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201209490 <br /> continue to pay to Lender rJze amount of the separately designafed paymenls t�at wer�due when tfic , <br /> insnrance covarage ceased to be in effect.Lendex will acaept,nse and retain these payments as a � <br /> nnn-refundable loss reseave in lieu of Mortgage Insivance.Snch loss reserve shall Ue non-refundable, - <br /> nohvitlastanding fhe£act that the Loan is�ilEimately paid in fidl,aud Lender sha11 not be required[o pay i <br /> Borrower any intcrest or earn�ngs on such loss reserye_Lender cau no longer xequire Ioss reserve payments j <br /> i£Mnrtgage Insuzauce coVerage(�n thc amotiznt az�d fnr the period t�at Lender requires)pravided by an j <br /> insurer sel.:ctcd by 7.ender again ber;umes ayailable,is obtained,nnrl 7_ender requires separately desi�nated � <br /> I <br /> paymenis�awaid the premiums for Mortgage Insurauc�.If Lendcr requirad Mort�agc InsurRnce as a � <br /> eandition ef muking the Laan and]3onower was rcqnirc,d ta malca separa[ely�lebiy�ated payments toward the il <br /> premiuu�s ior Mortgagc Inaurance,Borro�ver aLwll pay the premiuxus reqnired to maintain Mortgage <br /> Insuxance in effect,or to pro�ide a non-refundable Ioss reserve,untii Lender'�requirement for Mortgagc <br /> Insurance ends in aceordance witli auy wcitEen ageemeni between Boffower and Lcnder providing f'or such <br /> ecfs li <br /> term'tnation or uutil termination is rec�nuc�hy Applicable Law_NofLing in this Section lU aCf i <br /> Borrower's obligafion to pay interest at the rete provided in the Note. I <br /> Mori page Insuranee reimburses L�nder(or auy eaxtzfy#Iaat purchases thc Note)for cer�tin losFes it tuay incur I <br /> i£Borrow�'does not regaq the f.nan es ageerl.Borrower is not a parEy fo the Ivlurtgag�Insurance_ I <br /> MorE d �iuscuers evaluate their total risk on all such insuranco in forco from time to time,and may euter � <br /> K G' � <br /> inta agireements with other patlies#l�at sl�are or modify their risk,or reduce lasses.These agreements are on <br /> terms and conditinn�thaf are satisfactory to the morLgage insurer and fhe o#her part}+(or parfies)to lhcse I <br /> ggreements_T`hese agreeman#s may require tlie mortgage ins2usr Eo make paymants using auy source of hsnds I <br /> thaf the mortgage insurer may have avaitable(ivfiich may inclnde funda obtained from Mortgage Tn.�u�ance i� <br /> premiums). , <br /> As a zesulf of these agreeinents,l.�nder,any purehaser of the Note,anuEher iusurer,any reins2ucr,any other ' <br /> entity,or anp affiliate of any of the foregoing,may receiVe(clirectly or indirectly)amounts tbat derive frum <br /> (or mi�t be cbaracterized as)a poz'tion of Botrawer's payments for 1lT�rtgage Insurance,in exchange for <br /> sharing or modi£ying the mort�abe iusurer's sisk,or rcdncing Insses_IE suah agreemetrt provides tbat aa <br /> nffiIiate of Len�er takes a share of f.he insureX';rislc in exchauge€or a share of the preminms Pnid to ihe <br /> incicrer,fhe arrangement is a$en termed"uaptive reinsuranec"Fnrk�er: _ <br /> {a) A�ny�cuch agresments will noE affect the nmo��ntc that Borrower has agreed#o pay ior Mortgage <br /> Insurance,or anv othcr terms nf the Luaaa.Such agreements zvilf not iucreAse the amount <br /> Borrower will owe 1'or�Llorfgage Insurance,and they wil!nut entil3e�aa•ro�er to any relo�nd. <br /> (b} Any such agreements wi�1 nnt affect the�ri�hts IIorrower has-if any-witi�respect to the � <br /> 11�Iortgage Iosuraaace under the IIomeowncrs'ProEecEion Acf uf 1998 or any other law.These rights � <br /> snay ut�lude the right to reccive cer�in disclosures,ta request and oLtain caneellafion of tbe <br /> Mortgage Insurancc,ta have thu Murtgage Insurance terntinatal anEnmatically,and/or bo receive I <br /> a refund of iuip 11'�ortgage Insurance prcminms thaE were az�earned at the time of snrSa <br /> cancellatiun or tezminaiaon. <br /> i <br /> 11. AssignmentofNiiscellaneousProceeds;ForfeituF'e.AllMisccllaneousPtnceedsarcheaebya9signedto �I <br /> aad shall be pai�to Le�der_ <br /> If the Fropcaly is c�arnaged,suiL Atiliscellaneous Procceds shall be applied to restoratian or repair of the I <br /> Prop�'ly,iL't$c resto[ation or repair is economically PcasiUlz and Lcnder's sccuri.ry ia not lessened_Doring ' <br /> sue4 repair and restorafion period,Lendet sLall 3�aVe�e right to holcl 3rtch Mscellaueous Proceeds until i <br /> Lender has had an opporlunity to inspect such Proparty to ent;ure tJLe work has been completed to Len�Gx's <br /> NEeRASKASingle Famlly-Fennie Mae1Fi«Wie Uea Uh�IFORM INSTf2UMENT �oEm 8M8 il�i i <br /> VMP6(Nt)('I'��5J.00 <br /> VMP� - Pa9c 9 oi'17 ��. <br /> LVaII_rs Klw+er Fnancisl Sertices � ' <br /> I <br /> � <br /> ..__-_-- -.. . I �..: <br />