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<br /> . . • ":�,,(��l `fc �` .. � ;•, C� ,' • �•�+rt..'�� � . - �•�a :t�` . . t
<br /> f . �4, ;`t - 4 ,._�., c F. �r Y'K:�.r ' ��` ..b Y �:�: o '.� �..� -�.
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<br /> _ ����.��� � ` � I���� :
<br /> . .''k^. . � .
<br /> . � etl the i rovements aaw or hereafter emted on tbe pmpecty.�nU easemeats.oPP ces.ead
<br /> � . TOt3ETHfiR Vl�i'H �
<br /> �'.��
<br /> . � • fixdues aow or 6ereaRec s part of the pmpctty� Att repfa�em�nv, and addlttoas shall also be wvered by this Securtry
<br /> , ��-r ': ` Inswmert.Ait of the[oregoing is refer�W in this Securiry I�smime�t as tLe"Property." `.:.:�
<br /> .' -��" ` ` �ORROW�R CUVENA[3TS tl�at B�mower is lawfully seised of the estate he�eby rnnveyed and has the rigAt w gmat and -
<br /> .' .+ canvey the Progerty aa�that the Propetty is unencumbered. except for enamibranoes of record. Borrower warrants a�will - ,..
<br /> `�� ` � defer�genecuth+t�e tifle ta the Prop�ty sg�ia�al!etaims and demands.subject to any eacumbrances of reoord. �. =
<br /> � 4� �.F THIS SECURTPY tNSTftUMENT oom6iaes uniform oovenants for natIona1 use and noa uniform covenants with l'united
<br /> � �
<br /> .'�`- . variat�ons by Jurisdiction m wnsdtnte a uuifomi securiry insmiment eoveriag real pmpertl+• -
<br /> ' �- :�:'` UIVIFORM COVENAD}TS.Borrower and Lender co�enant and agree as faltows:
<br /> . �'�;��;::
<br /> ... � .: !• Pnym�t o4 Pt3ndpal and Interest;Fcepa3�ent an� Laie�arg�- Bormwer shall pmmAUY Pa9 �vhen due the �xia;�-
<br /> . .r`; :`..`' PnSncipal of and iaterest on the debt evidenced by the Note and ar►Y P�Pa3►metu aad late charges due under the Note.
<br /> . ,. ,,, Boiruwer shall pay to �._` �
<br /> -1� � 2.�latedg for Taxes�a Ynsurat�-Subje�x to agplicable law or W a written waiver by Ixnder. _
<br /> .'`�. :`..�:`��:';., Lender an the day monthty payments are due undar the Note:uat�l tiie i�ote is paid in fnli,a sam l°Funds�for.(a)Y�3t� ��--
<br /> and ass�►ts wbich maY a�in Prtority over th3s Security iastrument as a liea on the Pmpe�ty:(b)Yearly teasehotd pay�e�ts �:- -.-
<br /> ':.; . .F '`" remiums:(�YearlY flood insuranse premiums. �-
<br /> '�. �,; or grouad rents un the ProgertY,if azry':te)Y�Y��or pmperty insuzance P �,..-=�
<br /> � �� %';= mo e insurance remi�s.if aay:and(�any snms�ayabte by Bomower to Lender,in accordance with �:•--
<br /> _ ;.:ti4-.. if aay,:(e}yearl5► rtga8 P remiums.'14iese items aze r,aIied"Escrow Items." • —
<br /> � the pmtrisions of paragcaph 8,in lieu of the paymeat of mo�tgage iasviance p _._
<br /> � I�der may,at aay tiar�.coAect aad hold F�nds in aa amaunt aat to exceed the waximum amount a tender for a federaliy r..__
<br /> .. n
<br /> � ','u�.''', niate�murtgage toan may re�uire for Barmwer's essrow account ander the fedeial Rea!Estaze Settlemens Praoedures Act af E�___=-
<br /> - � n r,_.t�:.-c.
<br /> � _�g�4��meaded fmm time to titne, 12 U.S.G Section 2601 et seq.( FdESPA ),wntess anatlier!aw that applies to the Funds �::_,�
<br /> � ".����V`��� • s�s a lesser�nount ff sa, Leader may. at a�+time, collect and hotd Funds in ari emouu4 nat ta exoea!the tessecaawant. .
<br /> ut
<br /> �,� lrmdei�Y�maae the amount of Funds dae on tAe basis of current data and reasonable estimate.s of expendidues of fuWre � _
<br /> �� _
<br /> .,.Fr:�i.'..•:,.. �,:'.: .
<br />.-;:;;,:;,�. , . .,;�: F�cmw Items or atheta+�se in accardance witb applicab�e law. �:.-.__ _
<br /> '�;,, :�, T4e F�mds sS�aU be IieW in an institutioa whose deposits are insvred by a federal agencY, instzumer�itatity.or`enrity � �-
<br />;.�- �;•, ...`::
<br /> - � (uicluding Ixader,if Leader is such an i�timtion)or in atry Federal Home Law Bank.t�ender shall apply the Fw�ds to pay the _ , e •�.,�
<br /> � +�y_y' . ;e,`�>; . �crow Itemv.Lender may not chazge Borrower for hotding and applying the Fonds,annuaily anatyzing the esixaw awount,ar . . c= --
<br />•;_�{`�..:,,.:'! : �� F v�sifyiug tbee Fscrow Items.untess Ixndes pays Borrower iatenst on the Fands aad applicabte law permits Lender to make such �.._..�
<br /> ,,: . ':?'.�� • a charge.However,L4nder may tequir�Bdrruwer to pay a on�time cbarBe fvr an iadependem ceal�tate tax reporting sen+ice _ -
<br /> is made•or
<br /> . ;:�. :�t�'s� ' used bY Lendes.in co�ecttoa with this loan. untess applicabte law provides atheravis�. .tJnless an a,�ent �
<br />:.r'.,�.:;...� �� ;��%� applicabie law requires interest to be paid,I.ender shall noR 6e required to pay Botrower anY interest or earnings on the Fm�s, .
