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<br /> .. �r,.jtt. .':� " . ��� d a�q� ..
<br /> . :.;`,:�°`` ° •pRrtcip�!etrtount oi fPs�UtQeDts�ness sscured tiy fhis QB@d of tntsT,rto3 inc[uding stm�s advancuo to th se o Deed af �.:
<br /> ,.` ,. ' �E�`'' Tntst,exCBed tlt9 o11g(nai prlttCi�El em0�utt et8tsd h6teln.ar 8 ��•000.00 .viR�ldiever Is g�rtats�.
<br /> iu •�.
<br /> `'�� . , `-�An•• 18.B�Iseattanenus@�+�vlstoaa. ~<<`_
<br /> _ Y c��� .: (a)Baisauf�r Nta4 Re(a�ssd.Extert�lon ot the tlme ior p�ment or modifltat[on of amortlration ot the aums sad�ned Dy this ''
<br /> �'.��F`.�� „4.. Oeed of Tntsi gra�sted Dy lertdar t�eny suoaessarin[nieresi o!Borrasz�r sfia!!not opaeate to retease.in arty manner.the I�bq�- .:
<br /> � �,; ry ot the original Bartawer and Borcor�rere suooeasos�tn trderest Lender st�a11 noi�e required to camrttsnoa p�aeeQings .� �Y:
<br /> 4 : � �c O��of Tnts!Oy��n of 8mt Q ands made yQ tha ort�na!Bortowgr and Ba�s surdoessats���,seaued by tl�is " •
<br /> i.:
<br /> � , fi �. (b)Lertd�fs Potsrera.ififethcut effedtng theltalsilRy at eny aMer person IiaDie far the payment oi arry oD�gatim�Aere§�� �;��
<br /> •`�'t; � . ':� tlone0.et�i withcat affeettrta tt�e Qen or cMrge o!tl�ts Oeed ai Tiust upon e�ry portbn af Ma P�operty not Man ar therstofore ;. ;"
<br /> � �, ' �::::. �eteHS20 as Eear[tf►tar ttts tsdl amount of a11 unpafd obUgatlons.Lender may.ftcm time t�tl►rte and�uiitlioitt nattae(�re4ease ��;� ,
<br /> � . ' : • _; any pe�son&o UabFB.(i�ex�r►d tlte maturity ot a�er ar►Y of fhe tartns of any su�obliga�ona,(�Srant other Indutgenoss.(�►j �
<br />-.. -�`.;��' � r�ass Ct�utey.or caus9 to Qs se�arsa or tecostveyed Et e�f�8 e!l.ettdet's oD��Y Rareei.PaAioTt or sU ot th9 .
<br /> �. � :'s. Pcaparry.(v}tako or�eteas�elry other or eddiSonal securiry for any obIIgation heiein mer,tioned.or(v�matce oamp�tHons or
<br /> �;�.:�`•.; other ar�artgemerns veith dabiors in�etatfan tfiereto. ;.,, :
<br /> . � (c)For�eara�toa 6y Lendar Ftat a f�lalvar.My forbearar►ce by Lender in exeroising ar►y dght or remedy he�Qer.or atn-
<br /> � � emise effi�rded by applicabte Iaw.shail not ba a waIver ot or predude the exerdse of srry sucf�rtght or remedy.The procure-
<br /> ' �� . :� meat of tnsurartoa or the Da�R�en!oifaxes ar cther aens or cl�aiges Dy Lender sflafl not 6e a vratveror Lenders r�►t fa aooeter- ' '
<br />_ � � at�the mai�rrity�af tl►►a tndebtadness secured�y tdis Oeed ot Tn�st ,
<br /> ,' -'°�'�..: a (�Sur.�cessom 3rtd/l�sfg�sa�ownd:.�oDt�t as[d�evara!LFabittty;Gpptbtit�.The oovenarAs and ag�eemerrts tteretn cari-
<br /> �.`�� .
