afuueby assigned anQ shaD be '
<br /> . �. � :•; patd W Benetieiary who shali eppty suetf awtudA damttges and proaeeda to the sum st�us0 by ilt�C�aea o!TrwL�4 fhe exmss�, • � � .
<br />= if argr.Dsid to Trustor.N Trustar receives arry noUoe or other fitarmation regard"mg s�aWans or praoaedings.Tnuc�e 6ha0 give
<br />- �� �� prompt written notfee thereo!to Beneflctary.Benettclary shaD be enlNod.et ils apflan,Lo wmmence.appeat in atd pasearte in ib ;. :.
<br /> ' ' � own name tsny eueh aetion or prooeed'mgs and sheU 6a entifled t�moke orry oompromise or setttement in wnnectlon wdn arty sueh `
<br />- " j' ncdon or pracesdfigs. .
<br /> " . �f' 3. FUTt1RE ADVANCE9.Upon request o}Trustot.Benefleisry at BeneA.eleiy/s optinn,prtor to reoornsyance of the�operly to �_,u
<br />- � • • j TrusWr,mayr make futuro advaneeo m TrusL�r.Sueh tWure advanaes.withh�rterest thereon,sha0 bo seeuroa by thb Trwt Oeed .
<br /> ° j when eadenood by promissory nates stat�g that es5d notes ere sesured hereby,providadthat at notimssha0the socured prfidpal. �
<br />� . . � fuL�re a4vances.not ine(uding sums cdvaneed W prote�t the seeurAy,e�ccoed Two Hundted pereent(Z0096)of fhe originel prinNpal
<br />__ � amour�'!a toeured horeby. ,.
<br /> F 4. REMEDtE9 NOT EXCLUSIVE Trustee and Benefieiary, and eeeh of them, 6haU bs entiHed to errtarce puymeM and
<br /> • ', � performano0 af eny irtQebteMess or obGgatlons seeured hereby snd to exarcdse M HgMs end powere under thls Qeed of Trust or
<br /> under any other agroemeiA exewted�n connechon herewrtl�or any Inws now ar hereafter in form.notwithhstanding somo or etl ot the
<br /> -_ _ - --i such indebtedness and ocfiga}ions s�cure8 i�e�aLy may uvw ai heteaY�br t�,ottser�'�a eaw.�ad.�.�hsthar Ly:riart�a.�aaC atfr+�. � -
<br /> , ' � ptedgo,Gen,asstgnmeM or othorvAso.No�ther tho accroptanee af thb Qaed of Tnrst nor itr entoreemerd whether by oourt acti�on or . .
<br /> _ • � purcuant to the power of sete ar ather pawew hers�wrtmtned,sha0 prejudlee or u►atry manrter af�ed Yrtisteo's or B�neAelary's
<br /> � ' �, r�ght to reaGze upon ar entorce any other seeurny naw o�horeafter hetd by Tni..rtee or Benetldary,it bEting ggreed that Truste�arrd ,
<br />- • � Benefleiary. and eaeh af them,shaU tre entitled to entorce ffiis Oead of Trust and any othe► seeutity naw or hetaafGsr he(d by ;
<br /> .- -� � Ber�efidaryr or Tnistea in such ordcr and msnner es thsy or erthe�of them may m theh absolute diseretbn datermine.No remedy ._
<br /> . • herein contertad upan or reserved to Tmstea ar BeneBeiary m mtended to�o exdushre o}r�ny ather temedy herein or by law : .
<br /> ' provtded or permRteQ,Dul eaeh ahall bo eumutariva end ahNl be m eddmon to every ather temaAyl given hareunder or nw�or � ,
<br /> . hereafter ewsMg m Iaw or m equRy or Eyr statuUa.Every power ar remedy pro�r.ded heteundm ihis Qeed of Ttust to Trustoe or .. .
<br /> -- � Benaflelary orto whkh either of them mtry be othemis0 entdted.may bo exercised coneurrenUy or�ndepandantty,from tune to dme '
<br /> - and as often as may be deemed expErdront dy Trustee ar Berteflaary and erther of them may pursue mcons�teat remedies.Noffitng • ;
<br /> . ' herem sha(I�e eonstrued as ptoh�Drtmg Benefiatiry trom seefcmg a defceiency�udgmeM agtunst the Trustar to the aoQont sucfi aetron _ � -
<br /> - ----- �s permRted by law. -..
<br />. . � G07S71 Nmreske OD75�.C4 - .� _
<br /> �•' .—�-�.__ -- -
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