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<br /> . . ; ` 'Prooeeds7 in wnnectton witl�oondemnatton ar wher tat�in9 at tf�Propertyln tb mva n�ame any ac4io�n or�roceadtng.s,arsd shaU afso .
<br />- � ' Lettdet sh8116e erd[ttad&t ita ppdon to oommenoe,e�pear in end Prosecub P �an oi the PmRerty is
<br /> De entlBed to make arry tomprcmtse ar settlement in wru�ecUor wlth euct�fakirt9 ar aamage.in the event atry po
<br /> � - so taken or damagcd.lender shafi have lhe op�or tn its eate end absotuta dlscreUon,t4 ePpty ali sutfi ptooeeds. aitar dedu�ing :'
<br /> ' � . " � tReretrom all oosb and expenses incuned by it(noonneWtonwith sud�R�ooee6s.upan eriy inQebt�dness socured hereby en0 in su� . ;4_,�
<br /> �`, ' , � ord�r es Lender maY determine.or to c�ppiy ell sudE Proa3ede.aR9r euGh daQudtons.to the restnratlon of the Property upon such mar .
<br /> �
<br />. " diti�ons as I.ender mey Qe�m�tne-Any applicatton ot ProoeaQa to InQebtedness sheU not extan�or pestpo►�e the due date oi erry pay� r•� ..
<br /> � merrisa under tlte Nota,a►�ue anY detautt thsceunQer or Aorourtdor.My unappi[ed funds sha1100 patd to TNStar. �
<br /> : - . • , 8.�eformar�c�ay�neQr.uAon�ne oca,me�o t nn�ve m o i o e r a u�i nereun a e..or i4 en y ect i5 taicen or Eegai prcoeedu►8 C� :
<br /> � �; �� ' 'r` aammenced whtrd�materfaSiy a�Lendefs interesl In the P�operiy.l.�rtder may in its av,m dlscreUon,but wHP►out abifga�on to do so, � "y �
<br /> � � � � and v�ithout rwt(ce W or Qemand upon Trustor and a�thout fefeastng TrusGorfrom eny obligaUon.do eny act wtilCh Trustor has agieBd �
<br /> Y•�' but failed W tto and may a�so 6o anY othsr ad 11 Qe�s ner�ssaryt tn protect the security heneot Tn�stor shall, immad:ratety upan k. ��
<br /> ,. demared tAerefor by LenQer.Pa1►tn Lender e0 oos�and e�ansos tnatrted and s�uns expsnded by tender in oonnectlon wNh the exer � - -
<br /> � '���.�'�4�;`•�r.�§ cise by Lender ot ths foregotag dgfiL9,togeth�r w(fh iMerest the[eon at the detauit ra�provided in th9 Note.w1UcA shaU be addad to � �. .
<br /> .�•• the indebtednes.s seaued hereby.Render shalf aot tnwr arry GabtGry�ac�use af anything tt may d�orom[t tn do Nereun6er. ,
<br /> �: � '
<br /> 9.!{�cdoua BAateriats.Trustor shall keep the Property i�wmpIIanca vrft�sU apAttcabte la�+►s.o�dinanoes and regutatlons � ;.�.
<br /> � ' �etating to indushiaf hygIene or ernlromrtentat protection(�Uec�vary rete�red ta hsrein as'Envimnmeutal Lsws'j.T�sOor�ali KeeD
<br /> . !Sti �.'` .`'
<br /> - the Rroperty fr�ee frcm alt suhslances desmed tn Da Aazardous ot wxic under arry Er►vUonmentat Laws(wLecthrey tefersed to heceII� -=
<br /> � :. .=s,,.`. as`H��erlata7-Tnistar hetisby�varremts and represerds to l�der tlfat there ars no NarBrdaus Materiafs on or under�e
<br /> � 6'',:: � ,,.. P r o .Trtsmr here6 a es tn Indemnit�r and hntd hamUess t�enHer.�s direrxcrs.nfRaers.emAtaYees and agents,and arry suoces- �_l,,'__`
<br /> ., , PE�Y Y S�
<br /> • sors tn I.er►defs interest.fiom and agau�st any and all dafms.damages.ta�ses and fiab�'fies arising in oonnecfion with the presenoe. 4..,,`=
<br /> ' • use.disposal or tianrgart af arry Ha7allous Ma�ats on,under.fram or abaut the Property.THE FOREG01BiG WARRANTIES Mf0 ,�,;.
