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<br /> _ TH[S D�OF'rRUgT.b maQs as aT the�_daY o��R�"m er .19�-_by and among : {:`--`:
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<br /> ," S ('r-n Islan ��c 6A53 -� � the.-�.�'T��.whetheranaormoie�, � "�;~.
<br /> � wncse mairmg aaaress is P � eo�31 .,�_d Q2 � p .;
<br /> ,�.•
<br /> - ���"
<br /> -c: -- ';%r.:
<br /> ti. ',� Bte Truste� ' _
<br /> - :f�. whosemafMgad�isF,,Q Box 1507 Grand�s�°^d �g �_O7 (herein�Trt�'�aa'},�s! . ,_
<br /> . ``. �,;�; theBenefi�3ary. �.� .
<br /> ����� NE �8eo�_,��� m���$�. ���
<br /> • ,� v�ose m�g addr�s is v n Rnx 1 Q07 ('ra nd T cl an� -
<br /> nsion of ae�it identified herefi te�„p�pnt � n��,dq�an� �',..
<br />_.-. ° .._�._ti,��,. -..•. FORVAlUABLECONSIDERATfON.tndudt�cg0.�nde�se�Re ��_
<br /> - _;:: �_
<br /> - • .���. ., �:��:
<br /> ,'. _ �. • .� (heretn'BomGwer:whelher one ar more)and the trust hereln a+eated.the receipt
<br /> .•.a � .. ot►�cich is hereby at�anawladge�l.�tusmt heteby faevccabh►9rsnls.transtets.oomeys and asstgns M Ttustea. IN TRUST.IN1TIi �'=..
<br /> �}. t' . i: .
<br /> , ra; : ;�� P'�enl�tc OF SA�E.for the be��sec�uiry oi Lender.under ands��$tAe temrs�d oonQ'ittong heretrtafter set fortt►.the re� � °.
<br /> 5h;. •. -; �.� ������pp,da„fp4aws: �o� Seven, (7), in BrentwoadllSubdivisi�� ;n the City of Grand Island, Hall ��
<br /> ` - Couaty, Nebraska. AND �ots Eleven (11) and Twelve (1��, 8iock Four (4�, Ashton Place Addition �`��•-
<br /> �,�.. ��.. ; :_; --
<br /> „ � ���,:�x to the City of 6rand Isiand, Ha11 County, Nebraska. �,_=.s..
<br /> .� ;-; TogetnerwM all buitdings.tmpravements.f6cWres.sheets.efteys.P�S�I►S.easemenis.�figh4s.PriviteBes and appurtenanaes � ;�--
<br /> �- to�tea uza.�ts csr ts��v�8�•ana ttae rerAs.tssue�sna pmftca.raverstons ana cematrtdeis a�sceof.ana sucn aer- �—
<br />. . .�.,: :, _�; sonal proporty that is attached to�e tmprovements ao es to constituto a fix'wra.ir�stu�g.bu!ac!As�sIted ta.h.�ttsig ea!!anoitng e��t� �.--
<br /> � mer�and togsther witt�the homestead or marNel interests.if enY,whid►ir�teresfs are hereby reteased and waived;eU of vlhi�fi.tnduQ-
<br /> � `.. .• ��'': ing repiaoemenb artd additlons thereto.ts he[eby dedared to bo a part ot the�eal estate sec�red by the fign c�thts Oe�ed af Trust an0 �_..=-.
<br /> � . �: afl a�9 the foregoing being refemed to herein as Ne'Property. _-
<br /> � ; �Is Oeed of Tnist st�aU seauu(a)the payme�09 the priacipal sun►and irtteresl evtder[ce0 by a promissory nate or esfiit a� __--
<br />_ . �,� mentQetedS�+�ytrnnbar �ti �cfp7 �tiavingarrraw�ity►dat�ot A�M�� 1Q98 - a
<br />_ ' � ':'J!.`�{.- °
<br />- � � ,,���.i. in fhe orfginal pdndpat a�rAUnt oi$ 3QQ,�n�t F _arni arry and aU m�lticattana exmrtstons and ren�wads �,
<br /> ,,. �. '�r;�' C�f or�ereto and arry an0 aU tuh�re ectvvanoes and ceadvanoes to 6orrawer(ar arry oi them it more fhan ane)here�mder pursuanf �
<br /> :,,.�,,... ,:.��:. to aco�3or mora promfssoN aotes or ct�edit egreements(heretn calted'I+totB7;(b)the payment af othet sums advanoed by Lender tn �v'=-
<br /> r' ��`' �� ��•�. 0���a security otlhe NotB;(cj the performance o1 at!oovenanis end agresmenb oi Trustar set foM herein;and(d)a1f present and r" -
<br /> .;�;�.. tu�re tndebteQness and oDilgattons of Borrower(or any of them if more U�n or�e)tn Lender whether�irect,Indi�ect.aDsulute or ctlntirt- _
<br /> `r<:;��' . etd and whether arising by aote.guaraniy,aae�draft or otheiwtse.The I�,utis Oesd of Trust and ar►yr a�d afl ather Qocumenls that `• -
<br /> � g �., i,:
<br />_;,... ; .'. ses;ure ths Note or othenn►ttse exea�d t�connedion therewith,inctudi�g�fthoullimitatton guarante�.�ecuritY agreemeMs end .
