j'. .:u`�.. .9 .. . - . .. < <.7��c���. 4'' .
<br /> '`_ f_«.`. .E.. ' ..•�_ . . —' m _� .. '--. . , . �5 . '
<br /> r?��t `_ _ .Z " L'>n _ ;L ' c. . t �.� .
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<br />. - . � �t.
<br /> � .,
<br /> . '�,...
<br />.-�=F I ' ' � ��5 [�J1 ,�
<br /> ` 'Praceeds�in oonnectlon with oardemna@on or othertaidrtg of the Pcopedy or part Uiareof.or for co���li�TooOndemnaticn. .
<br /> � • lender shall be eatitted at fta optton tp commence,appaar In and p�vseexite in tta mom name any adion or proceedings,and sha0 atso
<br /> `��.��. 6a entltted ta mahe any compromtse ar setUement tn carmection with such taMrsg or damage.in tha event�ny portion of the Property is
<br /> ; `�. • ' so taken or damage4 Lendet shsll have the aptfan tn tts sote and absalute dlsaeUon, to appry all sud�praaeds. aftea deductlng .
<br /> : . � ther8fmm atl casts 8nd mcpenses inatrred by it in connectfon with sudt Prooeeds.uAon arry indeDtedness secwed hereby artr!tn sud� k�'��
<br /> . ; or�dec as Lender m�y de�rtnine.ar tu apAty a1!sudt Pracaeds.aftar such dedaedans,to the�estoraUon of the Propercy upon such mn-
<br /> ` .` ` `.• `� ditions as tende�may detam�tne.My apDTieatlon at PraceeQs to InQebtednsss st�fl not extertd or pas�one the due date ot arry pay-
<br /> . ` ments imderlh�Note,or cure ar►y Qefautt thereund+er or hereunder.My unapps�ed femds sAail�e paid to Tn�star. `
<br /> �' 8.Perfomiart�Dy Lender.Upon the cocumenae ot an Event ai OefaWt hsreimdar,or iE eny act is taken or tega!pmoeeding
<br /> � : '; : ' .�,3 oomtrtenced which maieriatly affecb Lendets interest in the Ptoperty.Lender may in its own discre8on.but without obtfigation to do so.
<br /> ���,: ercd tiyitiwut r�atfca tu or deman0 upon Tnrstor art8 wRitou€rateasing Tnistar f�+csn►any abitgat�n.Co arty me!whirfi Tnsstor lias� �.
<br /> but faited to do and may alsfl do any other ad tt Aeems neoessary to proisd 1F[e secur�y heceot Tn�sior sfiall,immeQiatety upan
<br /> . '. demart0 therefor by Lender,pay 4o LeMer eil cosis end e�enses tacurred and swns expended by Lender In connection�ritt�the exer-
<br /> � ase by Eender of the foregoing dghts.Eflgelh�t vd14�fnLerest thereon a!the dsfautt rete providad in the Note,whFch sha0��ad4ed to
<br /> � U�e tndehmdne�secuced her+eby.Ler�ar shatl no!inau any liability bacause otanything it may do or omit m d�hereunder. .
<br /> � � - 9. H�rdous rlJateftats.Tmstor ShaU keep Ihe Pmperly in oompiianoe with ail appli�able laws, ord'manoes and regutations
<br /> .' � � ►etating tu indusb'ial hygiene ot emrtronmerrtal probet#on(cattec4ve[y teterted to Rerein as`Environmental Laws`j.Tcustar shatl keep ,
<br /> -�. .•, . � tRe P�vpsrty�ee from aD substareces deemed tn be Aa78r+dous ot toxtc under any EnvUonmenlat Laws(oollectivety referted t�herein �'�•
<br /> � . : as'Harardous Materials�.Tnistor hereby warrants and represents to Lender that there are na Ha�ndo�s Matertals on or unQer tAe
<br /> . 4' Rmperiy_Trustor heceby agc�ees to indemnKy and hotd harmiess Lender.Ns Qirec6ors,of�eers.emptayees and agents.and arry suaoe.s- .
<br /> � . . sors to Lenders inte�st.irom and against arry and aD claims.Qamages.lossesertd IiabiTittes sdsing in ooru�ecHon wfth Ura p�asem�. ;4;.=°.
<br /> '� l ` use,d�sposal or hansport of arry Narardcus Mafe[eais on,undar,from or ahaut tl�e PropeRy.THE EOREGOIHG WARRkNT1ES AND
<br />� • . :. c RECOIWEYMtCE OF THtS OEED OF TRUS7:
<br /> .�� + 10.Asstgnmen!of Renls.Trustor hereby assi�s to Lertder.an0 grants Lender a seauicy interest tn.att presenL Mure and .
<br /> , � ef�er arlstng rer�.issues and prafrts o'f the ProGert�/:OrovMed that Tn�stor shaU.until lhe occurrence of an EveM ai Qefautk hereamder.
