. o:,��:i�.�-. -c��}i�.< .< ` ��': ,f`. ;<� • ..-... � . ... . ,�,u:. ;�. -_
<br /> � c �i.�u �41":�'f: -{`c -.�=OTNF.l.r,�-• ..ro:-.....'�Slr"s�.r.;,���� -,348�-_
<br /> . . �e. - _ vFa'., ,isw� �/F -. --�— . _
<br /> W- .s,� �. , k . u _c.- ..r .v .�N'�1 : _.��'� ,.. i � .
<br /> �s c r, {
<br /> i } .` _ .x� ..- r_lSriY. � �lF�y`.�. � t' `_w � �„''i -
<br /> .�-,/•_ - ' ' P. � , ,u c .,rg�, ..._..,_ _ c��,y..rx.. a. .c' ti_"
<br /> i v.,� �;..,.,<- _
<br /> _ _ •i'-" '.v..�•�7.--� - " —. "— '`'�c.» _--
<br /> � - — -
<br />�� �. .. .
<br /> . 17.Trans�r of the Property or a Beneficlal ttdereat in Borrower. n su or arry Part of the Pro�erry ac •
<br /> _ _ : arry fnYerest in it is sotd or trans[ared(or tf a be�efldal hReest In Borro�ver is sotd or trens[erred and Barrower[s not a naLurai _�, .h ,
<br /> ..� • persan)without Lender's ptior�vritien consent Lender may.at Ns option.require hnmedate Payment in fu0 oi a0 sums seeured by '
<br /> - this Sea�rily Inshument However.this oPtton sha0 nat be exerrJsed by Lencler if ex�dse is prohibRed by tederal Iaw as o1 the { •,
<br /> ' ::�
<br /> ` - � dffie o1 this Sewriiy(nstrument
<br /> �- ' ,.°. li Lend�exer�tses 4fi}s opt[on. Lender aheA glve Bortower aotice ot aced�lon. Ths notiee shail provtde a pe�tod ot r.at . ,
<br /> `` ,� iess than 30 days trom the date the notioe b d�JJvs� or malled witldn which Botrower musi pay a(1 sums sew�ed by this
<br /> v
<br /> � -'-. ;,. :,�� SeturRy tnstrument. H Bortower faQs to�Y these sums pdor to the e�irauon of thts pedod. Lender may tmoice ar►y remedies .
<br /> � y�tiy�S Secufity Instriunent wfthout turther noUce or demand on Borrewer , .
<br /> '� t< ' 18. Borrower'8 F11ght to R�ln�t8te. It Borrower mests e�min eond�tons. Bo�rowe►Sh811 have the dght to heve ` ` �
<br /> . . e�oreement o1 this Seeurity tnstrumeM dTsconUnued at any ttme prior to tt►s earQ�afi (a) 5 days (a sucA other Pedod as
<br /> � �-�°`� appuraEle law maY speatY!or celnatatement)betare sate ot the PraA�lf P�uant to eny pow�ot eate ea�i ned fn thts Se�ra r i t y , . .
<br /> _.�-"'�F--.;°~'? tnshumenx or(b)e�Y e1 a luEBment c�rttorcl"9 thts Sewrityy tnaVument.Those condiUans are that Borrower. (a)pays Lender all
<br /> t
<br /> � aums whtch then wautd De Que under th�Securfty tnstrument and tAe Noto�tl ao acc�erarioe Aad oearted; (b)cures any �
<br /> `� � `' �� defeufl ot any other caaanant or a�eements, (e)PaYs e�e�enses Inaurred tn eretordng thls Secu►ity tnstrument. induding. Cul � '
<br /> �,� eu .
