�:;�o::._.�.�.� ` i _ '�, :�
<br /> �. � ,, . - ` "".�",s"�.� � ,�; µ-:-�`Nt � `�,� .
<br /> . �-�: � , . s �j� � . f ���
<br /> . �- - • .„ _.F ��: . a. c,5 .. ;�S L� ;.
<br /> �; ^r _ �8 � �� `� z � � r>� ,, , �
<br /> —,-w'=-r_':� x ;•. ` ,r r'`„ r o '�'E"�' � . ° �,�> i r,„ ``x ` ¢ -
<br /> ` � �P� � �'� J ``- ` � t C _
<br /> ��c f ..;�',`t
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<br />�. � . - ,'��ro . "a. , .
<br /> :1,. . .y:Q ::7: . . ���10��6� �,4_
<br /> �� �` is not a natu�al personl eoithout I.�nder's prior �citten ccn$ent. Leader may. t:� '[ �`
<br /> :"�`�. , at t�eir option. require i�ediate gaym�t ia f�ll aS all sums secure+g by�
<br /> c,r`� ,� thie Security Instrumeat. Hoa�ever. this optl.on sP:ali not .�e exercised by
<br /> . -- Leader if e�cercise is prohtbited bY �e8era�. I�� � of the date of this
<br /> 'd. Security Iastrumeut. s.
<br /> `�ti., c�'�."� If Lender exea'cises tbis ogtion. Lender shall give Bosroaver aotice of .
<br /> , 4f{.
<br /> yrt'.""_ ,;.
<br /> aecelera�ion/demaad• The notice ahall provtde a period oP uot less than 30
<br />. _ ., M. „__,
<br /> ' j:' ;:, days from the clate the notice is delivered or mailed �ithin mh�.ch Borzower
<br /> �.•-�:.'� �st pay ali sums secured�DY th�s Secvrity I�stnument. If Horroarer fails to - _
<br /> � .. <�. .. . pay these atmns Prior to. �he exQir-ation of tLis period. Lender may iaveke any -
<br /> ;:,•: remedies pezmitted by this Security Iaatnunent �rithout £urther aotice or A�.�3;��
<br /> �-� .
<br /> � ';:` 8@mdRd Og BO=YG�r. �: _--
<br /> �._
<br /> ;. � j.. _
<br /> :;'�r i8. Borroo�er's Right to Reinstate. if Borroaoer meets certai.n �� -
<br /> ^�. , '� conditians. eorrower ahalx have the right t0 Itave enforCement Of this � ---v=
<br /> , gecurity instnuneat discantinued at aay time prio= to the ea�lier of: ia) 30 _
<br /> a��.` '� days (os such other period as appllcable laa� may epecify Por reiuetatement) � _
<br /> �• = :� �4�•� before sale of the Property�pursu�aat to aay pomer of sale contained in this :.:-. .-
<br /> .'.,.�>. .:.�t;s.,f�. K
<br /> .-,�� Security Iastsvment r or (b) entsy ot a jud3ment enforcing this Secu�ity �..�-',
<br /> -:;-�'..
<br /> .. ���� Iastrument. Z'hose con�tioAS are tiaat �orrosoer: ta) PaYs LeaBer all su�as ,
<br /> ,��,��'.. ,. `, • whfch then uould be due under this 3ecurity Iastrumeat and the Note had no 5
<br /> , b cures default of an y other covenants ar �'"�'°_'-_
<br /> .- • � acceieration occurrerl; l ) �►Y
<br /> •� : ` . agreemeats: � (cl Pa� � �Penses iacurred in eaforcing this Securicy �-°:��_:
<br /> `�'o.V ', _,,;...: fees; � �__i._.
<br /> '°�""' � Instr�aent, iacludiag, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys'
<br /> -'y"': . rr�yr,.
<br /> • . _: (d) �alces such action as Lender may Yeasonably reqnire to assuse t.hat tlie `_�.,�.
<br />. .'ti-, '•,._ .�' ,•�F._.I.