<br /> � � �_r.;^�� �:.:� 10.lissigntrter+t�fr tFonts.Trustor here6y assiSns to L.endar.and g�ants Lertder a secvn't�►fiterest in.att prese�t fuh[re and ,
<br /> '.`%�_°�'.: :' �� :; afte�arising reMs.Fssues and prcfits otthe PraPertY:Drovtiied that Tnistor sA�ti.�3i!ihe a�nas of an Event oi Oefaulk hereundar.
<br /> . •�� ?% have the dgM to coftect au�d natain such renis.issues and Profits as tt�sy beocme due and PayaD:e.Upon Ne ooairtence of an Event of -
<br /> ' �atauft.l+enQer may.�ia Asrson or by agent v�ar vrflt►out Odnging arry�or prooeeding,or by a�eoeiver appointed bY a �,.:�-';'
<br /> - ::�`.'�f':• ooutt and wfUrout c�'tthtt�adequary ot fts se�.'Y.enter upon and take po�ion ot fhe RropeRy.ot 2�9��+�.in its own
<br /> .`;�2�,�;a'�li:� rtame or i�tlte rtame c��Trustea.artd do atry ads�+fiich dt dePms necessa�y ot desirable to preserve t�a�a4ae.madtetability a ' ,
<br />. ' l'4�'„ :.<..: .
<br /> •'•{c..,..�.,-,�•._ rentability of the P(ape;ty or any paR thereo9 or NU�resi therein.or to ina�aase the income thenetrom or pmtect the�►[r�eot and.
<br /> " .<<``�'�;;;:.`;,`t with or without taking�Session M the ProPariy,sue for or othet+ca�ooStact ttsa rents.fssues and prcRts thereof,indudmg�se past ` �
<br />. !�`;'„ �..� � ta Lender.E�+der maY�N cents.fssu�end ptufiis.fess costs a�eYpens- _;
<br /> �::.�;.;�i'r�`,•,�;�y,.: . dua and u�afd.tr]t Ra�'9 tenants to make.paymertls :�,
<br /> �':: ,.:;.;'�}�:;.'�;;,�;'. es oi opera�on ar��an indading atiomays tees.to anY in��ds�ess soau�d hereby.all tn sucfi or�er as Lendar may deLar-
<br /> �.; �
<br /> '�.r{4 . mine.�er.�g�and takin9 Po�essfon af tha Property.ths�aodte�aP�rscA renSs.issues and profits,and the a�ticatlan
<br /> 4. �1 . +
<br /> <' i���� • �� �g�d"��ta;f not cure or waive arry defautt oc no4taa cE�4�r or imr��a►►Y act don8 in ces�ac�t�atieh
<br /> , .�;,>�. . ., �a's c��s�4a s•scA notice af default an0, noi�vithstan�i��e t�or��in 0��af fhe propettY or Ct'�r�sfin.�tiorb _.�`
<br /> � • . ,.`,; recefpt�i?,���cerns.issues or prafitg,T�and Lerr�r s;saA Ee as,�d!o e�ise avery right pravtded f�r�.ar�`�+af tt�e --
<br /> ; . � ' � ` ', Loan Instruments or�y 4�c+r uPon oaurtenoe oTany 6z�oi Qefaui�incfud(n��c�Umltation the�ight tn��te pour�r oisate. �';-
<br /> . ,r�. __.
<br /> ` � , FuMer.Lenders rights ar�d remedtes uader UUs pa�aph sha0 be aimutathre�oi�a.and in no way a Itmilatiac�e�,Lenders dghts an0 ;�,�;;:
<br /> • remed'res under atry assignmeM afi teases and ren4s reoorded against the PropeRy.Lender.Tn�stee and tha reoetver shaif be Itabta to r��.
<br />