..r t' _ " , " - _ - . :.y
<br /> .. �.. .. t — J'.:. �v:'! _ .
<br /> 'e.9:�'h�`-� . - " _ -Z _ _::-r1a,,
<br /> _ ;. .
<br /> .•..:.;�,.
<br /> ...... . . .. ..
<br /> �- -•.;xi�. _S`_�f _ _ ��',. _ _.
<br /> �:.-� .— _ _. _ , c �' . , t — ��
<br /> � �., l . .. _ � :s r _ � ` � .
<br /> , _ - 2t .. 'fS £ �� _�. _ t b '
<br /> " . ' -y� ���. 1���. !�� .�k. ".t :L ..-1. ., �bs•_
<br /> -- -`- -(-.� 1i�� . - .
<br /> � 4:.y.�:�:� :� ������ . .
<br /> ��`. � " �:'�t 'ProCeeds'►in ooMedian with condemnaUOn or ott�r tatdng of the Propa�ty ar part tAereoi,or tor co yan�in tieu condemnation. ',
<br /> �ender sha11 he ent�tad et tts a�fion to cemmenaa.appear in and Rrosearte in its ovm name any acttan or proceedings,and st�aR alsa ,``_r .
<br /> . � =�<_� be en!(Ued to make anll�mpromisg ar set�emerR in corut�d[on wt9h sud��g ar damage.tn the event any Dartion ot the PropeRy is �,.`. �"
<br /> � ^ so faken or damagad.i.enQer shali have tRe optIon in tb sote and absat�a disaettan.to eDD�►a�l sa�pro°eeQs. after ded�ccting
<br /> ���_..:�l < .�= ' t�teretrom atl oasts aad expenses tncumed Dy tt U oonnaGion writh such Prooeeds.upon a�j/indebtedn�s�red heraby an6 fn such .}� ;
<br /> �',. , orQer a�Lendet may detertn(ne.ar ta aFDry e!1 s�PraceeQs.eftar s�ccfl Qeduetlans.tb tlte restata�on of the PropeRy uAon sucA mo-
<br /> a '
<br /> � - di3fcns es Lender may determina My aDPlicaUoa a�Proo�aeds to iad�btedness shaU not eutend or postpoae the Que date af any pay- „
<br /> . . mer�uttder Ms t�e.or aae any default Nereuttder 6r heteunQer.My unsp�L�e�futtds shall be pa�d to TnisDot. � �,'.��t ,
<br /> ' . . 8.Portormsnee 0y Lender.Upon tt�e aeessrrence af an E�ceM ot Qetau[t hereunder.or H any acl is mken or tegal proceedin9 .
<br /> '� �mmenoed�vhich maOSriafIy affeGs Lsnders iMerest in the Property.Lender may in its otvn dls�eUon.but without abiigation to do so. �t.�,'
<br /> � �... L J-,r�' aM withavt noUoe w ef demar►d upon Trustur and vdthout eeteasireg Tnistor from any obtlgatlon.do arry ad whteh Trustor has agieed ;�
<br />- - Eut faife8 ts do att�tsr3Y atso Qa anY other SCt it deems Retessaty►to proted ttte seauity hereot Trustor sfiatl.immedatety upon '_::
<br /> , .. -- ��.�. ., demand theretor by Lender.PaH�LenQer all oos�s artQ e�enses incurred and sams expended by LenQer in connedion witP�the exer- -�_-�.}.,�
<br /> ` clse by LenQer af the for�egoJn9 rigt►Lg,eegether wlth Intec�t l�ereon at the defa�ft rate provtded in the Note.�vhich s1►aD De added ro , s�_
<br /> � the i�dsbtedr�sss seacred hereby.Lertder shall not inav any 1'�ab�y►bepuse ot arrylhing it may do or omit to do hereimder. `;.ti
<br /> . • � in oo i'iance�a0 appUCabte laws.atdtr�ances and regutatio� � . •
<br /> 9.Oi�rHaus�ateriats.Trus�cr shall keeP the PropeRU mP s:. ::_ .
<br /> • � � re�ating to i�Qustrial AYgiene a environmental protecnan(wfleaivety referred to Aere1n as'Envimnmerdal La►ys'.Tn�stor sfial)keep - -
<br /> re a �,_...-.'.
