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201209931 <br /> 15. Sorrowel''s Copy. Barro�ver slia[t be�iveit oite cunfurmecl copy nf'Lhe l�nte and nI'ihis Seeurity <br /> Instrument. <br /> 16. HazardolFs S�[bstances. Borrower shall not cause or permii the presence, use, dispnsal, slarctge, or release <br /> nf any Hn��rdai[s Substances on or in the F'roperty. Borro���er sha]E not do, nor allo�v anyone else to da, <br /> anytlting afFecting Llte Property tE�al is in vinlat.inn of nny �nvironmcnlal Lau�_ Thc prcceding ri��o sentences <br /> shalE not apply to the presence, use, or stora�e an the['�•operty uf sm;all y�:�ntiLies nf i-f:vardnus Suhstanaes <br /> tllat are genernEly recngnizcd to bc appropriate to narmal residential uscs and to maintenance of the Yroperty. <br /> Borrower shall prorrEptly give Lender�vri�ten notiae of any investigalion, claim, demand, ]awsuit�r nlher <br /> action hy any governmenkal nr regiilntory agertcy or private pariy invoEving the ProperEy and any F-ta�ardous <br /> Substance or Environmental Law of'wl�ich Borro�ver has actual know{edge. lf Eiorrower learns, or is nnLi[ied <br /> 6y any governmental nr rcgulatory authnrit��, thnt nny rcmaval or othcr rcmcdiation of any ]Iazardous <br /> Su6stances aCfecting the Property is necessary, Barrawer sliall prumptly lal:e all necessary remedia] actinns <br /> in accnrdance�vith F_nvironmcnt�l La��. <br /> Asusedin thispara�raph i6, "I-IazardausSubstances"arethosesu6stancesdefinedastnsicnrhaznrdous <br /> suhstances hy Environment�ci La�v and Eh�foliotvingsubstances:gasolinc,kerosene,other flammab3e or toxic <br /> pelroleum products,taaic pesticides and herbicides_volatilesnlvents,materipls cnntninin�flshestas ar <br /> Formaldchyde,and radioactive materials.As used in this paragrapl3 7 G_"Environmei�fal La�v"ineans federal <br /> laws at��[luws uf the jurisdiction�vhere the PrnperLy is lncs�tect ihrit rclatc to hcaltfi,safcry or cnvironmental <br /> prateclion. <br /> Nort-Urtiform Covenants. Dorrower and Lcndcr further covenant and a�ree as fbllo�vs: <br /> 97. Assignment of Rents. i3orro�ver unconditionally assigns anc3 translers to Lender all tl�e rents and revet�ues <br /> ol'Lhe Pruperty. Borro�ver authorizes Lender or Lender's agents ta collecl the renls and revenues and hereby <br /> d[rccts each tenant of'the Prn�erty tn �ay the rents tn E.endcr or Lender's agents. Ho�vever, prior to Lender's <br /> nolice to I3orro�ver oFBorrower's breach ofany cavenanE or agreement in the Security Instrument, florrower <br /> shnl] ca[lect ttnd receive all renls ancF revenues of tlie Praperty as lrustee for tE�e beneEit of Lender and <br /> Barrawer. This assi�nment of rents conskitukes an absolute assignmenl und nat an assignment for additiona[ <br /> security only. <br /> ]f'Lender gives notice of breach to Fiorrotver: (a) a!l rents received by Borrn�ver shall he held by i3mm�wcr <br /> 7s trustee for benel5t aP Lander only, to be applied to the sums secured by thc Security Instcument; (b) <br /> Lender shal[ be entit[ed to co[lect and receive sll of the rents nf the PrnPerty; and (c)each tennnt of the <br /> Property shaEl pay all rents due and unpaid to Lender or Lender's agent on Lender's written demand to the <br /> tenant. <br /> Burruwer h�cs not ezecuted any prior assignment at`the rents and has not and will not perf'orm any act that <br /> �vould prevent Lender from exercisin� iEs righis under this�aragrRph 17. <br /> Lende:r shaEl not be reqaired to enter upon, lal:e control of or mnintain thc Property bcforc or aftcr giving <br /> nolice of breac[� to Dorrower_ I-Ioivever, Lender ar a.judicially ap�SoinLed receiver may �Iu ao ai�ny time <br /> therc is a breach. Any applica€ion of rents shall not cure or waive any de[ault or invalidate any otlier right or <br /> rei�iedy al'Lender. "l'Itis assignmenl uf"renls�1�Lhe Property s[�all terminate when the debt secured by the <br /> Security Instrument is paid in full. <br /> 1$. Fp�BCloSure P�oCedu�e. I!'Len�ler rcyuires immedi�ife payment in full under pnragraph 9, Lcndcr <br /> may invoice thc power of s�le and any otl�er remedies permitted by applicablc law. Lendcr sh:�ll be <br /> entitic� to collect all expenses i�curred in parsuing tLe remedles under ttiis pnrugraph 18, including, <br /> but nut limited to, reasonablc attoroeys' fees nnd costs aF title evidence_ <br /> �tl12-7152444 1000497600F20fiA761 �a965 <br /> rl�lA MortQo�e WITI�I MC3Z5-NE Revise[1 R198 <br /> VMP O VMP4N(hFE"�(1109) <br /> W011arslSluwnrFlnanclal5ervices 111?1f2o12 52:31PM Paga7o146 <br />