c, '�c' .�'t� .ttt".1,''a�: . =,:.Y,: - '�� . '„ ' �-•iF:y,•
<br /> _ _ �..
<br /> C..:44• • �_ . .. ' � _—. _ . ..._ .___ , _.`> . . _ ._._ _ __ .f -' - ,
<br /> _ ' ..'. - ' �LL'+. +-. �' 4w. . ��V -' � , �c .�...__. t �� � .�� ..
<br /> .- `i - .:�.;ra+ ..wz .t" ,___..-- ....� - -_-�.k.�...�.-..�< ..
<br /> _`s .t� t '�,•- —
<br /> . - rT� 9?� f,�g,5�0 - .
<br /> .<< .�::
<br /> .�, 4� t�;
<br /> ' ..<"�� B.E�ll futore advanc�x from B�eficiary to Tzustor or other futiue obHp� o�of'[�Or W Beneficiary nnd��9
<br /> Be e
<br /> .. < pmmissory note.contract,b+uarantY•or other evldwce of de6t e�cuted bY Tn�stor in favor of Beaefic�y e�co3ed
<br /> . • �� I after this Security ��,,•,n01t whether or not tLis Securiry Ins�is spedfcs�ally refereaced. Yf more t�aa ane
<br /> . �. � pe�son signs this Seauity Iastnimen� e�sL Tmstor a,gtees that this Secuiiry Iasmanead w�71 sepue all tLtiue o
<br /> es
<br /> ��� advances aad future obli ons ttiat are giv�to or�n�auced by any one ar mflic Tnzstos.or any one or more Trustor
<br /> ga� ia
<br /> � ' . and others.Atl finure advaaces and ather fumre oDl�gatioas are sec��y this Seauity Insmrateat even thangh all . .
<br /> . . - or part may not yec be advmmaed.All fauue advanfles aad oth�futare obl��ations a:e secv:ed as if ma�ee oa the date ,
<br /> � : of this Securiry Inscn,ment.Fiothing ia tI�is Securiry Instrus�nt sball wnsnta�e a aommitas�nt to make additional or
<br /> , � � �� ` -=�;, fnm:e Ioans or advances ia any amouat.My sacL oo�nitmeot must be w in a s�atate writin .
<br /> ' �, Y--.-:�-f.�. ' C.All obligatioas Tn,stor owes w B�e&ciary,whtrb may tater arise.w�eateat not pm3u'bited by�,inrduding.
<br /> —. . ,--.-.�—� : - btu nat hmited �a, liabilipes for ov��aSa ie�in� �o anY d�OSii a��mi agreemeai b�weea Ttusior �d _
<br /> ..,�_
<br /> D.�onai suu�s advanced aad expenses inwrrt!b Be�eficiars►for insutin,g, or oth�wise prflt�ti�ag .
<br /> Q y c a S , �� uader the tem�s of tLis
<br /> , , , the Propeny and its vatue aad any ot8er smns advanced ani!expensea inaured�Y .
<br /> _ .'. , � Securitylnstrumenc_ '
<br /> . .��: aotice of the ri of .
<br /> _ _ � . '1Lis Security Insuumeu� will not secure�y oth�debt if Beaeficiary fa�1s w give any �equited S� .
<br /> -. rescission•
<br /> - S. PAYMEI�STS.Ttustor a�s ihat ail pay�eats uuder ti�e Sec�ued Debt�viIl be paid arhen due and in a�coidaace with the
<br /> ... ,. : t�us of the Szcuied Debt aad this S�nrtty I�t-
<br /> . c ,•.��,;�.�., ` 6. �VVARRAI�i'i'Y OF TITLE.Tnuwr warrants tbat Ttus�nr is ot wi116e laarfiilty�of the estate coaveYed by thts
<br /> Security Inst�nme�t and has the right w iaev,ac�bly g�ta�t,convey,amd seU the Pmpery w'Y'rastee,ia tcast,wlth pawer of :`;�,,:
<br /> ' s�le.Tmswr also warrants that the Property�s u���.�t f��of zeoord.
<br /> : ."�<� �°'�:;� . 7. P�iQ$SECdJRIT1l 1\TERF.SI'S.With regazd ta airy ocfler mn�dced of �t9 a�►ent or ather lien �.;
<br />. < , `f , dowm�t tLat created a prior security interest or enr,umbrance on the .Tmstor a �
<br /> . �. . ..;�:;.. .: A.To make aIt payments whea due and w perform or comply witL ali covenaats. °�_,�..�,
<br />� ---- -. _ B.Topmmp dy delicer to Eenefrciary a�►Y notices that Tn�stnr receives fmm the hoIde� s`-t".
