tt� . . . ' S,:`it - �i� -�r:'r.
<br /> .' ' � _
<br /> � :�. : ...� '-: : .._......... ���. _. �yc�� y
<br /> ,�.;. .�
<br /> • •
<br /> .. �• ..
<br /> C - . . .u_ .ud++ , - _ h`.. 25L. _ -
<br /> i"'-.—"'��� . . — — . _ _ _ _ _ . __ _ .- ._ .
<br /> T "'l•:'T",• 4 ` i4 u; L1 �[�jr ' r S _v K � , -y` � � .
<br /> ti - �� r:. . - �� h � 1�� .t'y . At� 1,. . �
<br /> t : .Zp . 1 �h:.
<br /> �ir "-, .. � � . .� • _ _.f
<br /> �.
<br /> ` . . ��.. i<.�. . d �t.. .
<br /> / N�y.� . �.V�
<br /> {.�t `'E .�'�n � � �. _ '1.��'/ � Y+.4..._?• l � '-G,..
<br /> ',�i �.n`:. — -.i^^�3;.,y_`._
<br /> '��':�y'���_ _ _ :s.�,
<br /> 8orm�ver may aue such a defautt and �e. as pmv[d�in paragraDh i8, bY ce�sin9 the adion cr proceed'mg to be
<br /> "' � , �smissed w3A a ruli�g Lenders good ta�h deterrtanatton.Pmdudes torfeitiue of the Bo►rower's Borrower shai!alsoebe in ' ' `,�'-
<br /> ,�:-.:.� '� , other materisf imFatmtertt ot the Qen t7eaced by t4�ts Seatrllyt InsWmert or L�tders searity fnteresl- ., ..�<.
<br /> �� L� deffiuft it Bortower.du�g�� mffi�ai tnfortn�fon) ia con�nec�°n wish ihs loa�denced bll the Nte. �tding. but not .` i:,..,�;y;-
<br /> �.,�i.� �' ,, faIIed to piovFde tren as a prficipal restdenc� ff this 3eeeu[ty ., _
<br /> .i;;>'"�`:`: en of tAe PtoPeRj/ . -
<br /> .' . Rmited to. �eprese�daticns ecncemtng Borrowe's oanipanal► tee titte to the � .
<br /> ���- :: �, Instrum�►t Is an a �easehotd. Bor�ower sfiall eort�t7l w�h a��e p��°Z�e[ease. 8 Bosrowe►acquires
<br /> `� �``� �; ProPeRY,the teasehn(d and the fee tidle shsA not merge uniess Lend�agees to the meges in wrding.
<br /> ' � -• 7. PtotedlOn o`t LeRder'a Eiigltts in the Prop9ety. It eorroweg tas�s to pedortn the eov�ants ana sgreements , '
<br /> ;.x ,. ; roeeeding tttat maY st�iHcantlY � Lender's dgMs in the ProA�Y
<br /> �==" ��ned in this Searily Instrumert. or there is a tegal p
<br /> . .��-k. (svch as a pcoceedin9 in 6anim�taY.Pm6ate,tor candemnffiton or toReidire or tv enloree t�va or ieguTa�or�s).� Lend�mag
<br /> and L�►dets dghts(n the PropertY• �
<br /> _�,<<< do and pay tor whateva is nec�y►to ProteG the va5�e ot the ProA OYeriy�t Ws Secudty [nstrumerrt. ePP�9 in couA. Payl�9 •
<br /> may IncWde pay�in9 anY sums se�red by a Gen whieb has pdority ``,;`'-
<br /> ,.,'.,i'"�� W make repairs. Atthough Lender mey take actlon under this paragrapb �
<br /> :�`._�' r�sanabte attomeys'tees artd errtEr(ng on the Property - -
<br />- �� 7,Lender does not have to do sa - ,-
<br /> -, ' . qny amousrts �sbursed by Lender under paragraPh � shaD became ad�tlonai debt ot Borrower secured by this SecuritY �
<br /> � �.z�° .• tnstrumed. UNess Botrower and Lei►der a�ee to ather terms o1 peymenx these emounts ahaU bear intcre3t trom th c�dnte o1 O
<br /> L
<br /> ` � �� dishnrsement st Uia Nate rate and st�ail be payable.with(ntere3L uAon notiee trom lender to Bo►rower mquecting Pn1R� ' .
<br /> � U
<br /> :� s= 8. Plf0ltg�ge hlSU�attC@. It Lender reap�tred mortgage Insurenee as a condiUon o1 �king tho loan occured by tMs t�q • ,t
<br /> ' • � S e�l I nstrumera.Bortower aRaD PaYb Lender�gses a ce�se a t o�e tho e H e e l.B o rt wa a n a f l Da�y t h O'P t►cmi ms�quabiM to J �
<br /> °o ; . . <<` moRgage insurartd Covetaga►equtred y �F
<br /> obffib► coverage substantteuy equhratent to tAa maR�agv Insurancs prevfousN���� ��st eubstent6�fty a4utv�lo�t to tho --
<br /> . telt �a ed Oy Lendcr. It � •
<br /> .` .°� .,., eost to Borrower ot tt�e mortgage tnsuranee P�usry In ettect. dram an altetriate mart a t�surer flDprav . .