<br /> nat Umited to,reasonaDte attomey�'tees: and(�1 takes sueh aelion as Lender may reasonabry requue to assure that the uen al '
<br /> � thts Securfly I�trument LeeQer's dgMs in the ProP�1► eed Borcower's obllgaUon to pay tha sums sewrad by this Secwtry O . ;rti;
<br /> Mstsumen! she0 conttnue unehanSed- Upon retr�statert�ent by Bo�re�rer. Nis Seeruiry [nstrument and tAe o6Ugattons secured� ;_..;:Y.�;,
<br /> " .. h�ehy shail temaln tuDy eftecWe as ff no aceeleraUon had aearted. Howeve►.ffita dght ta reinsffite shafl not apAN in ihe case� �..;s
<br /> ' ' oi aaceleration under pera�aph 17. • � :
<br /> � << 99. Sate ot Not9: Change of Loan Senricee.7he Note or e a partiaf bstecest in 1!►e Note (tagett►er wlh this �
<br /> � • . Securiry(nstrument�may da sold one or more tlmes whhout pdor natice to Bomowec A sale may resutt in a chan9e in the�ity � ,
<br /> . (imawn as the'toan ServEeer)that w�eds mortthty Payments due under tAe�tote and this SecurBY instrument 7Aere etso may
<br /> . be ane or more ahenges of the Loan Servtcer �nretated t° e saie ot the Ptote. H there (s a change of the loan Sevicer.
<br /> • Bortawer wi0 be given wrftien noUce of the change(n accordance with Paraga0l►14 above and eppGeaD2e faw. The aollce w�D °._
<br /> � sffite the name and address of the new Loan Servtc�r and Ne address to which payments shoutd be mada The noUce w�i atso :<"•,:
<br /> . . co�ttatn enll oth�InTommi}on required Ell aPPlicabte{aw. .`s°
<br /> . 2Q Hazardous Su6st8nees. 6onower shaR nat cause or permit the pre.sescQ use, disposal,stnrage,or release ot
<br /> - -- atry H�rdous Substances on a in the Prop�lyl. Baimwer sha0 not do. not aAaw anyone etse tn do.enY►hin9 aftedUi9 the • -
<br /> . .". �;�: proyerty that ts tn vioiation of eny EmTronmerttaf law. ltie precedm9 two seirtenee.s shetl not eP?�Y to the presence. use. ar . ..
<br /> sto�ge on the Ptoperiy of�r�U qua�itles o1 Hazardous Slbstances that are geneeIIy recognized to be epAraPdate to normal
<br /> - residenUal uses and to maintenance of the Property. . •
<br /> , ., Bortower shaA promptry giva Lend� wfitien notIae of anyr imrestiga�on. dairt►. demand tawsui! or other acllon by any
<br /> _,. '. , gnyemmerAel or tegu}atory egency or prJvate PastY Imrotvfig tfse PEapely and any Hamcdous Subsmnce or Emrlmnm�tal Law ot
<br /> •� ,L whEeh Bortawer has achcai Imowtedga H Botrower team� ar ia noUfled bY anf►9ov�nmenmi or regulamry authortty.U�at eny ' ,•.-;:�'
<br /> :::• ' aemovat or othe► remediaHon of any Hazardous Subsma� aNecting P�ope�ty► is necessarf►. Bar�awer shall prampE}r take all ,
<br /> ':';��^���..� ' . • d �:',�_
<br /> � necessml►reme�at actlons in accordance withh Ernironmen�l Law. : .`_
<br /> ,:, l' . • As used in thfs paragreph 20. 'Hazardous SUbstances' are those su6stances deHned as toxlc or C�dous substanc�by --_
<br /> EnvtronmeriffiI I.aw and the togowtng s�stances: gaso6na kerosene. other ftammable or to�dc �zifeum Pmdut�s. toxic :
<br /> �`; . pestlddes end herbiddes,vofatile soNenffi,matedals cor�inirt9 as6estos or brtnaldehyd�and radioscSve maferia!s. As used in a.:
<br /> ;"�� ' paragrapt►2p. 'ErnUonmen�I�a�v' means tederal laws and Faws af the Jurisdicdon wheaz the PmpeRy fs located tir3fmdate to y,,jr�;c�{
<br /> ,,y.: : -
<br /> • . heaitN�satety or environmart�t proteedon. •.:::�t;�=
<br /> NON-IJNIFOAM COVENANT3.Borrower and Lender tuRtter cavenartt and agee as to4ows: . :�•Nn.