<br /> :,,�.
<br /> ��.' ,:� �orrawa and Lender may agree in writing,however,tLat interest sbal!be paid an the Fands.i�ender shall give to Bormwes; :`-_-
<br /> - .r,� withaut ct�arge, an amlual a000unting of the Funds,showIag credits and debits tu r�e Funds and the purQose.for which eash -_._
<br /> • •..,s.���r debic w the Funds wag made.Thc Funds aie pledged as additianal sea�ty far all sums se�uad by ihis Sesuriry It�ru�neat. ^,- _
<br /> '�'�s ��g„�ds hetd 6y i�uder exce�the a�punis germitted to 6��4 by applicable law,Lender shall accAnnt to Botrower
<br /> '��� for the eacess Funds in accnrdance with the requireme�s af appfic�is�:�aw If tIlo amount of the�m�s het��y i,ender at�wy--
<br /> .. . ���� � tune is noto Lender thepataountFnece�sary�make up c�defic�'ency. Borrowe�shall emake up the deRc�'eru,yr im r.,a more tfi� -_-
<br /> :..f �p� �__
<br /> �� � twelve monthly payments,at Lender's sote discretion. �
<br />.. .. .;��• ....: •
<br /> .. : ..;..,:;_� Upon payment in fiill of ali sums secured hy this Security.i�,vt:�en� Ikndes shall ramptty refund W Bormwer��y. _...---.
<br /> P �
<br /> '�.f.�•:� . � Funds hel�by Lender.If.under paragrapYa2l.Leader sr�t�te a�;r:�'U the Froperty,I.ender;Prio:to the acquisidon ut s�I�3�_. -
<br /> _'�:��:: �:.. .�.���o���� of the Fropert3►•shall aPP�Y�Y Fands hel•9'by�.end�:�t�ti�e o���ci1uisition os sale as a crcdit�siust the sun�s secuie�ls.pr:` �
<br /> � i�s Security Instmmea� , �, . . ` , --_
<br /> . ..'��` ' , . ' �� � ' '' ---
<br /> . . '�;.; • 3.Appl�cattoa oQ Pay�nts.LTnless applicable ia;,:�pravides otherwise.all pagri�enta�ceived by I.ender under pataB�P"� ,',;.=.-:—
<br /> � � `:;`,��.} : � � �.t�afld 2 shall be appGed:.firat.to anY G�Y�t�1�atges due under the Note: seoond,tp amounts Dayable�under paraSrapb�� �:
<br /> . t,':ird,to i�s�due;fourth.to priacipal,d��:and last,to any late ch�es dne under We Noie.
<br /> ., � ��,�� . " ¢.�si Llens.�crrowar shall pay aU taxes.assessments.charges, fines and impositions attn'butabla to the Property
<br /> ` . �`'�� ' .;;;� �'::n�i:Ch may a�ain priorit�ac�er this Secuiriry Instsument,and leasehotd payments or ground tents. if eny. Borrocver sAap pay
<br /> - ,i;::3..} :�'�ese ohligaria.�s in the m�er pmvFded in paiagraPh 2,or if mot paid in that maimer.Boimwer.�hall pay titem.on time diTactly
<br /> . .,:i,t„{'.;; to the pe�sfln owed yaynient.BorrAwer��!pmmptiy ti�mish to Iprdi:r al!notices of amounts to be pald uraler this paragcap�.
<br /> - ,r., , —
<br /> -. . ' 7•��ti�;j; If Borrower makes�hese paymerts dim,ct]'y,8onower sha11 PromAdy Cv:znish to Lender'receipts ev�dencing the payrnents, � _
<br />_- . • �� . . ' •Bunower.shall�romptty discharge airy lien wiuctz 6as pstority c�et this Security Instrument unless Borrower: (a)agre�s in � .
<br /> � ' cvridng to the payment of�e obligatfon secumd by t�..°�ien in a m3nner acceptabte to Lender;N)��i�!g�d faith-the�en _
<br />-- � ' �',` � iry. ar defeMs against e:-tti^-rcement of the lien in. 1�=�,a1 proceeding,s which in the l�ender's opinIon opera�;to prevent the� . _ _
<br /> � ' •. t e�nforcement of the llen;ar(c)se�vres�the holder of the Uen�agreement satisfactory to Lender sui�otdin�g the lien to �;�:,�.,;
<br /> � '���.� � Wis Security Instrumen�If Lender deteaznines that any pare of the i�'czs�erty is subject to a lien which may attaia prler,s�erea ��::�.
<br /> � •�7� . , � •
<br /> Wis Security lnstrument.Lender may give Borrower a aodce idectif��mg the lien.Borrower shall sutisfy the lien or take ora2 o� ' E: _
<br /> . ! c�ote of the actions aet farth a6ove within 10 daxs of tZ�giving of notice. . �' `=
<br /> �:.
<br /> , . , . ; co�aaae steo �::,
<br /> _ .. ��.T Pi-..'.
<br /> � } Payo 2 018
<br /> _ �.
<br /> .. _>_-: e " � , _ . �._--
<br />.... . � - �- . . . � ` , .. • ' � .
<br /> . . . . _ . . .. .
<br /> . -. •• -. . , _ , � . . . -
<br /> . . .. .. .- .
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