<br /> D
<br /> � s�pspnttapy equlvatEmt mortgage insuranee coverag9ls nat avadabie.Borraw�shaU pay to LenQe�eaeD month o sum oqual to
<br /> ',.' ;. ' on�twetftt►ot the ysady maKgage Inaurence p�emlvm betng Deld bY Bartow�when the Insuraneo covert►pe[a�sed ot ceasad to ;
<br /> . ; 6e in efted. Lender wiU eeceP�use and ret�tn these paymer�as a toss resenre tn Ueu oi mortgage insuranao. Loss resenro . :�.•�:
<br /> � � . � `. payments may no Ionger be tAe opUon�alendelend�a�becomes ava0abie�end e�obtatr�e0nt 8orrower sh pay ��•
<br /> . ..��,:t that Lender requtres)Pravided by an instuei epP Y �^ .
<br /> to maU�aIn moRga88 insurance In efiecl.or to pmv►de e lass reserve� unUl the requlcEmeel tor moRgage ,,. ._'_�:.
<br /> ' • tha ptemiums requhed ,
<br /> ' ..: •`• ` � tnsuranee�ds in aa:ordanca wRh any wrftten a�eemerd between Bortower and Lender or app4cabte taw. �der ahaU give �f ,:;.
<br /> .'4 �t ^'; :.:,q::.`, 9.I118peL�lOn.Lender or its agert may maka reasonabfa enbies upon and inspeet2ona of the Rrop�'ql• • __= .
<br /> Bartov�er noUce at the t3me of or pdor to an U�spectton sDeciMn9�ea�onabte cause for the fnspecUon. ;;,.7=�
<br /> 10. CalldeiMStsOn.The pmceeQs ot anyr awer�d or elahn t°r dama9es.�red or consequeaU� cennecUon with any
<br /> ' - wndemnaBon or other iaWn9 of anY Part of the PropeRY• or tor conveyance fn Ueu of eondemnation. are hereby assigned end ;;
<br /> . .. � - sha0 be paid W L.end�. `''� ��`
<br /> _-..:... .. .. In the event ot a wtal taidn9 ot ffie Property. the pmceeds sha0 be apPGed to the sums sec�red by thls Secu�►Y ,�..,,�.�
<br /> excess paid to Borrower. in the eveat ot a PartlalleWng oi�e Rapertfr�n whtcb .
<br /> Instrument.wheth�ar�sa!tfi�n due.witfi ar►y �
<br />��;;:�'.,• _ the fatr market�►a�e e4 Qhe PropeA�►�e�te�l►trdore the tafdn9 is e�Nal to or greatet than the amourd ot the sums seeured
<br /> . by this S�cu�itY �n�e� ��� betore the taWng� untess Borravr� end Lendes othetwtse a�ee tn wr(tfig. the sums ':;y:
<br /> � `'•��;�'�, seaet��this SencrnY InsWmem shaU be reduced by the amourua af the prnceeds mu1ttA6Ed bY the toUowt�g fraeUon: (a)the �_`.
<br /> ' totel e�s:z:i ot the s.ans secured immediatety betore the taking,�ui�!b5► (b)the fair market vafue af the Properry tmmediately �'�.
<br />_--- " •. <<� of the Fropert5►tn which the fair rt�acket �:�%�.
<br /> �atance sheQ be patd to the e�e�of a Pa�1�9 gr
<br /> -_ beface the taMng-6t�m� e
<br /> vatue ol the PraP�l i.anedlatetY betore the taWng ts fass than the amourrt dd Qsa surt�.s secured imme�ately betore the taking, �i:_
<br /> .�<�.�, untess 8orrower an� lende► o4hawtse agree Tn writing or unlesa eDPUca�t�f�v othenHise prov[des, the praceeds stiaA be �^>
<br /> - aDDR���0 sums secured by tt�s Secur(ty tnsGumatt whether or not the su��e U►er►due.
<br /> ff the PropeRy is abat►doned by Bortawer,or H.after notfco by Lender to 8mrowe►that the condemnor ofters to make an �._ .-,
<br /> . aftet tha date the notiee i9 9ive�►, �"�,
<br /> : :`�' award or setde a Q�r tar dartrages. Borrower faiis to respo� to Lender�hin 30 days __----
<br /> ` � Lendw is authofi����e�er►d apaty 11►e pr°reed9. at its option. efther Ca�storattan or repalr ot the PropeRy or to the .�,
<br /> . sums secured bY th�Sewrity InsLument,whethES ar not then due. E �
<br /> Unless Lertder a�d Borrower oiherwise acgee in w►itlng. any aADfic��.' nf proceeds to pdnctpal shaU not e�Rena or ! ��_ _
<br /> -- ' . .. pos�ane the dus date af the morrthly payments reterred to in F�.��D
<br /> hs i�12 or chsnge the amount of such payments• ; ` ' •-
<br /> ;,:.-_,
<br /> _ � � � `.�� �4.6orrowar No4 Released; Forbearetace�7���r[�t�t a Waive�.6Renslon ot the ttme for paymer►t or -.___
<br />= mo�eayen et arr�t�Uon oi the sums secured by thts SecurSty`rnsVument g�ted by Lender to atry sncoessot in interesl of ___
<br /> � ^• Bonower sha0 ncS�parate to reiease the IIaDtGry of the originel8orrowet oT B�'+swet's g�c�s����' �o�ot��e -�
<br /> _ -..,:'`�` be requUed to ea�=:'�nee proceedings agetnst any success�mer�by ceascc�c�t erry demand madaeby the dginai Bortower or =.
