- 201209917
<br /> 10. Ac,yi�;auncni nF��iscc7lane�in.s I'rocce+lc; Foi�Pcitnre. All Misccllnneous Yroceeds nre hcreby asaigncd W
<br /> nnd slxall be paid W Leildc-,
<br /> I f I.he Properly is d�rn�g:,d, �cc�Misccll&neous Pmceeds shnll Uc applied to res[oraCion or rcry�a,ir of the Yrnpetty,
<br /> iP the restot,aCion or repair is ecnnnmically feasihle and I,ender's securiry is not lesscned. During such repair and
<br /> resC�rntion period, Lender shall hn�c �he iight tn hnId such Miscellv�eons Proceeds unlil Lendcr has l���d nn
<br /> oppnriuniCy to inspect such 1'ruperry to c��snre the �3•ork has Ueen cnrripleted to Lcnder's sntiafacCion, provided llaat
<br /> sncli inspouCion shnll he underrakcn promptly. Lender may pay f'or the repairs and restoralion in n singlc disbursemcnl
<br /> or in a serics uf'progress i�ayments rus ti}�e worl�is cnmpleted. Unless .m agrecmcnC is mnde in writing nr Applicable
<br /> Law�•equires inlerest to ;�c pdid on aur..h �9iscellnnaous Prau;eda, Lenclet shall nnf bc required[o pny Borrower�t�y
<br /> interesl or enrningE an such h9iscell�meous 1'rneeeds. TI'the zestor�tion or xepnir is nnL economically Peasible nr
<br /> Lender's security would i�e]essenod, ihe Miscellflneous Pincaeds shall be npplicd Co tha swns,cecured by[his Security
<br /> InsCnunenl, wheClier ar nn[ �hen due, Kidi Lhe excesa, iF,3n}•, pnid tn Rorrower, Such Miscellancous Proceeds shall
<br /> Ue applied in the order pror•ided f'or in Section 2,
<br /> In the event of a total taldng, destr¢ction, or loss in�•alue of the Property, the Miscellaneous Proceeds shall be
<br /> applied to the sums secured by this Securiiy Instntment, [i�hecher or not then due, with the excess, if any, paid to
<br /> Borrower.
<br /> In the event of a parcial taking, destruciion, or 1o.cs in r•alue of the Property in whicli fhe fair marke[value oP
<br /> the Property immediately before the partial taldng, destrnction,or loss in value is equal to or greater than the amount
<br /> of the sums secured by tlu.s Securitc Instrument immediately before the partial taking, destruction, or loss in value,
<br /> unless Borrower and Leader ofher�Gisaagree in��,riting,the sums secured by this Security Instrument shall be reduced
<br /> by the amount of the h4iscellaneous Proceeds multiplied b;� che following fraction: (a)the total amount of the sums
<br /> secured immediately before the partial taking, destruction, or Ioss in vahie divided by(b)the fair market value of the
<br /> Property iixunediately 6efore the parcia] taldng, destruction, ar]oss in value. Any Ualance sl�all be paid to Borrower.
<br /> In the event of a parual taking, destrucrion, or loss in<<alue of the Property in which the fair market value of
<br /> the Property immediately before ?he partial taldng, destrctccion, or loss in value is less than the amount of the sums
<br /> secured immediately before the par[:aI taYing, de.cructYon, or loss in value, unless Borrower and Lender otherwise
<br /> agree in writiug,the hSiscellaneous Proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Security Instrument whether
<br /> or not the surns are then due,
<br /> If the Property is abandoned by Borro��,�er, or if, at�er notice by Lender to Borrower that the Opposing Pazty(as
<br /> defined in the next sencence) offers to make an a[�,•ard to seccle a claim for damages, Barrower fails to respond to
<br /> _ _ Le_nder within 30_days-aftcr_the dat�thz notice-is gicen,—Lend�r-is-authorized to collect and apply the Miscellaneous---- -- -
<br /> Proceeds either to restoration or repair of the Properh� or in che sums secured by this Security Instrument, whether
<br /> or not then due. "Oppo.c�g Part;�" means the third parcy that owes Borrower Miscellaneous Proceeds or the party
<br /> againsT whom Borrower has a right oi action in regard fo Miscellaneous Proceeds.
<br /> Bonower shall be in default if any action or proc2�ing; wheYher civil or criminal, is begun that, in Lender's
<br /> judgment, could result in Porfeiture of the Proncrt; or odier material impairment of Lender's interest in the Property
<br /> or rigl�ts under this Securit; Insirument. IIorro�3�er can cure such a default aud,if acceleratinn has occurred,rei��state
<br /> as t�rovided in Secliou 18, hy �ausing the action �r procecding W be dismissed with n ruling UiF�t, in Lender's
<br /> judgntenl,precludcF I'urfeiture of th� Pmperty nr n[fier mnterial imp;�ixznent of Lcnder's interesf in lhe Property nr
<br /> a•ights undcr cl�is Secnrl[}• Insliumeii[, ']"he proceeda nf any ,i«�a�rd or cl;�im Por dvnagcs Ihat nre nllribul.ible to tl�c
<br /> itnp�iirment of L.c�ider's inicitsl in tl7e PrnEicr[}• axe hercb�• ;�Ssi�ned nnd sliall Ue paid m LCnctcr.
<br /> Nl Miscellaneous Procccds ihal are not applicd �o r�stnration or repnir nf lhe Property stiall be npplicd in Ihe
<br /> order prnvidc.d for in Seclian 2.
<br /> 1.1. Bprrnwu�•Nat 1{e7eaaecI� Torlmara�ic�e 13y Lender?Vut t�Waiver. F.xtension nl'lhe time 1'nr pnyment or
<br /> mndil'ic,iCSon of vnnrCiraiion nf ftie sunis saciircd t�y lhis Securi[y InsCivment granCed by Lcndcr Co Bort�owcr or any
<br /> Successnr in Tnterest nl"Rorrower shall no�aperntn;n ru�ense thc]iahiliCy of Bnrrnwc�r or any St7ccessors in Tn[cresl
<br /> n{'Rorrowcr. I,ender sl�all �w�ba required �n conunence}xnc�edinge a�aiaist uiy Sticectisox in Intcresl.ul'Borrower
<br /> ar ln xefuse tp exlcnd t'vnc rnr l�a}menc nr ni.hcrwise modify xtnortization of Che swi�y secuxed by fliis Security
<br /> Institi�mevt by reasnn uf,=n� c'emanrl m,�cie 6y[hc nrigiiuil Borrnwer oz•any Sucec.ysul•s in Intcresl o1'Borrowor, Any
<br /> NEBRASKA-Singla Famlly-UNIFCP.h° IftiSTRUPAE'J' DocMagfci'�ir2nwiwg
<br /> IRev. 1/01) Page 8 cf 14
<br />