<br /> the Praperry free from atl suhstanoes deemed to be hazatdous or tmcia under any Enviranmenta!Laws(coRecDvetq referred to herein
<br /> " � as`Harerdaus Materfaig�.Tnistor hereby warrards and represen�to lsttder tleat thece ara no Hatatdo�d a��,artd suooes- �y"�•_
<br /> .:r�� •• prppeRy.Tn�slor R ece b y agrees t u i n d e m n i t y 8 n d h o l d hartntess lenQer.iffi dtnectos.offiaers.emptoyees _°
<br /> • ' s�s t�Lendet's it�rasl.irom artd against anll and aD dafms.dama8es.tosses and i'iab�Titte.s�FOnREGOi G WARW WT��D � `��
<br /> .• = u�.�a�nspp�t°t anyr Marardous Matertais on.under,imm or atsout the PraPenY• _ -_
<br /> � 10.As;stgnmeM of Rettts.Tn�r hereby asslgns tO lend�t.and�anb tender a securit7!��in.sil Preserd.fulure end
<br /> ,� ' � �r arising oents.tssues artd profits of the RroQeslY:Provfdsd tl�at Tn�stor shaB.urrtif tha oc�ence of an Eve�oi QelauR.he�eunder.
<br /> .. t�ave me r�gnt co couect ane ce4a�n such rems.issues anA P►'���it►eY beoome Que artd payable.Upon tha oaasrtenr,e af an Event of .:°'..__
<br /> �-- :"•••.. ;.`�,��:�. Qefau�.Lendar may,efther in persan or by agant.wiU►or t•riUwut brin8�8�1►acdon or prooeedin9.or by a reoeiver appninted 6y a �:°::;,;}.;�
<br />- • . . . oowt and wf�out aegard to the adequa�Y of tb seanii)►.e�r upon artd tatce Po�sion ot the Propeh5►.or any P�fhereof.in its own ��� :.,;, .
<br /> ' -;;:, name or in the name ai U►a Tiusies.end d�arN aGs which it deems necessary or desirabte to i�rva the vafue,masicetab�'sty as : .,fi',:�.•,
<br /> ' centability af tha PropeKy.or any Patt Utereof or i�erest thereln.or to inaeass the inpome theretrom at ptotest the seruritY hereof and. :; " ,
<br /> .. • ,• wiU�ar witAaut taking Pa�esslon oi�e Property.sue fbr or othecwIse caitect fhe �ents.issues and profib theceof.inci�ding ihose Past ._,
<br /> �.y:r.'�.�•� •' �:..:. d u e a M m�p a i 0.b 1►n o�ti�►l�D ffinants to make PaYa►etns to Lender.LenQer maY aPPht rents.iss�ces and profit�less aasis and e�qsensr E ,'
<br /> G_.._�..;.'
<br /> � es of opetatton and Cofledion inciudin8 attom6Ys feaa.LD atry irtdeEtedne&s se l u t e d here by.a i l i n s u c h o t Q e t�a s L e n d a T m a y d e t er- ,.
<br /> � � of the Proped7/.tAe coQec�on oi sud�re�Rs.issuss and profib.an0 tl►e aDRI'�caUon �:�.`='.
<br /> • ' mitta.Ths esttectng upon arta�t�r+g p� '':�_-
<br /> � '� ��t�t as�tpresaiA shafi t�nY aue at vwah►a any detault ar noUc9 o i de f a u t t h e t e u n d e r o r i m l a t i d a f s a n Y a d Qotts!n r e s p a r�to such X�,
<br /> m�a
<br /> � defa�dt or pu�s u a n t t o su d�ao U c e o t d a t a�d i a nd.notwithstandin g the coMtnaance in Po�sslon of the propeRy cr�e wRectlon.
