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<br /> � ` :� . � ApPI.# 002-70821019 _
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<br /> `- Asst�na�enc otl�enb `�,:
<br /> -� :����"''� 30TS �g SBPTBMBBR , 1997 .811d iS -��>�
<br /> -�'-=-'•-�-� THIS !-4 FANIILY RIDER is made th�s Y of
<br /> '`�_ . . inonigoiatEd inw aad s6all be d�ed tn amend�d supplEmeat the Mo�e.De�of 71vst ar Seauity Deed(ihe -.T:.� :
<br /> f_ .
<br /> ' °Secauay Insuament'�of the same date givea by the imdecsigaed(the"Baimwer°�m secure Ba�rOV�es's Hota w ��`. ' ;
<br /> _ . ,._ .. .. .. ,_ HONlB FSDSR3IL SAVIPI03 � IaOAN ASSOCIATION OF GR31NII ISLAND � , �.
<br /> . • . , (th6"I.eudet°) .
<br /> �: . � of the s�ne dabe and covamg the Ptapc:ty dessnbed ia the Seuuity I�e�tt�d[ocazed a� �;;..�;
<br /> " _ _ �:.;'`
<br /> ' 4665 WBST CAPITAL AVS . ,
<br /> . (3RA�J ISL3IND. NSBRASRA 68803 ` �`E"`�
<br /> ' . [Rapary Addces�J . , .
<br /> .'::. , I-4�A1VdII.Y CUV�PIA1�YfS. In EddidoII�iir�wYeaanf8 Snd BBreememS[aade 1n the Se�u►tY Inson�mtat. �,�� ,. :_
<br /> .;j,4;�.�., - �;:i '
<br /> Boaaw�and Lend�futthea wv�tandagree a�f�ow� �
<br /> . .--,--�-:_-���r: , A.ADDTf'IONAL PBOPF�TY$QJSJE(.°I'TOTHE SECiIRYf'Y INS°i'RUMEI�i'� Itt addilian to the = -
<br /> _.", <t;� p�p�y d�ed in the SeAUityr 1n..�1,the foIlowing i�ns ama sdded oo ttte Ptnpt�ty desariP�on+as►d s6a11 ' .
<br /> � also constimte the Pmpaty��co,v�p,e,d1b,,y, t3e S�ruy I�stn�meu�bm'�ia8 mai�isL`�.ePPlianoe.s an�gaods of eveay .
<br /> � . ' .� `.�i4 � - Q�W��QflQ11�LL�'AGialid al�ucw+111s�QQ�N Qr�Q���i US�����71 W��r��}Is . .. ..
<br />-_' .:.. . �S,but uot I�tted to,thase for the pmpa�s o�ss�piyng or dis4zbutmg headng.cnolin8.e�ari�aty►��S. ` _`_
<br />- - -- warca,air mW light,fae prevaidan sad!���Y and socess conuol spparams,p1�n63ng, �
<br /> _ ' `-,.': . ' fmth mbs.watra hea�as.watcr closets,s;r�CS.��stm'e8.�atn�s.disbwashe�s.disposal9.a+ashcas.drY�s+ .
<br /> � ' ' awning�,awTm windnws.sta�m da�s�s.Y�..�.'�,s�ade.s.c�s�d em�tain md4.attached mirrats.t�biaets.
<br /> . �. pane3lin$ �d armc�ed itoor caveri�s ao� +� � atffiched w the Ptopeacy. all of�rhic6. �nch�dmg `_:'�
<br /> c.';.;,., � , replac�reffia and addidans th� shaI�be deea��►be an��cmaia a part of the PropeKy covered by ths Ser�ity "��
<br /> `���`''�Y �'+ Ia�.AII of the faiegoing m�ga wuh tf�F'mpeny dess�i'bed�n the Seaniry Iasuame�t(ar tha tea�eho2d �'��q5
<br /> . .��;�:;;.r. , ��}",:, .
<br /> �:;� � c�if a�z Secauit�► Insuum�t is c� a leasQhol�are nefemd to in this 1�4 Famr�y Rider aad the Sec�ity * . ,�'�a
<br /> . -.;r�_;:; �1.
<br /> ��:-`t�.. -�� iW741W���Y1�'i��n . _`_r�.:.-��-
<br /> B.USEOFPRUPF�tTYfC�11�,ISANC$�V1THI.Aw B01I�W21 Sha11 IIOt Seek. a�ee Lo OJ IDel(e 8 `:�tr,4r:-�
<br /> . '•` ct�auge in We ase of the pm�peity or its zon�g�.�mlesg LRnder tras a�eed m wridng tn the change. ` ;,-��-;
<br /> . : '. . Basrower shall ca�ply witb aU 1aws. ordinm�s. re8aia�nns and req�ents of any gov�memml bady �-{�;"-:
<br /> . . � applicab2e to the Pra�aty. . ���_
<br /> � . . C.SUBO�DIIVATE LYENS..E.�cept as pramiued by fedaai 1aw,Bmrovres shall not alIow eny liea infeacoa
<br /> . ' ' w tAe S�arity Tas�meut to 1�e peafec�againsc tiie Propetty without I.endet's yrlw arritte�peimisslon. �
<br /> D.E�Mi'LO�1NSURANCE. Boaowea shaU mainrain�ce�inst reat Wss in eddifmn w die othea .'':-_;��;:
<br /> � ;�. �,.,,..' 6az�tds forwhit��ce is reqnfired by UaiformCoves�t 5. , . �:�;.;�`�;ti.:
<br /> � ': ,: E."BORBOV�ER'S RIGflT'9'�AEJNS'�A7Ti"DF.3.ETED. Unifaim Cavea�ant 18 is deleted. ��s�t.`:
<br /> ��� � IILB'�SRO�VER'SOCCUFAh�i. Unless Le�det and Bmrower otheawise agcee in w�idng, the fast '>.;
<br /> � `'} sea�t�ae i�Unifon�Covenamt 6 �ng <rower's occapancy of.the Prnyeaty is dcicted. All�g ' -
<br />��;};':." . . coveuants aad agt�set fa:th i�Unifom�Cctti�t 6 shaU remain in effect .
<br /> ;�-:�
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<br /> �, . : vapo 1 m2 . .. :
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