<br /> . . . -.:, .'� have the dgM to ooQect and ret�n such�erhs.issues and pmfits as they beoomedue artd payabte.Upon tRe oc�urtence ot an Eve�at
<br /> qefauit,Lender may.either in�mson ar by ageM.witA or Yrithout bringing any ection or proueeding,ar by a receiver apDolnted by a `?�.
<br /> � �- ' couft and wtthout regard to fhs�aquacy of its security.enter upon and take possession of ffie Properry,or any paR theceof,in its own
<br />'�,�.:.',�� rcame or in th�name of the Trastee.and do any ads which it deems neoessary or Qesirabte 4o presenre the value.maRcetab�l or
<br /> . _ rentability ot the Property,or any paR thereoi or in�erest fhe�ein,or W irtc,�ease the inoome therefrom or protect the secur�y heteotand,
<br /> , .. :F.'..:.:..-'' vrit�or w�hout�g Dassession of ttte Prope�ty.sue for cr othen�ise oolfed the renLS.issues and profils theceof.(ndu�ng those past ,�: ,�
<br /> • ' .�'.t due and unpaid.hy notityfig tenants to make payments to Lender_Lender may aDASy rerns,issues and profits.tess aasi,s and expens- --
<br /> , . es ot operatEon and caqe�tion indudfig attomeys tees.to any indebtedness secured heceby.all tn such arder as Lender may Qeter-
<br /> mJne.The enierirtg upon and taicing p�sess[an af the Pro�tjr.the coOectlon oi su��is.issues and profib,and U�e applicatian =
<br /> '.;.••.r:�, fttereot as afc�id shall not cure or waiva arry Q�Tault or nofice ot defa�dt hereunder ar invaltdate ar�y�ct dorre in responsa to siu:h
<br /> ' � � ' defautt or p[a�tu sueh nottce of Qefauft and;notwithstanding tha cantinuance In possession cy C�.�properiy►or t�e aottect�, __
<br />= reoe(pt and app"acatiron oi�eMs,tssues or profits,Tnistea and Lender shatl be en6tted to enereise avES�c�M prwtded fir in a[ry of t�se .;;�;.
<br /> •;• � � . La�ts�strumenis or by law u.�a�oxurtertce of any Event of DefauH,indudirtg wBhaut Ii�ifaGon the�gflt to exerdse the pa�ver oi sate. 'r;•,-
<br /> '� �. Fwtlisr.Lendee's�hts and ratcte�fes under this pa�agraDh shall be cumuiattve wfth.an�in no way a timttaUon an,LenQets d�b and t�:
<br /> " � � remedies unQzr a�ryr assfignment of teases artd renb recvrded egainst ths P►operty.Lender.Trustee asid the receiver shali be fiabt�Go � �""`.
<br /> - .: ,� acoount onty for Il'#ro�e retUs actuaiy reGeived. �µ�
<br /> ..� 11.Cve�ot Oetautt The fottawing shail aons�tu0e an EveM of Defaul!underthfs Oeed of T�t r-•
<br /> �� . �. � (a)Faiture to pay any ir+statdmen!ot pfi►dpal or inte�est or arty other sum sacured hereby wtian due; �'�
<br /> � ' {b)A brea�of or defauR under any provtsion cantained tn the NoLa,Ws Deed of Trusl.e�ry of the Loan tnsUuments.or arry °--_
<br /> � � �er tlen or encumbtance upon the Praperty; e=:- °
<br /> �-,::_
<br /> • (c)A N,rit of exeeuUon or attachment ot any sr�proaess shall be entered against Trtc�r wfitdi shall beoome a lisn on �
<br /> _ , theProperiyoranyportfonfhereoforlrtteresttherei�r, . �_°�='-
<br /> • � ' (d)There shafl be fite0 Dy or agatnst Trustor or f�owes an action under arry¢mserr!ar fv�ue federal,state or o4her statute,
<br /> - .... • , '. . tat+or regulatFon retattng to bankruPt�y.insatvency m�c�hher reUet for dobtas:or�st�afl Qe appolnted amr truetea.neoetves or ��';`_!
<br /> , . Nquldatar o1 Tn�.star or 6�c:ower or oi atl or any part oi the Property,or tT�e renb.��.s or profiP5lhereo9.or Tnistor ar Bom�nrer : q y��
<br /> h� � • shall make eny general assignment for Ne t�enefit ai credrtors: � ���,•`
<br /> ' ���;`� (e)The sa(e.transfer.lease,assfgnmenl,oonveyance or furtrter encumbranoa o9 aA or r�:y paR o9 or erry tnterest fn tt� ��, -.
