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<br /> . � S. Ha�rtB or Pm �ur€3no� Bflrmwer siu�Il the rovemeats now snn e e� an the
<br />." ,: Pmperty insured against loss by fire. liamrds iacluded�vithin tbe term °extended covaage°nnd a�t other hazards.includiag
<br /> ' ' tlnods or tlooding,far wfrich l�nder�quires insu�tce.This insutance shat!be mainm�ed in ehe aznounts and for the periods
<br /> -,° . �<. ` that �der 1�e iasurasice cauier mvidin the insuranoe sl�i be chosen �orrower sub'est to i.ender's `
<br /> ��.�,�` .���' . ��• P g bY � aF�mva1 .:�.�r.
<br />-_ � ° wluch shall nat 6e unreasoaably withhetd. If Borrawer gails to maintain coverage descn'bed a�ove, Leader may.at I.ecider's =
<br />. .. . ... ., option.obtaiu mvernge w pmtecx Lender's rights in the Property in a000s+daace ariW paragr�gh 7. .
<br /> AU���,*p*�ce poliaes and tenewals shaU be acoeptable to Lender and shaU incl�de a standazd mortgage ctaase. I�nder .
<br /> �. . ��
<br /> :;�f`�_F,. .� shaIi�ave the right w hoId the go�cies aad t�aswats.If Lender requires. Borrower sl�ll promp�iy give to Lender all receipts of
<br /> • ' paid psemi�ttns aad renesval nntices.In the evem of foss,Borrower shall give pmmpt notice w the insu�ance canier and I�eader. �.
<br /> ea
<br /> , •� Leader may�nake proof of Iass�f not made pm�tty by Banuwer. . �.:�'.
<br /> . . . Er�. Unless Lender aad Rorrower othetwise agree in writing,incamn�pm��6e agpliad w r�stosation or te�r of the �-
<br /> . . �j.. ';� %` �P�Y�ged.if the restoratioa or �s ecanomicall feas�le aad Lender's securi �`:=
<br /> rep�' Y ty is not tessened. If the mstoration or �;-:
<br /> re{►air is aoi eoono�icalty fea�ible or Leader's security wonld be te�eaed,the insurance pmneecls s6ai16e applied W the sums =
<br /> �. ::. <' secured bp tLis Seairity InsWmeob whether or not then due,with a�r exoess paid to Bomouver.If Bormwer a6audons the �`-_
<br /> " . "• or does irot anscrrer within 30 da s a aotice&am Lender that the+*+�+**�n�
<br /> ` �OP�Y• Y carrier t�as offered to settte a claim,then
<br /> �::,
<br /> '..� : , -':� � Lender may ool2est tlie insutaace psaceeds. Lgnder may ace the prooeeds w tiepair or restore the Pmperry or w pay sams �=.',
<br /> • � •<� secured Iry this Security Tnstrument,whe,ther or aot then due.The 3aday paiod wlll begin whea the nodce is givea. �=-_
<br />��.�,: . ;:. ;.-r: Untes"s Lender and Barmwer oiherwise agtee in wridng. any aPPlicaUion of pivoaeds to prbicipal shall not extend or �-
<br /> '.: Postpone the due date of the mont6ty 1�Ymeenu ieferred to in parag�aphs 1 and 2 or c�ange the amount of the paymeats.If ��-_
<br /> ' �' . _ imder paiagia�ph 21 the Property is acquired by�nder,B+o�wer's right to arry imsutance policies and pmceeds msoitiag from ��::
<br /> -4..`:' � ��-i dama�e to the ProPert3►Prior w the aaqUisitien si�l�:�ass to Lender to the extent of the sams secuied by this Sewriry InstNmeat �:'�
<br /> �ediately prior to ihe acquisition.� � '
<br /> • 't,:.,; �, 6.O�paucy.PreservaHoa,b3�s�R��d PraYectioa of tFte Property;Borrow�s Loan AppllcatIon.I�r�'a'olds. ���_�
<br /> .. _ Borrower shall oocapy,estabtish,and cue the t�tv�erty�s Borrower's principal residence within,�ixty days aRer the eic�tion of c�.
<br /> .� .J� . . ;. .�:..
<br /> . , .',.t. : ` f ttus Secariry�m�m�ent�nd shall continae tv assupy the Property as Borrower's princigal residence for at least one year after �--
<br /> _:�'y the date of accttQancy�unless I.ender otbernvis��c+e�in writing,which conseait shal!aot be unneasonably withlietd,or uNess , �-�=
<br /> .. .. `., s � eMeimadng circurmstances. exist wlurb are beyond Barrower's cormai. Borro�ver si�atl not destmy. damage or impair the �- .
<br /> • � .y Property. allow the Praperty w deteriotate.or�cammit waste on th�Property.Borrower shull be ia default if any forfeitnre '-`.`"
<br /> �_ .
<br /> .�,:.`•? r :{ 2CUOA Of plOC¢Eding.whether civil or criminal,is begun t1�at in Lender's gaod faith jad�t c.ould r�vIt in forfeitare of the �:.
<br /> � Property or otherwise u�aterially impair the lie��ated by this Security Jastnrment or Le�'q�'s securiry interest.Bomnwer may ��=
<br /> .. ; `; ,�;:�.��: cnre sach a defaalt aud Yeinstate,as vIded in`•" I8,b caustn tt��tion or a to�disnrussed witl�a rulin
<br /> •. � :c 1� � Y S P��inr, g _.
<br /> .� • •::'� that, ia Leader's gaod faith determi�don, p?�icJ?�3es forfeitune of the Bornower's inte�st In the�ix�rty or other materisi =
<br /> ��•�r. �- impairment of the lien created 6y this Security,r.-.s`wment o:gsnder's secvrity interest. 13vrmwer shall also be ue ctxfauIt if
<br /> ;� ��.
<br /> ' .•;;y,•`'-'o:• . ,,,
<br /> �y;,,�:,., .Borrd�;during the toan applic�a�pmcess,g�v��ater�y�aise or inacauate fnfo�on or staternents to Lendet�'os failod --
<br /> � ::"�:''.�° ._` ,� to proi�°,ie Lender R:*S aay materiai infomnatio�)ii►oonn�aoa with the loan evidenced by the Note.irccluding,bnt not limited -_
<br />