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<br /> T� I.D. #: 4�-0760765 , . �-"'_.
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<br /> 17�,�� , °� � .. �g�, NE 68883
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<br /> . �`.':'' SENEPICIARY:BANK OF WOOD RIVFdt cma��� ESLAL�ID • - --
<br />-- .;; . ��� ��der�the laos of tbe atate af i� --.__-
<br /> - . :. � P.O. BOX 5138 �"�'"°'-
<br /> � �. �:.;. '�'; G42AI�ID I&7�ft�ID. 1V8 688�2 ' . � ' —
<br /> W � . . Tax�aayer I.D. #: 97-Q09835D . . . • ----
<br /> - ' ,. 'r`:� Z. CONV�lANCE. Por goofl and valnable conslderation. th seceiiPt an0 sutticieacy of v,lu�is ac�w�eG�.s�E3 - --_
<br /> L . scxau�the Seau�ed Debt(defined below) and T�astor's gertormauce anda this Sea�Ity Insa�n�nt.'lYusS�r�xevacaDly
<br />-_ ' � • �, g�aats.�nveYs and sells�Tnu�,ia uust for the benefit Af Benefcc3aiY.arith puwe�of sale,�he follovrlag de�x€bad . __ _
<br />- ` :: �i:' � �a►r �cxn� fl� �ID�tas�r� �s � st�DivrSicat• ct'r�t oF C,�At� . _
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<br /> ' � ' Togaher arith all rig�"ts,�zserttect��urteaances.raS+alties..�aetal ri�.oil and gas rlgkts. all water ansl tipa�iaa � i`
<br /> ' . . � rlghts.tlitches.and watet atock sad a��g and ti�aue i t�r li�ments.suacdmes.Sxnise��end re'Pla�nw t�t�Y
<br /> -'� � .� � nnw.or at aay time im�future,be part of the�eal�state Qesc�$�1 above(ail referred W as°Praperty°).
<br /> -- ;,�,:�, � . =',`'
<br />�'� ��',;., : : 3. A�A�ri�UM OBL[GA�aT(Dlol LIlVIIT.The total prtsulpal�nunt sac�ueII Dq Wls Seearlty Ins�ut at any -
<br /> oae H�e s9a11 ...::
<br />.�: � . � .. '. > ant exceed��64..Q4Q.t�?�..................................This limilatton of a�mt does not�aCiu�e[nterest aud uthca fees .
<br /> -- � � - . � and c�arges valldJy made pursuant to th9s Secmity insenimsnt.Also.this limitadon does not e�pSY to a4vanoes nu�e uadet ��.``
<br />----- . tIle tern�s of this Sccurity Instn�ment:n pmtec�B�s�}►'s seeurity�d to perFarm any of the e�r�ants aunt�A ia this �-:�::.
<br /> _ �� �,: ' Seasrity Inswment. . �
<br /> -� � . 4. SECiJRED DEBT AND Fl3TiJItE ADVANCES.78e term"Secured Debi°is de8aed as folIoars: :
<br /> -_ '_ " A.Debt iac�ured under the tesms of all promissory ante(s?.contiacx(s).guarautY(s)or other ev3denoe of debi dest�'bed _ �
<br />— . _ beiaN and �ll theit extensia�s, renewals,madifications or substItatians. (Wfte�rejerataing the debts below ft ia
<br /> -.. . � ' auggested tirat you include it¢ms sudi as&o�rmvers'names. notevmvrmfa.fnterett rates,nratu�ftYdatet.¢tt.)
<br /> -- .. F�RI'TP,GE BF�I�IIt IfJ}�N #165328 IN�ANdNSJr.OP $16�.000. ---
<br />-�.� � ..
<br /> - ' , NEBpp$Np-OEED OF TRUST R:OT f0A fNMA.L1611:C.FMA Oii YA USA (aaga�af 01
<br /> :.. .. .
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