<br /> ' Propsrty.etther voluntarigt or imrotuntarily.w�hoat the express vurftten consent oi lender,provtded that Tntsd�r shall De perr�iL�
<br />_ : ; ted to execuie e iease of the Property that does not oontain an opUon to purchass and the term ot whicfi does not exaeed one
<br /> - . .. � . .� Yea(�Abandonment o4the Property:or �
<br /> _ � • ' (g)H Tn�stor is not en indlvidual,tha issuance,sale,transfer,assignmenf,conveyanoe or encumbranae af more fhan(i!e '
<br /> . � .: '�•�'S' oorpora��a total oi �nt of its issued anA ouL�anding stodc.or�t a partne�shtp)a totat of per• :
<br /> cen t a f�m�r ers h i p in t e r e s t s,or('d a f,m 3e d t l a b t t i ry oo m p a n�a M t a 1 o t p e�e n t o!t h e I J m(t e d t i a b U i t y a o m p a- .,'<:._
<br />-- � � � .; ?; rry interes's or voUng Nghts during the pedod Ihis Oeed oi Trust remains e�en on the property. ,;
<br /> . 12 Etemsdtes;A��.2ion Upon Dofauft In th0 event aiany Event ol0efauft f,enQer may.wilhout notice exoept as required ��:'�...
<br /> � � by lav�,dectare aU inQebtadness secured hereby to be due and payabie and the same�Z..�1 thereupon bemme due and payabie wilta �%,�:
<br />__" � , out any presentrnent.demand,protest or noflce ot any kirtd.fiereafter Lender may: •.
<br /> • •;• (a)DemanO tt�at TrusUes exert�se the ROWER OF SALE�anted herein.�d Trustea sh2.�t theneafter cause Tnistofs fr�
<br /> • es!in the ProDertY�be sotd and the proceeGs to be dlstrihuted.all in the manner provtded in tftia Nebreska Tnut OeeQs Ac�
<br />:�_. . : �•Z @)Exercise any and atl i4ghts pravlQsd for in any of the Loan Inswmenis or by taw upon oo�rtence oi arry Event oi
<br />--- , ..j� Qetaui�end
<br /> (c)CcmmenCe an acHon to foreclose this Oeed oi Trust as e mor�gage,appolnt a reoeiver.or spedflcalty enforCe arry o!the
<br /> � . . � : cavenanb hereot.
<br /> - �. No remedy herein conferred upon or reserved to TNStee or Lender is lntenQed to be exctusive oi any other remedy herein,in the Laan .
<br /> - .. • � tnstrumenb or by law provided or permitted,but ead�shall be cumutaUve,shall ba in add(Uon to every other remeQy ghren hereurtder,
<br /> in the Lnan[�struments ar now or hereafter exist(rtg et taw or In equity or by slahrte.end may bs exen�sed ooncurrentry,independerdly .
<br /> --; '--- `-'"z� or suooesivety. -_
<br /> _�:�° •13.Trustee.ths Trustee may resign at any time without eause.and Lender may at any Ume and without cause appoint a sua '
<br /> � ' cessor ot sudssUtute Trustea.TrusteB shall no16e UaGle to eny padyr,including without(imitatton Lender,Borrower,Tnutor or any pur-
<br />_ � � " - chaser oi the Property,for any tass or damage untess Que to rerictess or w111fW misoondud,and shall not ba requfred Go take any action
<br /> = �. in oonnecUon witri tha enfarcement of Nis Oeed af Trust uNess indamnifle0.inwriting.iar alt costs�compsnsaUon o►expenses+uhi�
<br /> _ - -� �-�- " s tye gr�ant�ed chYes�r�^i };postpane ths sate ot atl�o�r ganY porttan oi tha Propedyrr as�pravlQed by a r o P�II t�he iProperty�s whot�e,or in
<br />_ ° ' separate Daroels or fob at Trustee's dis�etlon. ,
<br /> � 14.F�es and Escpensos.In the event Trusto9 selis the Property by exerdse ot powar o!ea�e,Tnistee sheU be entitted to appry , '
<br />_�� - . any sate prcaeeds ftrst to payment of aU costs and�panses ot exercising power af sale,induding afi trustee's fees,and LenQefs artd
<br /> ' � Trustee's etGomeys fees, BcQialty incurred to extenl permiHed by appflcabte taw.fn Ne event Borrayrer ar Trustor euercises any dght
<br />. . . �.
<br />- �- ___---._ _ pravided by tav�to cure an Even4 of Oefaul�Lenderahall de er�tltisd tn reoover iram Trusmr ell oosts and expenses aclualty incurtea Es
<br /> e result of Trustars delsult,inGuding wlthout IimitaRion all Trustee's and attomejla fees,to the extent permitted by appUeabte lativ.
<br /> • . :. 15.Future R�vances.Upon request of Barower.Lender may.at iLs optton,make addit3anal and future edvano0s and tead-
<br /> - 'vanoe�to Bomawer.Such advanoes end reaQvanoes.with Interest therson,sha0 be secured by this Deed oi Trust.At no tlme shatl t4�e
<br /> .:� '� �•
<br />