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<br /> - ' ` 5, TaGEi�iER �VTfH all the improventents aor� or hereafter eiecte�i on the pmperty. ansi all easemeat$, ' .
<br /> � , appurteaances.a�d Catures now or hereaiter a part ot the praperty.Ali replaoements and additions sha{1 atso be wvered •
<br /> .- by this Secwity Instn�ment All oi the foregoing is refened to in this Security Iastrument as tt�e°Property° , ' `
<br /> BORROWER C04'ENANTS that Borrower is lawtully seised of the estate hereby wAVeyed and has the rigbt to � `,
<br /> � � � , gcant and oonvey tlis prn�rty and tt�t the 1'roperty ia uaencumbesed.eacegt for easumbraaces of record Borro�ver '
<br /> ; warra.nts aa��vill defead generally th$tifle to the Proparty ageinst all clairns aad demaads.subiect to aay encusabrauces � ,
<br /> of reoord. . .
<br /> <���-..:�- THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines uniform covenaats for national usa and non-uniform coveaas►ts with
<br /> �=�� iintiLed vatiations bp jucisdictioa to canstituLea uniform securitq instrument covering resi progertp. � _ .`
<br /> � , UIJI�ORM COVENANI'S.Borsower and Lender covenant and agnae as followx
<br /> � , . ,
<br /> 1.Pay�aent of Pr�cipal end Interest;ikepsYruent an8 I.ate Charges.$orsower shall promP�Y Pap when due � ° r` .�
<br /> ; " the principal oi and intetest on the debt evidenced by the Note aud any prepay�aent and late charges due uader the 1Vote. � ��
<br /> _ .'. _ 2 Fuads iar Taxes aad Iasuraace. Subiect to applicab2e Iaw oc to a written waiver by Leader,Borrower shari � �
<br /> �p w Leader on the daq moatWY�Ymeats are due uuder the Note,uatil the Note is�id in full,a sum("Fuads")for.� ` �.•' � .
<br /> a)pearlr teses aad as�saments which may attaia priarity over this Securitq Inswment as a liea on the Property;�b)
<br /> � - - , peaslp leasehold payments or gcound rents on the Property.if anp;(cI Yearly hazard or progeriq insw�nce prreraiums�� . . `
<br /> • (d)Yearly Qood insurance premiums.if anq;(e)Yeatly mastgage insurakce psemiums.if aay;aad(fj anp sums payable
<br /> . �� � , by Borrower to Leader,in accordauce with the provis'soas of ParagraPh 8.in lieu of tbe paqmeat of inortgdge insw�aace .•:.:..�,. .,�.
<br /> ' - preminms.These items are cailed"Escrow Itenas.'Leader map,at any dme.collect and hold Fwuts in an amount not �
<br />- _% ; - �� to escee� the magimum araount a lender fos a federally nelated ttiortgage Ioan may sequire for Borrawer's ess:mw - .
<br />- '. i � � account under the federal Real Estate Settlement Procedurrs Ast o#1974 as amended from time w time�12 U.S.C. ' .
<br /> �. ._,:"°� . Sectioa 2�41 et seq.{°RESPA"f.ualess another law that appli�to tfie Funds sets a lesser aiaount If so,Lender may. . : .
<br /> � at anq tim�collect aud hold Fuads in aa amount not Eo esceed the te�-aaioua►�L�ender may estimate the amouat of � '��-�;
<br /> � -� Fuuds due on the basis of current data and reasonable estimat�s of e - r
<br /> . . spenditw�es oi fiitta+e Fs�ao�Items or other�vise in
<br /> ------- a000rdance with applicabLe law. -. �
<br /> � �: : � The Fvads shall be held ia an iastitution whosa deposits are iusured bq a federal ageacg,i�tr�rmeatalitq,or entitq . ,��;
<br /> "' ��:F� . (iacluding Leader.if Lender is such aa institution)or ia anq Federal Home Loaa Ba.dc.Lendec shaU apply the Funds w �•,:% '
<br /> • � pay the Escmw Itema Lendes map aot chasge Bonower for holding and applying the Funda,anaually analyzing the �
<br /> . escmw account,or verifyiag tha Fscrow Items.wiless I�eader gaqs Borrower intetest oa the Funds and applicable law �`�:.��- -
<br /> � �f- � . peraiits I.euder�make such a ctiarge. However� Leadet may require Borruwer to pay a oae-time charge for tu► .
<br /> ,-��.� � `� . iadependent�esl�ate tas reporting service used bp Lender in conne�tioa with ttus loaa,unIess applicable la+x provides '� °'-"�'
<br /> otherwise.Unt¢��n ag�emeat is made or applicable law requires iaterest tfl be paid Lead�shall not be requited to �':
<br /> :,":;,::. .. .,_,.