<br /> .� `i: , .- taUted sQaii bind.and the rfghb�eceEmder shat!tnura tn.the�perdlva suaoessnrs and assigns af Lender and TrpsEcr.M
<br /> . oovenanffi and agreerrtents oiTnistor shaD ba jatrd and several.TP�e captions and headngs of the patagraptis ot Ws Oeed of
<br /> ' 7n�st ere tor convenienoe oniy as�d ere�ot to 6e�ed to tr�erpret or deffna�AB provisions hereof. �,`'`
<br /> -� ,;t� � (ej Requast forl3oSces.Th0 parNes hereby request inat a oapy of ar►y noflce of detauii hecounder and a oopy of arry notloe �, :.
<br /> ''t;j�� .'� of sate hereunQet 0a ma�ed L�each pariy to this Oeed of 7tus!at ihe sQdress set foM above fn the manner p�ibed Ey � _�
<br /> � ,���.,.. ',` aFP1Ica�ia t�w.Exaept forany ather notIoa aequired underapplica0te taw to Ee givan tn another rtranrrer.eny noti�oa provtded tor
<br /> �., tn 9hIs Oeed at Tn�st shaU be given by mgittng sud�noUoe�y oerti6ed rt�aD arldressed to the other partiss.at fhe address set' ��.;
<br /> � taM aDwa.My no�ce provided ior tn this Qesd of Trust sha0 ba ei[ec8ve upon ma�ling in fhe manner destgnated hetein.tt �
<br /> •.. . .`,. . TnisUor is mma tAan one person.eotice seM to the sdQress sei forth above stiaD be noUca to aU such persars.
<br /> ;�:Y (Q trta�an.Lessdsr may make or rause to b�made�aasanable er�bles u�n end[rtspedtans o!tAe PraPerg/.Pcavidcd �'�
<br /> � that lendar sRatl give Tiustor noltce prtor�airy such trtsD�on sPecNying ceasonabte�use therefor retaDeO to Lendefs Uusr- �;"
<br /> . est in the PcoPerty �:_-.
<br /> . . - (g)RBr.�meyanee.Upon payment of eD sums secured by thts Oeed oi TnesL Lender shaU reguest TnisGea b reoomey the
<br />, , ._ Properiy and shail surrenda�tt�is Deed ot Trust and all notes evtdencing indehtedness sacured by fhis Qeed oi Trust to �'-'
<br /> ,'.. �'� Trt�e Tn�e shafl recorney fhe Property.vdthout warranry and without charge to the person er persans tegaf�l entftled f
<br /> `:::..�::°."'` 4heretn.TntsOOr sh80 pay eD Gos�ot reantQattnn.Hany �:
<br /> ; .. �_.
<br /> ''� �';���' ,�'��d (h)Personnl i�party;Securftyt Agreemertt As add�anal seadty tar tns paymeM o}the Hots.Tn�star Rereby grants �,,
<br /> ist
<br /> . r.<:f,'•`,';�, .. Lertder under the Ne6raska tlidform Commerdal Code a securily inLerast in a0 fixWres�equipmenf.an�ather persenal pm�rty �
<br />: 5;,,':j1%'�..s; � :�. , y �,,
<br /> �,�. . �e d i n m�e ar o n v d i h t h e r e a i e s t a t e o r i m p c o v e m e r�ffi t o c a G e d t A e r e o n,�n o S o t A e c u N s e d e e d a r e d o r d e a m e d t o b 0 a p a f t a f —_
<br /> �`°•f'�"��;;� .�� < '' �te reaf�sea�red hereby.This instr�nsnt shall be construed as a�raanity Agreement under s�Cade.and�s Lender �
<br /> �.:,�.,�F�,,.;�":��";•'' shaD fiave aii the rt��and ramedtes of a seaued party imdsr satd Cor,�m�ad�tton m tt�a��c..�es e[�Oed�er ---
<br /> :,�s:;l<<•• s�scaordad the Lender pursuant to this Qaed of TrusC Pmvtded that l.snder's d�tts and remediz�c�er ttUs pare�cayh sha0. . ".°�
<br /> "����i�:i' �� � 0o cumutaHva with,end in Ro way e ItmitatIon on.Lende�'s rights and remedes under eny other sea�cfty a�eertse��'gned tiy �-_
<br /> �rcawetorTnistnr. • �"°'
<br />: . (�Ltena�n0 Eneumbrances.Tn�SCOr heraby warr,anb and�ep�that there b no defautt u�csr ths pravisfor�of arry __�_
<br /> • • martgage,dead oi bust,tease o:purehase conUact describing all ar any part ot the Properiy,or a?Erc�oor�Orac�insWmant or
<br /> . • ,';.•�c� , agreama�oa�Eituttng a lien os encumb�anoe against all ar erry pact of!he Propert�l(oottec�re�Y.�ier�. �dstln9 as of tfie _
<br /> ' , , �. '��° date oithts Qeed ot Trust,and that arry and all existtng Uens remain unmodifled except as clisctosed to LenQer in Trustofa writ __ `
<br /> • • : ten disclosure of liens and encumbrances provtded for herein.Trustor shail timety pedorm all of Trustars obligations.