<br /> � � ;� � �. es:,i�nmsrqs oT feases and renfs�sli�il t•s referted to herein es ths q.var►t��.imenb'.
<br /> �� , ` • ,.. �,.. : trustorcovenanl�andag�withLen�aresfollows: .
<br /> �� � ��••�: , � 1. Payma�rt�In4obte6rc�ss.All tndebtedness secured heceby shatl tis patd when due.
<br />- •`:,:���,`•: 2 Tftte.Trtr�r is the awrter af the PropeRy.has the r{gM and aufhor7:�ta�m►ey tha PropeRy.and wartants ttrat�e lien aeat
<br />_ � '`•`:t? � ed hereby ts a first�d p�tar lien on t4�e Property.exoept for liens and encumbranoas set foAh by Tn�sfcr ir�writing and defivvered to ,
<br />- , . � �"'� Lender before exec�tion of tht9 Oeed of Trusf.and the exeartion and depvery ot thls O�ed oi Trusl doeg nW vtolace any oonaract or
<br />_ . . a:'��obltgattontovfiichTru�(�subjed. �
<br /> � . . 3.Taxea.Assessmerds.to pay before de4nquency ell taxes.special asssssrtie�d�and a0 ofher�arges a�^t the Property
<br /> - �;.::,i�• Aa�otheteafterEsvied. '
<br /> � 4.[nsura�ac�To keeD tha Property Insu�e0 agai�t damage Dy flre.c�tndaded aJNitn the h�em'extended wvera9B'.end
<br /> � ° surfi other haraMs as Lender maY reQuUe,in amounts and with aampau�acoep�ibte to Lender,n�.�ing Lender�an aQdi�onal
<br />= ' ' n2�d lrtsured.vrith[oss payabte tD tha Lender. U case ot toss under su�poiides,tfre Lender is authofized to adjust.wffect and
<br /> • oamDromise;a!1 ctaims theceunder and sha11 have the opUon ot spAlyin9 all or paR o!the insuranoe prooee6s m co arry h�daDteMess ' .
<br /> z:� .' �` .
<br /> - �• � � � se�ured heretry and in su�oNer as lender may Qetertnine,(i�to the Tn�sstor to be used for the repatr ar resLoration of the Pro�arty or
<br /> - - (�i)tar arry other purpcse a oDjed satlstec2ory to�eneer without affacttng the Qen ot thls Qeed ot Trust for the tuU amcurrt seartr�d -
<br />- _-_ _- hereDy betare such Oayment ever tcoh plaoe.A�v eDPncaUons o!OroeeaQS w irtdebtedness shaD nat ox�rfd or posfpana the due date ___
<br /> - � � � ' ot any paymerns unQer ths Note.or cure airy Cefautt iRereundar ar hereundet.
<br />=- • . 5.Eserow.Upon written demand by Lender.Trustar sP�atl pay to Lettder.U such manner as Lendet may destgnate.sufRdent
<br />° � �:, � surns to enabte LenQer to pay a�s thay baoome due ona ar rtsore o!the tollowing:(�all�.esssssments and other d�arges egafnst
<br /> . the propsrty,p�tAe premlums on the property insurance required hereunder.and pii)the preMums on any mortgage insurance
<br /> • " required by Lender. .
<br /> � � , 6. l�Aalnterranee,ReDa���d Complianca with Laws.Trustor shatl keep thB Properry in good oondittnn end repair.sha31
<br /> = promptlyr repalr.or reDiaoe arry improvement vfilc�may 6e damaged or destncyed;shaU not oommil or permit any wasie or dete�ior�
<br />'-,�. : . � tion of the Properry:shall not remove.�emc!'�sh or s�stantiaaUy alter any ot U►e improvements on the Property,shaD not oommil.suff�r
<br /> ? � ° ar permit ar►y set�o be done in or upon the Properry in viotattan of arry taw,ordtnance,or reguta�on;and shaU pay and pmmptfy di�
<br />''� � . d�arge at Trusta�s mst and expense ail tlens,encumbrancss and diarges(evie0.imposed or acc�ssad agalnst tha Prc�srty or ar►y ,
<br /> , _. trafi t�taoL --=
<br /> =-. -� -- T. Emtr�n!�Qmatn.Lender is hereDy assigned af1 mmpensatlon.avrards.damages and other payments or r�eGef(hereina6�er �
<br />- •. � • . . �cxsro�++o..nrm.s9e
<br /> •- - O+�aiaxiwtsnacm�vurn,p..isa���t.meirstra,
<br /> ' . ....�:
<br />