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201209917 <br /> ,uv applicnble lo lhc cocerage of the Proper[y, Lend�K may use the ivaurnixce prnceeds eithcr to repair nr restore the <br /> Property oa Io pny �moun:s Lmpaid undcr the Ii u�c nr tlue Sccurity In»Crutnent, whelher or noC lhcn due. <br /> 6. ()ccnptuacy. l3orro��er shall occiit�y, estnblish, and use l}ic Yropexly as 13orrower's principal reaidelice <br /> wilhin 60 days aClcr the execution oFtlns Securit� Inslrument uid shall conCinac to occupy the Yroperty as Borrowcr's <br /> ��rincipnl residenec for at leas[nnz year al'tar the datc of occup�mcy,imless Lender ol:herwise agreca in wriCing,which <br /> consent shall not be unr�asai�2hly wi�hheld, nr unlesF exumuacuig circumstazice5 cxist wl�icl� are beyund 13orrower's <br /> control. <br /> '7, Preservation, ylaiutenaucs�and Pruteel3nn of the Property� lnspcetiunc, Tiorrowcr shnll nut destroy, <br /> datnage or IYnpair tlie PiY�par[y, nllow°Lhe PropcRy w detai'�nrnte ar commit w��st.c nn the Property. Whether or not <br /> L3nrrowex is residln�; in the P:op��rly, IIorro��'cr shall maincai�i tlau Property in order to prcvent thc ProperCy from <br /> deteriora[ing or decrcasing in valua dne tn its condilinn. Cnless it is deCex?nined pursuant to Sectinn 5 thaC repnir or <br /> resCurfltipn is no[ economieally feasible, 13arrowcr shall promptly repair the Pro(>crty lf dnmaged to avnid fiirCl�er <br /> deLerioration or daznage. If ii�sur�uiw or condemnation proccccls F�re paid in aunncetion wSlh dnmage ln,nr the Caking <br /> of, the Property, Bormwer shall be responsible for repasring or restoring the Pxoperty only if Lender has released <br /> proceeds for such purpose-s, Lender may disburse nroceeds for Yhe repairs and restoration in a single payment or in <br /> a series of progress pa}�nent as[he�vork is comple[ed. If the'snsurance or condemnation proceeds are not sufficient <br /> to repair or restore the Property, Barro�cer is not relieveci of Borrower's obligation for the completion of such repair <br /> or restoraYion. <br /> Lender or its agent may makereaaflnaUle entnes upon and inspections of fhe Property. If it has reasonable cause, <br /> Lender may inspect the interior of t�e impror•ements on[he Property. Lender shall give Borrower notice at the time <br /> of or prior to such an iaterior insgeciion specifi�ing such reasonable cause. <br /> S. Borrower's Loan Agplication. Bormker shall be in default if, during the I.oan application process, <br /> Barrower or any persons or entities ac[iag at the direction of Borrower or with Borrower's knowledge or consent gave <br /> materially false, mislaading, or inaccurate informadon or siatements to I.ender (ar failed to provide Lender with <br /> material information} in connection with the Laan. ]4aterial representations include, but are not limited to, <br /> representations concerning Borroker's occupancy of the Property as Borrower's principal residence. <br /> 9, Protection oF Lender's Interest in the Pmperty� and Rights Under this Security Instrnment. If (a) <br /> Borrower fails to perform the coFena�its and agreements contained in this 5ecurity Instrument, (b) there is a legal <br /> proceeding that mighl significancly affectLcnder's interest in the Properfy and/or rights under this Security Instrument <br /> (such as a proceeding in banl;rupic}�, probate, for condemnation or forfeiture, for enforcement of a lien which may <br /> _____- _ �,it�in priority_over this Security Instrument or to enforce ]av.�s or regulations), or(c) Borrower has abuidoned the <br /> -- - — <br /> Property, then Lender mac do and pa} For�ha[ever is reasonable or appropriate to proCectliender's interest m t e— - <br /> Property and rights under this Secnritr• Instrument, inchtdine protecting and/or assessing the value of the Property, <br /> and securing and/or repairing[he Property. Lender's actions can include,but are not limited to: (a)paying any sums <br /> secured by a lien which has priority over[his Securit7 Histrument (b) appearing in court; and(c)paying reasonable <br /> attorneys' fees to protect its uiterest in rlie Property andi or rights under this 5ecurity Instrument,including its secured <br /> position in a bankruptcy proceeding. Securing the Propert;�ineludes, buC is not limitcd to, entiering the Property to <br /> tnake repairs, chnnge lnal�, raplacc or board up do�rs aad w2ndowe, drain wnter from pipes, eliminate huilding or <br /> other wdc violcitioa�Y nr d�ui�crnus conditinus, .uia ha�e utililics mrned an or ofl'. Although Lender n�ay tnke�u:linn <br /> undcr this Secliqn 9, Lendcr dnes nul}�a�e ro ck� sn rmd is�int Lmder any duty or qbligaCion tn do so. It is agrocd that <br /> I.cnder incurs no liahzl'si.y for no1 lskiug �my nr all ��tinns nuthorizcd under Ihis Seclinn 9. <br /> Any flmounCs clisbursed i�y Lcuder undcr this S���ion 9 shall becomc additiom�l dcUt oT Rorrnwer scc�lred by Chis <br /> Security Tnstrurnent. These amounis tihall bear inicrest tt� itic Note ratc from lhe dnte of clishursemcnt and shall he <br /> paysl>le, wil}i such in�cresf, upan t:otice from Lci:der I� l3nrrower rcquesCing paylne�al.. <br /> If lhis Security instrumer:t is on a lcaseholel, Snrmwex shall comply with a11 die pxov�s�ons of lhc let�se; <br /> Borruwer shfill no[surrender l}�a lense?�old nscate and interes�s hcrein convcyed ar Curminnte ur cancel Cl�c grouud leaYc, <br /> Ri�rrower slaall uat, ���i�hnu, tl�e express ��riucn caike��[ nf Lend�r, alter or amend tlxc grnLind lui�c, If Borrower <br /> acquires I'cc title to lhc Yroparly, thc lefischnld �uid [hc ?ee tidc chnll noC�ncrge unle�s lendex agrces to lhn merger <br /> 1R WTt�,lll�. <br /> NEBRASI(A-Single Famil}�'JhIFORPA INSTRUA9E�— DocMaglcE��tt� <br /> MODIFIE� FOR DEPAFTh,SENT OF VETEF.ANS AFFAIRS Pag R7 cf 14 WWW� <br /> IRev. 1/01) . <br />