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<br /> , . , .. �:' � G ASSIGNNd�PiT aF i.EASES. Upnn L�der's reqaest,Batmwer s6a11 asign o�I.euder all lesss�s of the i��`�. . .
<br /> r—'"'-� pro�aty and all s�aunj►de.Qa�ts made in aonnectian wilh�ases of the PraPeat}►-Upon the as�meat.l�eader `
<br /> - sbalt have dte right to mad�r,e�t�or�the exisf�g I�aad w execute uew Ie�es.in Ieudez's so2e _
<br /> � (I�_�esinn AS used in this parag�aph G.the word'Iease"sbaD mcan°snbleace°if the S�ttj►Insuumeat is on a
<br /> .� . . � 1�5�7� lf.`.�:�I�.;�
<br /> , ` .��'., B. AS�IGNML�t�i'[' OF BENTSi APPdDYN'i'1i�1�PP OF �EC�IYER; LENDER EN POSSFSSION-
<br /> '. . �::;. �., Boaowca absolutely and uwoundi8onallY as�.s�d�ansfess w Leudei all the caus and rev�es(°Raus�of the - ,
<br /> Pmperty,ieg�dtess of Lu whnm the Reais of the Progeaty�ue payable.Baanwer anthosi�es Leader�E�dea's � ' � '._ .
<br /> ue
<br /> . i�� �
<br /> , :. . agenfs tn aoIIect the Reats.and agrees t6at eacL teasut of the Prage:ty sLa(l pay the R�atg to Lead�a�I.eader's - -
<br /> �, - age�ts.However,Bmrmwer s3�all reoeive the Rea�tuu�(?����Batmwer nosiceof defanitpaisaant tn '?-.�?..°�`:�.
<br /> �` p�D 21 of the Se�ity 1nsu�t aad('n 7 LEatter�as given aouoe to the teaaint(s)that the Rews ate m be �•.� :.
<br />: ; - , yaid to Leada ar Iaada's ag�t. 'Itis �i� of Rmnts oonspf�an absohm� aQigamee�i and not an <. .
<br /> ,: �•, ,', .`•'- • asstgammt fa�add�ional secmnty onlY• -,
<br /> ", . ..,.'.•.. . If Leader g'tves aotice of�to Boaowra:(i)all Reats ceceived tsy Bosawea shaD be hetd by Bmmwer a4
<br /> ; ` ausl�for the be8e6iof Leader onty,m be appl�ee m the sums s�aaedby+t�e S�aaity►ta�Cn7�� ....
<br /> . - . ; .- be�titied m ooIIect and s�eive all of the Rents of the Ptopeacy; (i�"f Boinswer agcees t6at each tamat of the �
<br /> _,;,.;y:
<br /> : , Fr¢�Zgr sLaA pay aII R�ts dne�d impaid w Leudea ar LEadet's�upon I eader's wriva►demaad to the
<br /> -�- . -r---��; t�(iv)�1ess aPPlit�bte!aw provides at�wi.qe,atl Rems coliec�d by Leuda ar Leudea's age,nts shaII 6e `
<br /> t�
<br /> � applied�ust to the costs of taloag crontrol of�d'i�anagin8��P�Y���g the Reatg��da�B,but not ,
<br /> . . . `l��- t�iffid�n.amomeys�fecs.receives's feea.�s on receivar's bonds,re�and mamteaanee m�� ��,
<br /> • � p�iums.�es,a�aad othe�cbarges on the prapeaty,aad thea tn the s�ams��L�the S�► .:,,,° '
<br /> �: .
<br /> :'" _ Ias�um�(vj I.endei,Leutt�'s age�tts ar anY 1��Y���s6all be liahte t�as�a�t for amly those __,
<br /> , � Ra►ts acmaIly�'ed:aad(vi�Leuder sdaU be eatitied o�have a iweavea appoinre�ap�?ce po�siun of and �-., _,
<br /> , � . ' ` tnanage the Pmpe�and�the Raus�d�05�derived f�m the F�ty�..--��y showfig a4 w the -:
<br /> � �uacy of theFtape�r as securltp• �
<br />� � � If the Re,ntc of the Progerty a:e not suffCi�t w wvar ahe oosts of takmg�of and maaaging the ° "�-_
<br /> • � . � � Pmpeat�r and of coIIectiag the Re.nts any fimd4 eape�ded bY Lendea for such gacposes�tII baoome mdebaettnes4 of � �"�"`'``
<br /> ea `.:y y;-
<br /> . ` Borrowea to I�der setaue�by the Secauity Instrament pmsuaat to Umfomm Covenant 7. . �.,
<br /> Baaawa iep�e,sea�ts and warr�ts tdat Pa�rnwer i�as nut ex�any p�assigameat of ct�Raus ana Aas .__��
<br /> �� � .: : not and w�l notpeifoim a�r ast tbat woWd��ntLe�aderfram eseicisiag its dghts andes dds pata�. �-
<br /> � � � I.eades,or I.endea's ag�ts ar a jaQisia�y�ppointed�eoeiver.sbari aot be reqnued w�upon.sake wntrol . �-:�-:
<br /> . � �` of or maintain the Pmpeny befa:e ar af�r giving noitce c'�def�It tu Bamnwer.Howevea,L�ende,r.or I end�'8 : �:'e;
<br /> : � �. age�►ts or a jndiciaIIy apgointed receiv�.maY do so at any time whea a def�acxu�s.My appHq�on of Re�ts :�.�','
<br /> .. . � `. s6ari not c�e ar waive auy defanIt o:iavaHdate any othea rigdt or remedy of Lend�'Ihis assi�ment of Renm of '"'' :=`
<br /> .,.` � .., the Pra�aty shall te�minaie whc,n sU the sums s�ured by the Seauiry Instiwuent aie paid in fnU. -
<br /> � I.CHOSS�DFd�I![J�.T PROVISION. Bormwea's defautt or iorescb tmdgr any note or a�natt in ' _-
<br /> �� � �rfi,�L+e�er has an in�est shall be a breach undea the Sec�ity Insnumeat and I�der may invoke aay of tne _--_.
<br /> ; . �ies pamiued isy the Seaaicy Insttument � _
<br /> � � $Y SIG1VII�tti BffiAW.Bom�wes�ea�p�and a�ees to tho teams and ps�visiaav cantaincd in this 1-4 F�raily > `
<br /> `' : Rtd�
<br /> ..;. � .. _
<br />° ;���. �S� Seal) -
<br /> � ����}' '_. •1�8 Is ��R ' ; -Bartawer t r�RDEft'? -Bam�wer
<br />�- .',,'r (Sq�j �SCaI) •
<br /> �r` :;`•'" . -Hmmvrer -Bosm�er �
<br /> ,. . ' ,
<br /> � .. ' ' �-57 t�ca�.o� vaae2o�z Form81708l99 : :
<br />'3 . . ' . '
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