<br />- mod(Sy amorttmtlon af the sums secured Oy this Secuciry t or remedy shaU not be a walver of or ==:
<br /> � � Bocmwer's successo►s in inter�lt Ar►y torbearance by Lenda in exerdsm9 anY d�► �:- ' `
<br /> • • ��
<br />- � . . preclude the exerdse of anll d9�a►remedy.
<br /> � � 12. Suacessovs and Asslges Bounci. Joir�t and Several tlability; Caslgnera Tne cwenants ana �;�...��
<br /> � ' agreemarts of tltE�SecuritY Instrument sha0 6ind atd benefit the sueesssa�s�d assi3ns of Lender and Bortower,subject to the .�:-.�;,.-.
<br /> � pravfslons ot��.aph 17. Borrowar's eovenar.'s and a�eements shall�r�J�t and seueral. Atry►Borrower who co-sl�s th[s 4 .._
<br /> _ Se�.."'.tY Insfim:2�but does not execute the M1tote: (a)is co-signing t?ds�'.�l(nstcument ony to mortgage.9�atet and eonvey �.�:u-
<br /> - Tt��orrower's interest in the PropeRy under the terms of thLs Seaiz35r 9�'.Jment; lb)ig not personaRy ob4gated to pay the `
<br />:z � : ' �� s�^!�securea Cy this 8ecurPty(nstrumen� and(c)a�ees L�LerQ�r�-a anY other Boor he lV eawilhout ti�at�Borrovue�r's .. ��"' '.•
<br /> == ' � torb�r or ma�co ax'Y accommodaUons wftb regard to the tertns of this Sau*y(nstrumem --
<br /> «: : . cansent.
<br /> .�� 13. LOan Cflazgee. H the toan secured by this Security Instri:mr�t ts aubject to e tai b t�uected i�n ectlon �.Y
<br /> �.-.�
<br /> c►;,,�y�s. and thal law ts ih�eRY NterPreted so that the fiterest or other toan charg3s ca�ected o �.,-�_
<br /> with the toan mcceed the permitied IIMts.then: (a�any sucb loan charge shafl be�educed by the amoun!necessary to raduce r!_�.
<br />— �� ' Ne charge to the.penniited Umit: and (b) anY sumg already co��ed trom Borrower whtch mceeeded perm(tted IUnits wID be
<br /> ' . , retunded toeent to BoR�eer mae iehfound reduoa9 pdnctpal,the reductlon vtJl be�Ueated as e Pd� P P�►Um�b���
<br /> - � .,. • direct paym .
<br />-� t. , ,,.� prepayment charge unQer the Note.
<br /> 14. NotlCefi.My notice to 8ortower provided tor in 2tiis Secmity InsUument sha11 be gMen b/deUvaU►g k or by ma�"Mg R
<br /> • � by flrst class mail unlass app�eab�e taw►requires use of andther method. The noUca sha(1 Ee dtrected to tha Pro�ferly Ad�ess _
<br /> -_ ' • or any other address Bartawer destgnates by no8ce to LenQer. Any noUce to lender shnD be given by first dass meD to
<br /> • � • Lender's eddres9 ateted herein or any othei address Lender Qesl�ates by noUce to Borrower. Any notice provided tor in thts
<br /> - � Seeuriry tnstrument shaU be deemed to hava 6een glven to Borrower or Lender when given as provided in this paragraph. ,
<br /> - � ' 15. �overning Lavr. Saverabiti4y.This Security tnstrument shail be govemed by feQeral faw end the lavi of the .
<br /> -_ � . � JutisdicUan in whlefi the Property is located. In the event that eny ptovisian or ctause of this 8ecurity tnstrument or the Note ,
<br /> _a. . • �� �en eft d withaut�thte conilicting pro s on.hTo this end the prov l loas�o f t b t s S e c ud ry In t r u mente e nd tAe Note are d¢daredto •
<br /> 9� .
<br /> ' 6e severeb�e. �
<br /> • • ' 16. BoROwe�'s Copy.Borrower shaS bo gtven one contarmed eopy of the Note and o1 thls Seadty tnsUVmenL
<br /> ; ' Page 3 of 5 —��� �
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<br />