<br /> � � .:. �Nof to auow any modi�ion or exten.sion of, nor to reguest aaY fi�e 2d�a� ��+II°te or a�t "�;,.
<br /> ,. '. :,,� ,,. secured by the lien doarms�t without Eenefaary's pr�orwntt�oonsenL
<br /> - '4 : ♦
<br /> . . , a',� ,. �. CLAIM�AGAIIV5'�TiTt,E.Tivswr will�pay at!taxes.ass�ts.licas.wcumbianoes;lease Fay�tts+8l'0�m�,
<br /> .. _. � '_.....:,' .•,.-� aWities.and other cd�arges re2�ag to ttie Pmperty when due.Beaeficiary may '[1�usDOr��svtde to Bwefrc�i► _ __
<br /> w g a e.s of all notices that su��nunts�e due and the�tceipts evIdeadag T�sw�r a paym�i.'�ka5�r will defc�d title to
<br /> � �. ' ,� � �PeriY aSainsc an cLu�s h a t wo u t d imp a i r t h e l i e n o f t h i s 3 e a u i t y I�s�s. T r a s m r a g c e e s t o a�,fi � -
<br /> .. ';`����.. ,A�1t�qu CS[�bY 8G�'f'�CI��SIIj�II$hLS►C�2lmS OJ dEfQLSCS 1'IUSLOiltl3St bII�8�3�Si�31tiE8 Wh0 Stlpp�j/�T
<br /> • o�iin�s W maiutain or imgrove th peKy. ..
<br /> � ...'i .
<br /> ; `•�:��, 9 BUE ON SALE Oit E1�CUMBRANCE.Beneficlaty may.at its tion.de¢tare the suire balams oa ttte Se�vted Debt to � -
<br /> . • be nanaediately due and payable upoa ihe crea�on of.or vonuact�or the c�ation of,any ti�,�mbiaaoe �aasfer o= �
<br /> . : . s�of the Piaperty. lhis n�s is sabiect to the nsuicdons Imposed by fedetai l�E22 C.F.R.59I),as �iCabl� �'^. .:
<br /> ',": oav�amt shall.nm with the�*:��erty and shall�n ia effe���e S�r�d�nt is paid m f�ll�t� �7► _
<br /> , , .. ;. lnsiroaaent is reteased. � � . � -
<br /> - - Ii�. 1�OPE,4TY CUIY�I�'I4'.�i, AL'g'�A'!'it9N3 AND iNTSP�CI'[ON. Tn�r w�i k�the Pas�ty ia gaod condition _ .
<br /> — — and make aIl re�airs chaz are rasonab�iy n�oessary. Trastor shall not �3 or PItc►w ffiy ��ct�, im�imc�tT. ar
<br /> '�� 1' deterioration of the Properry. T�astor wilj ik�p the Prop�►fcee of noxtoua wesds aud g�asses.�ruswr agrees d�at the
<br /> natuce of the occupancy and use aiUt not snbstandally cl�uge withaut Henefi�y's�as�wntten consen�'ftustos will ttat . � .
<br /> ; : permit a�r chan�e in any licease.resnicti�+e wveaant ar easement aitLout BeueScist���yrior wrluen oonse�e.Ttostar w�l ,°r�.
<br /> �� n o u f y B e n e fi c i a ry o f a l l d e m a nds, Pmceedin g s.claims.and acdons ageinst Tiustor.�9ud oY ffig tass o�d2mag6 to the ¢a�.
<br /> . :.'"�� , �P�Y• �
<br /> � Benefl or Benefciary's agents may,at BeneS �y's option,enter ri��roperiy at any►seasonable ti�for 1he se � °�,-
<br /> � . ���' �"�:� of inspec�t n the Pro c Beneficiary shaU give Truswr nottce as 1�*e dme of os befare a nB���an��a �..:j
<br /> t�,,.. g P rtY• . on af ette s2�all be eut�nty for e aad � " ..
