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<br /> �. . � ' . . � S. �aaar�or Property Insurance.Borroaer shall&eep the impmvements now earistiag or heteafter erecied on .
<br /> � the Property insured against la�by fir�hazacds included arithin the term "eatended coveta�"and auy other hazatds. .;'.}:�.,,:,. �
<br /> , � inclading ftoad�ot flooding,for atuch Les�der requires iasurance.This ins�uance shall be maintaiaed in the araouats
<br /> - � ' and for the petiods that Leader require9.The iasuraace carrier providiag the insurance sball be chasea by Borrower � '
<br /> ` , sublec�to d.ender's approval wtuch sha11 aot be unreasonablp arith�eld if Bomower tails to fnaint�in coverage described - � .
<br /> �:�;� ��PLender may,at I�eadet's option.obtain coverage to protect Lender's rigttts in the Prnperty ia asrardan�e witli - --- -
<br />, . All iasutance polisies and renewa2s shall 1�aoceptable w I,ender and shaIl iaclude a standard martgage clause. � '
<br /> . Lender shsll have the right to hotd the�lici�s and renewals. Ii Lender requires. Borrower shall promptlp give t� _ ',:�.,`,.
<br /> . . . Leadet all receipis of paid psemiums and renewal notices.In the event of lass.Boreuwer st�all give prompt aotice so the'�• .�.
<br /> - . . , insnrance carrier and Lender.Lender map make pmof of loss if not rnade prampttp by Bormwer.
<br /> , _ ' Untess I.ender ead Borrower otherwis�agree in writing,insuraaoe proce�Ls sball be applied w restoration or a�pair` " '` :.
<br /> � � �: • of the Property damaged.if the r�toration or repair is economically feasible aad Leader's security is noi lessened.If the� . _
<br /> �` '� reswsatioa or tepair is aot economically feasIble or Leader's securitq would be le�ened,the insurance proceeds sttall bep� '
<br /> ` ' :� applied to the sums secured by t6is Secw�ity InsWmet►t,wheiher or not then du�.with any eacess paid to Borrower.If W _ ,
<br /> � � . �:�# �orro�er a b a a dons t he P r o�r t q,or d o�s not�mswer withia 3 0 days a notioe from I.ead�that the ins�ua.nce carrier has� :
<br /> o s �sw
<br /> � , . _ offered to settle a claim,then Lender may collect the im�u�ance prooeeds.Lender may use the ptac�ds Lo rcp�ir or-� `
<br /> . , . restore the Fmperip or to pay sums sec�tt�ed by this Sec�mty Iasbvment,whether or not thea due.The 3o-day peria�will .
<br /> � ` ., .. .
<br /> .. �.:; beg�a when the rwtice is gtven. `f`..
<br /> . ., . 'r� Untess Lestder and Borroiver othenvise agree in writin�anp applicatioa af proceeds w principal sLeU noi extead or ' �'
<br /> . . • S pastpane the due dat�of the moathlY FaYments r�efened tm nm 1�S�Phs l and 2 or chauge the eatouat of the gapiaents. '- ` ,�� .
<br /> --- -.- _- � If under ParagraPh 21 the Pmperry is acquir� bp Lead,�.]c�osrowe�s ri�t to an p insurance p olicies ead p r a c e e d s _ ' ".,
<br /> ' , ' � � r�ut�ing from da�sna�w the Property prios to the acguusi��.0 shall pas�w Lender to the estent of the snms s�r+ed bp .
<br /> � this S�ttity Instr�nt im�n�iately ptior to the acqwsYtic�;.c. . .
<br /> . ' • �. �a . 6.�ccupancy.Preservation,ll+Ysintenance ead Prmt,�tion of the Property;�orra�er's Loun ApplIcst�oa; !�����;:
<br /> . I.easehol�a�.s.Borrower shall o ,�tablisb,and use the Pro as Borrower's r�aci , .�.
<br /> �Y p�ty p ' pal tesidence within siatY�Ys ._..�-�L
<br /> . _� = after the eaecution of this Secunty Instrirment aud shall cantiaue to occupy the . .
<br /> residence for at ieast one peaz after the date of accupancy.unles�Lender otherwise a p��� Borrower's principal
<br />`. , :� � not be unreasonabl withheld,or unl�escea 8�u►writiag,which consent shall :...�.f :.
<br /> _ . Y uatiag cinvmsEances esist which are beyond Bomowesr�conual.Borrawsr
<br /> = shall mot destmy,damage or impair the Propertp,aUow the Fioperty to deteriorate,or commit cvss�on ttte Property. �..�.�:
<br /> .- - - . BorroWea�.iall be in default if aaq farfeiture action or pr�ing,whether civil ar cramiaal,is begun that ac4�.esede�'s ,y��
<br /> � , good f�sr,E��dgment could result in forfeiture of the Pra�or othernise materially imgair the tien c�+ea�1,�ay this :°';<''�:`
<br /> � Security�nstrument or Lender's security interest.Borto:;ca may cure sucb a default aad reinsmt�ss pss�cided in
<br /> � � • .. P�@'�Ph 1�► bY �g the actioa or proazeding to Iae dismiss� with a roliag tha� in Lmdet's good fait8 ' .`... .
