E:_< k� , . �; _�_ i ,�
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<br /> �' ._� . r s:`t{- 4 ,� \:`t _ �.5;
<br /> ,�..o"';,. �� . _ �,�"` y y' � ti .�a t ��-i . „z.; f- j„�a . ,�. ` �h- .� �si- ,,;£Yyf - ' -.
<br /> � Y _�,, r '� 2. . �� - .t f' - 'S:-'
<br />. '�t�' t` _ 1'�°���
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<br /> - . ,.. - . ;- . ,�c.
<br />. 't�� ' . . 'k�
<br />_ .. . ` iV -, �� �����/ . •� ��,.`
<br /> .. w . `` � ��..P� <
<br /> c. �•ib:..`.fi': t.p.� LGSa4� t� aay auccessor � ' .'c.t
<br /> `� ,�� �: ° secured by thia Security inatrument graa 2s7�'
<br /> `•.' ,. , �..f
<br /> ` ; } intereat of 8orroarer shali not ogerate ta release the liability of the
<br /> '. ari glutal 8ona�er or Hozroa�er's eucceasors in iater�st. Leader shall not be
<br /> '"`, Y` requix�ed to cc�eace proceediags agaiast aay succ�ssor in imtereat or refuse .
<br /> � � ��K�����'<,�'. ta extend time for paymeat or otheroo�se �aodify amartization og the sums
<br /> '`�: ` � � ` Y:-�, . aecvred by tZais Security instrument by reasoa of aay deaaand made by the t=
<br /> . � :�;,. ,
<br /> � - - priqiaa7. Barrower or Borravrer'a successors in interest. Any forbearaace by L-
<br /> - •- .. a.�. .�_ � Lender in exercleiag any right or re�edy sball aot be a waiver of or pre�l.ude �
<br /> , _� . , , � �.••c.��.
<br /> , the eAerciae of any right or remedy. ;
<br /> ' 'y� Liabilit Co- �`'`�- "
<br /> ` . � =� � � 11. Successors aad Agsigas Boundt Jeint and 3everal Y: ;� ��,-,
<br /> '�x�'� � The coveaaats and agreemeats of this Security Instrument 'shall bind �;+•�-_��
<br /> � ;.� sigaers. ��.-:�.
<br /> a n d ben+e f i t t h e s u c c e s s a r s a n d a s s i g n s o f L e a d e r e n d Borre�rer, suDf ect to the s-.<;,_
<br />� ` provieioas of paragraph i7. eorro�er•s cavenants aad agreemeats sHa71 be ___
<br /> ` •"�`�:,; :,':�, ioiat aad several. Any Borrower �ho co-aigns thi�s Security Inst:umeat hu� =_"_. --
<br /> `� does not execute the Note: (a) is co-aigning thi.s Security Instrumeat only �,�:.�'-
<br /> ta mortga4e. 9rant aad eonveY tbat Borra�rer�s iaterest in the Property under k4;-�;._�.
<br />_ the terms og this Security instru�ent: (1�) is not 'personallY obiiga�ed to pay � s -
<br /> ' � � the s+�s secured bY this Security Iastruments aad (c1 agrees tl�at T„�nder and ' �-:_';=:
<br /> . •� ',`-�'� any other Borrovrer m.�Y agree to extead. modify. fork�ear or make aaY �;;;y:`,•'
<br /> . ..: .� accommodatiaas wiW regazd to tlte terms of this 3ecurity Iastnuaent or tSe e_,.�._°
<br /> , . PTOtE WfCh011t th3t BO1tO0TP.Y�B C031$P.IIi. , r� Y,��
<br /> F::w°.yP.sr
<br /> . . , if the lvan secured by tbis 3ecvrity Instrumeat is �"���:�._-
<br />, . ' ' ��� •.-� 12. I.oan (�atqes. ���_=�:
<br /> �.n.., �_._.�:��.: subgec� to,a lae� orhich sets m�Yim�iL^ loan charges. and that la� is finally -
<br /> � �:_��-:�.
