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201209535 <br /> in the Property and rights under this Security Instrmnent; and(d) takes such action as Lender may <br /> reasonably require to assure that Leuder's interest in the Property and rights under this Security Instnunent, <br /> and Bosower's obligatiou to pay the sums sec�ued by thls Security InstrumexiT, shall cc�ntinue unchanged. <br /> Lender may require t1aaY Bo7rower pay such reinsfatement swns and e�penses in oae or more of the following <br /> forms, as selected by Lender: (a) cash; (b)money order; (c)certified check, bank check, treasurer's check or <br /> cashier s chzck, pro��ded any such check is drawn upon an institution wh�sc cieposits are insured by a <br /> federal agency, uvtrumentality or c:ntity; ar (d) F.lectronic FuncL,'T_'ransfer. Upon reinstat�nent by Borrower, <br /> this Security Instnunent and obliga6ons secured hereby shall reinain fuily effective ac if no accelerarion had <br /> occurred. However, this right to reinstate shall not apply in the case of acceleraiion under Section I8. <br /> 20. Sale of Note; Change of Loan Servicer; Notice of Grievance. The Note or a pazrial interest in the <br /> ATote(togefner with this Security Instrument) can be sold one or more rimcs wirhout prior notice to <br /> Bozrower. A sale might resLdt in a change in the entity(known as th0 "Loan Servlcer")that collects Petiodic <br /> Paymesrts due under the Note and this SecuriLy Instriunent and performs other mortgage loan servicing <br /> ooligations under the Note, this Security Instnunent, and Applicable Law. 'Phere also might be one or more <br /> changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the I�Tote. If there is a change of the Loan Servicer, <br /> Bc»rrower will be given written notice of flie change which will state the name and address of the new Loan <br /> 9en icer, the address to which payments sliould be made zmd any other informatlon RBSPA requires in <br /> connection with a noUce of transfer of servicing. If the Note is sold and thereafter the Loan is serviced by a <br /> Loan Servicer othex th�the pwchaser of the Note; the mortgage loan servlctng obligafions to Borrowex will <br /> remain with the Loan Servicer or be transferred to a successor Loan Servicer and are not assutned by the <br /> Note purchasa unless otherwise providcd by the Note purchaser. <br /> Neither Borrower nor Lender may commence,join, or Uc joined to any judicial action(as either an <br /> individual litigant or the member of a class) that arises from the other party's acrions piusuant to this <br /> Security Inshvment or Yhat alleges tl�at the other party has breached any provision of, or any duty owed by <br /> reason of, this Security Instxuusent, until sueh Borrower ox Lznde=has notified the otl�er party(wikh such <br /> norice gven in compliance with the requirements of Section 15) of such alleged breach and a£forded the <br /> other parry hereto a reasonable period after the giving of such norice to take corrective action. If Applicable <br /> Law provides a time period which must elapse befare certain action can be taken, that time period will be <br /> deemed to be reasonable for pmyoses of fliis paragraph. The notice of acceleration and opportunity to cure <br /> given to Borrower pursuant to Secrion 22 and the notice of accelcration given to Borrower pursuant to <br /> Section 1$ shall be deemed to satlsf)r the notice and oppoxUuiity to take cortective action provisions of flvs <br /> Section 20. <br /> 2 7. Hazardous Substances. P.s used in this Section 21: (a) "Hazardous Substances" are those substances <br /> defined as to�c or hazardous sn6stances, pollutants, or wastes by Enviranmental Law and the following <br /> substances; gasoline, kerosene, other flammable or to�c petrolemn products, toxic pesticides and herbicides, <br /> volatile solvents, materials containing asbestos or formaldehyde, and radioactive materials; (b) <br /> "Environmental Law"means federal laws and laws of the jiulsdiction whae the Properry is locaYed that <br /> relate to health, safety or environmenkal protectio�i; (c) "Environnzental Cleanup"inel�des any xesponse <br /> action, reinedial acttpn or removal acrion, as defined in Lnviromnental Law, and(� an "Environmental <br /> Condition"mza.ns a condition that can cause, contribute to, or otherwise trigger an EnvironinenTat Clearup. <br /> Borrower shall not cause or permit the presence, use, disposal, storage, or release oF any Hazardous <br /> Substances, or Yhreaten to release any Hazazdous Substances, on or in the PropOrty. Boaower shall not dq <br /> nor allow anyone else to do, anyttung affec#ing the Property(a) that is in violation of any Environmentai <br /> Law, (b)which creates an Env3ronmental Condition, ox (c) which, due to the presexice, use, or rclease of a <br /> Hazardous Substance, creates a condition that adversely affects thc value of the Property. The preced'uig hvo <br /> 2A002]32 <br /> NFBRASKA-Single:amily-FannieMaalFretltlieMacUNIFORPA WSTROPAFNT Form 3D281/0� <br /> VM P(v�. VM Pd(NE)(1105) <br /> lNolters Kluw er Financiai Services Paqe 13 6fi 1l <br />