<br /> r lien of th3�s ..Security Instrument. Lender•s rights ia the Property and �.�:
<br /> "�;��,"'� ."�. ' "�.: ;:�. Eonoarer'a c�i.�gatioa to�pay the sums secured by tY1is Security Iastrumeat. �.�;
<br /> .: ; • 4;r�� , shali�caatirnie� .un��ad. tTpoa reinstatement by Borsoarer. this Securit7/
<br /> �r,,,,,,�,� aad the o�'Li:q,�.tions aecured hereby shall remain f�a�.1p effectfve as
<br /> � ����`�'��:t if no acceleration bad oiccurred• Haooever, tY►is right to reirssLate sh311 not _____
<br /> '"� ��� t:•• 13 or 17. � .. �=
<br /> ' �` aPPly in the case of acceleratfoa under para3�P� - --
<br />`.f�.'{�: , , '��'4, ,'• " --�-
<br /> ' Y%'�' . '--
<br /> °:�., , ' ..;,�',:, � . i9. Acceieratfoar Remedies. Lender ahall give notice to Sorrower prior ' ,
<br /> ,,�,-�. . ��� � � to acc�leration �oilodiag Bonoraer�s breach o! a�r covenant or agreement in �. .
<br />=Y;!<�t; . : � this��5ecuritg:7s►strumeat lbut nat prior to acceleratioa under paragraphs 13' ° . __^_^
<br /> r�;c`� :� � aarl 17 unless a�plicable law provides other)- The notice s�ali specify: ta) . __
<br /> . . �,,, w�, the default; �v! the actio� required to. cure the default j lc) a date, aot
<br /> � '. ;: ;. . less tt�a 30 Bays fstimr.:�.e date the notice is given to Sorroaoer. by �hicli the
<br /> � �'� ` 8efa�alt awst be cured,� �td (d) that failure to cure the default on or before -� -
<br /> � � . '�,�. .� the� date apecified .�a. ,the notice may result iu accelerati�on aE ttae sums ' . . --
<br /> � � �� � � secure8 by th�a Security.Ynstsvmeat and sale og the Property. Tt2�_aotice , _
<br /> • � shail €urtb.er iaforea aasro�er c�� the right to reinstate agter ace�ation � _ _
<br /> _ «
<br /> ' �� ,�;_ aud .the ri9ht to, bsiug• •a, aai�r�� action to aesert the noa-exiatezuc�. oP a ,
<br /> ._�: . ' � :`.;. � de�lt or any other de�er�e o� Borrower to acceleration and eale.: If.the• ,; ... -_r....
<br />° . `� � � default ie not cured aa v��ef.pr� ttie date specif ied in the aotice. Leader at�:�.,.;.� . . ',�.�
<br /> . 6:�: . � theis aption may requir� a�te pay.ment in fuEL �of ail sums secused by � r<___=-
<br /> ' • �• �•.; • this .Security iastruuten.� �aithout further decuand and may imrake the �e�er oP . __
<br /> •, 'y% � sal.e aad amy other rc�sediea permittes3 by applicaDle lam. Lender s�aali be . `
<br /> � eati�tied to coilect aib expenees iacurred in pnrauing the �emedies prwi8ed � _
<br /> � � .� � in tbis paragraph 19, including, but aot limited t�, reasanatole attorneys� �_
<br /> � . �.�;,.� fees aad costs of titie evidence. __ '
<br /> � � � if the po�aer vf sale ie invoked, Trustee ehali record a notice of �.c._.
<br /> . . �,,.:
<br /> � .. � defavlt it► eacti county in a�hicb auy part of�the Praperty is ioca�ed and shaii E:.__,
<br /> ' •`,� � � mail copies of such notice ia the maaner psescribed by applicable lao� to ��-
<br /> �:,,_-_:
<br /> :�;�'�. � � ' BorroaPer aad to tt�e other persons prescribed by appiicabie law. After the �-_,.
<br /> . �� � . time required by applicable la�, Trustee ahail give public natice oY sale to ��_•-,y
<br /> . . ' the persaas and Ya rhe manner prescribe8 by applicabie la�. Trustee. vithout �,�.
<br />-- -�. .- 8�$ ���_r. �1 seZl the ?�crperzy at public auction to the highest �.r
<br /> � � ' DiQfler at t3ie time aaB place and uader the te�s designa,ted ia the notice of -
<br /> � . sale in on� or more parcels aad in anY order TYUStee determ�nes. T�ustee maY �
<br /> - � postpane sale of all or a�r parcel of the.Property by pubiic announaement at
<br /> � - - � � the time and piace oF a�r prevfonsly scheduled �ale. Lender or their
<br /> �. . _ � designees say pucchase the Prop_rty at aay sale. �
<br /> . � � �:
<br /> _ . .: � •,
<br />,
<br />-� , . . ,. 5
<br /> _. . � „ - '� �
<br /> _; � _ _�:_:_..--.._
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