<br /> �.�i. aed�ar�na�►ya�me �:
<br />'�-`���`.. , reoei�t and app4cation oi ce�.issues ar proft�s.Trustee and LenQer s�U be entitled to exe�ise every�t Drovt a� �:-w�
<br /> .. Lnan Instruments or by taw upon ocau�enrs of any EveM oi Oefau(R indud'utg wfthout limftatfon�e dg+l�t t'�exeretse tlta Power of sais. ��.,
<br /> d
<br /> . , Further.Lendefs dghb and remedies�der Ws P�B�Dfi s�i be cumulaSve wfth.and tn no way a func�attcn on.Lendefs dghts artd �.�
<br /> - remed'�es under arry sssigamet�t�f teases and rents reooNed agatnst the Prap�rt5►-tender,TtusLee and the reoeiver shail be Rabte to �'��
<br /> ;�. : �' , � � , accaurn aniy far those rents a�reoefir�d. �,;,�_
<br /> ��.�,:•�'r,.'• ...:; 11.Evants of�efauit The foltaHMg�1 aonsHOSDe an Event of C�ult�mderthfs Deed af T� ��,,.
<br /> .. „. .:' (a)FaHure tn pay arry instaitmerYt e7 primdPaf or inLerest or any othsr sum secvred herebN w4rc�e due: ---
<br /> , • . . (p)p preacD oi or detauft under arry provlston contained in the t�iote,tfiis Oeed ot Tnrst.arry oi the Loan�nstrtnnenls.°r enY �'
<br /> � other Uen orenambranoe upon tne Property: �=_='_':
<br /> ~ ' • (e)A writ ai executlon or attachment or arry sirtu7ar prooes3 sha11 be entered against T�ustor whicl�shaD b2aame��en on [;.';,��::
<br />�. ' the Propeny or am►partton thereof or ir�teres!thenein: e �;=�
<br /> x ' (�There shall ba fied by or against T�stor or Bormwer an ac4on under an}►present er fuhue tederal.sbte ar ether sfatuto� c
<br /> �. .. _ + law or�dat�on retatfig to baniwpt�y.InacNeney or other reitet for deritcrs:or thero sha11 De eFi�airrted ar►Y trustee.�eoeiver ar � ._:•._:
<br /> �'• .. •:�+ _�.�—..
<br /> �_,.;; �� , _ U4��r ot Trustor ar Bam�wer or of a0 or anyl paR of ttia ProPeRy.or the cents.issues ar proftts thereot.orTeustar or Borcower _
<br /> � d��'.• shaU make etry general assignment ier tl�benefit af credito+s: F _-_
<br /> (�r;� � . .� (ej Yhe sate.transfer.tease,assignmer�.oom►eyance or tuMer encumbrenoe ot sU or am►PaR a9 er arry ini�rest in the F �.,
<br /> � • pro�erty.�ther wtunharity or irnotu�ritY.v�tfhout the exD�ess wn'EiQn s�onsent of�ender.provided that Tnistar shall bs psrmit �.,,"
<br /> � � : ;�,/. ted to a�mcute a lease at the ProP��Y s��at Qoes not cor�in an aPUar�to 0��and the te�m of which doas nat exoeed one � ,.,
<br /> ' ,'; �AbanQonme�oiths PcaPerhK� � .w=
<br /> ' ' � . (9)Ii Tn►stor is not an individual.thB Issuane�sa[s.Uanster.asslgnment,eamreyartoa er ertamnrance of more than('d a
<br /> • . , .c8rporatlon)a to�a1 ai�_Pss�em ot�(�as and outstanNng stocic.or(ii a DaMersriiA)a total oi V� _
<br /> �' . �. . . cent et�AaMership tnter�.or(d a L'�c�sf�d Iia6i6't�cx�mpany)a tntat o! Peroertt oi the Qmited Ilafoit'dy aompa- _
<br /> . � ny in�or wWg rigt►ts dwing the p�od thls Qeed o!Tnrst remalns a den on fhe pnaDERY. :�
<br /> �. '°.� '. '.a�.:.. 12.�diesi;Qaootoratlon iJpon�dauft tn the event ot any EK�nt oi Oefau�t Lender may.wtthout naBoa e�mep!as� .. ,�
<br /> �, • � ;� le and the same sha0 thereupon bewme Que erta payabte v�M y�,_�.,,
<br /> x b�t�uv.decYara ail indebtedness secuced hereby to be dua end Oayab
<br /> i�uriyt. - . ----
<br />.-�';y;::� auteny Preserrtmerit demand�Arotesl or noU�of any kind.Thern,af�r Lsnder may:
<br /> (a)�acr,and Ut�t Ytu�e exerdse the POWER OF SALE grmtted heretn,a�ad Tnistee shall thereal�t ca�se TnisOofs in�c .