<br /> .. � oavenanta.represenfattons and wananAes urtder ar►y asid eti exisUng anQ fuhue Uensa sAall prom�ity forwatd to Leader oopies °°_
<br />:; ;,��.:;v ':� , ,`.;_ oi afl no�c�of defauit sent in com�e�ton witl�eny anA all exisBng or futuce Uens.arti shatl not wlthout Lendera prlor wrilOen _ -
<br /> x
<br />._t„�;'7�^. • : oonsent tn asry manner madi�r the provistons oi or aQOw any fu0ire advanoes under any existlng ortsG�e liens. �-
<br /> "�1^`,`: : :;.�. ••� ', ��ADl�aUon o!Payna�nta Unless olrie�wise�equired by tavr.sums patd to Lendar here�md�,��duding wlYsouY QmftatIon —_
<br /> .:•.-,.,.�. payments oi pMcipal en0 tnter�sL insurancs procesQs.condemnaUon proceeds and r�essb an�p:oftb.shall be appped by ' : --
<br /> : �,y;`+�+,'� �� RA.nder to the amounts due and owing from TnisWr and Borrower in sucb order as L�„�c E►it�sata disc�etkn desms desir-
<br /> • ,%i;:`.l..,. :�=`, �. --
<br /> ..'.,�� :._. ,.: . , (k)Severablltt�l•It arry Pr�avtsian af thts Qeed oi'it�st oonfllcb uuitl�appticabte taw cr is Qer�a,��.�vaiid or othenMse unero- —_
<br /> .ior�eaffia.sudi ccnfltct ar Irnaildtry shafl not affect ths other provislans of this Oeed ot Tnist or fl^�U�Iate wt�ld�ran be ghren ' —
<br /> �`�`` ;: eftect wJthaut tha oo�rfiicUng provislon,and ro this end the provlslons oi this Oeed ot Trust amd tha t�are dedased to be sew �_
<br /> � erabte. ' ----
<br />- � � � (�Tcnns.fie tertns'fn�stof and`8orrower sha11 tndude both singutar and p1ur�1.anA vA�en the Trustor an0 Borrow�r are �
<br /> . ' t��same person(s),thase tertns aa used tn this Deed af Tnist shaU be interc�angeabte. "�'�-
<br /> '" '�t;:• ; (m)Goveming Law This Oeed of Tcust chall ba govemed by fh9lavrs o}the State aC Nebreska. `-.
<br /> . . �y,>
<br /> ... , . ' �-
<br /> � � - �. _`_
<br /> - ' . ' �i �__�1-�
<br /> ' Sl_ .. . _ .��. .
<br /> _ _ - . . ff '--
<br /> . ��. . ,�� '_
<br /> _-, I r: ,,,. '�� fiusfor has exea�te�� �� ftifEYd�'�i� tten a�ve. f',;:
<br /> �`;, . , . ` Ke'Jt;!:7'r?Ey,:d
<br /> , : �. �'r';y�;• '..��,�
<br /> � il Ji e Trustar Trustor � -
<br />,�.::. � _ RO e ta J. ke) Tru r Trustor :
<br /> ---= --- :. -. _,--°
<br />- , . . � , . ..
<br /> . ,.. . ,. _ —.
<br />_ . . . . . . . __ ---
<br /> .. . . - �- --- -�-- ��..u.......�,..,�.�..�.�.- --_._�.__
<br />