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201209931 <br /> Security Instrument. A written statement oi':�1y autha�'ized a�e:nl uf Lh� Secrc:tary dated sursequent ta <br /> Gd days fi•um th�clate llerenf, declining to insiire this Scc�rity Instrument and the Note, shall be <br /> dccmcd concEusivc praof of such incli�,ibi[ily. �fuLwiLles[anding thc Fnregnin�, this optiom m�y not bc <br /> e;xercised 6y Lender�vhen l.Eic unnvaiEa6ility of insurance is solely due to Lender's failure to reinit a <br /> moet�a�e ins�rance premium to tlie Secrelary. <br /> 10. ReinstaYement. Hnrrower hns a right to bc reinstated if'Lcnder has required immediate payiuent in ['ull <br /> because of Borro���er's failure to pay an amounL du�under lhe Noie or this Sec�ecily 3nstrumenL "i'his right <br /> ap�Iies even �flcr foreclosure proceedin�s:3re instiEuted. To reinstate khe�ecurity Inylrument, Barrower shall <br /> tender in a lump sun� all am�urcts rey�ired tn hrin� Barrotvcr's nccount currant including, to lE�e exlent tliey <br /> nre obli�ntions oE'Borrower under tliis SecuriLy InstrumenL, foreclasure costs and i'easanab[�ancl austvm:xry <br /> attorneys' fees and espenses properly ussocinted tvith thc forcclosurc procceding. Upan reinslatement by <br /> f3orro�vcr, lhis Sec�rity Inslrument and the abligatians tiiat it secures shuli remain in �[7ect as it�Lender had <br /> itut rcyuire�3 immediate payment in f'ttll. I-Iowever, Lender is not ret�Uired to permit reinstatement il': {i) <br /> Lender Itas accepted reinstatement afier the cammencemenfi.ol�fareclosure praceedings withi� two years <br /> immediately prccedin�ihe commence€nent af'a current foreclosure proceeding, {ii) reinstntement tvill <br /> preclude f'oreclnsure nn di f'ierent grounds in the P�ture, or(iii)reinstatcmer�t will adversely al'£ect the <br /> priority of Ehe Eien created by this Security I�strumenl. <br /> 't'I. 8orrower Not Released; Fori�earence By Lender Not a Waiver. �xtension of the time oF payment or <br /> mu�lilicaLion oFamortization of'the sums secured hy this Security Instrument granted by Lender to any <br /> s�ccessor in intcrest of Borrotver shall nnt nperaie tn re[else the lia6ility o!'the origina[ Borro�ver or <br /> Borrower's successor in interest. Lender shall not ve eequired to corrtmence proceedings against sny <br /> successor in interest or reEuse tn extend time for payment or othenvise modify amortiza[ion of the sums <br /> secured by this Security [nstrument by rc�son ofany demand made by Ehe original Bnrrmver nr finrrnwer's <br /> successnrs in interest. Any 1'orl�car�ncc 6y Lender in esercisin�any right ar rcmedy shalE not Be a waiver of <br /> ar preclucle llte etiercise of any right ur remedy. <br /> 9 2. Su�cessors and Assigns Bound; Joint and 5everal Liability; Co-Signers. The cavenants and <br /> agreernents of this Securiiy Instrument shal! bind and benefit tl�e successors anc[assigns nf I,ender znd <br /> Bnrrn�ver, suhject tn t.he prnvisions of paragrapE� 9(6)_ Borro�ver's covenants and agreements sh�ll be.joint <br /> and several. Any Borrawer�vho co-signs this Security InstrumenE hut dnes nnt axectrie the Note: (�) is <br /> co-sign[ng this Sccurity Instrument only io martgage. grant and convey tl�at Borro�ver's i�tferesk in t�ie <br /> Property uncicr Lhe terms c�f lhis Security Instrument; (b) is not Personnlly oUlign[cd to pay Ehe sums sccurcd <br /> by this Security InstrurrEent, and (c)a�rees that Lender ac�d any other I3ori•p�ver inay u�re�iu e�lent3, mar3i[y, <br /> larbear or mal.-e nny accommodations with rcgard to thc tcrms of this Sccurity Instrumen!or the Note <br /> �vithout that Borrawer's consent. <br /> 9 3. Notices. �ny nntice In Borrower pcovided for in tltis Scc�rity Instr�mcnt shall be given by delivering it or <br /> by mailing it by first ciass ntail unless applicable law requir�s use uf anuLh�r melhoct. The nuLice sha13 b� <br /> directed tn the Prnperly Ad[Iress or nny othcr nddress Borrower designates by notice to Lender. Any notice <br /> to Lender shall be given l�y first class 3i3ait to Lendcr's ad�3ress slulecl herein ar:xny acldress Lender <br /> designnies by notice Lo Borrower_ Any notice pravided for in this Securiry Instrument shall be deemed to <br /> have beet3 giveii to Borrawer ur Len�3er when�iven as provided in this paragraph. <br /> 14. GoVeming Law; Severdblllty. This Sccurity lnstrument shai[ be governed by C'ederal la�v and the la�v o£ <br /> i�10)LICISdICLjPEI in w[�ieh Lhe Prope:rLy is lucr.eted. In Llie event that any �rnvisinn nr clause n�fthis Security <br /> Instrument or the 1Vote conflicts�vith applicable 3aw, such conflict sE�all not affect other provisions of tltis <br /> Securily InsLrument ur Lh�Note tivhiclt can be given effeci tivithout the conl7icting provision. 'E'o this end thc <br /> pravisions ol'this Security Instrument and the Note are declared to be severaUle_ <br /> 2012•2152444 10004970��12064741 ssos <br /> F-HA Mortgepe WITH M[Ii5-N[ Revlsed Af96 <br /> UMP an VMPM1N�NE)(1109} <br /> Woltarsl(IuwarFlnanc7a15ervEcas 11l2�lTOi� i2::i1 F'�M Pag4Baf 1O <br />