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<br /> ��� ��T= , -` ._— � �t:` .c . f. ._• i<S. � _ �( �.
<br /> . .�S"' -_c� . . � _ .."'G' . _ _.� . - _ .�R' C
<br /> � fs Y f' �. ,t {�. � � . _, _. . S �.'� ` •. - :�Ti a�"�...
<br /> V L� <' .. . .C. . _
<br />.. ,'. ,w+� •{,� ' _ �,: °�� -�� C � '�_ . ,4. 'q`. �y' ::t f..
<br /> ���1 -
<br /> .. 'P 4, '.i' ..
<br />. t <'_ �'r'�,*.
<br /> �. �•
<br /> .:}.;.. . ������� .
<br /> . � �.`-` +�ic, ' orirtdpat emouni osa�u►Qe�t�fiaga sacaues�r au�oesa o� ��in�ua3m�s�eavancee c���o �s s ceee o+
<br /> ``.� Tnjst,exce�the arlgUmt D+tndPat amaimt sta�ed herein.or S��,000.00 .+cs�tdiever is greater.
<br /> . �,`�� ' 18.Mlseeilansou�Rravta�o�. :.:
<br /> �.• (a)gormcr�r Qdo!Retc�as�d.Extenstan o!tha time fcr PaYn�ent or modiftcatlart ot emar�aUon ai Me sums sea+�b�y�� '�' �'�-�
<br />�.. ,'`� t.� . • Qeed o�Trust�d by Lender to an1►sucoe�ar U tntetest ai Bartaarer shaD rtot operate to�eiease.tn anY mannar.
<br /> '`?. ���. �!►of tAe atginal6omcwer und Bot�rara successors(n interesL Len6er shaU not be required tu aommence prooeedln8s ., �`..
<br /> .,-. ,. agalnst sucb suaoessor ar retuse m e�end ti�na tor payment or othenvisa modtt�l amort��an ot th�sum.s�s+ued by Ws
<br /> ,`'``�` Deed of Tcust by ceason oT mry demanOs mada by @ie arigtrtsl Barso�ver and Bortotirrars sucoessurs in inter�sl. :
<br />.. . ••, @a trisd.�and wttho�at eftsdtng�B e�n cha�98 ot tt s Deed o�t T�rus�t u�on ar►II Po�n of�U�e�ProDeriY�mt��Hteietot re `.,� ,<'``�
<br /> � rateased as seaaity far ths full amount ot a!!nnpaid cDUga�ons.�endasr may.trom time to Hme and vt�ather indutgamnaas.(�3
<br /> ,;,✓"": en1►Pe�son so Uabte.(�e�dend the maturity or atte►any of the tetms af any sufi obtigatlans.(t�9�
<br /> :�""'�r retease ut�ecomrey►.ar r�use t�Oe re�es�d ar ramaveYed ai eaY t€me at tenders optfan any Parael.RaRfan or a[t of tfts
<br /> ;'.^.;,::; ,%{; P�oDatty.h►)�ce or rete�a azry other ar adQitlonat sec�it�l for eny oDligaticn herei�mernioned.or(v�make oompasHtuns or
<br /> oiRer arrangemettits�vith debmts in retatton thetets. • .
<br /> . � , ete
<br /> ' ,: . . . :. (c)Fo�a�bY L,ontt�r tiot a WaIver.Any►torbeatanoa Dy lender in exerdsUB�►Y right or r+emsdy heteundet or ath- `4e,-�.;s,
<br /> '•;��.•'�'� .'-, � •-'• envisa affarded b718A0�Ie Iavv.shaII wt 6�a wahrar oi or prec�ude the exendse of arry suaA dght ur�emedy.The pcaaue� � •;
<br /> '� • ment ot Insuranos or Ne payn�nt ot taxes or ott�liens as d�arSes�Y Lender shail rtot be a wahrer or Lendafs�igMta eooefar- ;'•r�.
<br /> �:; ai�t the ntaUc�lY of the fn�sa seaued bS►thts Oead of Tn�t _
<br /> - (�Sueeesaora en�A�I�s�ound:daie�t and Severaf UabIIf4y:Capttona 7he o�venaMs artd agresrt�enrs heiein coa- "
<br /> � . ' tahse0 st�bind.and tho ttghts tteteunder si�aU inure M.tlta cespactiva suooa�rors and assfgns of Lender aM 7n�star.A!! _
<br /> . �� `., s�al1 be oUtt and severaf.The caPBons an�hsadinSs oi the V��Afrs ot ihis�eed at �=^.._::..