<br /> ��� � � • . � ' estt�li��•t�"��ye aray and at��9�Q��n any�ofbttte�l.oa tastrum�nb oT�Dyid(�aw�s�c�eao u����a�n4 W `��A
<br /> �. � '". DeTauS�and ,.
<br /> . � oaven�he8reot��an W foredose this Ceed of Trust es e mortgage.apPo�nt a reoeivet.nr s�Ciftplty eMoree arry di the
<br /> � � No remedy herain eo�emed upcn ar reserved tn Tn�stes exlsnder is tntended L�be exetusive of any other remeCy l�in,in the loan
<br />... , herew►�ar. �
<br />:�r� :`� •� _•.°• � tnshuments or b�/tavi provided or pertnitted.bet eacb&hafl be cumufathre.shaU be in add�lon to every other oemedy given
<br /> � , .
<br /> in U�e Loan Instrumenb or oow or hereaftet exisdng et taw or in equiry or by stahRe.and may oa exer��sed aoncurreMCY.in�epende"th�
<br /> �. . . ti' OT SIlC00SlV81Y. .
<br /> - - 13.Tntsffio.The 7rustee m�y reslgn 8t any tlme v�itheut cause.an�Lender may at arry dme an0 wrtheut caLLSS aADoir�t a suo-
<br /> `''� , ' . cessor or substi0�te Tnistee.Trustee shaU aot be UaOte to any party.tnchtdinfl witt�aut IL�nitaflon lender.Bortavrer.Tcustnr or arry p�
<br />�.. , „ � dtaset ot ihe Property.for arry toss or damaga untess due w�dQess or wfllf�d misoon�ccL enA shaU not t��qui�d t°�e 8�Y�0n .
<br /> 1n oonnedton with tfle enioroement of this Qeed ot�rust un►ess tndemnifted in wriUng.tar ail aasts.aom0ens�anon ar e�er�ses vfiich.
<br /> °�,;. _ �� �• � may 68 assor3afleA tlterev�ith.ln adddIon.Tms4ea may beoorrte a purd�as�r ai anY sa►e oi the PropeRy((udlrlal ar under the power oi
<br /> �::,t..;. . . . sate granted hereln};pastpone the sate oi atl or any portton af the Property.as.D�Qs�by taw:or seD the Preperty�e Yfieie.os ir� ,
<br /> ssparate paroets or lots at Tnrstes's dLSrretion. :�.�
<br /> � 14.Fees and EYpenses•fn the event Tn�stee sElis ths Pro�eRy by exerctse ot power ot sate.Trustee sha11 be entiL'e�tn apaty
<br /> n e erts Lsndefs en0
<br /> � . �• � ; � any safe prao�ds first to payment o!aU oosts and expenses af exer�.sing power o1 sate.Includtng s0 Tn�s�e s fees. �
<br /> ��`: ° � • Tnistes s attnmeyg tees. ac{uaity inc�ured tu extenf pmmitted by ayDfirahle taw.tn the event Bortower or Trustor exetctses ar►y ti3h1
<br /> ;,.,: • provlded by law to eure an Ever�t o1 Oefautt,Lerfder sha11 be er►ttteA to reeover irom Trustor a0 oosts and e�enses acxuaty Inaured as �
<br /> �' • � � �. e res�10!Tnistofs detaidt,Ududing vrithaut limitatton a11 Trustes'�and atmmeys tees,to the exten!pennitted by epA�caDte tav�.
<br /> --- __ ,_.—,:_
<br /> . — 15.Fu4uro AQvaneea tJPon request ai 8orrower.tet�er++tiaY.at i�a�.ss�a.k�e�fiiLbrr�!enA tuau�advances and read� _
<br /> vanees t�Bomowar.Sucb advanoes and readvanoes.vfith Intetest thareen.Shall be seuueA by fhis DeeB oi Trust At no time shall the
<br /> _ , , .
<br /> . , .
<br /> ��• � � •
<br /> ., ,
<br /> , .. , � • � - -
<br /> . ,•
<br />