<br /> `, _ determination.Prectu�s losfei4ure of ffie Bomn�e�'s interest i�the Plydparty or other materisl impairtneat of the tieA • �'*f;: `
<br /> . crea t e d bp t h ia S e c U r itg Ir�atrume�tor I.ender's security iate�t.Borrower sha11 also be ia detautt if Bormwer,duriag �„��+
<br /> - _�:`. the Zo:sa agg2ication gra,�ay ga�e�ateriatZy fa2s�or inaccusate iaformauon or etater,�eats W Lender {as failed to =..�_;..;.
<br /> , � pravide Lender with any materisi informationj in conaectiop with the toan evidenced by the Not�,iucluding,but aot ��';;;� ;
<br /> ' limited w.representations cot�ceraiag Bortower's occupancy of the Pr�sgertq as a priacipal residecce,If this Security '� .-:�;
<br /> � . Instrument is on a leasehold,Bonower ahall camply with ell the prorisic�ot the lease.If Bonower aLquires fee title to � ��� ,, .
<br />- ' . . ttte Property,the leasehold and the fee title shall aot merge unlesg Lender agrees to t�e merget ia writing, � :.:�:y:+�„�
<br /> , �. '- �Yrotection of Lender's Rig�tsin the Property.Ii Borrower fails w perform the covenants and agt+�nents ��:-,;�.o�
<br /> _ :�+��. ; vontained in this Security lnstrument.or there is a legal Proc�diag that maq significantly affect Lender's rigb.ts in the '- =�,.
<br />_ .. . � ' ProPert�► (such as a prooe�ing ia b�iakn�gtcy. Prc►bate. far coAdeca:�atiaa or forteiture or to enforce hws or .,.�_
<br />_ . • regulatioas).then Lea��t maq do end pay for�sai:atever is aece�ary oa�sssatect the vatue of the Praperty attd LeAder's ��:� {:,.-.::
<br />_ � rights ia tiie Properey�if,eader's scdona map incCr.de paping at►y susrrs�ared by a lien which�?s priotity over this - -
<br />- . . - Security Isistrumeat,ePP�S ia wurt,PaYiag c�asonable atxflrneys'f�es aad enteriag an ffie Pragert�to malia�aira. _ .._ -
<br /> tt
<br />' . . :': . Althoug�Lender may take action�der thia paragraPh 7.Leu,�er doea not have to do� • �- -
<br /> - "' Any amouMs disbursed by Lender uader this p,aragrap�.a sha11 becoma additiona��bt of Bonower secured by this � � �
<br /> A
<br /> : . „. Sacurity Instrumen�Unless Borro�ver and Len.des agre�e w atAer terms oi payment�these amo�mts sha}I beat iatere�t .
<br /> n
<br /> � , from the date of diabutsement sE the Nota rate ascd shall be payable.with interest�upoa aotice from Lender to Bors�wer
<br /> .• 4,;�', .,
<br /> request+n,�Payment. .�
<br /> - ���mrtgege Iasoraace.If L�euder required mortgage i�urance as a condition n��aking the toan s�by this� r _
<br /> - Securityr I�Cnrntent.Borrower str�l pay the premiums requ�d w maintain the mart�,��e insuraace iA effect.I�.for any
<br />-.- . .. , `.. . reason,tL�mortgaga iasurance coverage required by Lendar tapses or ceases to be ia effect.Borrower shall pay the . .
<br /> = . . . . premiunns re.quired to obtain coverage substantialty equivatent to the martgage inswaztce previously in effect,at a oost ' �:.;�;;..'_
<br />- substantially eqttivalent to the cost to Bonower of the mortgage insurance previously in etfect.fmm an atternate '
<br /> -�: . :� � mort�ge insurer approv� by Leader. 1f substantially equivaleat mortgage insurartoe coverage is not a�ailable. � . ' `_
<br /> F � • BorroRer s6a11 pay to Lender each month a sum equat to ostertwelfth of the yearly mort�ge iasuraace premiusn being •
<br />-= paid by Earrower when the insurance coverage lapsed or ceas�d to be in effect.I.etider wiU accepi�use aad retain these � �� �
<br /> __ • payments as a toss reserve in lieu of mortgaga insuraace. Loss reserve payments may no longer ba reqtaired� . ..
<br /> _ , ' �BNWD�wono� v.�.s a o Fotm 302a 9/a0 . " ..
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