<br /> •� ' caverknSs and a�eements ot Tnutor a! j - �,
<br /> �• : - �.���:` Trwt are tor aomrenienoa ony and are not t�be�ued to Itrt�rptet ardefine the pravlsions heteoL -�.._
<br /> us
<br /> �. � :^ '° (e)Re�t4or Natteea The parties hereby cequest t�at a aopy of any rtoace of detautt hereunder and a aopy of a�sy r�at2w ... t ..
<br /> :: (�..:. �
<br /> :.`''��� uT sata hetBtutQer be maIIe�to evacd party to this Qeed of Tivst at ths eddress set forth above in the mannet prescrtbed bY °`'"�--
<br /> apgltcabte fav�.F.xcept for arry othe�natlo�requUed�mder appIIrBhIB law to he given in artother manrt�r.erry not�oe providea fat t`
<br /> in Ws Aeed af Tn�st sha!!be ghrsn by maifing such aatioa by cefi�H�rtrail adQressed tn the otner p�rrties.at the address set
<br /> p .
<br /> :. :{:: " fatQ�a0ove.A ny n o 6 c e P m v i d e d f o r i n t fi i s D e e d o f T r u s t s h a U b e e ff e c H v a u P an malfi g in Ihe rttanner desigrta�ed heretn.(t _
<br /> . ` Tnismr is more tt�an one person.notice sent to ttia address set taM abave shaU 6a noti�to eU sud�persens. �:�t.
<br /> - _� ;���-, . (fl(�eW�n LemBer may make or wuse to 6e mado reasonabts entriwas�anabte cause 8fherefos[eteted L�o L�f i�er- =-
<br /> W
<br /> � � Q�at Lender shati ghre Tr�tar notioa prtar to any sud�tnspedton sper.i�}►tn9
<br /> ._� '.:�s:. `., eSt in the PropeRY
<br /> (9)Recoa�eYanea.Upon PaY►nent ai a�sums secured b71 this Oeed of TnisL Lender shatl reque.st Tn�ee ta reoomrey the :".
<br /> r..�;..`,�`�::.:•.:,i�: Property and shaU surrender this Oesd af Trust and a!t notes evidendng indebtedness secuced 5y this Qeed of Trust W r ,
<br /> '" ' 7rustse.Tn�stea s h a ll recamray t he P r o p$rt y.w I t h o�v r a rt a r►t y an d w ft h o u t d i a r S e t o t h e p��s o rt o r p e r s ons f e g a d y entttfed �s:,
<br /> ..p. �..�r`��: tlterem.Tn86or shaQ pay sU a�ts of nacordatlon.iteny.
<br /> . � e tn As eQd�ionat sewriry tor the payment of fhe Not�.TwMcr hereby g�anin �':
<br /> �_:
<br /> ;.. ."',i%., (h)�etsonal Pro�itY.,ec�uitSt AB�e�
<br /> � �" Lender undar d�a Rebrastm thufortn Cflmcnsrela!Code a security intesast in ail fi�es.equlPmeM,and niher persertal propeRy ��.,`.-
<br /> `�' �: ,;,:.�;*`�.
<br /> . � � 5,.. used�co�medfrnf wtfh tlie reat estate ar trnpmvemerts tor,�ted thereon.and nat att�vise dedared or deemed to be a pan af
<br /> :, ' ':� ..::;s.. rt�ent�mder sai0 CaQe.and Bte LerMer
<br /> • �^r.� �;i��� the teai�seatted heteby.This tnstr�nnent shatl6e construed as a Secuttty AgcEe �_..F.