<br /> ,� ' ,' 21. Accelera8on: itemediea Lender shait gtve aotica ta Botraw�r p*tor 4o ac�elera#Ws�
<br /> �11a�vtng Boerower's �reach of any cov�naa� ar agreemeort tn this Securtty Instiura'Qe¢a� ,(Juti net : ,
<br /> . . � ' . prior to acceteration aoTder psragreph 17 uad1ass applicabto 1aw prwtdes o4h�tw1sey. ����e _;-;
<br /> � shall s��cKy: (a)tha de4auit; (b)the ac4t�m�aqulred to aure the deisuf� (c) a aAz3e. r�x4 C¢�.s than �:-,.._
<br /> : + .,� ' 30 days trom tho data the aa3[ce 6�gh►e�o to�orrawer. by whic4�the defautt � be carad: and '
<br /> � • • � , ` (d) Ettat tatluro 4o cure fhe deta�5t on o� begare ttee da4a specifted In the n�atice �nay �esu4t (n y:__
<br /> � �>�• � acceteratton of tho s�ctas secured by thls S�rity tnstrume�rt and sale of the Property.74u�notlae f;
<br /> �`E�'* :..�`. �.• sha11 turttt�r Itdorm �rawar o!th0 righR Om�reinslate after acceteratton and the �lght t� �sring a '`:.=��:
<br /> ,.,,1. . `�:•;��-
<br /> cvurt actton M assert the non-existence �f a �e9au{t ar any a�er defenso of 8or�ra� to �.�:��.
<br /> � aocetera4lon and eafe. If the default ts not cured on or bsiore 4he date specifled in the na�lco. •�°�,-
<br /> - Lsnder at ita optloa may vequtre immediata paymont tn tup of ail sums secured by this Security r-='
<br /> � tnstrum�nt wtti�out further demand and �ay Invoke the po�nrer of sate and any o3her remedles ,;
<br /> ��, � -�, . � � Qermltted by appNce�iA Iaw. L,ertder shalD �entitted to coftect aft expenses incaRed lee�suMg � �`.'�_
<br /> . t9�e remedi�s provlded in this paragre�h ct. Inctuding, but no! Ilmtted to, �easonable �4i*.Ameys'
<br /> �� teea and co&ts of tiHe evideeae. °
<br /> . �`.,,"� 11 the powar o! sale t9 in�a�itl, 7rus4ee shail record a notice M defauQ4 in each �vtmty tn -
<br /> - which any paR of tha ProPeriyr ig �ac�� and shall mall copiea of sucb �notico tn t8ee� manner .
<br /> � � prescribed by agpiica4ilo 1$w 4o Borrow�ea €�9 to the othep parsons prescribod by epp9ca�lble taw
<br /> �� After the time required �y a�a�0l�bte tatv,�n�stes shail givA pubtic aotice of sat�to tho persona ,
<br /> • and In the manner prescNbed myr appiir.a�i�1aw.Truste�, wfthout demand on Bonowor, sha11 se�J -
<br /> Rha P�operty at publtc aacUon to the htg�ast bidder at the time and place and under Qlam Qerms ;
<br /> � � dosignated in tha notice of eafe tn one or moro parcels and tn any oMer Trustee ��rminea . .
<br /> Trusteo may postpano eate o4 atl or eny parcel ot the Property by pubiic announc000am�4 at the
<br /> : lime and placo of any pravtousty scheduted safe. Lender or i!s destgnee may purchase the
<br /> . . Property at any sale.
<br /> ti� � Upon recetpt of paymeM of the pdce bld, Truatee ahafl deltver to the purchasar Trustee'e
<br />° � � . daed �onveying the Property. The recitats In the Trust�e's deed ahall be prima tacte avtdence ot
<br />- the truth of the statemeMs mnde theroln. Truatee shatl appty tho proceeds at the sate In the
<br /> - �� � 4ottowing order. (a) to aQ eoats and �xpenses of axeretning 4he pou�rer af sa1�. and tho aato.
<br />- � � � inctuding the paymsnt oi tho Tnistee's tees actualty Incuered. not to exceed three
<br /> , 45 04 the princtpaf amouM M th� �
<br /> � note at the time o#the declaraUon af delsuft,and reasona6ia attomey's taes as pennittos!by Iaw;
<br /> `� ' - -� (b)to a11 sums secured by thta Security lostrument; artd (c) arry eacess to 46�e persmn or persona , .
<br /> - � _ , Iegally entitted to it �
<br /> � , -�y���
<br /> , . ' ,' F1376-U1A0(1/97) Page 4 Ot 5 � .
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