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<br /> u<��' .` �<: TpGEfHBR WITH atl the improvementa aow os hereafter erected on the property. aad all easements, `.
<br /> .` $PP��c�.and fiaturea now or hereafter a part ot the propertq.All replaoements aad ad�tions shsU also be oovered :�:
<br /> >� by this Securiry Instrumen�All of the foregaing ia referred to ia this Security Instrument as the"Pruperty." � � �� :
<br /> . � . BORROZVf3R COVENANTS that Bonow�er ie lawiully seised of the esmts hereby oonveped and bas the tight to ` .
<br /> `� � �? grant aad cbnvey the Property and tbat the Property is uneacumbeted,eacept for encumbraaces of reoord. Borrower ,
<br /> ` �-� warraats and will defend generally the 6fle w the Psopertp apinst ail claims and demands.stiblect to any en�umbrances ,
<br /> _._`r^`°,%'�' ofrecord. --:-
<br /> , . , - THIS SECURITY INS'TRUMENT oombiaes uaiform coveuaats for aatim�al�e aad noa-�miform covenaats with � ... �
<br /> � . .�. t' limited variations by jurisdicEioa to constitutea uniform securitq insVumeat oovering teal prnperty. .
<br /> _ �, ` UNIFORM COVENAI�1'I'S.Borrower and Leadet oovenaat aa�agree ag ioltow� (� � .
<br /> � � - � l.Payment af Principal aad Iaterest;PrePayment ead Lat�Chargea Borrower sball P1'omPUp Pay when due � .
<br /> . � �� the principal of and intereston the debt evideaced by the Note and auy prepayment aad late charges due uuder the Nate. � " �
<br /> � t �Foads for Taaes and Insoranct.Sublect to applicab2�!aw or to a mitten waiver by Leader.�ono�eer sball` .•
<br /> � :� �y w Lender on the day monthlY Papmentsare due�mder the Note,arit�the Note is paid iu full.a sum('Ftmds")for.Q �
<br /> � ..F (a)Yearlp m�es aad as�sment4 which may atisia priarity over this Security Iastrument as a liea on the Property;(b) �
<br /> _ � ��. pearly leasehold payme�s or grouad rents oa the Property.if aaY:(c)yearly ba7ard or prep�rtp ins�rance premium� �� �
<br /> � (d)Yeatlq flaod iast�rance ptemiusas.if aay;(e)Yeat1Y most�ge insurance premiums�if any;and(f)aaY suma PaYBble ._.
<br /> � . - isy Horrower to Lender.in accordance with the pmvisions oi P�S�Ph 8.in lieu uf the gapment of mortpge insuraace . .
<br /> . . _,� . premiums.These iLems are call�'F�c.mw Itema"Lender may,at anp tim�oollect aad�Pd Funds in aa amouat not '..,�,�.
<br /> . - - to esoeed the masimum atnount a lea�'sr for a federally reIated mortgag,e loau iaay require for Borrower's�ow ,.,•� �
<br /> - . aaoouut under the federal Real Fsrdts�ettlemeat Proced�Act of l974 as amended frcm time to time. 12 US.C. �'<�
<br /> ... :.. :',. � .. ' Sectioa 2601 et s�.��RESP�'?,na3e�aaother law that apgliea to the Fimds�a Ie�er amounL If so,I.ender may, ':-':�,:�;..::
<br /> - _..., . at any time.collect aad ho2d Funds ia an amount not to esceed the le�er amoun�I.ender may esti:nate the amouat of s:rs'';`:�
<br /> , � ..
<br /> • � ••:�;` Fwt+ds due os►the ba�s of current data aad reasonabte eStimates of espeudidn+es of futvre Fscrow Items or otherwise in • -• '
<br /> . „' aa;ordance wit�applicab2e law.
<br />. ° � • '� The Fum�ds sha11 ba held in an institution whose depo�its are iasored by a federal agency,iastn�mentality.or entity � "
<br /> . . =y - (includiag I.ender.it I.ender issuch an instiwtion�or in ang Federal Home Loaa Banic.Leuder shall agply the Fuuda w ,
<br /> : -- - PaY the Escrow Items.I.ender may not cbarge Borrowet for holding and agplping the Funds,anaually analyzing the ;.'E.:;�::•..
<br />' . �crow account,or verifping tfie Escrow Items.unle�Lender pays Barrower iaterest on the Funds aad applicab2e law : .�•�.,;'; .
<br />- .. �. ' !�, � ��ermita Leader to make s�h a ch�rge. However.Irender inay require Borrower w paq a one-time c�arge Por aa . . .
<br /> nndepeadaas xeal estato taa reportiag sesvice nsred by Lender in conaection with this leaA,uaEc-�applicable law psnroides -"='
<br />: . � ..t otherwise.Uale�an ag�eement is made or applicable law requires Iuterest w be paid.I.er�d�r et�all not ba required to ;--���.