<br /> .. . -`1�,5�!,:♦ .. reasonable� purpose. for thr �nspedion. AnY ins�ec�t �F�Y • _
<br /> . • T r u.s t o r w i l l i n no wa y rel y on BeneS c i a q►'s i n s pection. ,,
<br /> • �.`.��`� , 11. AI3TSOFtTi'Y TO PEKFOI�M.If Trastor fai2s to perfo:m an}►diuy ar aay of tne covenaafs oontained iu t�is Seru�it�`'- , .:�.' �_-
<br /> . instrument, Beneficiary rnay, without not�ce. perfotm or c�use tAc,m m,be omted. �Yusmr e�ga!iate Eeueficia�+as '
<br /> ' . . � ,;;�,�.;�� ', attomey in fatt to sign Tnutor's�or pay any araount necessaty f�r ot�taaoe.Besefid�ug�ngbt w osm�for
<br /> . �.•��� . 7YUStOf Shall IIOt Cteate a�oblig8ti0II W erform�and Bw�ciar9's failate w perfoim an'U not pmac�ude�dasy fmm
<br />-� k 4`,;r��, f1FE1�3�1g any of Beneficiary'�othEr r��ta under the lavr�sr thia Secnslty Iastc¢ment.If suq oonsxCS,ttan on t$e�
<br /> � .7�,,t�, i2
<br /> - ir_1�i:::•'.. �.
<br /> ��':P• �••. is c:iscon�nued or not Cdrried c�in a reasonable manner.Beneficiary may take all steQs�arg tu.pmtect Benefl s
<br /> . ..': ' seciuity interest in the Property,iaclnd�ng cmmapletion of the coastrnar�n. .
<br /> :, , .�..•. ;, ` • .
<br />��'r'� ` � � .'' ' fE.RSSIGDIlI�N'�OF LEASES AND REAi'1'S.Tniswr irrevocabty grante. coavey s aad sells tn Ti�stee,in Wst for the - �
<br />- . •� ',•i:,�.. .,' ,, t�eSt of Beneficiary,as zd�itional security aU the ri t,titte and intet�t in aad w aay aad sIl existing ar firtore leases.
<br /> -�;.., ,..:':•<'�,{i�r�Y;...: . . r the use and aacy of auy portton of tbe a ,:e�da
<br /> s�leases.aad any other tir�i,�n or verbal agreements� �P�J► � �
<br /> _�•., aay eatensions,renewats,r,;�al�Rcations or snbstitattons of suc�a�(all n�eaeo to as Leases)and�is,i�ues --
<br /> . .. aud profits(aU referred to �s "Reats"). Tn�star aill pmmptly mvide$eae�wltL ttne and comect ies of all � .
<br /> -_ � . � eaiseng and future Leases.Tnutor may colleq,receive,en3oy�nse the Renta so ong as Tn�sror is not in Q�t tmder .
<br /> � � . . tDe terms of this Security Inscnunent. `'
<br /> �' . � � � ' ' Tntstor acImowledges d�at this assi�t is perfected upoa the reeor�3ng of this Dced of Ttust and that Seae�daty is
<br /> , . . ,;;?,,:�.. :: ,
<br /> _, ���.:....�;;,f;,,',� . ' entided to notity any uf Trustor a tenauta to make paymeat of Rents Qne or w beram�due to Beneficlary. Hawever ,
<br /> Be
<br /> � '�'" Be�eficiary agrees ihai unly on default ariU Beneficia,ary notify Tiustor aud Tiuswr's tenants and make demaaA that a9�
<br /> . -.,,.
<br /> �.: . futare Rents be paid dir�rtly to Beneficiary;On rereiv�ng aotiee of default.Ttnstor wiU eadotse and deliver w B�m���o
<br /> ! `. ' anY payment of R�ts in Trustor's possession aad will reoeive any►Rents in tcust for Beaefislaiy and wIU noi oo s
<br /> _: .--.__ � .. the ReaSS with any oth.:r funds.Any amaunts coRected tvill 6e licd as ptovtded in tY�is Seairity instium�t. t __ -
<br /> agpli��d
<br /> • warrants that no defaul�ezists undet the l�eases or any agplicable faadiord/teo�t laa►.7�rusWr also agreea w maifltaia and
<br /> , � . .� require aay tenant to a.�nPly with the terms of the Leazes aad applicab2e law.
<br /> ' � .. �' �I 13.LIEASE�OLDS: CO�UO�tIMUMS: PLAI�IIVED IJNPP DEVELOPN�Ni�. Tn�stor eg[ees w oomp3y,aith t�
<br />--__ �_ . � provisions of any leasr ii�his Security Insuument is on a te.�asehold.If the Pmperty iacI�des a�mdt in a candom�aium or a
<br /> planaed unit de�etopmL m. 1 rustor w�U perfotm aU of Tn�stoi s dutiea uader ihe covenaats.by-laws,or reg�tio�s.s oi t�
<br /> , ' ooadominiutn or planned unit deve2opment.
<br /> i:s. .� � . fa+�9��o/4J .
<br /> w, . .
<br />. . '_ , • . 91994Ba+tciaSrstertu.lnc.S� �iaO.MN I1�ECG391d3611 FrntnRP�OTd,@ 12f23A0 -
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