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<br /> —•--�--�---•—_' _ ' � — L — _—�_'�� ' �t�T__�.�__,_....,.. � - —_T_.'�:_� 2" - - .
<br /> � � , t � . � .. � ' .� . . _ . . - �c. � � �-[ e ,
<br />- 4 � ` �': ' • t � - ,' 't � . ~', L ' � (�g``` �.�.�:..._.v _...t._.. —_ ..__. _i?. 4 .�}+_.:,t� °.- .
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<br /> , , ' ' e.
<br /> � S. Raamzd or Property Insorsace.Bosawer shall keep the improvemeats aow eaisting or h�reafter erected on . �� � .
<br /> .. . � the Property insw�d sgainst lass by Gre�6a�rds includod within the term'extended wvera$e'and a.nq other ltazarda. , ,
<br />_ ` including floods or 4laoding,for wluch Leadec sequires iasupanoe.This insuraaoe sl�slt be maintaiaed in the asnnunts
<br /> 't� _ _� aad for the periods tbat Lender requise.4.'1'he insnrance c�rrier providiag the insurance shaU be c�asen by Borro�rer �
<br /> - sub�ect w Leader's approval wtuch shall not be unreasonably withheld if Borrower fails to maintain covetage described _ . :- �.
<br /> __-�-,,� above.I�ender may.at I.ender's optioa.oistain ooverage ta pmtect Leader's rights in ffis Propertq in accotdence with - - --
<br /> _ tt � ParaSraPh 7. ,
<br /> All insuranoe policies and renewals shall be acoeptable to Ixader and shaU include a standard mortgage clause.
<br /> . , Lender shall Lave the right to hold the pokcies and renewala If Lenderteqwr�s, Borro�er shall promptlY give w .
<br /> -�- - - - L,eader ell�+eceipieof paid premiumeasta renewal noticea Ia theeveat of lass.Borrower shall give prompt aotice to tha � _ .
<br /> � insuraace carrier aad I,eader.I,endc�c may malce proaf oi toss if not raade pmmPtlY bY Bomavver. � �_:. .�
<br /> Unless Lendet aad Eorrow�otheraise agee ia writin�,inauuranoe pmceEds sbaU be applied to r�storation or repair ; -
<br /> i
<br /> ,. � of the Propert9 d�aged,if the restoration or repair is ecoaomicallp{eas�'ble aad I�ader's securitq is aot les�eaea.If the�- :�:�:':�_��',:'..
<br /> " ` �toratioa or repair is not economiceUy feasible or L�nderrs secvsity would be Ir�eaed.the insnrance proceada shall be � -.
<br /> - applied to the snms s�cused by this Security Iastrumeut,whet�er os not thea due.with auy eaoess paid to Bonower.If � : . r',-
<br /> �"• � • Bosrowex abandons the Property,or does aot'answer within 3d days a aotice frnm Leader that the iasurance canier Las •� .
<br /> < offet�d to settte a claim,then Lendex srwy wllect the insuraace prooeeds.I.ender may us�e the pmceedg to:ep$ir or . •
<br /> ' • restore the Proper49 or to pay sums secured by thia Security Instrumeat,whether or not then due.The 3�day periad w�l . ,.
<br /> . . begia when the nntice is given. ,� ,�•
<br /> `.r � ,
<br /> . , Uniess IRnder aud Borrower otherwise agrec ia writiag,anY aPPlication of praceeds to principal shall aot estead or . . ,
<br />__ . . - p�one the due date o4 the montWY PaY�ents reterredto ia paragraphs 1 and 2 or chaage theamoimt of the gayments. -- •--
<br /> -----��`: If under paragiapD 21 the Property is acquiied bp L.ender, Botrower's right w any insurance policies aad proceeds . .
<br /> .,,�;% � resuitiag fmm damage w the Pragzrty prior to t�e scquisition shell pa�to Leader to t�a eatent of t�e sums secured bq �
<br /> ;�;'. .p.. . .. _
<br /> . tttia Securitp Instrument immediat�ly prior w the acquimtion. � .
<br /> . _ 6 Occupaueq,g'reservation,Maiateaanoe aad&otectlon oi t��Progerty;Borrawefs L�bgplicstion; s:�
<br /> . ...' Leaseholds.Barmwer shalTi occapy.�61isb.aad use the Aroperiy as Barmwer's principat residea�arithia eisty da3�s ..