<br /> ' . � pay Borrowes aay inter+est a�e�rniap oa the Fimda Borrower and I.eader may agree ia�ratir�g,however.thatu►Lerest '`y_.;,^'s�',;
<br /> �
<br /> . . shal}be d on the Fund,�II�:�er sbaU ve to Barmwer,without char an ax�nual exouatia of the Fuade.ehow ��r.'��:.,."•'`:
<br /> P& & B$� P � `d;�"•r,,�
<br /> � � cteAits and debiis ta the�ead the purpose fos which each debit to the Fu��vas made.The Fu�tds as�e pled�ed as � r�,..:�
<br /> a e ��fa.
<br /> :� additimoal secusity for a11�se�ue+ed by this Secwity Instrumen� .s;��::;�:
<br />. . _ U the F�mBs held fsy Leader escaeed the arnounte permitted w ba held bp app2icab:e Ea►cv,Lercder shaU ac�ouat sm .. �,�.,-
<br /> -- = _ Botrower far the es!�Fuads ia r�eard�tce�ith thc r�qiura�ea�af aFplicab2a lass.If t�s�aosmt af tha F�cds hcld �,� `
<br /> by Leader at aay time is co��sufficient to pay the Bacrow Itema�vhen d�e.Leaaer maq so notify Borrower in writing, � _
<br /> . • aud.in evch case Barrower�aU to I.ender the amouut nece�ry to make the�ei na �,��
<br /> P �y Y PaYmenLe.at Leade�e sole di ct�etian. �.Bornower e1taU make .�y���.,;�,�
<br /> . � u the deYiciency in ao more t6aa twelve monttil
<br /> : � UPun P9yment iA fu11 oi all suma sec�ued by thia Security Iaswmen�Leader sha11 F�PUY refuad to Borrower •y-�
<br />_ . � any Funds beld by Lender. If.under paragraph 21.I.end�r sLaU acquire or seU the Pt�¢pertyi.I.eadet. Prior to the -°"_�
<br /> � . . acquisition or eale of the Property.sLaU appty any Funds held by I.euder at tAe tirae oi acqudsition ar sate as e credit ...T'��
<br /> . against the sums secured by tLisSec�rity bstrument. �:;,,
<br /> ' . . 3.Applicatton o!Paqmenta Us�ess applicable law provid�otherwis�aIt paymeate r�aceived b�c B.ead�r uader ;.rfr�'� °'
<br /> � .. . P��Pha l aud 2 sLall be applied:rrst,to eny ps+e�apment charges dua under the Idot�eecond.to emou�payabte ''�. .:-�--
<br /> • � � under Paragr�g�Z:third,to interest du�fowtt+,to pnnc�pal due;emd tast,to aay late charges due under the Note, �'.�_ .:;,_�-
<br /> . , � ' 4. Charges: Liena Bosrower shaU pay all tases,a�enm.charges,Gnee aad impositioIIS amibutable to the �-`� _ -
<br /> . . Propertq which may atmia ori over this Securi Inswment,aad teasehold gro any. '""'` ` �
<br /> Pri tY n► Papmenta or und reats,if �r�A�
<br /> °�;��,', _,;'-.
<br />_ Borrower shall pay these obliptions ia the manuer provided ia paragapL��ii aot paid ia tbat manaer,Borrower �.;
<br />_- sLall pay them on tima diiectlp to the pers�n owed paymen�Bomatvet shall promptly 4urnisb to Leader all notiaes of �
<br />= < amounts to be paid under this ParagraPh tt Borrower makea t�payments d'arectly.Bortower sBall promptip furnish
<br /> . . .,:.:. w Leader receipts evidenciag ffie paymeata •�
<br /> _ . . Bonower sha11 gromptiy discharge any liea wtricb has priority over this Sec�n�ity Instrument unles9 Bomo�ver.(a? •
<br />- � $gt�ees in writiag to tlte pa,ment of tha ob�igation secured by the lien in a manner acoeptable to Lender;(b)aomtests ia � .
<br />�_ � � gaod feith the l�ea by.aP d's�ends ag,ainst eflfor�eerae�at of the lien ia.legal proceedinp which ia the Lead�r's apiaioa � ,
<br />- • . eperate to prevent the eaforcement oi the lien:or(cj secirree from the holder af thc+lien aa agreeiaent satisfactory to . °
<br /> . Lender subardinatiag the lieri to this Soeusitq Iaswment If I.ender decercnine�that aay�rt oi the Property is subjxt
<br /> - . to a lien which may attaia priotity ovet this Securitq InaWment,Lender may give Borrowes a notioe identifying tha ' � '
<br />` _ liea Bomawer shaU satisfp the lien ar take oae or more of the actions set fosth above within 10 dape oi the giving of
<br /> � � notica.
<br />,'a .
<br /> :,� _ ,
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