<br /> . .t,,� shafl have��dghts and�etnedte�ai a s�aued panY under�id G'ade in aQdiUon to the rigtds�c1�emedtes aeated�mder �g
<br /> . °i:�� ,. SaM sc�o��e Lender pursuant b�fMs QaeA of Trust Provtded fh�t LenQeP s r i�t s an d temedrr�under thLs paragraph sh�•tt M,,
<br /> � Csa sannNative w3th.and in no way a Umi�tton an,Le�ca's dghb and�e►ne�es unde�anY oth8�s�w�Y eg�ee�nt signed by �_�---
<br /> . ,, ���
<br /> . , • •:.� L�rrmKerorTtustor. —___
<br /> � (i�tdens and Enasrr�rancea.T�ustcr hereby w�irants and repr�enis that t�ere is no defautt under the�ons of any _
<br /> "���iG� mortga9e.Eeed ot trusL leaso ar p�se oorrt�act desaibing atl ar arry P�at fhe Property.ar a�cet camira�:ic�strument er ___-_
<br /> ..���,' �.'�;;�f„i � a�eemerd consLUt�n9 a Ilen or eneumbranae against afl at ar►y Dart ot the Pr'cPethl(�tle�'9�tens��9 as af tne _ -
<br /> date af This Deed of Trust,and that any and aD extsHng Uens remain unmod'�Red excePt es dtsctw:�Ro LenQer in TnisUofs v�rit' _
<br /> ::�sJ;;�;� ._� • ten disctosure oi liens and encumbrances provided Ynr herein.Trustor shall Umery perfarm e7i of Tnistas's cb4gations, _-_-_.
<br /> oavenarrts.cepreseniaUons artd warranUes under eny�a1!exlsUng and tudice U�shaB�ra�:ptll/bnrra�t�L�er wpies
<br /> U
<br /> � of ell no4a�of default sent tn aonnedlon wfth arry an�atl e�dsttng or fudue Liens,r�shal�rtc!�hnu�Lende�'$Prh'r wriilsn
<br /> � � � oonsent�n�caeanner mod'�►the pravistnris oi or aticv�any tutuca a�s unQer am►exisUrtg va��stura Itens. --°..
<br /> � (p pD�it�on c!Payrtuar�.Untess clt�enMse r�quired by taw�sc�r,s Raid to Lsnder hereund�r;,�mduding vrithout ftmit�aN ----
<br />- . . . . l�Q�i m tl�te em°�imta��8��ar��a�wtn�g irom Trup.stor�sd �Bomnwer tnUSUCt order��lender��s��2e msa�et�cn deem�siQ��
<br /> ,.
<br /> .. : ,.: � � atrls. �
<br /> - . , p�Sevarab3lity.B any pravision o4 thls O�ed of Tcvaa confliob v�[U�epA�cable law or b Qedatea InvaIl�a�a;lt'�r3tw�e unen- _
<br /> r
<br /> • ..;' :. brceabie.s.id�oanfltct ar imaltQity shal!r.wt aftec�iiva other provisians ot this Oeed af T�uat or�.tts Nots wtricn can be gIvan
<br /> . � eRect wtthaut the wnflidJng provision,att�ta thts ena the provtsions oi thts Ceed of Tnist and tt�t'�are Qee�aned to ba sev- ,�
<br /> - erabie.
<br />� . � ' (n Tem�s.The tem►s'TrusLor end�wer shafl inGuda both singular an0 pfural,and when B[�TrusOor and Bamawar ata �-
<br />-'.�:t�ti+4 y �.:. . tl18 SarttO PBiSOA(8).thCS�E3iii19 88 uS6d i11 tllf.9 Cee�'01 TNSt SheU b6 II1iB►CheIe888b18. ,;,
<br /> - •,;�,... , (m)QaYeming I�w.l'�s Deed aT Tn�st shaU ba�vemed by the Wwa oi the S�of Nebraska ���_
<br /> �.'v
<br /> ..f. _ . .. , �L-
<br />- ,. . �_-
<br /> .� �.. .�
<br /> ' . � . . -
<br />--. ;, • _ .
<br /> � ' Trus�r has exed�d tttts Oeed cfiTntst es of tha datavntttc�i ebsve. ._:.. '''����
<br /> _ . ,.'�
<br /> = ': ... � �. �
<br /> = -_ : . +IICHAEL E. JEN Trustor (ANNA M. GOOD}IIN) Trustor :
<br /> , � � -
<br /> 5 . . Trustnr Tn�stor
<br /> _ ,:..,:. ..
<br /> �.� . . . .. .
<br /> � . � ,
<br />