<br /> ° '� interprete8 so th�t the in�erest .or other loaa c.har9es collected or to be _
<br /> .,,::r;..< .-. • collectecl in connecti� wfth the loaa excee8 the pera�itted limits, thea: (a) _--_
<br /> e
<br /> . . . aay such loaa criarge shall be reduced lsy the ataount necessary �� reduce the ---
<br /> . :'r 18
<br /> � r" charge to the permitted litait j and . (b) auy sums alreadY co�ected from
<br />- :St �. !:�' - -'
<br /> � ' Borromer oaYiich exceeded Permitted limits mill be ��ed eo Sorrau��. —
<br /> Leader may choose to raake tt�i.s refund by reducing t$e principal o�ed var.tns __-
<br /> � ' the Note or by c�aking a 8irect payment to Hosrower. if a refund redu�es ,�,:-,,.
<br /> '�` �� . . princigal. ttie reduction rail.l be treated as a partial prepaymeat c9it.hout anY• ' v�
<br /> � � .. , ' prepayaient cHarge uader che Note. . ', �---
<br /> .. t ',. :.' 23. Legialation A€fecting Lender's Righta. If enactment or egpirattf�n =--
<br /> � .of applicable lawa has the effect of renderiag. aay prov3aion of r.3s.e M�r,�•or =__--
<br /> � • this Security instrumeat uaeaforceable accorfling to its terms, �u���. at --
<br /> ' . `� :�. their optioa, �ay reguire immediate gaymeat in i•uli of all sums secured 2�1►
<br /> . .,�}i�;;.. ;:,,; this 3ecvritY Instrwr,ent aad may i�mroke any reme�ies Permieted blI ���i"�
<br /> :-,:,;'r.' - :_. .=. 19. if LeaBer exercises tbie aption. Leader aball take the atepa speclfied`3.n
<br /> � � �� � - the second paragraph oE paragraph i�. �
<br /> .. ., r�•
<br /> � ��� .� � 14. Noticea. A4y aotice to Sorro�ex pz+avide� for ia thfs Security
<br /> . ` ���,,z! �? . . . . inatrument al:a7.1 be given by delivering it or hy mails.n9 it bY fi.ret class __
<br /> �� •:.; � • maii �a►less appiicable laa� requires use of another metY�od. The notice s�al� .
<br /> � � be directed to the a8dress set forth herein or su�/ other address Boxro�aer __—
<br /> �� .:.. :'�. . ,: designatea by notice to Leadpr. AnY aotice to Leader shall be gi.ven 1YY Pirst
<br /> � class mai2 to Leades's ad,dress stated hereia or aay ather address Leader ---
<br /> `�� deai�atea by na�ice to Borro�rer. A�/ notice provided Yor in this Security � ---
<br /> �•':��ij�`'' ' � �...
<br /> � . .. iastrument sha].L be deemed to l�ave been given to 8osro�oer or Lender �ahen _
<br /> � given as pravided in thia paraqraph. —__
<br /> �. �5. Goyerciiang Lav�� Severability. Tbia 3ecurity instsument sball be --
<br /> � � '� .. gwerned by fed�aal ia� and the ia� oY the 8tate oE Nebraska. in the ��,at �����•
<br /> - � � that aay provision or clause of this Security Iastrument or the �ate _ -
<br /> ' . � conflicts �afth applieable lam, sueA camElict shall not afPpet other
<br /> �::-~''
<br /> : : provisicros of this Security Instnxment or the Note ahich can be givea effect .
<br /> � � �ithout the cenflicting pravisian. To tLis end the pravis�ions og thfs +
<br />- .--r--- —_ Security iastru�ent and the r:ot� are dP�1�eA to be severable. ��_.,.-�
<br /> �, � � 16. Berrosaer's Copy. Bonosaer sIIali be given aae canfoYmed coPY of the .
<br /> , � � Note and of this 3ecurity Instrument. .
<br /> � ' •• 17. Transfes of the Property or a eeneficial iaterest in Sonomer. if
<br /> ali or any part oE the Propeny or any interest in it is so18 or eraasferred .
<br />- • �. (or if a beneficial interest ia Bsrro�er is sold or transferre� and Bosro�er ,
<br />_= .,: �. 4 ��
<br />- . _�,•_.
<br />