<br /> � after the esewtaon of tbis Secusity Instrumem aud s1�aU ouatiaue to occupy the P9mperty es Bvrrowe�s priacipal �'�
<br /> . . . r�tdence tor at least ane pear after the date of occupancy,unle�Lender atherovise agcees ia writiag,wluch coassat ahaU � �
<br /> � � . not be anreasoaabty withheld.or 1m1�exteauating circums�aseoes esist which are beyond Borcoive�s control.Barrower ::;
<br /> ` . ahall not destmy,dam'.a�e or impair th�Progerty.allow the Pmperty t�deteriorate.or com4nit�on the Propertq. �'.:;�,::: '
<br /> � Borrower ehaU be ia dxfault if aa,y forPeit�tt+a actioA or praceeding,whs�er civit or criminal.is be�nn tbai in Leadei's " ��•L�=.
<br /> ' • goad faitb judgmeat wuld re�lt in forPeitute of 2he Pmperty or othersise materiallq impais the L:c�created by this �''"���'<
<br /> - . `.''�'a • .� - SeCUtity ItL�lsumeaL ot I.eudel's SeCUrity i11tt�. Eotlower may Cute such s defBUlt sad reins�sie� ea provided in :�F!f''•�,
<br /> <;,,y;,.e�.�., ,
<br /> ,a
<br /> �s,`•���ti,;.l,..� paragtaph 1$. by wvsing the �oa or pnoceeding w he dismissed with a ru�liing tha� ia Lender's goa8 faith ' .�f'��`
<br /> .,..,,,..�.;. .:� ; r n .
<br /> '• :_�,..: . .. . .{
<br /> - ..�.-�c.,�� .: ,';; . detenni�tion.Prechtdea forfeittme oi tha Horm�ev�'s ia�i�the Pee�rty or ather inaLesial iaagairment of the lien -..,,t,..:...
<br /> :;�. created t►p thie Secudi�r'tnstrwaent or Lende�s sawrity i�tns�st.Hormwer ehall aIso be in d e fa u lt.E£Borrower,dw�ing '•.� �rr.:
<br /> _ �' .,,, thc loau agglicstiaa pra�s.�e•s sastsreatlr f�Iw or in�uate in4onastioa or staie:aeaLs ia l�sdst {os fa�e�to _ �
<br /> ovide Leader with snp material informatioa)ia conn�with the loan evideaced bq the Note.includ'uag,but uat ,-`•
<br /> . � .. � • k�'u�d u,repre5enmtions concerniag Bosrower's occupau�-bi the Pmperty as a priacipal residence.If tbis Sa.�:wuity :...`;.;�1��f.
<br /> �� ls�stru�t is oa a le,asehold,Borro�ser a�all comply with aLt.rae provisions of the tease.U Bomower acquirea fee title to , . _ -
<br /> . thePrdperty,the Ic�old andthe featitleshall not merge valess Lender ag,�es tothe merger ia writing. . . ...°;:�
<br /> , ' ' ?. Protectiam'e�i Lender's Rights in the Prop$rty.If Borrower fails to perforia the caveAaats and agreements � .. `=-t
<br /> � � contained ia thia Secuity Iastc�men�or there is a legal proceeding thsat may sigai�icaatly sffect Leader's righta in the , � ="`��`;
<br /> � Property (such as a proceedis� bu baakrupicy, Probat� far condemaatioA or forieiwro or w en4otce lawa or ��:��`-
<br /> ` .��r f.�.�.. . regulations).t�en Lender may�and pay for whatever is rrr�cessary to protect the.valua of tha Propertp and Leader's ������.;-';a.�.;�
<br /> • righ�ia the Yroperty.Lendet's actions may inclode paying at�y evms sacute�d b7�a aen which hea pnoritp over tLis `Y.11�
<br />_ . `; Sec�mtq Instruraent,appeariag ia court.PaYing reasonable attaraeys'fees and enteri�g on the Prog�cty to make r�epaire. . � -_
<br />° Although Lendet maq take actioa uader tbisParagraPD 7.I.e�der doesc�t�ave w do so. � . ' • -
<br /> . Any amoua�disbursed bY Lender under this P�b�P��shall become additionsl debt of Eoma�xer secured by thie � -
<br />_ �. . Security Iastnrmen�Unl�s Borrower aad Lender agc�ee vo.er.het tetms oY paymen�th�e amounts ehall bear in�t � � __�
<br />- . . frnm tt:e date of disbursement at the Note rete and s1�U 1�pa�ab2e.with interest,upoa notice from Lepder tv Ba�aower
<br /> . reque�a$Fa9men� � .:.. .
<br />_ � � S. Mo�gage L�nraaee.If Lender roquin�i cisost�:�-:iasuraaee as a condition oi makiag tha loaa secured hy this ,,.'< •
<br />- :. .. Security Iaswmen�Borrnwer shtill pap the ptemiuma�.ured to maintein the mortgega is�auranoe in ettect.If,fos any
<br />- � reason.the mortgage insurance�c�uverage reqwred by Ixca'�r lapses or ceases to ba in effect.Borrower shall pay the , � `.
<br />-
<br />