<br /> `:,,Y;;:;r.; Paq Eaav�ver ang intetest ar earniAp oa the Fuada.Bonower aad Lender maq agx�s ia csri�g,howev�r,that interest �,>;�,�,;L"`
<br /> '.�fa?��/�t1_r•,,',{ ... � fY 1 O�t "�'b � p i�'�t'�{�.
<br /> k shall tse d an the Funds.I,��shall ve w Borrower without char aa amival ac�coua of ffie Fun showin �`` '`
<br />- �f;;�jz�1�`,'. cr+eaits aad debits w the Fustds aud the pu:pose for which each debit to the Fuada was made.'�he Ftmds a�+e gledgsd as ��'�?'.
<br /> _ .���;•;. additional secusitg for sU sums sectued by this Security Iastrumen� . '�
<br />- , . �` � If tde Funds beld by Lender eac�d th$amounts permitted w 6e held by applicable Ia�v,�,ettder sliaJl accouat to .�"�i'
<br /> � : � '�` Hosrawer for the esces�Fuads ia accordaace with the req�irements of appticable tar,v.II the amouat of the Fuads held • =°�-
<br /> ' ' .•.,,.,
<br /> by Leader at any time ia not sufPicierit to paY ttte Esc�ow Items wheu d�e.Lendea�ay so notifg 8onower ia writing, -°�"
<br /> � ; '
<br /> _ '_ attd,ia such case Borrower sha11 �
<br /> �.. the de�cien PaY to Leader 4he aasount aece�ary to sssske vg rL'�de�cieac;.Barra�cr sha11 saafie � �
<br /> , up cy in no more thau twelve monthly papments.at I.ender's sole discretion. =�--
<br /> . . UpoA payment in full oi all sums secured by this Secusity Instr�ment,Lender sball pmmptly refund to Borrower ,.';�
<br /> • � � ., aay Funds held by I.ender. If. under�paragraph 21. Leader shall a�quire or sell the Property.Lender. prior to the � '�'
<br /> ' , acquisition or eale oi the Progertq,ehsll apply aap Funds held by Lender at the tic�e oi acquisitioa or sale as a ctedit �r�'•==-
<br /> ��.;. ..� agairsst the sunna secured bq this Security Instnrment. � .:;;'_�L:�
<br /> 'r',?�f`J; 3.Applicattoa of Payments.Unl�ss applicable lacr provides atherwise.aII payments received by I.euder under `-_
<br /> - �� P��FLs 1 aad 2 shall ba applied:�rat,to anY PrepaYmeat charg�d�ze under the Not�sec�r�d.to amounts payable ` _ __
<br /> - . ��°, under paragraph'�w tloird.to interest due;fourth,w principal due;and i.�t.to aay lats c'harges 8�.n�vnder the Note. "�
<br /> ;, • � ' 4. Cbarge� ��s. Bonower shall��all tases, as�sments. cbarges,fines and impositions attributable w tha ' ;.:�
<br /> rf t•. Property cvluch cr.a,attain priority over this Securitg Lnstrument.aad leasehold�paqmes�ts or ground rente. if any.
<br /> �,�i,�. Borrbwer�hall pay t�ese o�Tc�t�ons iA the maAnec prr�ci3ed in paragaph x or i��ot gaid in that manner�Horrower
<br /> ,.;�:�v, . -=�
<br /> _ , ' ahatl pay them oa s'ime direct�y�to tha per�c.�owed paymen�Bortower sbal!promptly iurnish to LeAder all aotices of '_�;:...-
<br /> - � _ , . emounts to be pai��der t�:s garagraph Pi'Barrower makes thesa paymenta directly,Bortower shall ptomptly furaish -_
<br /> � . . .. ta Lender rece�g�e�sdenciag r�paymen�. = _
<br />_ � � Basrower s1�aYi promptI�d;,schazge any lien which�as priority over this Ser.�s�2y Inswment�mle�Botrower:(a) ..
<br /> - -'`�'�:,''i-� a�in writing to the gaymeat of the ob�ip,ation s�u�fi by the lien in a manaer:�oeptab2e to Lender;(b�contests in -�
<br /> ` 'k����� �_ ; goaQ�aith the lien by,or defends against enforcement of the lien in,legal pracee�:ags which in the Leader's opinion ,
<br /> � . operate to prevent the enforcement o4 the 1ien;or(c)secnres from tha holder oi the lien an agreement satisPactory to .� � •
<br /> _ • . ' , , Lender subordinating the lien to this Sacwity Instrumen�If Lender d¢2ermines that ar�p part o4 the Propetty ia subject � � •
<br /> ,-.• ' to e lien which may attain priority over tIs Security Tnstrument,Lender may give Botrower a notica identifqiag the �
<br /> -. lien.Bortower shall satis4q the lien or taka oae or mar�of the actiorts set fortlb above within 10 days of the giving of t,:;�,�F;•�,;;i�
<br /> �,.,' � natice. �..�t,�.;;,:'�i:
<br /> - , � °„'�;`•F:��,.
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